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Messages - Qwerkey

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 51
QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 Bounty List
« on: April 09, 2022, 05:19:36 am »
I'm thinking that @SMcNeill has been growing exotic produce on that farm and that he has been smoking it.  Steve wants to pay up for fixes??  He should, if anything, be being paid for all his contributions to QB64.

@Pete Mutiny on the Bounty?  Lovely!

Programs / Re: p5js
« on: April 06, 2022, 11:22:33 am »
Hi Fellippe

Yeah I am watching - see video above -
and reacquainting myself with this project. I looked to it for Dot Product for arrays to do real Perlin but found it missing or under some other name.

Dang this guy teaches by way of Classes, how to do a method inside a Class? eeeh

The guy in the video talks about adding/subtracting Position and Velocity vectors.  Those vectors are dimensionally dissimilar and cannot be added/subtracted.  There's pedantry for you!

Programs / Re: QBZerk
« on: April 06, 2022, 06:40:30 am »
@Pete Who??  Oh blimey!  You're still around then??  Tee-hee!

QB64 Discussion / Re: big number
« on: April 06, 2022, 06:35:54 am »
@Jaze It's always worth checking the QB64 Wiki Pages, and in this case there is a Wiki page on Variable Types

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 code for "Spinny Cube"
« on: February 28, 2022, 05:05:07 am »
Yep, this post is definitely a Discussion item, so perhaps I was too precipitate in suggesting that it should be in Programs!

I'm just off to conjugate some Latin verbs with my Mistress.  I'll Master that damned subject yet - it's all a Mister-y to me (terrible pun, but you asked for it)!

Hope Odin's not reading this stuff.  He doesn't want off-topic!  But he is our very own inamorato.

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 code for "Spinny Cube"
« on: February 27, 2022, 12:50:22 pm »
@CharlieJV This post is some QB64 code leading to an executable.  It is not, I think, a discussion on QB64.  It would be better placed in Programs.  If similar next time, put this sort of thing there if you would.
Not important, just tidy.

QB64 Discussion / Re: _MAPTRIANGLE 3D ----> 2D ?
« on: February 21, 2022, 11:10:01 am »
@_vince is quite right if you want to know where the cursor is: POINT(current graphic cursor position method) gives mouse column/row values.

But @MasterGy asks for the formula that _MAPTRIANGLE(3D) uses to work out the 2D screen row(X-)/column(Y-) values.  From the _MAPTRIANGLE (yet another of QB64's amazing bits of coding) wiki, we see that the originator of this code is likely to have been "Andrew L. Ayers" who is not, I think, a current member of the QB64 community but must have been one of @Galleon 's fantastic crew.  So, if you wanted to know what the coding for _MAPTRIANGLE (x,y,z) -> Screen(row,column) is I think we'd have to ask somebody like Steve ( @SMcNeill ) to look into that.  @Petr is a dab-hand at _MAPTRIANGLE(3D), perhaps he knows something?

BUT:  Different (x,y,z) positions can project to the same 2D (row,column) screen positions - because of perspective - so I do not see how looking for cursor(row,column) would uniquely specify a 3D object.

All z- values in _MAPTRIANGLE(3D) must be negative, and all I know is that at z- ~ -400 the projected 3D flat untilted object is the same size as the 2D object (the value of z- to achieve this depends somewhat on the window size): for z- values above this the projection gives a larger size, for z- values below this the projection gives a smaller size.

Programs / Re: New SICK project
« on: February 13, 2022, 05:24:31 am »
Now fully corrected.

Programs / Re: Canonical Logarithm
« on: February 08, 2022, 02:04:24 pm »
In other words: "What the dickens was he talking about?"!

QB64 Discussion / Re: Possible issue with Select Case
« on: February 08, 2022, 01:44:14 pm »
Ah, methinks that @Cobalt must have been on some funny substance.  Everything high to low???

Programs / Re: Canonical Logarithm
« on: February 08, 2022, 12:32:19 pm »
Anybody care to explain "Canonical Logarithm"?  That word "Canonical" crops up in places (I seem to remember 'doing' Canonical Distribution in Statistical Physics).  I suspect that its use derives from the fact that pre-industrial mathematicians in Western Culture derived their learning from religion-based teaching.

Programs / Re: p5js
« on: February 03, 2022, 05:58:49 am »
Here is really nice set of tools Ashish and Fellippe setup some time ago. p5js is referred to allot and so I thought it would be good to post an updated set that works for QB64 v2+

@Qwerkey I recommend this QB64 Classic for the library.

On my ToDo List

QB64 Discussion / Re: The QB64 Bible (Work In Progress)
« on: February 02, 2022, 01:03:02 pm »
Aye-aye, Sir!  And I very much regret that in 12 days time I become a Septuagenarian Curator (and I'm still such a kid).

QB64 Discussion / Re: The QB64 Bible (Work In Progress)
« on: February 02, 2022, 12:12:28 pm »
@SMcNeill Unless the Senior Librarian (@bplus) objects, and he won't, we'll be putting this into the Learning Section.  Just the sort of thing we want there.  The Junior Librarian (@Qwerkey) will be copying it to there when finished.

Programs / Re: New SICK project
« on: January 27, 2022, 01:02:47 pm »
Erik, Junior Librarian can't read, it seems!  No matter that I read it 3 times, I didn't spot the difference between r5.5a and r5.4a.  Disregard previous remark!

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