Author Topic: Canonical Logarithm  (Read 3739 times)

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Offline _vince

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Canonical Logarithm
« on: February 08, 2022, 09:13:32 am »
Code: [Select]
defdbl a-z
dim shared pi as double
pi = 4*atn(1)

sw = 800
sh = 600

screen _newimage(sw, sh, 32)

zoom = 100

a = 0.5
k = 0.09

sx = 2
sy = 1

tx = a*exp(k*16)*cos(16) + sx
ty = a*exp(k*16)*sin(16) + sy

x = a*exp(k*0)*cos(0) + sx - tx
y = a*exp(k*0)*sin(0) + sy - ty

r = sqr(x*x + y*y)
arg = _atan2(y, x)

for tt = r to 0 step -1
xl = tt*cos(arg)
yl = tt*sin(arg)

for yy=0 to sh
for xx=0 to sw
u = (xx - sw/2)/zoom
v = (sh/2 - yy)/zoom

cdiv uu, vv, u - xl, v - yl, u + xl, v + yl
clog uu, vv, uu, vv

mm = sqr(uu*uu + vv*vv)
aa = (pi + _atan2(vv, uu))/(2*pi)
pset (xx, yy), hrgb(aa, mm)


dim pp(5)
pp(5) = 0
pp(4) = 7
pp(3) = 10
pp(2) = 12
pp(1) = 15
pp(0) = 15.9

for ttt= 0 to 5
tt = pp(ttt)
for yy=0 to sh
for xx=0 to sw
u = (xx - sw/2)/zoom
v = (sh/2 - yy)/zoom

uu = 0
vv = 0
for t=tt to 16 step 0.1
x = a*exp(k*t)*cos(t) + sx - tx
y = a*exp(k*t)*sin(t) + sy - ty

cdiv p, q, 1, 0, x - u, y - v

dx = a*exp(k*t)*(k*cos(t) - sin(t))
dy = a*exp(k*t)*(k*sin(t) + cos(t))

cmul p, q, p, q, dx, dy

uu = uu + 0.1*p
vv = vv + 0.1*q

for t=16 - 0.1 to tt step -0.1
x =-a*exp(k*t)*cos(t) - sx + tx
y =-a*exp(k*t)*sin(t) - sy + ty

cdiv p, q, 1, 0, x - u, y - v

dx = a*exp(k*t)*(k*cos(t) - sin(t))
dy = a*exp(k*t)*(k*sin(t) + cos(t))

cmul p, q, p, q, dx, dy

uu = uu + 0.1*p
vv = vv + 0.1*q

cmul uu, vv, uu, vv, 0, -1/(2*pi)

mm = sqr(uu*uu + vv*vv)
aa = (pi + _atan2(vv, uu))/(2*pi)
pset (xx, yy), hrgb(aa, mm)



function hrgb&(h, m)
r =  0.5 - 0.5*sin(2*pi*h - pi/2)
    g = (0.5 + 0.5*sin(2*pi*h*1.5 - pi/2)) * -(h < 0.66)
    b = (0.5 + 0.5*sin(2*pi*h*1.5 + pi/2)) * -(h > 0.33)

    n = 128

    mm = m*10000 mod 500
p = abs((h*n) - int(h*n))

rr = 200*r - 0.15*mm - 35*p
gg = 200*g - 0.15*mm - 35*p
bb = 200*b - 0.15*mm - 35*p

if rr < 0 then rr = 0
if gg < 0 then gg = 0
if bb < 0 then bb = 0

hrgb& = _rgb(rr, gg, bb)
end function

function cosh#(x as double)
    cosh# = 0.5*(exp(x) + exp(-x))
end function

function sinh#(x as double)
    sinh# = 0.5*(exp(x) - exp(-x))
end function

'u + iv = (x + iy)^(a + ib)
sub cexp(u, v, xx, yy, aa, bb)
x = xx
y = yy
a = aa
b = bb
    lnz = x*x + y*y
    if lnz = 0 then
        u = 0
        v = 0
        lnz = 0.5*log(lnz)
        argz = atan2(y, x)
        mag = exp(a*lnz - b*argz)
        ang = a*argz + b*lnz
        u = mag*cos(ang)
        v = mag*sin(ang)
    end if
end sub

'u + iv = (x + iy)*(a + ib)
sub cmul(u, v, xx, yy, aa, bb)
x = xx
y = yy
a = aa
b = bb
    u = x*a - y*b
    v = x*b + y*a
end sub

'u + iv = (x + iy)/(a + ib)
sub cdiv(u, v, xx, yy, aa, bb)
x = xx
y = yy
a = aa
b = bb

    d = a*a + b*b
    u = (x*a + y*b)/d
    v = (y*a - x*b)/d
end sub

sub clog(u, v, xx, yy)
x = xx
y = yy

    lnz = x*x + y*y
    if lnz = 0 then
        u = 0
        v = 0
u = 0.5*log(lnz)
v = _atan2(y, x)
end if
end sub


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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2022, 11:38:31 am »
That's really trippy.

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2022, 12:32:19 pm »
Anybody care to explain "Canonical Logarithm"?  That word "Canonical" crops up in places (I seem to remember 'doing' Canonical Distribution in Statistical Physics).  I suspect that its use derives from the fact that pre-industrial mathematicians in Western Culture derived their learning from religion-based teaching.

Offline bplus

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2022, 12:39:43 pm »
Logarithmic pair - Wikipedia › wiki › Logarithmic_pair
The log canonical divisor of a log pair (X,D) is K+D where K is the canonical divisor of X. A logarithmic 1-form on a log pair (X,D) is allowed to have ...

math stuff...

Offline johnno56

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2022, 01:57:46 pm »
Fascinating. My optical sensory system has experienced trauma from hyper-stimulaion.

A quote from a 1838 novel (Oliver Twist), by Charles Dickens, then later performed as a musical on 30th June 1960, "Please Sir, may I have some more?"
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2022, 02:04:24 pm »
In other words: "What the dickens was he talking about?"!

Offline SierraKen

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2022, 06:39:20 pm »
Amazing, of course I pressed the keys to see if there was anything extra and it kept changing to different pictures. Here is one it made. It reminds me of the infinite Mandelbrot Fractal.

* CanonicalLogarithmPicture-by-Vince.jpg (Filesize: 200.76 KB, Dimensions: 802x625, Views: 132)

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2022, 07:19:40 pm »
Anybody care to explain "Canonical Logarithm"?

Canonical means, "as related to being shot from a cannon".
Logarithm means, "in relation to the rhythm a log makes traveling over waves".

Put those together and it's obviously referring to the rhythm a log makes as it flips end over end as it travels trough the air after being shot from a cannon!

(And vince's pictures here must obviously be the wind tunnel representation of the aerial disturbance that canonical logarithm is making!) — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline bplus

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Re: Canonical Logarithm
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2022, 08:30:06 pm »
Disturbance yes...

Thanks to Ken's comment I learned this wasn't just the first screen I saw that came up, there was more!

And here is more still, Canonical Logarithm Explorer: The Movie
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Canonical Logarithm Explorer: The Movie" ' b+ mod of another coding masterpiece by vince
  2. ' ref
  4. DefDbl A-Z
  5. pi = 4 * Atn(1)
  7. sw = 800
  8. sh = 600
  10. Screen _NewImage(sw, sh, 32)
  12. zoom = 100
  14. a = 0.5
  15. k = 0.09
  17. sx = 2
  18. sy = 1
  20. tx = a * Exp(k * 16) * Cos(16) + sx
  21. ty = a * Exp(k * 16) * Sin(16) + sy
  23. x = a * Exp(k * 0) * Cos(0) + sx - tx
  24. y = a * Exp(k * 0) * Sin(0) + sy - ty
  26. r = Sqr(x * x + y * y)
  27. arg = _Atan2(y, x)
  29. For tt = r To 0 Step -1
  30.     xl = tt * Cos(arg)
  31.     yl = tt * Sin(arg)
  33.     For yy = 0 To sh
  34.         For xx = 0 To sw
  35.             u = (xx - sw / 2) / zoom
  36.             v = (sh / 2 - yy) / zoom
  38.             cdiv uu, vv, u - xl, v - yl, u + xl, v + yl
  39.             clog uu, vv, uu, vv
  41.             mm = Sqr(uu * uu + vv * vv)
  42.             aa = (pi + _Atan2(vv, uu)) / (2 * pi)
  43.             PSet (xx, yy), hrgb(aa, mm)
  44.         Next
  45.     Next
  47.     _Delay 1
  49. Dim pp(5)
  50. pp(5) = 0
  51. pp(4) = 7
  52. pp(3) = 10
  53. pp(2) = 12
  54. pp(1) = 15
  55. pp(0) = 15.9
  57. For ttt = 0 To 0
  58.     tt = pp(ttt)
  59.     For yy = 0 To sh
  60.         For xx = 0 To sw
  61.             u = (xx - sw / 2) / zoom
  62.             v = (sh / 2 - yy) / zoom
  64.             uu = 0
  65.             vv = 0
  66.             For t = tt To 16 Step 0.1
  67.                 x = a * Exp(k * t) * Cos(t) + sx - tx
  68.                 y = a * Exp(k * t) * Sin(t) + sy - ty
  70.                 cdiv p, q, 1, 0, x - u, y - v
  72.                 dx = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Cos(t) - Sin(t))
  73.                 dy = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Sin(t) + Cos(t))
  75.                 cmul p, q, p, q, dx, dy
  77.                 uu = uu + 0.1 * p
  78.                 vv = vv + 0.1 * q
  79.             Next
  81.             For t = 16 - 0.1 To tt Step -0.1
  82.                 x = -a * Exp(k * t) * Cos(t) - sx + tx
  83.                 y = -a * Exp(k * t) * Sin(t) - sy + ty
  85.                 cdiv p, q, 1, 0, x - u, y - v
  87.                 dx = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Cos(t) - Sin(t))
  88.                 dy = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Sin(t) + Cos(t))
  90.                 cmul p, q, p, q, dx, dy
  92.                 uu = uu + 0.1 * p
  93.                 vv = vv + 0.1 * q
  94.             Next
  96.             cmul uu, vv, uu, vv, 0, -1 / (2 * pi)
  98.             mm = Sqr(uu * uu + vv * vv)
  99.             aa = (pi + _Atan2(vv, uu)) / (2 * pi)
  100.             PSet (xx, yy), hrgb(aa, mm)
  101.         Next
  102.     Next
  104.     _Delay 5
  105.     pp(5) = Rnd * 50 - 25
  106.     pp(4) = Rnd * 50 - 25
  107.     pp(3) = Rnd * 50 - 25
  108.     pp(2) = Rnd * 50 - 25
  109.     pp(1) = Rnd * 50 - 25
  110.     pp(0) = Rnd * 50 - 25
  112.     For ttt = 0 To 1
  113.         tt = pp(ttt)
  114.         For yy = 0 To sh
  115.             For xx = 0 To sw
  116.                 u = (xx - sw / 2) / zoom
  117.                 v = (sh / 2 - yy) / zoom
  119.                 uu = 0
  120.                 vv = 0
  121.                 For t = tt To 16 Step 0.1
  122.                     x = a * Exp(k * t) * Cos(t) + sx - tx
  123.                     y = a * Exp(k * t) * Sin(t) + sy - ty
  125.                     cdiv p, q, 1, 0, x - u, y - v
  127.                     dx = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Cos(t) - Sin(t))
  128.                     dy = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Sin(t) + Cos(t))
  130.                     cmul p, q, p, q, dx, dy
  132.                     uu = uu + 0.1 * p
  133.                     vv = vv + 0.1 * q
  134.                 Next
  136.                 For t = 16 - 0.1 To tt Step -0.1
  137.                     x = -a * Exp(k * t) * Cos(t) - sx + tx
  138.                     y = -a * Exp(k * t) * Sin(t) - sy + ty
  140.                     cdiv p, q, 1, 0, x - u, y - v
  142.                     dx = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Cos(t) - Sin(t))
  143.                     dy = a * Exp(k * t) * (k * Sin(t) + Cos(t))
  145.                     cmul p, q, p, q, dx, dy
  147.                     uu = uu + 0.1 * p
  148.                     vv = vv + 0.1 * q
  149.                 Next
  151.                 cmul uu, vv, uu, vv, 0, -1 / (2 * pi)
  153.                 mm = Sqr(uu * uu + vv * vv)
  154.                 aa = (pi + _Atan2(vv, uu)) / (2 * pi)
  155.                 PSet (xx, yy), hrgb(aa, mm)
  156.             Next
  157.         Next
  159.         _Delay 5
  160.     Next
  163. Function hrgb& (h, m)
  164.     r = 0.5 - 0.5 * Sin(2 * pi * h - pi / 2)
  165.     g = (0.5 + 0.5 * Sin(2 * pi * h * 1.5 - pi / 2)) * -(h < 0.66)
  166.     b = (0.5 + 0.5 * Sin(2 * pi * h * 1.5 + pi / 2)) * -(h > 0.33)
  168.     n = 128
  170.     mm = m * 10000 Mod 500
  171.     p = Abs((h * n) - Int(h * n))
  173.     rr = 200 * r - 0.15 * mm - 35 * p
  174.     gg = 200 * g - 0.15 * mm - 35 * p
  175.     bb = 200 * b - 0.15 * mm - 35 * p
  177.     If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
  178.     If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
  179.     If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
  181.     hrgb& = _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
  183. Function cosh# (x As Double)
  184.     cosh# = 0.5 * (Exp(x) + Exp(-x))
  186. Function sinh# (x As Double)
  187.     sinh# = 0.5 * (Exp(x) - Exp(-x))
  189. 'u + iv = (x + iy)^(a + ib)
  190. Sub cexp (u, v, xx, yy, aa, bb)
  191.     x = xx
  192.     y = yy
  193.     a = aa
  194.     b = bb
  196.     lnz = x * x + y * y
  198.     If lnz = 0 Then
  199.         u = 0
  200.         v = 0
  201.     Else
  202.         lnz = 0.5 * Log(lnz)
  203.         argz = atan2(y, x)
  205.         mag = Exp(a * lnz - b * argz)
  206.         ang = a * argz + b * lnz
  208.         u = mag * Cos(ang)
  209.         v = mag * Sin(ang)
  210.     End If
  212. 'u + iv = (x + iy)*(a + ib)
  213. Sub cmul (u, v, xx, yy, aa, bb)
  214.     x = xx
  215.     y = yy
  216.     a = aa
  217.     b = bb
  218.     u = x * a - y * b
  219.     v = x * b + y * a
  221. 'u + iv = (x + iy)/(a + ib)
  222. Sub cdiv (u, v, xx, yy, aa, bb)
  223.     x = xx
  224.     y = yy
  225.     a = aa
  226.     b = bb
  228.     d = a * a + b * b
  229.     u = (x * a + y * b) / d
  230.     v = (y * a - x * b) / d
  232. Sub clog (u, v, xx, yy)
  233.     x = xx
  234.     y = yy
  236.     lnz = x * x + y * y
  238.     If lnz = 0 Then
  239.         u = 0
  240.         v = 0
  241.     Else
  242.         u = 0.5 * Log(lnz)
  243.         v = _Atan2(y, x)
  244.     End If

So far it's been a variation on a theme:
Canonical Logarithm the Movie.PNG