That's a good question. That's exactly what I dealt with recently. (Philipines and the Resistors # 2)
I researched for a long time before I succeeded.
3d-Triangle : a,b,c
3d-platoon : p,q
(indexs : 1-x , 2-y , 3-z)
D1 = b(2) * c(3) - b(3) * c(2) - a(2) * c(3) + a(3) * c(2) + a(2) * b(3) - a(3) * b(2)
D2 = b(1) * c(3) - b(3) * c(1) - a(1) * c(3) + a(3) * c(1) + a(1) * b(3) - a(3) * b(1)
D3 = b(1) * c(2) - b(2) * c(1) - a(1) * c(2) + a(2) * c(1) + a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1)
D = a(1) * (b(2) * c(3) - b(3) * c(2)) - a(2) * (b(1) * c(3) - b(3) * c(1)) + a(3) * (b(1) * c(2) - b(2) * c(1))
A = -(p(1) * D1 + p(2) * D2 + p(3) * D3 - D)
B = (q(1) - p(1)) * D1 + (q(2) - p(2)) * D2 + (q(3) - p(3)) * D3
if B = 0, then the triangle and the plane of the section are parallel to each other
intersection point: A / B
proportionally between points p and q
so: if A / B> = 0 and A / B <= 1, then the triangle ABC contains the section PQ
the thing works, do it, if someone is making a 3d game, this code might come in handy