'REM $include:'Color32.BI'
' Constants.
pi = 3.1415926536
ee = 2.7182818285
' Scale.
bignumber = 3000000
' Video.
'SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
'SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 768, 32)
' Camera orientation vectors.
DIM uhat
(3), vhat
(3), nhat
' Basis vectors defined in three-space.
DIM xhat
(3), yhat
(3), zhat
(3) xhat(1) = 1: xhat(2) = 0: xhat(3) = 0
yhat(1) = 0: yhat(2) = 1: yhat(3) = 0
zhat(1) = 0: zhat(2) = 0: zhat(3) = 1
' Group structure.
DIM VectorGroup
) AS VectorGroupElement
' World vectors.
DIM vec
, 3) ' Relative Position DIM vec3Dpos
, 3) ' Position DIM vec3Dvel
, 3) ' Linear velocity DIM vec3Dacc
, 3) ' Linear acceleration DIM vec3Danv
, 3) ' Angular velocity DIM vec3Dvis
) ' Visible toggle DIM vec2D
, 2) ' Projection onto 2D plane DIM vec3Dcolor
) AS LONG ' Original color DIM vec2Dcolor
) AS LONG ' Projected color
' Clipping planes.
DIM nearplane
(4), farplane
(4), rightplane
(4), leftplane
(4), topplane
(4), bottomplane
' State.
nearplane(4) = 1
farplane(4) = -100
rightplane(4) = 0 '*' fovd * (nhat(1) * rightplane(1) + nhat(2) * rightplane(2) + nhat(3) * rightplane(3))
leftplane(4) = 0
topplane(4) = 0
bottomplane(4) = 0
midscreenx = screenwidth / 2
midscreeny = screenheight / 2
fovd = -256
numgroupvisible = 0
numvectorvisible = 0
groupidticker = 0
vecgroupid = 0
vectorindex = 0
rotspeed = 1 / 33
linspeed = 3 / 2
timestep = .001
camx = -40
camy = 30
camz = 40
uhat(1) = -.2078192: uhat(2) = -.9781672: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 0: vhat(2) = 0: vhat(3) = 1
toggletimeanimate = 1
toggleinvertmouse = -1
togglehud = 1
' Prime main loop.
' Begin main loop.
fps = 0
fps = fps + 1
fpstimer = tt
fpsreport = fps
fps = 0
' Gosubs.
GOSUB calculate.clippingplanes
GOSUB compute.visible.groups
GOSUB plot.visible.vectors
'mx = 0
'my = 0
' IF _MOUSEWHEEL > 0 THEN GOSUB rotate.clockwise
' IF _MOUSEWHEEL < 0 THEN GOSUB rotate.counterclockwise
' IF mx > 0 THEN
' GOSUB rotate.uhat.plus: GOSUB normalize.screen.vectors
' IF mx < 0 THEN
' GOSUB rotate.uhat.minus: GOSUB normalize.screen.vectors
' IF my > 0 THEN
' IF toggleinvertmouse = -1 THEN
' GOSUB rotate.vhat.plus: GOSUB normalize.screen.vectors
' GOSUB rotate.vhat.minus: GOSUB normalize.screen.vectors
' IF my < 0 THEN
' IF toggleinvertmouse = -1 THEN
' GOSUB rotate.vhat.minus: GOSUB normalize.screen.vectors
' GOSUB rotate.vhat.plus: GOSUB normalize.screen.vectors
' mx = 0
' my = 0
uhat(1) = 0: uhat(2) = 1: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 0: vhat(2) = 0: vhat(3) = 1
uhat(1) = 0: uhat(2) = -1: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 0: vhat(2) = 0: vhat(3) = 1
uhat(1) = -1: uhat(2) = 0: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 0: vhat(2) = 0: vhat(3) = 1
uhat(1) = 1: uhat(2) = 0: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 0: vhat(2) = 0: vhat(3) = 1
uhat(1) = 1: uhat(2) = 0: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 0: vhat(2) = 1: vhat(3) = 0
uhat(1) = 0: uhat(2) = 1: uhat(3) = 0
vhat(1) = 1: vhat(2) = 0: vhat(3) = 0
farplane(4) = farplane(4) - 1
farplane(4) = farplane(4) + 1
togglehud = -togglehud
toggletimeanimate = -toggletimeanimate
toggleinvertmouse = -toggleinvertmouse
PRINT #1, camx
, camy
, camz
PRINT #1, uhat
(1), uhat
(2), uhat
(3) PRINT #1, vhat
(1), vhat
(2), vhat
(3) VectorGroup(closestgroup).COMFixed = 1
FOR vectorindex
= VectorGroup
TO VectorGroup
, 1) = (RND - .5) * 200 vec3Dvel
, 2) = (RND - .5) * 200 vec3Dvel
, 3) = (RND - .5) * 200 p = VectorGroup(closestgroup).Pointer
l = VectorGroup(closestgroup).Lagger
VectorGroup(l).Pointer = p
VectorGroup(p).Lagger = l
tilesize = 5
' Determine last object id.
p = 1
k = VectorGroup(p).Identity
p = VectorGroup(k).Pointer
lastobjectid = k
vectorindex = VectorGroup(lastobjectid).LastVector
' Create new group.
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = -999
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = lastobjectid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Block"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = camx
+ -20 * nhat
(1) + (RND - .5) * tilesize
, 2) = camy
+ -20 * nhat
(2) + (RND - .5) * tilesize
, 3) = camz
+ -20 * nhat
(3) + (RND - .5) * tilesize
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Lime
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Purple
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
VectorGroup(lastobjectid).Pointer = vecgroupid
' Convert graphics from uv-cartesian coordinates to monitor coordinates.
x0 = x: y0 = y
x = x0 + midscreenx
y = -y0 + midscreeny
uhat(1) = uhat(1) + nhat(1) * rotspeed
uhat(2) = uhat(2) + nhat(2) * rotspeed
uhat(3) = uhat(3) + nhat(3) * rotspeed
uhat(1) = uhat(1) - nhat(1) * rotspeed
uhat(2) = uhat(2) - nhat(2) * rotspeed
uhat(3) = uhat(3) - nhat(3) * rotspeed
vhat(1) = vhat(1) + nhat(1) * rotspeed
vhat(2) = vhat(2) + nhat(2) * rotspeed
vhat(3) = vhat(3) + nhat(3) * rotspeed
vhat(1) = vhat(1) - nhat(1) * rotspeed
vhat(2) = vhat(2) - nhat(2) * rotspeed
vhat(3) = vhat(3) - nhat(3) * rotspeed
v1 = vhat(1)
v2 = vhat(2)
v3 = vhat(3)
vhat(1) = vhat(1) + uhat(1) * rotspeed
vhat(2) = vhat(2) + uhat(2) * rotspeed
vhat(3) = vhat(3) + uhat(3) * rotspeed
uhat(1) = uhat(1) - v1 * rotspeed
uhat(2) = uhat(2) - v2 * rotspeed
uhat(3) = uhat(3) - v3 * rotspeed
v1 = vhat(1)
v2 = vhat(2)
v3 = vhat(3)
vhat(1) = vhat(1) - uhat(1) * rotspeed
vhat(2) = vhat(2) - uhat(2) * rotspeed
vhat(3) = vhat(3) - uhat(3) * rotspeed
uhat(1) = uhat(1) + v1 * rotspeed
uhat(2) = uhat(2) + v2 * rotspeed
uhat(3) = uhat(3) + v3 * rotspeed
camx = camx + uhat(1) * linspeed
camy = camy + uhat(2) * linspeed
camz = camz + uhat(3) * linspeed
camx = camx - uhat(1) * linspeed
camy = camy - uhat(2) * linspeed
camz = camz - uhat(3) * linspeed
camx = camx + vhat(1) * linspeed
camy = camy + vhat(2) * linspeed
camz = camz + vhat(3) * linspeed
camx = camx - vhat(1) * linspeed
camy = camy - vhat(2) * linspeed
camz = camz - vhat(3) * linspeed
camx = camx + nhat(1) * linspeed
camy = camy + nhat(2) * linspeed
camz = camz + nhat(3) * linspeed
camx = camx - nhat(1) * linspeed
camy = camy - nhat(2) * linspeed
camz = camz - nhat(3) * linspeed
= SQR(uhat
(1) * uhat
(1) + uhat
(2) * uhat
(2) + uhat
(3) * uhat
(3))uhat(1) = uhat(1) / uhatmag: uhat(2) = uhat(2) / uhatmag: uhat(3) = uhat(3) / uhatmag
= SQR(vhat
(1) * vhat
(1) + vhat
(2) * vhat
(2) + vhat
(3) * vhat
(3))vhat(1) = vhat(1) / vhatmag: vhat(2) = vhat(2) / vhatmag: vhat(3) = vhat(3) / vhatmag
uhatdotvhat = uhat(1) * vhat(1) + uhat(2) * vhat(2) + uhat(3) * vhat(3)
' The normal vector points toward the eye.
nhat(1) = uhat(2) * vhat(3) - uhat(3) * vhat(2)
nhat(2) = uhat(3) * vhat(1) - uhat(1) * vhat(3)
nhat(3) = uhat(1) * vhat(2) - uhat(2) * vhat(1)
= SQR(nhat
(1) * nhat
(1) + nhat
(2) * nhat
(2) + nhat
(3) * nhat
(3))nhat(1) = nhat(1) / nhatmag: nhat(2) = nhat(2) / nhatmag: nhat(3) = nhat(3) / nhatmag
' Calculate normal vectors to all clipping planes.
h2 = screenheight / 2
w2 = screenwidth / 2
nearplane(1) = -nhat(1)
nearplane(2) = -nhat(2)
nearplane(3) = -nhat(3)
farplane(1) = nhat(1)
farplane(2) = nhat(2)
farplane(3) = nhat(3)
rightplane(1) = h2 * fovd * uhat(1) - h2 * w2 * nhat(1)
rightplane(2) = h2 * fovd * uhat(2) - h2 * w2 * nhat(2)
rightplane(3) = h2 * fovd * uhat(3) - h2 * w2 * nhat(3)
= SQR(rightplane
(1) * rightplane
(1) + rightplane
(2) * rightplane
(2) + rightplane
(3) * rightplane
(3))rightplane(1) = rightplane(1) / mag
rightplane(2) = rightplane(2) / mag
rightplane(3) = rightplane(3) / mag
leftplane(1) = -h2 * fovd * uhat(1) - h2 * w2 * nhat(1)
leftplane(2) = -h2 * fovd * uhat(2) - h2 * w2 * nhat(2)
leftplane(3) = -h2 * fovd * uhat(3) - h2 * w2 * nhat(3)
= SQR(leftplane
(1) * leftplane
(1) + leftplane
(2) * leftplane
(2) + leftplane
(3) * leftplane
(3))leftplane(1) = leftplane(1) / mag
leftplane(2) = leftplane(2) / mag
leftplane(3) = leftplane(3) / mag
topplane(1) = w2 * fovd * vhat(1) - h2 * w2 * nhat(1)
topplane(2) = w2 * fovd * vhat(2) - h2 * w2 * nhat(2)
topplane(3) = w2 * fovd * vhat(3) - h2 * w2 * nhat(3)
= SQR(topplane
(1) * topplane
(1) + topplane
(2) * topplane
(2) + topplane
(3) * topplane
(3))topplane(1) = topplane(1) / mag
topplane(2) = topplane(2) / mag
topplane(3) = topplane(3) / mag
bottomplane(1) = -w2 * fovd * vhat(1) - h2 * w2 * nhat(1)
bottomplane(2) = -w2 * fovd * vhat(2) - h2 * w2 * nhat(2)
bottomplane(3) = -w2 * fovd * vhat(3) - h2 * w2 * nhat(3)
= SQR(bottomplane
(1) * bottomplane
(1) + bottomplane
(2) * bottomplane
(2) + bottomplane
(3) * bottomplane
(3))bottomplane(1) = bottomplane(1) / mag
bottomplane(2) = bottomplane(2) / mag
bottomplane(3) = bottomplane(3) / mag
closestdist2 = 10000000
closestgroup = 1
fp42 = farplane(4) * farplane(4)
k = 1
k = VectorGroup(k).Identity
VectorGroup(k).Visible = 0
dx = VectorGroup(k).COMx - camx
dy = VectorGroup(k).COMy - camy
dz = VectorGroup(k).COMz - camz
dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
groupinview = 1
IF dx
* nearplane
(1) + dy
* nearplane
(2) + dz
* nearplane
(3) - nearplane
(4) < 0 THEN groupinview
= 0 'IF dx * farplane(1) + dy * farplane(2) + dz * farplane(3) - farplane(4) < 0 THEN groupinview = 0
IF dx
* rightplane
(1) + dy
* rightplane
(2) + dz
* rightplane
(3) - rightplane
(4) < 0 THEN groupinview
= 0 IF dx
* leftplane
(1) + dy
* leftplane
(2) + dz
* leftplane
(3) - leftplane
(4) < 0 THEN groupinview
= 0 IF dx
* topplane
(1) + dy
* topplane
(2) + dz
* topplane
(3) - topplane
(4) < 0 THEN groupinview
= 0 IF dx
* bottomplane
(1) + dy
* bottomplane
(2) + dz
* bottomplane
(3) - bottomplane
(4) < 0 THEN groupinview
= 0
IF (dist2
< closestdist2
) THEN closestdist2 = dist2
closestgroup = k
VectorGroup(k).Visible = 1
IF (toggletimeanimate
= 1) THEN vecgroupid = k
= VectorGroup
TO VectorGroup
GOSUB clip.project.vectors
' Force animation regardless of clipping.
IF (VectorGroup
= 1) THEN vecgroupid = k
' Force animation regardless of distance from camera.
IF (VectorGroup
= 1) THEN vecgroupid = k
k = VectorGroup(k).Pointer
k = VectorGroup(k).Identity
clip.project.vectors: ' requires i
vec(i, 1) = vec3Dpos(i, 1) - camx
vec(i, 2) = vec3Dpos(i, 2) - camy
vec(i, 3) = vec3Dpos(i, 3) - camz
fogswitch = -1
vec3Dvis(i) = 0
vectorinview = 1
' Perform view plane clipping.
IF vec
, 1) * nearplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * nearplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * nearplane
(3) - nearplane
(4) < 0 THEN vectorinview
= 0 IF vec
, 1) * farplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * farplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * farplane
(3) - farplane
(4) < 0 THEN vectorinview
= 0 IF vec
, 1) * farplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * farplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * farplane
(3) - farplane
(4) * .85 < 0 THEN fogswitch
= 1 IF vec
, 1) * rightplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * rightplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * rightplane
(3) - rightplane
(4) < 0 THEN vectorinview
= 0 IF vec
, 1) * leftplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * leftplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * leftplane
(3) - leftplane
(4) < 0 THEN vectorinview
= 0 IF vec
, 1) * topplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * topplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * topplane
(3) - topplane
(4) < 0 THEN vectorinview
= 0 IF vec
, 1) * bottomplane
(1) + vec
, 2) * bottomplane
(2) + vec
, 3) * bottomplane
(3) - bottomplane
(4) < 0 THEN vectorinview
= 0 vec3Dvis(i) = 1
' Project vectors onto the screen plane.
vec3Ddotnhat = vec(i, 1) * nhat(1) + vec(i, 2) * nhat(2) + vec(i, 3) * nhat(3)
vec2D(i, 1) = (vec(i, 1) * uhat(1) + vec(i, 2) * uhat(2) + vec(i, 3) * uhat(3)) * fovd / vec3Ddotnhat
vec2D(i, 2) = (vec(i, 1) * vhat(1) + vec(i, 2) * vhat(2) + vec(i, 3) * vhat(3)) * fovd / vec3Ddotnhat
IF fogswitch
= 1 THEN vec2Dcolor
) = Gray
ELSE vec2Dcolor
) = vec3Dcolor
timeanimate: ' requires vecgroupid
dt = timestep
xcom = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMx
ycom = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMy
zcom = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz
xrot = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTx
yrot = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTy
zrot = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTz
xrev = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTx
yrev = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTy
zrev = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTz
xdim = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx
ydim = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy
zdim = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz
IF (VectorGroup
= 0) THEN GOSUB resetcom
FOR vectorindex
= VectorGroup
TO VectorGroup
' Linear velocity update
ax = vec3Dacc(vectorindex, 1)
ay = vec3Dacc(vectorindex, 2)
az = vec3Dacc(vectorindex, 3)
IF (ax
<> 0) THEN vec3Dvel
, 1) = vec3Dvel
, 1) + ax
* dt
IF (ay
<> 0) THEN vec3Dvel
, 2) = vec3Dvel
, 2) + ay
* dt
IF (az
<> 0) THEN vec3Dvel
, 3) = vec3Dvel
, 3) + az
* dt
' Linear position update with periodic boundaries inside group dimension
vx = vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 1)
vy = vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 2)
vz = vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 3)
px = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) + vx * dt
px = xcom - xdim
px = xcom + xdim
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = px
py = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) + vy * dt
py = ycom - ydim
py = ycom + ydim
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = py
pz = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) + vz * dt
pz = zcom - zdim
pz = zcom + zdim
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) = pz
' Rotation update
anv = vec3Danv(vectorindex, 1)
yy = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) - yrot
zz = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) - zrot
= yy
* COS(timestep
* anv
) - zz
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) z
= yy
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) + zz
* COS(timestep
* anv
) vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = y + yrot
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) = z + zrot
anv = vec3Danv(vectorindex, 2)
xx = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) - xrot
zz = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) - zrot
= xx
* COS(timestep
* anv
) + zz
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) z
= -xx
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) + zz
* COS(timestep
* anv
) vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = x + xrot
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) = z + zrot
anv = vec3Danv(vectorindex, 3)
xx = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) - xrot
yy = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) - yrot
= xx
* COS(timestep
* anv
) - yy
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) y
= xx
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) + yy
* COS(timestep
* anv
) vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = x + xrot
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = y + yrot
' Revolution update
anv = xrev
yy = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) - ycom
zz = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) - zcom
= yy
* COS(timestep
* anv
) - zz
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) z
= yy
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) + zz
* COS(timestep
* anv
) vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = y + ycom
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) = z + zcom
anv = yrev
xx = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) - xcom
zz = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) - zcom
= xx
* COS(timestep
* anv
) + zz
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) z
= -xx
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) + zz
* COS(timestep
* anv
) vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = x + xcom
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) = z + zcom
anv = zrev
xx = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) - xcom
yy = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) - ycom
= xx
* COS(timestep
* anv
) - yy
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) y
= xx
* SIN(timestep
* anv
) + yy
* COS(timestep
* anv
) vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = x + xcom
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = y + ycom
IF (VectorGroup
= 0) THEN GOSUB integratecom
IF (VectorGroup
= 0) THEN GOSUB calculatecom
integratecom: ' requires vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMx = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) + VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMx
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMy = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) + VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMy
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz = vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) + VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz
calculatecom: ' requires vecgroupid
f = 1 + VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector - VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMx = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMx / f
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMy = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMy / f
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz = VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz / f
resetcom: ' requires vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMx = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMy = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz = 0
numgroupvisible = 0
numvectorvisible = 0
k = 1
k = VectorGroup(k).Identity
IF (VectorGroup
= 1) THEN numgroupvisible = numgroupvisible + 1
= VectorGroup
TO VectorGroup
- 1 numvectorvisible = numvectorvisible + 1
IF k
= closestgroup
THEN col
= Yellow
ELSE col
= vec2Dcolor
) x
= vec2D
, 1): y
= vec2D
, 2):
GOSUB convert: x1
= x: y1
= y
= vec2D
+ 1, 1): y
= vec2D
+ 1, 2):
GOSUB convert: x2
= x: y2
= y
IF ((x2
- x1
) * (x2
- x1
) + (y2
- y1
) * (y2
- y1
)) < 225 THEN LINE (x1
, y1
, y2
), col
k = VectorGroup(k).Pointer
k = VectorGroup(k).Identity
' Redraw compass.
= 30 * (xhat
(1) * uhat
(1) + xhat
(2) * uhat
(2) + xhat
(3) * uhat
(3)): y
= 30 * (xhat
(1) * vhat
(1) + xhat
(2) * vhat
(2) + xhat
(3) * vhat
GOSUB convert
LINE (midscreenx
, midscreeny
, y
), Red
= 30 * (yhat
(1) * uhat
(1) + yhat
(2) * uhat
(2) + yhat
(3) * uhat
(3)): y
= 30 * (yhat
(1) * vhat
(1) + yhat
(2) * vhat
(2) + yhat
(3) * vhat
GOSUB convert
LINE (midscreenx
, midscreeny
, y
), Green
= 30 * (zhat
(1) * uhat
(1) + zhat
(2) * uhat
(2) + zhat
(3) * uhat
(3)): y
= 30 * (zhat
(1) * vhat
(1) + zhat
(2) * vhat
(2) + zhat
(3) * vhat
GOSUB convert
LINE (midscreenx
, midscreeny
, y
), Blue
= "SPACE = Hide Info":
LOCATE (screenheight
/ 16) - 3, (screenwidth
/ 8) / 2 - LEN(a$
) / 2:
= "You See: " + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(VectorGroup
LOCATE (screenheight
/ 16) - 3, (screenwidth
/ 8) / 2 - LEN(a$
) / 2:
'groupidfromname: ' requires n$, returns k
'k = 1
'k = VectorGroup(k).Identity
'DO ' iterates k
' IF n$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(VectorGroup(k).GroupName)) THEN EXIT DO
' k = VectorGroup(k).Pointer
' IF k = -999 THEN EXIT DO
' k = VectorGroup(k).Identity
' Data.
vectorindex = 0
groupidticker = 0
gridsize = 550
tilesize = 15
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1 ' Fancy way to say 0.
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "__AAA"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = 5
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = 5
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 5
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = 0
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = 0
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 3) = -1000
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = White
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
h = 5
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Dirt"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = 35
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = 35
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 35
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 2) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = -(w
- 1) * 70 - RND * 70 vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGoldenRod
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = SaddleBrown
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Sienna
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Grass and Puddles
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Grass and Puddles"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 3
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 2) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = .5 + 1 * COS((i
- 15) * .08) - 1 * COS((j
- 6) * .12) vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
IF vec3Dpos
, 3) > 0 THEN vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Green
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = ForestGreen
, 1) = (RND - .5) * 20 vec3Dvel
, 2) = (RND - .5) * 20 vec3Dvel
, 3) = (RND - .5) * 20 vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = LightSeaGreen
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Blue
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
thickness = 2.5
span = 20
height = 30
crux = 22
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Grave"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
= -thickness
TO thickness
STEP thickness
/ 2 FOR j
= -thickness
TO thickness
STEP thickness
/ 2 vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = xloc
+ i
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dpos
, 2) = yloc
+ j
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dpos
, 3) = k
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = SlateGray
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGray
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
= -span
/ 2 TO -thickness
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Grave"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
= -thickness
TO thickness
STEP thickness
/ 2 FOR i
= -thickness
TO thickness
STEP thickness
/ 2 vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = xloc
+ i
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dpos
, 2) = yloc
+ j
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dpos
, 3) = crux
+ k
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = SlateGray
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGray
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
= thickness
TO span
/ 2 groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Grave"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = thickness
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
= -thickness
TO thickness
STEP thickness
/ 2 FOR i
= -thickness
TO thickness
STEP thickness
/ 2 vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = xloc
+ i
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dpos
, 2) = yloc
+ j
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dpos
, 3) = crux
+ k
+ (RND - .5) * 2 vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = SlateGray
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGray
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Heaven's Bottom Layer
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Heaven's Bottom Layer"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 3
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 2) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = 420 - RND vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = BlueViolet
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Cyan
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Hell Spawn
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Hell Spawn"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 35
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ (RND - .5) * tilesize
, 2) = j
+ (RND - .5) * tilesize
, 3) = -350 - RND * 70 vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 1) = 0
vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 2) = 0
, 3) = 400 * RND vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Red
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGoldenRod
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz = -350 - 35
'Icewall East
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Icewall East"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = gridsize + tilesize / 2
, 2) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = White
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Ivory
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Icewall South
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Icewall South"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 1) = -gridsize
, 2) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = White
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Ivory
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Icewall North
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Icewall North"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = gridsize + tilesize / 2
, 3) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = White
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Ivory
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Icewall West
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Icewall West"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
vec3Dpos(vectorindex, 2) = -gridsize
, 3) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = White
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Ivory
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
'Lake of Fire
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Lake of Fire"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 2) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = -350 - 70 - RND vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Red
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Indigo
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
ctrx = -90
ctry = -320
ctrz = 4
w = 8
h = 256
dens = 100
= -h
/ 20 + k
/ 20 TO h
/ 20 - k
/ 20 STEP w
= -h
/ 20 + k
/ 20 TO h
/ 20 - k
/ 20 STEP w
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Megalith"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = w / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = w / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = w / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = ctrx
+ i
+ (RND - .5) * w
, 2) = ctry
+ j
+ (RND - .5) * w
, 3) = ctrz
+ k
+ (RND - .5) * w
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Cyan
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Teal
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
ctrx = -90
ctry = -120
ctrz = 4
w = 8
h = 56
dens = 50
= -h
/ 2 + k
/ 2 TO h
/ 2 - k
/ 2 STEP w
= -h
/ 2 + k
/ 2 TO h
/ 2 - k
/ 2 STEP w
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Pyramid"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = ctrx
+ i
+ (RND - .5) * w
, 2) = ctry
+ j
+ (RND - .5) * w
, 3) = ctrz
+ k
+ (RND - .5) * w
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGoldenRod
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = GoldenRod
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Rain"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 35
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ (RND - .5) * tilesize
, 2) = j
+ (RND - .5) * tilesize
, 3) = RND * 70 vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 1) = 0
vec3Dvel(vectorindex, 2) = 0
, 3) = -400 * RND vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Aquamarine
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DodgerBlue
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMz = 35
h = 2
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Sky"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 3
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ (RND - RND) * h
, 2) = j
+ (RND - RND) * h
, 3) = 70 + (RND - RND) * h
, 1) = (RND - RND) * 2 vec3Dvel
, 2) = (RND - RND) * 2 vec3Dvel
, 3) = (RND - RND) * 2 vec3Danv(vectorindex, 1) = 0
vec3Danv(vectorindex, 2) = 0
vec3Danv(vectorindex, 3) = 0
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Snow
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = RoyalBlue
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
h = 5
groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Stars"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = tilesize / 2
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
, 1) = i
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 2) = j
+ RND * h
- RND * h
, 3) = w
* 70 + RND * 70 vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = GhostWhite
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = White
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = DarkGray
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
radius = 10
dx = .0628
dy = .0628
xl = 0: xr = 2 * pi
yl = 0: yr = pi
= 1 + INT((-xl
+ xr
) / dx
= 1 + INT((-yl
+ yr
) / dy
) groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Sun"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = radius
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = radius
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = radius
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
theta = u * dx - dx
phi = v * dy - dy
, 1) = radius
* SIN(phi
) * COS(theta
) vec3Dpos
, 2) = radius
* SIN(phi
) * SIN(theta
) vec3Dpos
, 3) = 90 + radius
* COS(phi
) vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Sunglow
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = SunsetOrange
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex
radius = 4
au = 60
dx = (2 * pi / radius) * .05
dy = (2 * pi / radius) * .05
xl = 0: xr = 2 * pi
yl = 0: yr = pi
= 1 + INT((-xl
+ xr
) / dx
= 1 + INT((-yl
+ yr
) / dy
)groupidticker = groupidticker + 1
vecgroupid = groupidticker
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Identity = vecgroupid
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Pointer = vecgroupid + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Lagger = vecgroupid - 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).GroupName = "Moon"
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).Visible = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ForceAnimate = 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).COMFixed = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTx = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTy = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).ROTz = 90
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).REVx = 1.5
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).REVy = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).REVz = 0
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMx = 2 * radius + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMy = 2 * radius + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).DIMz = 2 * radius + 1
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).FirstVector = vectorindex + 1
vectorindex = vectorindex + 1
theta = i * dx - dx
phi = j * dy - dy
, 1) = au
+ radius
* SIN(phi
) * COS(theta
) vec3Dpos
, 2) = radius
* SIN(phi
) * SIN(theta
) vec3Dpos
, 3) = 90 + radius
* COS(phi
) vec3Danv(vectorindex, 1) = 0
vec3Danv(vectorindex, 2) = 0
vec3Danv(vectorindex, 3) = 1.5
vec3Dvis(vectorindex) = 0
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = Gray
vec3Dcolor(vectorindex) = PaleGoldenRod
VectorGroup(vecgroupid).LastVector = vectorindex