I would like to present the work of STxAxTIC. Man starts and something moves relative to something. the clock arms can be described in a few lines.
mon = _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32): SCREEN mon
r(0) = 12: r(1) = 60: r(2) = 60: r(3) = 100
t$ = TIME$ + ":" + RIGHT$("00" + LTRIM$(STR$(TIMER)), 2)
x1 = _WIDTH(mon) / 2: y1 = _HEIGHT(mon) / 2
FOR t = 0 TO 3
ang = 360 / r(t) * VAL(MID$(t$, t * 3 + 1, 2)) * (3.141592 / 180)
rad = (4 - t) ^ 1 * (_WIDTH(mon) * .05)
x2 = SIN(ang) * rad + x1
y2 = -COS(ang) * rad + y1
LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
Or something like this. Could be clarified, it is irrelevant now. I am writing an example to Bplus that there are two things here!
STxAxTIC was brave and climbed into the most cruel pots of physics. I was wondering if it could be simplified. I tried, but those results didn't come out. This cannot be achieved by "cheap" means.
Congratulations to STxAxTIC for his patience and fanaticism for showing a great connection without neglecting the rigor of physics! Congratulations!