Exactly due to being a breaking change, we’re internally coming to final terms on bringing the version bump to 2.0.
I hope you made sure, that this change doesn't bite your own butt within QB64.bas and all the other basic source files involved, would be too bad, if QB64 breaks itself by enforcing the new behaviour.
At least for my GuiTools the impact is much higher than expected first, as things like assigning a result value through an intended argument side effect of a SUB call won't work anymore.
SetTag ButtonC$, "ERROR", classID$ + "::" + methodID$ + " -> missing required tags"
that's a typical line in GuiTools, ButtonC$ is the actual function name, and the final error tag assembled by the SetTag SUB was then returned in ButtonC$ as side effect, but now ButtonC$ would call the Button class instead.
I've to find a new elegant method now to do this in a similar way, as simply each time using a temp variable in the SetTag call and afterwards assigning that to the class its function name seems much to plumsy for me.
Btw, are you not on Discord for moral issues or are you just not a chat room guy? Your input in the dev lounge is always very welcome and appreciated.
Not a chat room guy, also with nursing my sick old mom (87y) no time to engage in (almost) real time discussions.