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Offline MasterGy

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4D maze
« on: December 06, 2020, 02:00:36 pm »
Hi !
I opened a new topic because it's done, it's worth trying. Or not completely, because the point, the whole thing I started with, is to be able to see in real time the 3D space resulting from the intersection of different planes at the same time.
You can now toggle with the SPACE key. The thing would be interesting and easy to understand 4D space if we could see the 4 windows at the same time. Unfortunately, so far only 1 window is visible at a time.
I will try to explain what I want.
Suppose we are 2D living beings. We live on a sheet of paper. There are only two planes, so it makes no sense to think on the 3rd plane. There is no such thing as down or up. Suppose someone puts this sheet of paper in a book. What do we perceive? Nothing. Because there is no down and up. Thinking in 3D, on the other hand. On paper, in our usual world, every point can be described by 2 coordinates. Suppose someone builds a machine there that can be used to jump to another page in the book. For a 3D creature, this is visible, perceptible, but a 2D creature does not understand the transition. But still, it jumps to the page below or above it. Only a 3D creature understands the concepts of “below, above”. The 2d creature does not understand these concepts, but somehow wants to measure its space jump. He introduces a 3rd plane, calling it Z. He can only comprehend 2 planes. So far, he has understood XY. But now you can count on XZ and YZ.
That's what I want, we're just not 2d creatures, but 3D creatures. 4d cube, hypercube… in theory..maybe .. none of us have seen it yet. Dice next to another dice? or below? Or in it? not really a matching term. We will never be able to imagine this, but the program has the ability to navigate in 4d, and you can use the SPACE key to toggle between XYZ-A, XYA-Z, XZA-Y, YZA-X planes.
I will not give up, somehow I will solve so that the 4 perspectives are visible at the same time.
In the meantime, you can try this.
SPACE - switch between views, F - wall transition on and off, mouse wheel - space jump

still qb64_v1.3. the dimensions of the 4 dimensions can be scaled at the beginning of the program.

do not give too large a size, for one will go mad. however, on trial it becomes clear what I think it is. You can only get out of the 4d maze with the help of space jump, because in 3D we always find ourselves at a dead end.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 02:32:02 pm by MasterGy »

Offline MasterGy

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Re: 4D maze
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2020, 09:21:22 pm »
Well, finally !!!!
It's been 2 weeks, since I've been unloading 3d-maze, I've been interested in this question ever since. I was already on the verge of madness, but I was very interested to see it!
I finally solved that different perspectives open from different windows.
_MAPTRIANGLE3D, “source”, cannot be changed because memory is increasing. Not with _FREEIMAGE either. This is a mistake. I was forced to do what I wrote, multiple windows, and they communicate with a “random” file. Simplified, there is no MASTER and SLAVE program. There is 1 program. It starts. Then, if we start again, he senses that he is second, third, etc.… You can also get out of a 4d maze from a window. But that's not the point of the game. Not interested. But what looks great is how moving in a plane misses when viewed from different perspectives. Spectacular, where we make a hyperspace jump in one window, we pass through a simple corridor in the other window.
I can't explain any better than that. There is 1 maze. Only one. 1 piece 4 dimensional maze.
 And we can observe them from different perspectives so that we can better imagine the 4 dimensions.

Thanks for the help!

Offline MasterGy

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Re: 4D maze
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2020, 03:25:03 pm »
Hey! why didn't you say something was wrong? :)
I was struck to go in one window in a hallway and then sometimes in an empty space from another window. Sometimes the journey was interrupted by a “noway”. If one of the elements of a 4d matrix is ​​a space cube that I can be in, why is it that there are no cubes in another window? After all, in principle, no matter in what order I examine the coordinates, I should still be in a cube there. I did not understand. I reviewed the code and then accepted.

Since I also have a hard time imagining this 4d thing, I left it, I thought it was a natural thing. In fact, I felt like I could witness something I didn’t. Then the days passed and he didn’t let him rest. I forced me to understand. I finally found the error. Trivial. I thought I was getting stupid. I had already rewritten it all pretty much, I was already looking for the error in the very idea, I had already seen the world in the 100th dimension, and I thought that 2x2 = 5. Then I found the error… Funny..So in retrospect. I thought I was tearing my hair out. I know you know the feeling!

I created an interface for him to be a game and a scientific experiment as well. I’ve dedicated a lot of time because I want you to get to as many people as possible and give it a try. It would be a very good idea for me. Any. Or a question. I researched the internet but couldn’t find one that would have come to anyone’s mind. Why not ?
Next thing I want to see: 4 dimensional space. There is currently a 4d maze in it. You can jump in space, walk around, and get out of it. Good game. It captures a standing, motionless, passive state. What would happen if we recorded a simple event? and 4- would be the time? Eg an explosion (the cubes fly apart from the middle) or a simple free fall? Plane 4 would be the “step” of the plot, so time. And what would it look like from a perspective where we swap planes and time as a quantity, a scalar quantity could be on a number line?

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: 4D maze
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2020, 05:02:51 pm »
This is such a cool program, cool topic - you motivate excellent questions MasterGy. Head and shoulders above our expectations.

I've given a little bit of time to visualizing 4D - while we always think this is impossible, I point out that we deal in many-dimensional systems all the time. Color, for instance, is a dimension. So can be sound. It's easy to argue that eating a piece of cheese pizza is a 6+ dimensional experience based on the number of degrees of freedom on the tongue. Here, I use the words "dimension" and "degree of freedom" completely interchangeably, because that's in fact what a dimension *is*.

Anyway, I've made a sketch of what I think is going on, but in a 2D analogy so I don't have to write a program just like yours to make the sketch: )

If that picture is somewhat correct, I have possible suggestion when it comes to coloring. In short, choose one distinct color per dimension. Then, when a player approaches a junction point, both projections are shown - perhaps somewhat like what you're doing now - but maybe without flashing. That is, if the colors are distinct for each degree of freedom, and you get some nice alpha values for making things "fade in", then perhaps you can draw one projection onto the other, with both being semitransparent so the player "sees" the extra-dimensional options.

Of course, coloring things like that will make the map much more boring, but at least the idea is kinda illustrated. Maybe you're way beyond this point. Either way, keep it up.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 05:08:31 pm by STxAxTIC »
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Offline MasterGy

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Re: 4D maze
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2020, 05:12:54 am »
Thank you STxAxTIC for appreciating my work!

I don’t know if the deeper thought of pizza came over me right. Unfortunately, due to language translation, deeper thoughts are more difficult to express.
In the past, and now, as I have dealt with this 4d thing, I have been very much thinking about whether I see the world right, I see it as it is.

Dimension = degree of freedom! This is a beautiful association! When I start the program. 4 windows, all show different, yet the same. The point of view is how I judge. A 4D creature sees this all at once and does not have a headache in interpretation. As is the case with pizza, flavors, colors. The point of view is so important that I think it defines everything, everyone. It is not the object, the object, the event that matters, but the way we see it, we interpret it. What and how much we see from the world. For example, everyone may have an opinion about 1 slice of bread. Suppose we need to consider 5 aspects to write a perfect, objective description of 1 slice of bread. Name the aspects A, B, C, D, E. Here comes the problem. We are animals. Or at least we can be in the middle between the unicellular and god. It is a human trait that we are unable to see ABCDE. One man sees AB, the other BDE, the third ABCD… .ABCDE is seen only by a god who is an objective observer. So something can be unchanged, motionless until the end of time, it will never be the same. Not only will other people interpret it differently, but sometimes even we ourselves are able to see the same thing differently as time goes on. It’s good because it makes us different, but it makes me a little scary, disappointing, because then how can I trust myself in reality? No way. I'm measuring something for something. Everyone tries to do their best, this is how their worldview, their subjective reality, develops. God laughs at the many sheep because he sees it all objectively.
I used the expression axis colors in the program. I converted the 4 axes to CMYK color. This is also a good example. Who in the world can determine the position from the set of 4 colors? nobody. There is. Measurable. But we still can't perceive it. We are animals, God laughs

_ALPHA is also a good idea for 4th dimension transition !!! Very !
« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 05:18:38 am by MasterGy »