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Code: QB64: [Select]$IF WIN THEN DECLARE LIBRARY FUNCTION MessageBox (BYVAL ignore&, message$, title$, BYVAL type&) END DECLARE$ELSE DECLARE LIBRARY "" FUNCTION MessageBox (BYVAL ignore&, message$, title$, BYVAL type&) END DECLARE$END IF answer = MessageBox(0, "Hi, bplus. You can do this.", "This is platform-agnostic", 0)
Maybe you would know if that would work in BI?
@SMcNeill curious my IDE is coloring the two things different.
It's been a while since I dabbled with API, but I remember that there is a message box flag that lets you keep it on top of everything. Perhaps our API guru @SpriggsySpriggs can jump in for percise info, but for now I changed this and it seemed to work for me on Windows. kind = 1 OR 4096 '4096 is the number for MB_SYSTEMMODAL flag - Dav