Author Topic: oh One-Handed Interpreter  (Read 12247 times)

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Offline bplus

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2021, 02:45:39 pm »
All that said, if you want my humble opinion, get the language part perfect before you worry about mouse input. In fact never worry about mouse input, or graphics, or any of that. Now that you've become a master of string space, stay there and master it.

LOL You don't know what I've planned for mouse and key, it's not a major operation we are talking about, it's simplicity itself! I was hoping to finish it yesterday with the file stuff (which is already simplicity) to be included in the next zip package.

I should be working on it now instead of yapping away but it's fun to throw out teasers. :)

One more: it's so easy now to slip in a string function, just add it to the FunHandler$ function that I can add extended string math functions as easy as I can add the missing right$ and left$ I noticed missing yesterday.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 03:11:54 pm by bplus »

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2021, 06:48:18 pm »
OK I rushed through the remaining changes I had hoped to include in latest update of oh.

In a couple of demos there are two files the before and after, Test an with the Quadratic App has 2 versions, an and an2, the 2nd tests the latest updates made today along with the better looking f(n) lines. There are 2 Dat files created one from each version.

Here is review of section of Change Log for latest update:
Code: [Select]
*** 2021-03-14
Dumped checking the _ClipBoard for a program now with File Dialog and all.

Tidied up oh's menu a tiny bit.

Check cpr handling of embedded variables and or SF[]'s, OK that is fixed up but not sure I want to
 do that for the other print commands? Oh yes!!! I do want that! (Done)
Note: it you call edit without a file name you will wind up on the command line, just type exit.
Add Command:
Save Astring;Filename
Reminder: Astring is my term for a string with indexed variable length string items.
Save will store each item as a line in given filename.

Add SFunction:
Astring = Load[filename]
So that you can load a file into an Astring for indexed access to lines.

Consolidate Set and RndPt (even though RndPt takes no arguments it assigns a var)
commands with all the other ; delimited commands that do calculations. So now,
you don't have to have middleman variables in the commands, you can calc directly
in the command.

Add preloaded Mouse variables:
MouseX, MouseY, MouseL, MouseR
Locate (x, y) mouse in pix and Boolean Left or Right Button Down

Add preloaded variable:
For keypress detection.

Left$ and Right$ var = Right[a1$, val(a2$)

Ubound of Astring amount = nItems[AString]

And in my rush I forgot to mention the Poll command which updates all those preloaded Mouse and Key variables every time you call it.

See the first post in this thread for latest update zip package, see the next post (Reply #1) to review the commands and SFunctions and Change Log listed at the end.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 10:04:12 pm by bplus »

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2021, 09:40:00 pm »
OK first test with extended String Maths looking good, I just modified Test oh af Recursive Factorial Test to this:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ' Test oh ap First test of extended math F!.txt b+ 2021-03-15
  2. . Now! with extended String Math Routines added to oh we might be able
  3. . to do something impressive with factorials!
  4. [
  5.         inpn (0 quits) enter a number to find it's factorial;factorialMe
  6.         If eq[0,factorialMe]
  7.                 . Goodbye!
  8.                 End
  9.         el
  10.                 ' now that save is a command, can't use it as a variable
  11.                 ' save the number originally input because it is going to be changed
  12.                 savenum = factorialMe
  13.                 fac = 1
  14.                 GS F!:
  15.                 . savenum;! = ;fac
  16.                 .
  17.         Fi
  18. ]
  19. F!:
  20.         If gt[factorialMe,1]
  21.                 'fac is going to get giagantic but factorialMe goes to 1
  22.                 'mult instead of simple x indicates calling the extended math Mult handled through Mr$
  23.                 fac = mult[fac,factorialMe]
  24.                 factorialMe = s[factorialMe,1]
  25.                 GS F!:
  26.         Fi
  27. Rtn

Tested 100! and 500! (see attached screen shots)

With just these 4 lines added to the FunHandler$, MR$ is short for Math Regulator, it controls the signs and decimals of String Math calls. The actual Mult Routine just does multiplication of 2 giant pos integer strings.
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1.         Case "ADD": FunHandler$ = MR$(a$(1), "+", a$(2))
  2.         Case "SUBTRACT": FunHandler$ = MR$(a$(1), "-", a$(2))
  3.         Case "MULT": FunHandler$ = MR$(a$(1), "*", a$(2))
  4.         Case "DIVIDE": FunHandler$ = MR$(a$(1), "/", a$(2))

And 11 String Math routines added to oh code, 320 LOC for a total now of 1636.

I will probably add another function for controlling decimals in display strings that came with the String Math Functions.

Well more testing is needed of course but very pleased this worked on the first go!
Oh now with Extended Maths.PNG
* Oh now with Extended Maths.PNG (Filesize: 64.98 KB, Dimensions: 1280x546, Views: 228)
500! off to good start.PNG
* 500! off to good start.PNG (Filesize: 95.21 KB, Dimensions: 961x732, Views: 230)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 09:56:32 pm by bplus »

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2021, 11:05:49 pm »
Oh let's get a copy of that up into the clipboard.

Test oh ap modified with new Clipout command:
Code: [Select]
' Test oh ap First test of extended math F!.txt b+ 2021-03-15
. Now! with extended String Math Routines added to oh we might be able
. to do something impressive with factorials!
inpn (0 quits) enter a number to find it's factorial;factorialMe
If eq[0,factorialMe]
. Goodbye!
' now that save is a command, can't use it as a variable
' save the number originally input because it is going to be changed
savenum = factorialMe
fac = 1
GS F!:
. savenum;! = ;fac
inps Say, would you like a clip of that? (Enter y for yes);yes
if seq[cap[left[yes,1]],Y]
clipout bnd[savenum,! = ,fac]
If gt[factorialMe,1]
'fac is going to get giagantic but factorialMe goes to 1
'mult instead of simple x indicates calling the extended math Mult handled through Mr$
fac = mult[fac,factorialMe]
factorialMe = s[factorialMe,1]
GS F!:

From the clip a paste to a new txt file:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 500! = 1220136825991110068701238785423046926253574342803192842192413588385845373153881997605496447502203281863013616477148203584163378722078177200480785205159329285477907571939330603772960859086270429174547882424912726344305670173270769461062802310452644218878789465754777149863494367781037644274033827365397471386477878495438489595537537990423241061271326984327745715546309977202781014561081188373709531016356324432987029563896628911658974769572087926928871281780070265174507768410719624390394322536422605234945850129918571501248706961568141625359056693423813008856249246891564126775654481886506593847951775360894005745238940335798476363944905313062323749066445048824665075946735862074637925184200459369692981022263971952597190945217823331756934581508552332820762820023402626907898342451712006207714640979456116127629145951237229913340169552363850942885592018727433795173014586357570828355780158735432768888680120399882384702151467605445407663535984174430480128938313896881639487469658817504506926365338175055478128640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

;-)) It's like magic!

« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 11:08:52 pm by bplus »

Offline bplus

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2021, 09:21:34 am »
However, once you step off that path, and enter the pseudo-Churchian topology of string space (just to call it something), suddenly your code merges with the very data it manages, and vice-versa. This is like the General Relativity of computer programming: in the same sense that Einstein realized that gravity equals geometry, functional programmers realize that data equals code. Two seemingly unrelated ingredients turned out to be *equal*.

Is it wave or is it particle?

I ran into a problem last night wanting to show an expression before and after being processed.
More particularly, I had just made a new command: ClipAdd to append text to clipboard as opposed to simply replacing whatever contents may be in there with something else.

Of course, I wanted to kill two birds with one stone, test more of the new extended math, string math procedures, just imported and looking good with first Factorial Test.

So I started to convert: Test oh ac Fval tester.txt program to show the expression = evaluation PLUS offer the option to append that line to the ClipBorad to add to the user's the ability to paste it anywhere the user's heart desired so long as the app takes clipboard pastes, but my expression string (and all before it in a Bnd[] SFunction) kept disappearing into the Twilight Zone, no error and everything after showed up just fine and program kept running with the Cheshire cat smile of having swallowed and digested my expression string properly as I have programmed it to do.

Well that's a head scratcher, maybe not so dramatic as gravity = geometry but in my universe, up there ;-))

So I wake up with the solution: inpbs, input bracket string like inps, it prompts the user to enter a value and assigns the variable name in code. Xtra to that, it creates a 2nd variable: variableNameBS and assigns a string that has the [] brackets exchanged out for {} brackets so now a reasonable facsimile of the SFunction expression can be displayed without all the internals trying to convert the string because it's got [] in it!

Well let's make it so....
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 09:26:49 am by bplus »

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2021, 11:10:46 am »
It's working except I ran into a QB64 error message with the divide test, I continued and think the result was accurate anyway but I am testing so much new stuff at once:

From Clipboard paste into new txt file
Code: [Select]
a{10000000000,.00000000001} = 10000000000
add{1000000000,.00000000001} = 1000000000.00000000001
s{10000000000,.00000000001} = 10000000000
subtract{10000000000,.00000000001} = 9999999999.99999999999
m{10000000000,9999999999} = 1
mult{10000000000,9999999999} = 99999999990000000000
d{11,990000000000} = 1.111111111111111D-11
divide{11,990000000000} = .00000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Test oh aq...txt:
Code: [Select]
'Test aq Update Fval$ Tester.txt by b+ 2020-03-07 mod 2021-02-21 mod 2021-03-09 mod 2021-03-15&16
cpr 2;*** Update Fval$ Tester ***   Note: I had to use {} for Square brackets.
cpr 5;Arith: a{1,1} > 2,  s{1,1} > 0,  x{2,3} > 6,  d{12,4} > 3     Constants: e = exp{1}, pi = pi{1}
cpr 7;Math: modulus use m{3,2} > 1   power use p{2,3} > 8   log{}, exp{}, sqr{}, int{}, rnd{multiplier}
cpr 9;Trig (radians): sin{}, cos{}, tan{}, asin{}, acos{}, atan{}     Angle Conversion: rad{degrees}, deg{radians}
cpr 11;Boolean: #=# use eq{ , } for = numbers    noteq{ , } for <>    lt{ , } for <    lte{ , } for <= 
cpr 13; gt{ , } for >   gte{ , } for >=   and{,,, }   or{,,, }   not{ }    seq{$,$} for string equal
cpr 16;Get the cheat sheet and test string functions! Here a most:
cpr 17;mid1, mid2, mid3, in2, in3, time, date, CAP, low, rtr (RTrim$), ltr (LTrim$), trim, spc, len
cpr 19; New extended maths add{a$,b$} subtract{a$,b$} mult{a$,b$} divide{a$,b$}

' first test ever of fval$ working on arguments to loc, at, tag, graphics...
loc a[19,3];5
' new 3/16 the next line should create 2 variables: expression and expressionbs
' expression value is the expression with regular active []
' expressionbs value will hopefully be expression with the brackets replaced by {}
inpbs (just enter to quit) Enter an expression to evaluate;expression
. This is the expression: ;expression
. This is the new expressionbs created by new inpbs command ;expressionbs
Jmp seq[expression,mt]
result = fval[expression]
cpr 27;The Tester came up with this result: ;result
inps Say, would you like add that to the clipboard? (Enter y for yes);yes
if seq[cap[left[yes,1]],Y]
clipadd bnd[expressionbs, = ,result]
' brand new clipadd command test 3/16
. Goodbye!

Just added this from Toolbox to oh:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Function StrReplace$ (s$, replace$, new$) 'case sensitive  2020-07-28 version    added to oh 3/16 for inpbs
  2.     Dim p As Long, sCopy$, LR As Long, lNew As Long
  3.     If Len(s$) = 0 Or Len(replace$) = 0 Then
  4.         StrReplace$ = s$: Exit Function
  5.     Else
  6.         LR = Len(replace$): lNew = Len(new$)
  7.     End If
  9.     sCopy$ = s$ ' otherwise s$ would get changed
  10.     p = InStr(sCopy$, replace$)
  11.     While p
  12.         sCopy$ = Mid$(sCopy$, 1, p - 1) + new$ + Mid$(sCopy$, p + LR)
  13.         p = InStr(p + lNew, sCopy$, replace$)
  14.     Wend
  15.     StrReplace$ = sCopy$

Added this to the inputs command section:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1.     ElseIf InStr(" inps inpn inpbs ", " " + ProgramMap(Pline).Cmd + " ") > 0 Then ' ====== Input ? prompt; var (mod 3/16)
  2.         Split ProgramMap(Pline).ArgLine, ";", Args$()
  3.         If UBound(args$) >= 2 Then
  4.             varName$ = Args$(2)
  5.         Else
  6.             Err$ = Err$ + Chr$(10) + "Error: Missing variable name on line " + TS$(Pline)
  7.             Exit Sub
  8.         End If
  9.         _KeyClear 'man all my sleep keypress builds up the buffer!!!!
  10.         Print Args$(1);
  11.         Line Input " -> ", temp$
  12.         If ProgramMap(Pline).Cmd = "inpn" Then temp$ = TD$(Val(temp$)) ' expecting number
  13.         AddModVariable varName$, temp$
  14.         If ProgramMap(Pline).Cmd = "inpbs" Then ' Xtra work for BS = Bracket String expressions 3/16
  15.             temp$ = StrReplace$(temp$, "[", "{") ' bracket racket!
  16.             temp$ = StrReplace$(temp$, "]", "}") ' more, yikes!
  17.             AddModVariable varName$ + "bs", temp$
  18.         End If

oh at 1663 LOC :)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 11:19:38 am by bplus »

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2021, 11:36:09 am »
Another mult test (with a couple tiny edits to oh program aq)

Test oh aq Update Fval$ Tester.PNG

Another Mult test.PNG

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2021, 12:27:26 pm »
oh, I had another new SFunction to test:
var = clip[]
dumps the contents of the Clipboard into var.

So add part2 to the Test oh aj...txt program file:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'Test oh aq Update Fval$ Tester.txt by b+ 2020-03-07 mod 2021-02-21 mod 2021-03-09 mod 2021-03-15&16
  2. [
  3.         cpr 2;*** Update Fval$ Tester ***   Note: I had to use {} for Square brackets.
  4.         cpr 5;Arith: a{1,1} > 2,  s{1,1} > 0,  x{2,3} > 6,  d{12,4} > 3     Constants: e = exp{1}, pi = pi{1}
  5.         cpr 7;Math: modulus use m{3,2} > 1   power use p{2,3} > 8   log{}, exp{}, sqr{}, int{}, rnd{multiplier}
  6.         cpr 9;Trig (radians): sin{}, cos{}, tan{}, asin{}, acos{}, atan{}     Angle Conversion: rad{degrees}, deg{radians}
  7.         cpr 11;Boolean: #=# use eq{ , } for = numbers    noteq{ , } for <>    lt{ , } for <    lte{ , } for <=  
  8.         cpr 13; gt{ , } for >   gte{ , } for >=   and{,,, }   or{,,, }   not{ }    seq{$,$} for string equal
  9.         cpr 16;Get the cheat sheet and test string functions! Here are most:
  10.         cpr 17;mid1, mid2, mid3, in2, in3, time, date, CAP, low, rtr (RTrim$), ltr (LTrim$), trim, spc, len
  11.         cpr 19; New extended maths add{a$,b$} subtract{a$,b$} mult{a$,b$} divide{a$,b$}
  13.         ' first test ever of fval$ working on arguments to loc, at, tag, graphics...
  14.         loc a[19,3];5
  15.         ' new 3/16 the next line should create 2 variables: expression and expressionbs
  16.         ' expression value is the expression with regular active []
  17.         ' expressionbs value will hopefully be expression with the brackets replaced by {}
  18.         inpbs (just enter to quit) Enter an expression to evaluate;expression
  19.         .
  20.         . This is the expression: ;expression
  21.         . This is the new expressionbs created by new inpbs command ;expressionbs
  22.         .
  23.         Jmp seq[expression,mt]
  24.         result = fval[expression]
  25.         cpr 27;The Tester came up with this result: ;result
  26.         inps Say, would you like to add that to the clipboard? (Enter y for yes);yes
  27.         if seq[cap[left[yes,1]],Y]
  28.                 clipadd bnd[expressionbs, = ,result]
  29.                 ' brand new clipadd command test 3/16
  30.                 ' with brand new inpbs application using expressionbs variable name created
  31.                 ' and value string with brackets swapped.
  32.         fi
  33.         Cls
  34. ]
  35. ' OK 3/16 now test clip[], get contents into a var and then cls and print it
  36. ' I think I assumed clip was delimited by NL$ Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
  37. ' It might just be Chr$(10), well let's see! Oh I just unloaded clipboard as a simple string!
  38. contents = clip[]
  39. cpr 1;"*** Clipboard Contents: ***"
  40. loc 3;1
  41. . contents
  42. .
  43. . zzz... press any to end
  44. zzz

Looks OK
Part 2 of Test oh aq.PNG

Hopefully I will get zip package updated today, need to chase down that divide bump in road.

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2021, 02:21:25 pm »
Ah looks like the long answers from divide was causing a locate problem with CPR. It doesn't all fit on one row so the centering calc was going negative for the LOCATE position. Fixed.

Ehhhh such a habit of putting quotes around strings ha, ha, ha just noticed the title in last screen shot.

You sure can get some interesting patterns of numbers dividing certain little numbers like 1 by certain giant numbers like 99999999999999999999999999999999997.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 02:25:47 pm by bplus »

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2021, 02:49:27 pm »
You sure can get some interesting patterns of numbers dividing certain little numbers like 1 by certain giant numbers like 99999999999999999999999999999999997.

Remember this convo from August?

It turns out that the first hundred (or so) Fibonacci Numbers can be produced by inverting the integer 999999999999999999999998999999999999999999999999 (bonus points for noticing that one of the digits is not a 9).
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2021, 02:59:56 pm »
Remember this convo from August?

Sure do!

I'd have to make some modifications to code to duplicate that, as I recall I have to set number of decimal places to 1000's or 10,000's.

Here is Change Log for most recent zip package:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. *** 2021-03-16
  2. Added: string math for extended arithmetics in SFunctions
  3. add[a1,a2]
  4. subtract[a1,a2]
  5. mult[a1,a2]
  6. divide[a1,a2]
  7. (cost 320 new LOC with 11 Routines, MR$ is controller of them all stands for Math Regulator.)
  9. Added command:
  10. clipout [a1] + whatever argument 1 is holding: literal, variable value substitution
  11.                or expression of SFunctions replaces contents of Clipboard
  13. Added command:
  14. clipadd [a1] appends to, instead of replaces, Clipboard data.
  16. Added SFunction clip[] no argument SFunction, you still need the brackets.
  17.  This puts the contents of the Clipboard into the spec'd var.
  18.  eg var = clip[]
  20. todo:
  21. * Not sure I want to automatically run a file anymore. Sometimes I want to just read the file
  22.  to see what it is and then go to editor for copy / paste of mod... so
  23. Display programs now that we have the ability to do so, instead of automatically running them.
  25. * Since StrReplace$ has been added to oh might as well offer it as another SFunction,
  26. it's definitely a handy one.

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2021, 08:00:55 pm »
Oh has been updated today and mainly features Donut.txt and has been fixed and tweaked to get that working and play nice with all that's gone before.

Here is Donut.txt
Code: [Select]
' Donut.txt b+ 2021-03-17
' attempt #2 to do a fun little graphic

' center screen for circles
cx = d[xmax,2]
cy = d[ymax,2]
' area needed = number of chars we want to layover donut in pixels
' get Donut.txt file loaded as file (AString with Chr$(1) delimiters) and count chars.
file = load[Donut.txt]
LenF = len[file]
' fiddle the multiplier until everything just fits
areaNeeded = x[8,16,lenF,1.09]
' area of circle pi r^2  Big area Needed = hole area + areaNeeded, so big Radius = sqr(that/pi) 
smallRadius = d[cy,3]
holeArea = x[p[smallRadius,2],pi[1]]
bigRadius = sqr[d[a[holeArea,areaNeeded],pi[1]]]
midRadius = d[a[smallRadius,bigRadius],2]
rad = smallRadius
if lt[rad,midRadius]
brownInkFrac = s[1,d[s[midRadius,rad],s[midRadius,smallRadius]]]
gs BrownInk:
brownInkFrac = d[s[bigRadius,rad],s[bigRadius,midRadius]]
gs BrownInk:
circ cx;cy;rad
rad = a[rad,.25]
jmp gt[rad,bigradius]
' transparent background
paper 0;0;0;0
fixSmallRad = a[smallRadius,8]
fixBigRad = s[bigRadius,8]
y = 8
i = 0
x = 4
' is x,y inside donut
d = sqr[a[p[s[x,cx],2],p[s[y,cy],2]]]
if gt[d,fixSmallRad]
if lt[d,fixBigRad]
'draw char
ink rnd[255];rnd[255];rnd[255]
i = a[i,1]
tag s[x,4];s[y,8];mid1[file,i]
x = a[x,8]
jmp gt[x,xmax]
y = a[y,16]
jmp gt[y,ymax]
' restore oh colors
paper 0;0;39
ink 100;180;225
tag a[cx,s[bigRadius,50]];a[cy,s[bigRadius,50]];h
' according to brownInkFrac ink (color fore, ) a shade of brown
' 180, 90, 55,    80, 40, 20
  brownInkRed = a[80,x[100,brownInkFrac]]
  brownInkGrn = a[40,x[50,brownInkFrac]]
  brownInkBlu = a[20,x[35,brownInkFrac]]
  ink brownInkRed;brownInkGrn;brownInkBlu

And screen shot of course!
Oh Donut Test.PNG

Copy of Change Log for 2021-03-17:
Code: [Select]
*** 2021-03-17
 Basically just a few fixes and tweaks to get Donut.txt to work. Fixed the file line count
  with a different load of a file. Fixed bug from reading the Len[] of a file, thrown off by
  the file containing []'s!!! So a new SafeBS$ Function filter/converter created that
  converts [] to {}. Needed to fix the Ink, Paper and color restoring after Run.

As always the most current zip package for oh is in the 1st post and the Help | Doc | Manual | Change Log is in Reply #1 this thread.

Offline bplus

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2021, 12:10:52 am »
oh's first (graphics) game with Mouse:
Code: [Select]
' Stick with Me.txt b+ 2021-03-17
' inspired by SierraKen's game.

paper 0;0;39
cnt = a[cnt,1]
if eq[m[cnt, 45],1]
cx = a[rnd[s[xmax,200]],100]
cy = a[rnd[s[ymax,200]],100]
r = 100
if m[d[r,10],2]
ink 255;0;0
ink 255;255;255
fcirc cx;cy;r
r = s[r,10]
jmp lte[r,0]
if lte[sqr[p[s[cx,mousex],2],p[s[cy,mousey],2]],50]
score = a[score,5]
score = s[score,1]
ink 255;255;0
paper 0;0;0;0
cpr 21;score
show -1
wait .005
goto haha:
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 09:24:25 pm by bplus »

Offline bplus

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2021, 09:29:44 pm »
Update 2021-03-19 Features this 2nd Graphics Game using Mouse for a Shooter Game.

Code: [Select]
' Mouse Action Shooter - Target Practice.txt b+ 2021-03-18 from
' _Title "Mouse Action Shooter #2 Targets fix" 'B+ 2019-04-04
' 2019-04-03 add some targets for practice
' Update Mouse Action Shooter with MB triggers 2019-04-01
' Mouse Action Shooter started from eRATication 5 by bplus 2018-08-06"

' SCORE System:
' Left click to fire a bullet, they cost 10 points each.
' Targets range from 30 for biggest targets to 100 points for smallest Targets
' Get hit by target loose 100 points and delays game with explosion.

NBullets = 15
BSpeed = 50
NTargets = 3
TSpeed = 10
ShooterRadius = 50
Score = 0

flaghit = 0
' targets init, ti = target index all thru app
ti = 0
ti = a[ti,1]
jmp gt[ti,NTargets]
gs NewTarget:
' init bLive array, bi = bullet index all thru app
bi = 0
bi = a[bi,1]
jmp gt[bi,NBullets]
set bLive;bi;0

' shooter or ship, lastX, LastY was the last position of shooter
shooterX = d[xmax,2]
shootery = d[ymax,2]
shooterA = 0
lastx = d[xmax,2]
lasty = d[ymax,2]
gs drawshooter:

' game, mouse display off
mouse 0
'display score
ink 255;255;0
paper 0;0;0;0
cpr 21;score
'get mouse
    shooterX = MouseX
shooterY = MouseY
'detect mouse movement from last position, point nose to direction of movement
    If or[gt[abs[s[lastx,shooterX]],2],gt[Abs[s[lasty,shooterY]],2]]
        shooterA = atan2[s[shooterY,lasty],s[shooterX,lastx]]
        lastx = shooterX
lasty = shooterY
'check for bullet firing Left mouse
    t = Timer[]
    if mouseL
if gt[s[t,last1],.15]
mb1 = 1
last1 = t
'updates targets, shooter and bullets
    gs handleTargets:
    gs drawshooter:
    gs handleBullets:
' collision between target and shooter, explosion
if expX
expRadius = 0
show 1
ink s[255,x[.5,expRadius]];s[255,x[expRadius,3]];0;8
fcirc expX;expY;expRadius
expRadius = a[expRadius,1]
jmp gt[expRadius,expR]
show 1
wait .005
expX = 0
    show 1
wait .03

    'pick edge, ti is target index
    edge = Int[Rnd[4]]
if eq[edge,0]
set tX;ti;s[0,ShooterRadius]
set tY;ti;a[rnd[s[ymax,300]],150]
set tA;ti;a[pi[1.5],rnd[pi[1]]]
ei eq[edge,1]
set tX;ti;a[xmax,ShooterRadius]
set tY;ti;a[rnd[s[ymax,300]],150]
set tA;ti;a[pi[.5],rnd[pi[1]]]
ei eq[edge,2]
set tX;ti;rnd[xmax]
set tY;ti;s[0,ShooterRadius]
set tA;ti;rnd[pi[1]]
ei eq[edge,3]
set tX;ti;rnd[xmax]
set tY;ti;a[ymax,ShooterRadius]
set tA;ti;a[pi[1],rnd[pi[1]]]
set tR;ti;x[a[int[rnd[8]],3],10]

'ti is target index used in all the gosubs gs
ti = 1
set tX;ti;a[get[tX,ti],x[tSpeed,cos[get[tA,ti]]]]
set tY;ti;a[get[tY,ti],x[tSpeed,sin[get[tA,ti]]]]
        'inbounds? if not set new
If lt[get[tx,ti],x[-1,shooterRadius]]
gs NewTarget:
ei gt[get[tx,ti],a[xmax,shooterRadius]]
gs NewTarget:
ei lt[get[ty,ti],x[-1,shooterRadius]]
gs NewTarget:
ei gt[get[ty,ti],a[ymax,shooterRadius]]
gs NewTarget:
gs hitShooter:
if hitShooter
score = s[score,100]
'note explosion coordinates but finish drawing things
expX = d[a[shooterX,get[tx,ti]],2]
expY = d[a[shooterY,get[ty,ti]],2]
expR = x[1.3,get[tr,ti]]
'now reassign target coordinates
gs drawTarget:
gs NewTarget:
gs drawTarget:
ti = a[ti,1]
jmp gt[ti,NTargets]

'ti is target index used in all gosubs for Target
drawTargetR = get[tR,ti]
drawTargetStep = d[s[0,drawTargetR],10]
drawTargetCount = 0
drawTargetCount = a[drawTargetCount,1]
if m[drawTargetCount,2]
ink 255;0;0
ink 255;255;255
fcirc get[tX,ti];get[tY,ti];drawTargetR
drawTargetR = a[drawTargetR,drawTargetStep]
jmp lte[drawTargetR,0]

bi = 0
bi = a[bi,1]
jmp gt[bi,NBullets]
' have a bullet slot and an order to fire?
if and[eq[get[bLive,bi],0],eq[mb1,1]
set bx;bi;a[shooterX,x[.5,shooterRadius,cos[shooterA]]]
set by;bi;a[shooterY,x[.5,shooterRadius,sin[shooterA]]]
set bdx;bi;x[bSpeed,cos[shooterA]]
set bdy;bi;x[bSpeed,sin[shooterA]]
set bLive;bi;1
mb1 = 0
'bullets cost 10 points
score = s[score,10]
ei eq[get[bLive,bi],1]
' Then new location
set bx;bi;a[get[bx,bi],get[bdx,bi]]
set by;bi;a[get[by,bi],get[bdy,bi]]
' in bounds?
'assume it's out
set bLive;bi;0
if gt[get[bx,bi],-50]
if lt[get[bx,bi],a[xmax,50]]
if gt[get[by,bi],-50]
if lt[get[by,bi],a[ymax,50]]
' it's Alive!
set bLive;bi;1
'check for collision with targets
gs HitTarget:
if gt[hitTarget,0]
score = a[score,s[130,get[tr,hitTarget]]
set bLive;bi;0
ti = hitTarget
gs NewTarget:
'draw bullet
ink 255;255;0
fcirc get[bx,bi];get[by,bi];4

hitTarget = 0
ti = 0
ti = a[ti,1]
jmp gt[ti,NTargets]
If lte[sqr[a[p[s[get[tx,ti],get[bx,bi]],2],p[s[get[ty,ti],get[by,bi]],2]]],get[tr,ti]]
hitTarget = ti

'ti is target index for all target gosubs
hitShooter = 0
If lte[sqr[a[p[s[shooterX,get[tX,ti]],2],p[s[shooterY,get[tY,ti]],2]]],a[10,get[tR,ti]]]
hitShooter = ti

    x1 = a[shooterX,x[s[shooterRadius,30],cos[shooterA]]]
    y1 = a[shooterY,x[s[shooterRadius,30],sin[shooterA]]]
    x2 = a[shooterX,x[a[shooterRadius,20],cos[a[shooterA,pi[d[11,16]]]]]]
    y2 = a[shooterY,x[a[shooterRadius,20],sin[a[shooterA,pi[d[11,16]]]]]]
    x3 = a[shooterX,x[a[shooterRadius,20],cos[s[shooterA,pi[d[11,16]]]]]]
    y3 = a[shooterY,x[a[shooterRadius,20],sin[s[shooterA,pi[d[11,16]]]]]]
ink 0;130;60
    ftri x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3
    x1 = a[shooterX,x[shooterRadius,cos[shooterA]]]
    y1 = a[shooterY,x[shooterRadius,sin[shooterA]]]
    x2 = a[shooterX,x[shooterRadius,cos[a[shooterA,pi[d[7,8]]]]]]
    y2 = a[shooterY,x[shooterRadius,sin[a[shooterA,pi[d[7,8]]]]]]
    x3 = a[shooterX,x[shooterRadius,cos[s[shooterA,pi[d[7,8]]]]]]
    y3 = a[shooterY,x[shooterRadius,sin[s[shooterA,pi[d[7,8]]]]]]
ink 0;0;200
    ftri x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3
    x2 = a[shooterX,x[shooterRadius,cos[a[shooterA,pi[d[15,16]]]]]]
    y2 = a[shooterY,x[shooterRadius,sin[a[shooterA,pi[d[15,16]]]]]]
    x3 = a[shooterX,x[shooterRadius,cos[s[shooterA,pi[d[15,16]]]]]]
    y3 = a[shooterY,x[shooterRadius,sin[s[shooterA,pi[d[15,16]]]]]]
ink 255;255;255
    ftri x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3

Change Log for this update:
Code: [Select]
*** 2021-03-19
 For Mouse Action Shooter - Target Practice (Graphics Game #2 attempt)
3/18 added Mouse TF  - command with 1 argument. True to Show Mouse, False to Hide Mouse
3/18 added ABS[arg1] - SFunction with 1 argument. Kind of surprised how much I use ABS.
3/18 added Timer[]   - SFunction no argument, still need brackets.
3/18 added Atan2[a1 (=deltaY's) , a2 (=deltaX's) ] SFunction with 2 args, definitely a plus!
Find the angle of point 1 (x1,y1) from point 2 (x2, y2)
Basic: var = _atan2(y1-y2,x1-x2) or oh: var = atan2[s[y1,y2],s[x1,x2]]
3/19 added Beep (command) no args, main reason: to help debug.

And here is almost the same game in QB64 without a simple little explosion display when target collides with Shooter (this just clears screen and says Ouch!) :
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Mouse Action Shooter #2 Targets fix" 'B+ 2021-03-19
  2. 'Mouse Action Shooter started from eRATication 5 by bplus 2018-08-06"
  3. ' upodate Mouse Action Shooter with MB triggers 2019-04-01
  4. ' 2019-04-03 add some targets for practice
  6. ' SCORE System:
  7. ' Right click to fire a bullet, they cost 10 points each.
  8. ' Targets range from 30 for biggest targets to 100 points for smallest Targets
  9. ' Get hit by target loose 100 points and delay of game.
  11. '2019-04-04 Keeping Ashish Target fix, wait until completely off screen.
  12. ' Now give the bullets a little long range before deactivating them.
  13. ' Fix shooter x, y by locating in center of shooter instead of nose. It's already OK!
  15. ' 2021-03-19 using this code for oh program and want to fix point when target crashes into shooter/ship
  16. ' by reassignning target new coordinates by saying NewTarget index that should fix the continuous crashing right?
  17. ' Let's see, in oh it doesn't work, how about here?  Works just as expected. So what's up with oh?
  18. ' (Fixed it was an index goof for public variables used in GoSubs).
  21. 'screen dimensions
  22. Const xmax = 1200
  23. Const ymax = 700
  24. Const nBullets = 15
  25. Const bSpeed = 30
  26. Const nTargets = 3 'should probably depend on level of play
  27. Const tSpeed = 5 'should probably depend on level of play
  28. Const shooterRadius = 50
  30. Type shooterType
  31.     x As Single
  32.     y As Single
  33.     a As Single
  35. Type bulletType
  36.     x As Integer
  37.     y As Integer
  38.     dx As Integer
  39.     dy As Integer
  40.     live As Integer
  42. Type targetType
  43.     x As Single
  44.     y As Single
  45.     a As Single
  46.     r As Integer
  48. Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
  49. _ScreenMove 100, 20
  52. Dim Shared GameOn, mb1, last1, score
  54. 'targets
  55. Dim Shared t(nTargets - 1) As targetType
  56. For i = 0 To nTargets - 1: newTarget i: Next
  58. 'bullets
  59. Dim Shared b(nBullets - 1) As bulletType
  61. 'shooter
  62. Dim Shared shooter As shooterType
  63. shooter.x = xmax / 2
  64. shooter.y = ymax / 2
  65. shooter.a = 0
  66. lastx = xmax / 2: lasty = ymax / 2
  68. 'game
  69. GameOn = 1
  70. While GameOn
  71.     Cls
  72.     _Title "Target Practice   Score:" + Str$(score)
  73.     mb1 = 0: mb2 = 0
  74.     shooter.x = _MouseX: shooter.y = _MouseY
  75.     If Abs(lastx - shooter.x) > 3 Or Abs(lasty - shooter.y) > 3 Then
  76.         shooter.a = _Atan2(shooter.y - lasty, shooter.x - lastx)
  77.         lastx = shooter.x: lasty = shooter.y
  78.     End If
  79.     t = Timer(.001)
  80.     If _MouseButton(1) Then 'when ship is heading north the left button should be left
  81.         If t - last1 > .15 Then mb1 = 1: last1 = t
  82.     End If
  83.     handleTargets
  84.     drawshooter
  85.     handleBullets
  86.     _Display
  87.     _Limit 30
  89. Sub handleTargets
  90.     For i = 0 To nTargets - 1
  91.         'update position
  92.         t(i).x = t(i).x + tSpeed * Cos(t(i).a)
  93.         t(i).y = t(i).y + tSpeed * Sin(t(i).a)
  94.         'inbounds?
  95.         If t(i).x < -shooterRadius Or t(i).x > xmax + shooterRadius Or t(i).y < -shooterRadius Or t(i).y > ymax + shooterradiu Then
  96.             newTarget i
  97.         Else
  98.             If hitShooter(i) Then 'now I discovered in oh program this continues to crash and deduct 100 until target moves through shooter
  99.                 'explosion
  100.                 Cls
  101.                 _PrintString (xmax / 2 - 40, ymax / 2 - 10), "Bang!... Ouch!"
  102.                 score = score - 100
  103.                 _Display
  104.                 _Delay .2
  105.                 ' fix target crashing into ship by removing target with reassigning
  106.                 newTarget i ' in oh this does not work
  107.             Else
  108.                 drawTarget i
  109.             End If
  110.         End If
  111.     Next
  113. Sub newTarget (i)
  114.     'pick edge
  115.     edge = Int(Rnd * 4)
  116.     Select Case edge
  117.         Case 0: t(i).x = -shooterRadius: t(i).y = Rnd * (ymax - 300) + 150: t(i).a = Rnd * _Pi
  118.         Case 1: t(i).x = xmax + shooterRadius: t(i).y = Rnd * (ymax - 300) + 150: t(i).a = _Pi / 2 + Rnd * _Pi
  119.         Case 2: t(i).x = Rnd * xmax: t(i).y = -shooterRadius: t(i).a = Rnd * _Pi
  120.         Case 3: t(i).x = Rnd * xmax: t(i).y = ymax + shooterRadius: t(i).a = _Pi + Rnd * _Pi
  121.     End Select
  122.     t(i).r = (Int(Rnd * 8) + 3) * 10 '30 to 100 score 130 - radius 100 to 30
  124. Sub drawTarget (i)
  125.     For r = t(i).r To 0 Step -t(i).r / 10
  126.         count = (count + 1) Mod 2
  127.         If count Then c~& = _RGB32(255, 0, 0) Else c~& = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
  128.         fcirc t(i).x, t(i).y, r, c~&
  129.     Next
  131. Sub handleBullets ()
  132.     For i = 0 To nBullets - 1
  133.         If b(i).live = 0 And mb1 = 1 Then 'have in active bullet index to use
  134.             b(i).x = shooter.x + .5 * shooterRadius * Cos(shooter.a)
  135.             b(i).y = shooter.y + .5 * shooterRadius * Sin(shooter.a)
  136.             b(i).dx = bSpeed * Cos(shooter.a)
  137.             b(i).dy = bSpeed * Sin(shooter.a)
  138.             b(i).live = 1
  139.             mb1 = 0
  140.             score = score - 10 'bullets cost 10 points
  142.         ElseIf b(i).live = 1 Then 'new location
  143.             b(i).x = b(i).x + b(i).dx
  144.             b(i).y = b(i).y + b(i).dy
  145.             If b(i).x > -50 And b(i).x < xmax + 50 And b(i).y > -50 And b(i).y < ymax + 50 Then 'in bounds draw it
  146.                 'check for collision with ...
  147.                 t = hitTarget(i)
  148.                 If t > -1 Then
  149.                     score = score + 130 - t(t).r
  150.                     b(i).live = 0
  151.                     newTarget t
  152.                 Else
  153.                     'draw bullet
  154.                     ba = _Atan2(b(i).dy, b(i).dx): b = 15
  155.                     x1 = b(i).x + b * Cos(ba)
  156.                     y1 = b(i).y + b * Sin(ba)
  157.                     x2 = b(i).x + b * Cos(ba + _Pi(5 / 6))
  158.                     y2 = b(i).y + b * Sin(ba + _Pi(5 / 6))
  159.                     x3 = b(i).x + b * Cos(ba + _Pi(7 / 6))
  160.                     y3 = b(i).y + b * Sin(ba + _Pi(7 / 6))
  161.                     fTri x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, _RGB32(10, 160, 160)
  162.                     'fcirc b(i).x, b(i).y, 4, _RGB32(64, 0, 0)
  163.                 End If
  164.             Else
  165.                 b(i).live = 0 'dectiveate
  166.             End If
  167.         End If
  168.     Next
  170. Function hitTarget (bulletIndex)
  171.     hitTarget = -1
  172.     For i = 0 To nTargets - 1
  173.         If Sqr((t(i).x - b(bulletIndex).x) ^ 2 + (t(i).y - b(bulletIndex).y) ^ 2) <= t(i).r Then hitTarget = i: Exit Function
  174.     Next
  176. Function hitShooter (TargetIndex)
  177.     If Sqr((shooter.x - t(TargetIndex).x) ^ 2 + (shooter.y - t(TargetIndex).y) ^ 2) <= t(i).r Then hitShooter = 1: Exit Function
  179. Sub drawshooter ()
  180.     x1 = shooter.x + (shooterRadius - 30) * Cos(shooter.a)
  181.     y1 = shooter.y + (shooterRadius - 30) * Sin(shooter.a)
  182.     x2 = shooter.x + (shooterRadius + 20) * Cos(shooter.a + _Pi(11 / 16))
  183.     y2 = shooter.y + (shooterRadius + 20) * Sin(shooter.a + _Pi(11 / 16))
  184.     x3 = shooter.x + (shooterRadius + 20) * Cos(shooter.a - _Pi(11 / 16))
  185.     y3 = shooter.y + (shooterRadius + 20) * Sin(shooter.a - _Pi(11 / 16))
  186.     fTri x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, _RGB32(85, 45, 0)
  187.     x1 = shooter.x + shooterRadius * Cos(shooter.a)
  188.     y1 = shooter.y + shooterRadius * Sin(shooter.a)
  189.     x2 = shooter.x + shooterRadius * Cos(shooter.a + _Pi(7 / 8))
  190.     y2 = shooter.y + shooterRadius * Sin(shooter.a + _Pi(7 / 8))
  191.     x3 = shooter.x + shooterRadius * Cos(shooter.a - _Pi(7 / 8))
  192.     y3 = shooter.y + shooterRadius * Sin(shooter.a - _Pi(7 / 8))
  193.     fTri x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, _RGB32(0, 0, 200)
  194.     x2 = shooter.x + shooterRadius * Cos(shooter.a + _Pi(15 / 16))
  195.     y2 = shooter.y + shooterRadius * Sin(shooter.a + _Pi(15 / 16))
  196.     x3 = shooter.x + shooterRadius * Cos(shooter.a - _Pi(15 / 16))
  197.     y3 = shooter.y + shooterRadius * Sin(shooter.a - _Pi(15 / 16))
  198.     fTri x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
  200.     'check shooter x, y  = fixed a long time ago!
  201.     'fcirc shooter.x, shooter.y, 4, _RGB32(140, 120, 140)
  203. ' found at [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there]:    http://www.[abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there]/forum/index.php?topic=14425.0
  204. Sub fTri (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K As _Unsigned Long)
  205.     a& = _NewImage(1, 1, 32)
  206.     _Dest a&
  207.     PSet (0, 0), K
  208.     _Dest 0
  209.     _MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(0, 0)-(0, 0), a& To(x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3)
  210.     _FreeImage a& '<<< this is important!
  212. Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
  213.     Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
  214.     Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
  216.     Radius = Abs(R)
  217.     RadiusError = -Radius
  218.     X = Radius
  219.     Y = 0
  221.     If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
  223.     ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
  224.     ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
  225.     Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
  227.     While X > Y
  228.         RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
  229.         If RadiusError >= 0 Then
  230.             If X <> Y + 1 Then
  231.                 Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
  232.                 Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
  233.             End If
  234.             X = X - 1
  235.             RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
  236.         End If
  237.         Y = Y + 1
  238.         Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
  239.         Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
  240.     Wend
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 09:31:28 pm by bplus »

Offline bplus

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Re: oh One-Handed Interpreter
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2021, 06:03:47 pm »
OK added inverse[posInteger,numberOfDecimalPlaces] to custom design answers to division problems in case 100 decimal places (for extended math Divide) is just not enough! LOL

Tested with STxNumber whose inverse is the first 100 terms or so of Fibonacci Series.

Code: [Select]
' Test oh ar STx famous number to invert.txt 2021-03-16 need line 9 number in clipboard for line 2 to work.
' Update this test with the new inverse[PosInteger,NumberOfDecimalPlaces]

' copy paste STx number 23-9's, 1-8, 24-9's
STxNumber = 999999999999999999999998999999999999999999999999
. STxNumber to find inverse that equals first 100 plus terms of Fibonacci Series:
. STxNumber
. And drum roll.... the inverse is:
Fibonacci = inverse[STxNumber,4000]
. Fibonacci
. What do ya say we determine just exactly how many terms we have?


Looks good!
STx Number Inversed.PNG

« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 06:06:17 pm by bplus »