I have gutted front end of oh menu and replaced it with a file reader/contents scroller. Now when you load a file, it's contents are displayed and you can scroll through it to see if you want to run it or edit it or maybe load another or start a new file.
oh now has a files[] SFunction you can get a list of Files in the current directory.
oh now has the replace[source$,replace$,new$] SFunction.
Well here is the change log for v2021-03-22:
*** 2021-03-22
3/20 added inverse[PosInteger,NumberOfDecimals] for custom division or control of decimals.
This is = 1/PosNumber to a set amount of decimals.
3/21 added files[] - no argument SFunction that loads the files of current directory into an AString.
3/21 added replace[stringSource,stringToReplace,StringToRplaceWith] - 3 arguments SFunction.
3/21 fix? load[] renders [ brackets impotent by swapping them with { brackets
save Astring;FileName sort of needs to reverse that by replacing { back to [
This is messy, in future something else may be a better solution.
3/21 Line labels now end with \ instead of colon. This is to be consistent to oh rule, no shifts.
3/21 Added another preloaded variable nl (Next Line) for file line delimiter.
Vnames$(11) = "NL": Vvalues$(10) = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
3/21 Gutted out opening code and rewrote the code to display files on a scroller when have a
filename and existing file. Now the menu runs across top line in yellow and red and can
click menu item or key press first letter for New, Edit, Load, Run, or Quit.
Much better if I do say so myself :) This completes my goals for this revision.
This has advanced well beyond the SB1 Interpreter!