Hello. QB64 does not add any registry settings. What you have found may relate to files you recently loaded - a Windows setting, not QB64's.
You should always unpack the full contents of the QB64 package you will download from
https://github.com/QB64Team/qb64/releases/latest into a folder to which you have full write privileges. "Program Files" is a system folder and QB64 won't work properly if unpacked there.
Since QB64 is a portable package, there is no installation. You simply unpack the whole contents of the package to a folder of your choice and run qb64.exe.
So delete the folder you have in Program Files and unpack the zip to your Desktop or to your Documents folder - any place where Windows won't bother you for creating files.
Then, in Windows Defender, add two exclusions: tell it not to live scan your QB64 folder and also whitelist the qb64.exe process.
Running qb64.exe should work as expected after these steps.