Author Topic: Dragon Warrior 64 Final  (Read 13223 times)

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Offline Cobalt

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Dragon Warrior 64 Final
« on: February 06, 2020, 03:29:55 pm »
Here it is at last, the final major update.
Unless somebody finds a major bug or I manage to completely fix every cosmetic bug there will be no more updates to upload.

I did have to make some major changes to internals so any saved games will have to be erased and restarted.

It does have a better feel when playing with a Joypad but it is not required.
(now with cool battle feature! opps I forgot to turn it back on!)

DEFAULT Controls:
Start button = A (upper case)
A Button = Space bar (accept selection)
B Button = Enter (cancel action\ selection)
Arrow keys for movement.

* DragonWarriorData.bas (Filesize: 62.6 KB, Downloads: 361)
* DragonWV1.MFI (Filesize: 10.33 MB, Downloads: 321)
* Dragon_Warrior_64.exe (Filesize: 3.47 MB, Downloads: 518)
* DW1_FullSource.bas (Filesize: 248.09 KB, Downloads: 289)
* FullTitle.png (Filesize: 11.95 KB, Dimensions: 644x501, Views: 360)
* wherearemycloths.png (Filesize: 16.18 KB, Dimensions: 644x503, Views: 360)
* DefeatedSlime.png (Filesize: 17.54 KB, Dimensions: 642x501, Views: 354)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 06:43:04 pm by Cobalt »
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Re: Dragon Warrior I(aka Dragon Quest I)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2020, 12:35:50 pm »
A little snippet of code for you to study, which you might want to incorporate into your game:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Buttons = _LASTBUTTON(3) ' number of buttons on the joystick
  2. Axis = _LASTAXIS(3) 'number of axis on the joystick
  4.     IF _DEVICEINPUT = 3 THEN 'joystick
  5.         FOR i = 1 TO Buttons
  6.             IF _BUTTON(i) THEN PRINT "Button "; i; "Down"
  7.         NEXT
  8.         FOR i = 1 TO Axis
  9.             IF ABS(_AXIS(i)) = 1 THEN PRINT "Axis "; i; "Pushed"; _AXIS(i)
  10.         NEXT
  11.     END IF
  13.     _LIMIT 30

I've got one of the XBox style joysticks hooked up to my computer, with 12 buttons and 6 axis on it, and this little routine reads every input just fine.  Each button is an independent value of _BUTTON(1) to _BUTTON(12), and the 3 directional pads are represented by the axis.

Button values of -1 means the button was pressed down.
Axis values of -1 mean the axis was pushed fully left (or up), while values of 1 mean it was pushed fully right (or down), which is why I have this little demo checking for ABS() = 1.

_DEVICES is simple enough to add into an existing program, and you should be able to add it to your game with very little effort and offer joystick input for your users.  ;)

I'd also like to suggest adding a little config set-up option later, so an user can customize which of their keys relate to BUTTON A, BUTTON B, SELECT, START, and movement keys. — A github collection of all things Steve!


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Re: Dragon Warrior I(aka Dragon Quest I)
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2020, 08:12:47 am »
if an unusual qb64 is required
maybe it makes sense to place an exe
by testing in virustotal
or post images from a running program
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Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dragon Warrior I(aka Dragon Quest I)
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2020, 02:57:02 pm »
Steve: your ahead of the game.... customize-able controls are planned, along with gamepad controls. those controls however will be designed around a gamepad controller similar or same as the old NES controller. Multi-Axis and 5+ button controllers will be an End User issue to figure out.

Danilin: No an EXE would be a bad idea, due to certain issues with Linux and Mac OS differences from Windows. This may require changing of some of the code to run on those systems. its easier to just download a readily available copy of QB64 than having to download and install a virtual machine or emulator and scan for viruses that may or may not be detected. and while I believe my system to be clean I will make no guarantee to that affect.
However if you want to or are Requesting an EXE I have no problem providing one, but I'm not going to just upload one randomly.

I might consider adding a pre-compiled exe when a project reaches the final release, but Dragon Warrior is a few weeks from that.

I'm Glad people are checking it out, save for Fellippe no one has yet let me know what they think so far. :(

I've already fixed a few bugs:
 Player no longer 'jogs' when changing maps
 Corrected key press to leave 'STATUS' screen to 'enter'(current B Button)
   -was set to ESC for some reason, can not remember why.
 Fixed finding Fairies Flute, was giving player Hand Axe instead.
 Fixed finding Edrick's Token location.
 Fixed Golem fight location
 Adjusted text display rate to be closer to original game speed.
  - unfortunately this a caused a new bug, Extra letter printing in wrong location when scrolling :(
 Fixed some odd math when trying to battle monsters that greatly out classed the player
  -(attacking such a monster would actually heal the monster!)

I have added a few game things:
 Added Random encounters
 Added battle music
 added some battle sound effects.

thats all for now, currently adding sound effects and back ground musics. Two things I know I need to figure out is 'entering' buildings in certain towns, and adding a 'lit' area when player is in certain caves.
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Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dragon Warrior I(aka Dragon Quest I) UPDATED!!
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2020, 08:00:29 pm »
Okay the 02/12/2020 update list of what-nots.!

Corrected message display speed,
  this introduced a bug which displayed the first character of the next line outside the scroll area
  -this is now fixed too
When player healed the HP was able to go above Max Hp- now fixed
Quick stat window should display when command window is opened- now fixed
When staying at inn screen should fade out and sound should play- now added
   slight issue with screen not completely fading out- still open
   sound effect is now added.
Should have been a pause between winning a battle and the leveling up message if player reach next level- fixed
  Sound effect for defeating monster added
  Sound effect for leveling up added
  Several battle sound effects added
Fixed an issue when if you had a key any door in map would open even if you were not standing next to it- fixed
  added opening door sound effect.
Corrected erroneous stair sound effect being used for going UP stairs. was actually runaway from battle SFX. Fixed
In some instances the previous message display would not get erased and would still be present in the next message. fixed
Added battle music.
Situation where after making an Excellent hit the message would keep displaying every attack. Fixed
  sound effect for excellent hit added.
Erroneous attack scores for monsters corrected, thanks Fellippe & Vwatch! FIXED
Issue with first message display of game not pausing after correctly. Fixed
Slight Tweak needed to certain player sprite to correct position. Fixed
Swap YES\NO input to default to YES rather than NO. Done
Correct monster 0 hit attack to a miss message. Fixed
Displays level up stat even if player had 0 gain in that stat. Fixed
   no longer displays 0ups!
Corrected player fighting over leveled monster causing monster to heal beyond max hp. fixed
Had a battle begin after entering a town! Fixed
Several SFX added.

Known things to get done.
With perfect timing player can open standard command window when entering battle, crashing battle routine.
  Biggest issue is it take perfect timing, have only been able pull this off once.
Finish adding fixes to all Inns.
Monsters with Magic ability need their MP calculated at the start of battle like their HP is.
Add the darkness aspect to caves.
  so player can't see beyond own sprite without TORCH or RADIANT spell.
Add Princess Sprite to cave prison.
Make it possible to enter building in towns.
 this affects the 4 towns. and halts the game as player cannot buy keys to move on.
 -should just be a matter of adding a trigger space to the entrance of the "Building" as they are actually handled as a separate map
Added Custom Controls menu at title screen.
  This is a major addition as this same menu will allow the use of a Controller.
   -Although customizing the inputs for keyboard or 4 button controller should not pose any major issues. (fingers crossed)
Need to add my UniKorn Produckions splash screen. with music.
Need to add a credits and Thanks screen. Somewhere...
The location for creation of the Rainbow Bridge needs to be setup.
Changing the Text and white pixels on screen to red-ish when Hp gets below 20% of Max needs figured out.
  this was easy with a paletted image setup.....
   -may end up having to create more sprites with the color shift to handle this.
Need to make damage areas on maps actually do damage!
Need to do something about NPCs standing in players way! this happens WAY TOO often.
   May have to add a "BLOCK NPC" flag to certain tiles to keep them from blocking key areas?
Need to control how much NPCs are able to move around map. some are no where near where they should be.
  Not sure if I need to add a "Patrol" region to the maps for each NPC and assign them to only beable to move in that area?
  Or perhaps I am giving them too much ability to move and need to cut back on that chance.
Need to finish player spells, only have the Heal and Hurt spells(both low and high levels) completed at the moment.
Over all the battle mechanics seem off.
   the player misses way too much compared to the original game.
   and the hit values don't feel right.
Not too certain about the level up values I have seen, the original game gave Fixed amounts based on a formula using players name.
   Wanted to make things more random but first level up may need reigned in. This way the player can use what ever name they want
   (up to 8 characters) with out having to worry about being penalized with poor stats.
Minor issue with not being placed correctly after being defeated in battle.
  Should appear in same place as starting game, however I have found player on top of king or spaced too far away.
  as this is hard coded in to start in an exact location I have been baffled by this one.
Have to figure out what monster appear in which caves, and how that is done. Guessing each level has its own set rather than
 having a grid where certain monster appear. Have found NO information on this yet.
Have to add monsters to the deserted town, without adding them to every other town!

Actually need to Give some thought to the End of the game now! WOW never really thought I would make it this far.

If somebody does want a pre-compiled EXE just ask and I'll pop it up, just take note this will be compiled on a WINDOWS OS.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 12:01:17 pm by Cobalt »
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Re: Dragon Warrior I: The Control UpDate!
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2020, 11:15:16 pm »
So there is now customize-able controls, you can also choose between using a joystick\pad or the keyboard.

This is still highly beta stuff, not fully tested out but upon initial testing seems to work.

The only know issue is with controllers that use a BUTTON state for direction control as apposed to and AXIS control.

Right now the game handles the latter control type. I lack a controller that uses a BUTTON state for the direction controls.
  So I cannot do the required research to add support for that type of controller at this time,
  Fellippe brought this type of controller to my attention.

The program also now creates a CFG config file to store custom settings in, volume setting, keyboard and controller setup, ect.
  So you do not have to reset things every run.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 11:18:41 pm by Cobalt »
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Re: Dragon Warrior I: The STxAxTIC UpDate!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2020, 02:08:58 pm »
The New update adds and intro and a few bug fixes and adds enough functionality to make it about 50% of the way through the game. For every fix I add I find 3 more that need done, and for every quest item I setup I find 2 others that need setup first. so getting there via the long way.
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Re: Dragon Warrior I: The STxAxTIC UpDate!
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2020, 11:16:23 pm »
This is a very enjoyable game, Cobalt. The amount of work you're putting into it will definitely pay off in the end (it does already, but I won't say it so you don't stop developing it :-))

I hadn't played the original before I tried your version, but I did watch a video of the original on the Nintendo console to get the idea, and man, this clone rocks.

That red slime was a hard one to kill, tho... it's probably by design!

I believe @pforpond will enjoy this, given their history of enjoying/developing similar games.

PS: Please turn the code into an attachment ASAP. This thread is taking forever to load due to the size of the code in the codebox.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dragon Warrior I: The STxAxTIC UpDate!
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2020, 12:52:19 pm »
controller issue testing only, use with caution just in case.....
all done! Thank Fellippe.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 03:31:54 pm by Cobalt »
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Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dragon Warrior 64: The 'Game to Play' UpDate!
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2020, 03:32:17 pm »
Have fun and Enjoy.!
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Offline Ashish

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Re: Dragon Warrior 64: The 'Game to Play' UpDate!
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2020, 11:15:33 am »
Nice game! Intro is very impressive (promoting QB64). Also music and game story is good.
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Re: Dragon Warrior 64: The 'Game to Play' UpDate!
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2020, 11:46:43 am »
Thank you to those of you who have played the game!

Made slight tweak to the level up code so you don't start loosing stats so early now(around level 5-6!)

moving stuff from main post too here...
Things I'm considering doing:

Making the "Special Thanks" screen come at the end, allowing it to scroll nicely through the list of people with out any time constraints.

Re-coding the NPC Talk routine to eliminate all the duplication. probably an extra 600-700 lines from the shops due to that.

Just an overall once through the code trying to clean as much up as I can, and add extra comments in certain areas.

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Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dragon Warrior 64: The 'Game to Play' UpDate!
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2020, 09:04:58 pm »
Play the update bump.
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Re: Dragon Warrior 64: The 'Game to Play' UpDate!
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2020, 11:47:59 pm »
Didnt played yet but opened the code and read some messages. Wow. What a massive project! A lot of passion! Really got my attention. I didnt played the original so not sure if I can contribute. But I definitly  have much to learn from that. Thanks for the effort and the result so far.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dragon Warrior 64 Final
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2020, 01:44:23 pm »
Well I hope somebody has fun playing this game. Will try to get a 'TV promotional commercial' style video up sometime in the not too distant future.
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