Now, if you download the file below and extract it, you'll see that it's a simple little window system that I've been playing around with for a few hours this morning.
IMHO this kind of approach to menu with the possibility to choose the horizontal or vertical position and moreover to gain additional submenus let me think that in the same manner you can manage other multiple objects.
In my little Menu project, Tempodi mentioned the above, and I thought I'd just waste a little time and play around with the same concept, except for a complete window style system. Make small parts, anchor the parts to each other, end up building as complex of a system as you could ever need...
The only problem here is this glitches out -- and it glitches out in a way that completely baffles me.
The error (INVALID HANDLE) comes down on Line 158 of the main program:
_FONT Captions(n).Font.Handle
The only thing that has me utterly baffled here is that Captions(n).Font.Handle = 16. I prove that just a line later with:
FOR i = 1 TO 10
PRINT "Captions(n).Font.Handle="; Captions(n).Font.Handle
A whole segment of "Captions(n).Font.Handle = 16" covers our window...
_FONT 16 is the default font in QB64, so it definitely shouldn't toss an error converting back to the natural font...
So what the heck is going on here? Anyone with any ideas at all?