Author Topic: Curve Smoother by STxAxTIC & FellippeHeitor  (Read 28594 times)

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Curve Smoother by STxAxTIC & FellippeHeitor
« on: March 17, 2018, 01:08:19 am »
Curve Smoother

Author: @STxAxTIC @FellippeHeitor
Source: Submission
Version: 2014
Tags: [graphics], [relaxation algorithm], [anti-aliasing]

This program demonstrates (i) linear interpolation to create a curve between points, (ii) a relaxation algorithm to "smooth over" a curve to remove sharp edges, and (iii) plotting with anti-aliasing.

Source code:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ' Display
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
  3. _SCREENMOVE (_DESKTOPWIDTH \ 2 - _WIDTH \ 2) - 3, (_DESKTOPHEIGHT \ 2 - _HEIGHT \ 2) - 29
  4. _TITLE "If these curves were smoother they'd steal your wife."
  6. ' Meta
  7. start:
  9. ' Data structures
  10. TYPE Vector
  11.     x AS DOUBLE
  12.     y AS DOUBLE
  14. ' Object type
  15. TYPE Object
  16.     Elements AS INTEGER
  17.     Shade AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  19. ' Object storage
  20. DIM SHARED Shape(300) AS Object
  21. DIM SHARED PointChain(300, 500) AS Vector
  22. DIM SHARED TempChain(300, 500) AS Vector
  24. DIM SHARED SelectedShape AS INTEGER
  26. ' Initialize
  27. ShapeCount = 0
  29. ' Main loop
  30.     IF (UserInput = -1) THEN GOTO start
  31.     CALL Graphics
  32.     _LIMIT 120
  35. FUNCTION UserInput
  36.     TheReturn = 0
  37.     ' Keyboard input
  38.     kk = _KEYHIT
  39.     SELECT CASE kk
  40.         CASE 32
  41.             DO: LOOP UNTIL _KEYHIT
  42.             WHILE _MOUSEINPUT: WEND
  43.             _KEYCLEAR
  44.             CALL NewMouseShape(7.5, 150, 15)
  45.             CLS
  46.     END SELECT
  47.     IF (kk) THEN
  48.         _KEYCLEAR
  49.     END IF
  50.     UserInput = TheReturn
  52. SUB Graphics
  53.     LINE (0, 0)-(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 200), BF
  54.     CALL cprintstring(16 * 17, "PRESS SPACE and then drag MOUSE 1 to draw a new shape.")
  55.     FOR ShapeIndex = 1 TO ShapeCount
  56.         FOR i = 1 TO Shape(ShapeIndex).Elements - 1
  57.             CALL lineSmooth(PointChain(ShapeIndex, i).x, PointChain(ShapeIndex, i).y, PointChain(ShapeIndex, i + 1).x, PointChain(ShapeIndex, i + 1).y, Shape(ShapeIndex).Shade)
  58.         NEXT
  59.     NEXT
  60.     _DISPLAY
  62. SUB NewMouseShape (rawresolution AS DOUBLE, targetpoints AS INTEGER, smoothiterations AS INTEGER)
  63.     ShapeCount = ShapeCount + 1
  64.     numpoints = 0
  65.     xold = 999 ^ 999
  66.     yold = 999 ^ 999
  67.     DO
  68.         DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT
  69.             x = _MOUSEX
  70.             y = _MOUSEY
  71.             IF (x > 0) AND (x < _WIDTH) AND (y > 0) AND (y < _HEIGHT) THEN
  72.                 IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) THEN
  73.                     x = x - (_WIDTH / 2)
  74.                     y = -y + (_HEIGHT / 2)
  75.                     delta = SQR((x - xold) ^ 2 + (y - yold) ^ 2)
  76.                     IF (delta > rawresolution) AND (numpoints < targetpoints - 1) THEN
  77.                         numpoints = numpoints + 1
  78.                         PointChain(ShapeCount, numpoints).x = x
  79.                         PointChain(ShapeCount, numpoints).y = y
  80.                         CALL cpset(x, y, _RGB(0, 255, 255))
  81.                         xold = x
  82.                         yold = y
  83.                     END IF
  84.                 END IF
  85.             END IF
  86.         LOOP
  87.         _DISPLAY
  88.     LOOP UNTIL NOT _MOUSEBUTTON(1) AND (numpoints > 1)
  90.     DO WHILE (numpoints < targetpoints)
  91.         rad2max = -1
  92.         kmax = -1
  93.         FOR k = 1 TO numpoints - 1
  94.             xfac = PointChain(ShapeCount, k).x - PointChain(ShapeCount, k + 1).x
  95.             yfac = PointChain(ShapeCount, k).y - PointChain(ShapeCount, k + 1).y
  96.             rad2 = xfac ^ 2 + yfac ^ 2
  97.             IF rad2 > rad2max THEN
  98.                 kmax = k
  99.                 rad2max = rad2
  100.             END IF
  101.         NEXT
  102.         FOR j = numpoints TO kmax + 1 STEP -1
  103.             PointChain(ShapeCount, j + 1).x = PointChain(ShapeCount, j).x
  104.             PointChain(ShapeCount, j + 1).y = PointChain(ShapeCount, j).y
  105.         NEXT
  106.         PointChain(ShapeCount, kmax + 1).x = (1 / 2) * (PointChain(ShapeCount, kmax).x + PointChain(ShapeCount, kmax + 2).x)
  107.         PointChain(ShapeCount, kmax + 1).y = (1 / 2) * (PointChain(ShapeCount, kmax).y + PointChain(ShapeCount, kmax + 2).y)
  108.         numpoints = numpoints + 1
  109.     LOOP
  111.     FOR j = 1 TO smoothiterations
  112.         FOR k = 2 TO numpoints - 1
  113.             TempChain(ShapeCount, k).x = (1 / 2) * (PointChain(ShapeCount, k - 1).x + PointChain(ShapeCount, k + 1).x)
  114.             TempChain(ShapeCount, k).y = (1 / 2) * (PointChain(ShapeCount, k - 1).y + PointChain(ShapeCount, k + 1).y)
  115.         NEXT
  116.         FOR k = 2 TO numpoints - 1
  117.             PointChain(ShapeCount, k).x = TempChain(ShapeCount, k).x
  118.             PointChain(ShapeCount, k).y = TempChain(ShapeCount, k).y
  119.         NEXT
  120.     NEXT
  122.     Shape(ShapeCount).Elements = numpoints
  123.     Shape(ShapeCount).Shade = _RGB(100 + INT(RND * 155), 100 + INT(RND * 155), 100 + INT(RND * 155))
  124.     SelectedShape = ShapeCount
  126. SUB cpset (x1, y1, col AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  127.     PSET (_WIDTH / 2 + x1, -y1 + _HEIGHT / 2), col
  129. SUB cprintstring (y, a AS STRING)
  130.     _PRINTSTRING (_WIDTH / 2 - (LEN(a) * 8) / 2, -y + _HEIGHT / 2), a
  132. SUB lineSmooth (x0, y0, x1, y1, c AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  133.     'translated from
  134.     '
  136.     DIM plX AS INTEGER, plY AS INTEGER, plI
  138.     DIM steep AS _BYTE
  139.     steep = ABS(y1 - y0) > ABS(x1 - x0)
  141.     IF steep THEN
  142.         SWAP x0, y0
  143.         SWAP x1, y1
  144.     END IF
  146.     IF x0 > x1 THEN
  147.         SWAP x0, x1
  148.         SWAP y0, y1
  149.     END IF
  151.     DIM dx, dy, gradient
  152.     dx = x1 - x0
  153.     dy = y1 - y0
  154.     gradient = dy / dx
  156.     IF dx = 0 THEN
  157.         gradient = 1
  158.     END IF
  160.     'handle first endpoint
  161.     DIM xend, yend, xgap, xpxl1, ypxl1
  162.     xend = _ROUND(x0)
  163.     yend = y0 + gradient * (xend - x0)
  164.     xgap = (1 - ((x0 + .5) - INT(x0 + .5)))
  165.     xpxl1 = xend 'this will be used in the main loop
  166.     ypxl1 = INT(yend)
  167.     IF steep THEN
  168.         plX = ypxl1
  169.         plY = xpxl1
  170.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  171.         GOSUB plot
  173.         plX = ypxl1 + 1
  174.         plY = xpxl1
  175.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  176.         GOSUB plot
  177.     ELSE
  178.         plX = xpxl1
  179.         plY = ypxl1
  180.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  181.         GOSUB plot
  183.         plX = xpxl1
  184.         plY = ypxl1 + 1
  185.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  186.         GOSUB plot
  187.     END IF
  189.     DIM intery
  190.     intery = yend + gradient 'first y-intersection for the main loop
  192.     'handle second endpoint
  193.     DIM xpxl2, ypxl2
  194.     xend = _ROUND(x1)
  195.     yend = y1 + gradient * (xend - x1)
  196.     xgap = ((x1 + .5) - INT(x1 + .5))
  197.     xpxl2 = xend 'this will be used in the main loop
  198.     ypxl2 = INT(yend)
  199.     IF steep THEN
  200.         plX = ypxl2
  201.         plY = xpxl2
  202.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  203.         GOSUB plot
  205.         plX = ypxl2 + 1
  206.         plY = xpxl2
  207.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  208.         GOSUB plot
  209.     ELSE
  210.         plX = xpxl2
  211.         plY = ypxl2
  212.         plI = (1 - (yend - INT(yend))) * xgap
  213.         GOSUB plot
  215.         plX = xpxl2
  216.         plY = ypxl2 + 1
  217.         plI = (yend - INT(yend)) * xgap
  218.         GOSUB plot
  219.     END IF
  221.     'main loop
  222.     DIM x
  223.     IF steep THEN
  224.         FOR x = xpxl1 + 1 TO xpxl2 - 1
  225.             plX = INT(intery)
  226.             plY = x
  227.             plI = (1 - (intery - INT(intery)))
  228.             GOSUB plot
  230.             plX = INT(intery) + 1
  231.             plY = x
  232.             plI = (intery - INT(intery))
  233.             GOSUB plot
  235.             intery = intery + gradient
  236.         NEXT
  237.     ELSE
  238.         FOR x = xpxl1 + 1 TO xpxl2 - 1
  239.             plX = x
  240.             plY = INT(intery)
  241.             plI = (1 - (intery - INT(intery)))
  242.             GOSUB plot
  244.             plX = x
  245.             plY = INT(intery) + 1
  246.             plI = (intery - INT(intery))
  247.             GOSUB plot
  249.             intery = intery + gradient
  250.         NEXT
  251.     END IF
  253.     EXIT SUB
  255.     plot:
  256.     ' Change to regular PSET for standard coordinate orientation.
  257.     CALL cpset(plX, plY, _RGB32(_RED32(c), _GREEN32(c), _BLUE32(c), plI * 255))
  258.     RETURN

* Curve-Smoother.bas (Filesize: 7.54 KB, Downloads: 677)
« Last Edit: September 25, 2021, 08:03:25 am by Junior Librarian »