Hey Johnno
You found the source of the neon2.ttf which is same link as your font. Speaking of that source for fonts I tried FreeSansBold.ttf, I used to replace my Arial.ttf but all the letters seem to have the tops cut into a tiny bit, I do like the thicker lettering. I think Arial has a Bold too, I will try.
I like in your screen shot how yours glows, I did neon pulsing by finding interior points (The A's need 3 for PAINT) and used PAINT of different colors while looping through the sign letter by letter so the whole thing feels electric but I don't have glow, maybe yours is easier but 2+ images would be huge MB of image files.
I found my brick wall at unsplash.com, I think the credit goes like this:
Thanks to Donnie Rosie @drosie for sharing their work @unsplash.com and I will ref a direct link:
https://unsplash.com/photos/taO2fC7sxDU We might go further and describe how we used the image, this satisfies requirements of many types of Open License I think.
Johnno try downloading from there and see if you get the same directions for using as I. I had to shade down the wall with various black transparencies to make it look like night time. The screenshot I show is when the pulsing stops to get the Player name. Ha the image is certainly large enough, as I recall 3 sizes are offered I picked the one closest to our screen of 1024 x 740.
I guess for best comparison we need to see splash screens in action. I will clean up my code a little and show you.
Update: oh I can make it glow too (without extra images to load) I will try, also add the the 50 X's bet for special Blackjack.
I wonder if you could neon the logo of cards?
I do want to try a blank transparent button please.