I am a little confused. I know... only a 'little'..... lol
QBv1.3 was either released on 19th Jan 2019 or 8th Apr 2019 (please correct me if I am in error). The first BJ posting, on this forum, was 7th June 2019.
QBv1.4 was released on 13th Feb 2020.
Assumption #1. BJ was developed originally using 1.3 and later updated to 1.4
Assumption #2. BJ has always been developed with 1.3
Assumption #3. BJ has always been developed using 1.4
If either assumptions #1 or #2 are true then I would assume that the problem would be 'version' related. But that argument may not hold as the current problem would have presented itself earlier.
If assumption #3 is true then the problem is, more than likely, not version related.
I have to conclude that assumption #1 is correct as your opening statement says, "DOESN'T EVEN WORK IN QB64 1.4"
To be able to assist, assuming that I can, I would need a few more details of the issue apart from, "something odd'... lol
If you can describe the problem and how it is presenting itself, I may be able to see if that problem exists within the Linux version of 1.4
Oh. Quick question. I updated to 1.4 a while ago... I'm not sure if I installed the development version or not. How can I tell? Are you using the 'normal' or 'dev' version? Ok. My math abilities are shot.... I know... That was two questions... lol