Thanks to the help of hardcore programmers on Discord, I made my first text-to-speech program.
The first lines the program says are, "Hello, this is a test. I would like to thank you."
It is still very primitive.
It reads a phonetic input from a text file and converts it into speech.
The English language contains 19 vowel sounds (5 short vowels, 6 long vowels, 3 diphthongs, 2 oo sounds, and 3 r-controlled vowel sounds) and 25 consonant sounds.
I attempted to make a simple speech generator with these main ingredients. I recorded the sounds.
Of course, language is more complex. There are a lot of phonological processes going on (assimilation, elision, etc.) and there is also intonation, stress, volume and many other processes.
But hey, this is a beginning. I know that there are geniuses on this forum who create chess programs and even moon orbit programs.
My recordings are not great. English is my 3rd language. When it comes to phonetics my English is 2 on the scale of Arnold Schwarzenegger. When it comes to phonology, I know how to improve the program. When it comes to programming not, unfortunately. So feel free to adapt this, improve this, etc.
An example video: