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Messages - doppler

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QB64 Discussion / Re: Drop target in QB64, is it even possible.
« on: April 07, 2022, 11:43:22 am »
Great all the back from V1.3.  How many other gems, are hidden in the wiki ?  I read all the release news for tidbits like these.  And somehow missed it.  I think I have to re-read totally the wiki.

Thanks for the pointer.

QB64 Discussion / Drop target in QB64, is it even possible.
« on: April 07, 2022, 07:45:21 am »
In case you are not familiar with what a drop target is.  It can be a box or window open by a program to accept a list of files.  To be dropped into the drop target box.   The drop location could also be a location inside a program that will process a list of files dropped there.

Using shell and dir to capture a list of files is too much sledgehammer approach to a pin prick need.  This will most certainly require a DLL call.  And I am clueless to know how.  This could be a good routine inclusion, would become a nice touch for QB64 tools.  Stuffing the clipboard would be likely the best way to get them in.


Sorry if I was no help. I try.
I will quote Mickey Mouse "If at first you don't succeed, try try again."
I have found many alternate ideas to something after asking questions here.  I was never a big fan of the "Not invented here".  Mentality of some companies.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Time to bring in at least 150K new users to QB64
« on: April 04, 2022, 10:22:41 am »
you would need someone who knows C++, and a deep understanding of the target OS or platform, and has a lot of free time.

Industrial control guy's love the PI's to death.  They know "C", want to get rid of expensive PC-104 controllers.  Faster, wifi and they have no free time.  They are payed to do it all.  Even if they have to use compute modules to do it.  It's cheaper faster in the end.

@bplus using read and data statements defeats the whole purpose.  I needed a double check way to verify some number tables.  Using a file with line by line entry of the numbers is faster and reusable.  I only need to change the file and re-execute.

Something like print using "###.##" ?

It's not just the single thing.  Double and float do it too.  Only thing that does not do it is integer. But then I lose all .## 's

I know it's 4/1/22 but the math is like 2+2=3.999999
Tried using the using "###.##".  Looks right for a formatted output. I still want to know why the math got Borked.

My problem maybe related to charliejv problem except I am getting with just single variables.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Total it"
  2. Open "c:\qb64\total.txt" For Input As #1
  3. total = 0
  4. t = 0
  6.     Line Input #1, t$
  7.     t = Val(t$)
  8.     Print t
  9.     Print Str$(total) + " plus " + t$ + " equals ";
  10.     total = total + t
  11.     Print total
  12. Print total

list of numbers for the file total.txt

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. -750
  2. 21.71
  3. 13.67
  4. 22.92
  5. 91.25
  6. 119.63
  7. 10.84
  8. 18.46
  9. 40.44
  10. 171.73
  11. 3.08
  12. 92.39
  13. 57.20
  14. 22.79
  15. -2.80
  16. 43.87
  17. 34.81
  18. 83.82
  19. 10.85

Can't figure out why the math went off after 57.20 number.  I only add extra output to see where it went south.
Any pointers would be helpful.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Time to bring in at least 150K new users to QB64
« on: March 28, 2022, 07:41:00 pm »
The problem with getting QB64 into the Raspberry Debian repositories is that not all the code compiled by QB64 on the PI works.

That on line rather says it all.  (Not ready for prime time.)

QB64 is so much more closer in usage to qb45 that everybody knows from way back when.  All other flavors of basic in the windows environment require esoteric knowledge of how to compile or how basic works.  Not for the beginners.  I knew INFORM did not compile on the PI.  Because right off the bat, a special call to a windows function occurs.  Rendering PI compile very moot.  I was not aware of code alignment problems with PI compiled QB64.  I have experienced segment faults with Linux.  They can be a very painful process to correct sometimes.

I was hoping for a quick way to get a slice of the Raspberry PI crowd.  I know for a fact Industry (especially process and control) are moving away from PC-104 (1k+) costs.  To very cheap PI's.  Even the compute modules which focus on professional crowds are a good solution.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Time to bring in at least 150K new users to QB64
« on: March 28, 2022, 04:00:33 pm »
The thing about Raspberries it started out to encourage programming and experimentation with younger crowd.  As the PI got more features and power the industrial sector started to replace the PC-104's. With PI's and special hardware using the compute modules.  Apps written for industrial control where mostly done in "C".  Porting became an easy task, and PI's are replacing the aging PC-104's.  For the price of one PC-104 board stack, several PI's can be had.

QB64 Discussion / Time to bring in at least 150K new users to QB64
« on: March 28, 2022, 09:21:39 am »
So how do we get 150,000 new QB64 users.  With sales of 30 Million unit's in 2019, who knows where that number is today with covid locking people at home.  And any available unit being scalped at ridiculous prices.  Or any online listing announcing stock all gone within 15 minutes.  The little sought after PC is the Raspberry PI.  If we can get 0.5% of the user base to install it's 150K new users.

So what will it take to get QB64 listed in the Raspberry Debian Repository ?  There are many locations the where repositories are holding code.  I could be wrong but all we need is one developer to compile and post a image of QB64 and support files.  I now the install script exists to compile QB64 but it's not "ALL" new user friendly.  I think we need to "APP" QB64 into a repository package.

So can we make this happen ?  I would love to help but I am too newbie even after a couple of years using Linux to know how to do this.

BTW, With all the competition QB64 has under windows.  Nobody has listed there basic in the repository.  We could be a first.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Has $Debug been working well for you?
« on: March 10, 2022, 08:00:54 am »
Debug for me works very well.

With all the little bits added to every executed line.  Which make debugging possible. I don't know if I am assuming something wrong.  Unless I remark the $debug line at the top.  Every execute module produced will be debugging enabled.

I suggest an change to the QB64 IDE drop down.  Instead of only make EXE option (F11).  Another option of make EXE with debug disabled.  This way I don't need to comment out the $debug to create a tight EXE.

Come again?
You missed the joke.... never mind.


That's introverted thinking (inside the box).  I always thought of you as an extrovert.
Or do you swing both ways ?

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 Certification
« on: November 20, 2021, 06:16:37 pm »
I would never list any basic flavor as a programming language on a Resume.  Unless it was under hobbies.

Basic never got good publicity.
In fact "programming snobs" would look at it as.  This idiot does not know that good program structure flow is important.  re: goto's and such.

I like the fact I can just sit down and bang out a decent "QB64" program without a Flow chart or process specification.  If I am going to write some narly code I will comment the shit out of it.  It has happened in the past and will again in the future.  I will sit down to modify old code that was not "greatly" commented.  Look at it and think "What the F' was I on when I wrote that"

So, I will certify anybody who, takes the time to comment his programming.  Poor reason for no comments "Because it was hard to write, it should be hard to fix."  I have seen too much assembly code get tossed because the next programmer did not understand it and rewrote it.  Only to go back in "my self" later and fix the timing problems.  Rewritten code was a time critical routine and was written that way.  It was optimized for clock cycles and bytes.

TLDR: QB64 Certification is not going to happen.  Enjoy the fact, almost anybody can read and use basic.

QB64 Discussion / Re: fun with randomize
« on: November 13, 2021, 10:15:02 am »
Random does not exist in this reality.  Or in this quantum universe.
The holy grail of mathematics is to find a way to get true random.  Finding a true random system may involve IMHO the math equation PI.  But true PI does not exist either (we only get a really long number of it.).

The closest to random any one has gotten, involved a radioactive source and a atomic clock.  Counting particles and time time between detection's.  Even the shower of neutrons that past by all the time, was shown to be not random.

Good luck.  A noble prize awaits for you if you find it.

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