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Messages - odin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
QB64 Discussion / Re: Wiki accounts: apply here.
« on: February 03, 2022, 11:27:24 am »
@CharlieJV Check your email inbox.

QB64 Discussion / Re: error in forums when trying to Modify a post
« on: January 28, 2022, 03:13:53 am »
Turns out the table that holds the edit histories had a smaller field for the message body than the main "live" table did, so you couldn't edit big messages. This should be fixed now.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Wiki accounts: apply here.
« on: January 24, 2022, 07:26:13 am »
@tomxp411 check your email inbox.

QB64 Discussion / A New Beginning
« on: January 13, 2022, 01:10:07 pm »
As many of the community know, this project has had a few stumbling blocks and hardships. Starting with the move from Galleon Dragon to Fellippe Heitor, running the project, the limited funding, and technical difficulties, it has been a stressful few years. With the future in mind, we have decided to enlist the help of a business professional to help run the business side of QB64.

I want to be very clear; there are no current nor future plans to make QB64 a commercial or paid product. It will stay open source and free. Robert Carter of Carter Enterprises has come in as CEO of the project. You may also know Robert from the forum and Patreon as RCcola1987.

This move will provide better funding, support, and growth opportunities.
We got the QB64 project registered as a USA company and now have much greater protection from bad actors by bringing in Robert.

Fellippe will stay on as a volunteer community manager and front-end developer. Most interactions in the community will still be with the people you have already dealt with, and no member of the team is leaving.

By the time the community sees this, we will have already started the move of the website, forum, wiki, and inform sites to a new platform and have begun to make enhancements to the home page. This will resolve a few long-standing issues with our current host and future plans.

We have also added additional security to the project by making sure no one person can take down or block access to the project. In addition, there is now a plan to deal with the loss of a core team member.

Finally, we are adding a news section to the homepage. This will allow the QB64 Team to keep the members of the QB64 community up to date on what we are doing.

We have big plans for the future and need the communities’ help to make it happen. We all want to personally thank the QB64 community and the greater QuickBasic community for their support throughout the years.

Programs / MOVED: Cut and Paste
« on: December 29, 2021, 09:36:44 pm »

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 forum database err
« on: December 25, 2021, 11:15:36 pm »
Thank you for reporting the error. This should now be fixed.

QB64 Discussion / Duplicated spam posts
« on: November 29, 2021, 07:02:04 am »
@Donald Foster the offending posts/user have been deleted. Your original topic has been deleted too, so as to remove the offending spam links.

Thanks for reporting it.

QB64 Discussion / Re: code ASCII
« on: September 02, 2021, 03:41:55 pm »
Please use [code=qb64][/code] around your code. And let's keep it in English, please.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Wiki accounts: apply here.
« on: June 01, 2021, 10:06:07 am »
Check your email.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Wiki accounts: apply here.
« on: March 17, 2021, 03:30:40 pm »
Check your email.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Wiki accounts: apply here.
« on: February 26, 2021, 07:37:16 am »
Check your email.

Programs / Re: MayaMotor to swap buffers?
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:44:50 pm »
Not valid QB64 code.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Off Topic only giving me DISCORD
« on: January 23, 2021, 07:58:55 pm »
No one is obligated to use Discord. We thank you all for keeping it on topic here. Since Pete offered an alternative, this topic is being closed.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Question about using SHELL "dir" on non windows OS.
« on: January 23, 2021, 01:46:33 pm »
Here's how it's done by the IDE, works on all platforms:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. FUNCTION idezfilelist$ (path$, method, mask$) 'method0=*.bas, method1=*.*, method2=custom mask
  2.     DIM sep AS STRING * 1
  3.     sep = CHR$(0)
  5.     IF os$ = "WIN" THEN
  6.         OPEN ".\internal\temp\files.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150
  7.         IF method = 0 THEN SHELL _HIDE "dir /b /ON /A-D " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + "\*.bas >.\internal\temp\files.txt"
  8.         IF method = 1 THEN SHELL _HIDE "dir /b /ON /A-D " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + "\*.* >.\internal\temp\files.txt"
  9.         IF method = 2 THEN SHELL _HIDE "dir /b /ON /A-D " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + "\" + QuotedFilename$(mask$) + " >.\internal\temp\files.txt"
  10.         filelist$ = ""
  11.         OPEN ".\internal\temp\files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150
  12.         DO UNTIL EOF(150)
  13.             LINE INPUT #150, a$
  14.             IF LEN(a$) THEN 'skip blank entries
  15.                 IF filelist$ = "" THEN filelist$ = a$ ELSE filelist$ = filelist$ + sep + a$
  16.             END IF
  17.         LOOP
  18.         CLOSE #150
  19.         idezfilelist$ = filelist$
  20.         EXIT FUNCTION
  21.     END IF
  23.     IF os$ = "LNX" THEN
  24.         filelist$ = ""
  25.         IF method = 0 THEN
  26.             FOR i = 1 TO 2
  27.                 OPEN "./internal/temp/files.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #150: CLOSE #150
  28.                 IF i = 1 THEN SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + "*.bas" + CHR$(34) + " | sort >./internal/temp/files.txt"
  29.                 IF i = 2 THEN SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + "*.BAS" + CHR$(34) + " | sort >./internal/temp/files.txt"
  30.                 GOSUB AddToList
  31.             NEXT
  32.         ELSEIF method = 1 THEN
  33.             SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + "*" + CHR$(34) + " | sort >./internal/temp/files.txt"
  34.             GOSUB AddToList
  35.         ELSEIF method = 2 THEN
  36.             SHELL _HIDE "find " + QuotedFilename$(path$) + " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name " + CHR$(34) + mask$ + CHR$(34) + " | sort >./internal/temp/files.txt"
  37.             GOSUB AddToList
  38.         END IF
  39.         idezfilelist$ = filelist$
  40.         EXIT FUNCTION
  42.         AddToList:
  43.         OPEN "./internal/temp/files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #150
  44.         DO UNTIL EOF(150)
  45.             LINE INPUT #150, a$
  46.             IF LEN(a$) = 0 THEN EXIT DO
  47.             FOR x = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1
  48.                 a2$ = MID$(a$, x, 1)
  49.                 IF a2$ = "/" THEN
  50.                     a$ = RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x)
  51.                     EXIT FOR
  52.                 END IF
  53.             NEXT
  54.             IF filelist$ = "" THEN filelist$ = a$ ELSE filelist$ = filelist$ + sep + a$
  55.         LOOP
  56.         CLOSE #150
  57.         RETURN
  58.     END IF

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