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Messages - granzeier

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: Creating a list of BASIC stuff
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:31:02 am »
Would this be useful?

This is the entire first year of Dr. Dobb's Journal, where they introduced BASIC for microcomputers (Tiny BASIC.) I was able to download all fifteen volumes (years) from there.

QB64 Discussion / Re: I'm looking for helpers to make a joint game
« on: May 04, 2020, 09:09:34 am »
Not specifically related to your game, but the December 1980 issue of Byte (, page 186 - PDF page 188) had an article on "Character Variation in Role-Playing Games". Many of the ideas presented in the article can apply to rooms, and other inanimate objects, as well as characters.

There are also many other articles on game-playing in that issue. It's one of my favorite issues.

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64SOURCECODE.COM
« on: April 25, 2020, 11:20:32 am »
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing
You gotta have something
If you want to use QB
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing
You gotta have something
To make INSTR work for me
I had completely forgotten that Billy Preston song. :)

QB64 Discussion / Re: SOLVED - Linux IDE Display Font Size
« on: April 14, 2020, 10:04:08 am »
Fine to know  that it works also for you!

Good Coding

TurboBasic... that of Borland or another?
Borland's BASIC. Now that you mention it, I do remember another TurboBASIC (was it Atari?)

I was a database application programmer (FoxPro) for a company which did financial consulting for hospitals. We would get data from our client hospitals on 9-track tape, and had a data service convert it to QIC-80, using my personal portable tape drive. I then used Borland TurboBASIC to take the data from the hospital's database and massage it into DBF files which our FoxPro programs could then read.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Linux IDE Display Font Size
« on: April 13, 2020, 07:25:21 am »

Thank you, that did it.

The fonts on my Linux Mint system are in the same location - no surprise since both of our systems derive from Ubuntu. The first font (AbyssinicaSIL-R,) on my system, is apparently missing some of the boxy line-drawing characters and all of the lines around the outside of the main code window were small boxes. But, the DejaVu font looks good. I boosted the Row Height up to 30, and it takes up just a bit less than my full screen - just like I used to use with TurboBASIC -my tired ol' eyes love it.

Ok, maybe not that deep and vexing. The question goes more to the SAMU value of naming the Array (ie Speed, Accuracy, Memory Usage).
I had never heard of the SAMU method/value/whatever. When I Googled it, nothing obvious came up.

If you are talking about naming conventions for your array variable names, I have always used (and taught my programming students) the idea that the variable name should give a good description of the data contained within.

If that is not what you mean by "SAMU," please give more information.

I would be interested in the book. Can you get a shipping estimate to Pittsburgh, PA 15216? If it's not too much, I can send you the money by PayPal.

QB64 Discussion / SOLVED - Linux IDE Display Font Size
« on: April 11, 2020, 04:54:54 pm »
I would really like to try QB64, but the IDE is so small that I cannot see it well enough.
I set the display width and height to 80X25, but the font size is tiny, and I cannot figure out how to change it. I have searched, and the responses that I have found have all been less than useful.

I click on Custom Font in the Display Options window, and change the Row Height (that is the font size, am I correct?) but it never saves the change when I click OK. Is that because the Lucom font can only handle a size of 21?

The font File Name field has a name of lucom.ttf (I searched my hard drive for that file name, but it is not there,) but there is no way to select another font - I have to type the entire path and file name into the field. How do I choose another font, since I do not know what fonts are available.

Also, my Linux system QB64 is showing a Windows path name for the font - Linux does not have a C: drive! I have also been unable to find the correct path for the fonts, so that I can check which fonts are there, or add new fonts. Shouldn't the Linux version have a Linux path name?

Can anyone help me?

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