Author Topic: Lists Linking Demo  (Read 13447 times)

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Offline SMcNeill

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Lists Linking Demo
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:32:01 am »
And since STxAxTIC asked about the linkedlist.bas file which was accidently included in the zip file for the Old Dice Roller I'm working on, I thought I'd explain about it here:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ''$INCLUDE:''
  3.     $LET KOLOR = 32
  5. $IF KOLOR = 32 THEN
  6.     CONST AliceBlue = &HFFF0F8FF~& ' _RGB32(240,248,255)
  7.     CONST Almond = &HFFEFDECD~& '_RGB32(239,222,205)
  8.     CONST AntiqueBrass = &HFFCD9575~& '_RGB32(205,149,117)
  9.     CONST AntiqueWhite = &HFFFAEBD7~& ' _RGB32(250,235,215)
  10.     CONST Apricot = &HFFFDD9B5~& '_RGB32(253,217,181)
  11.     CONST Aqua = &HFF00FFFF~& ' _RGB32(0,255,255)
  12.     CONST Aquamarine = &HFF7FFFD4~& ' _RGB32(127,255,212)
  13.     CONST Asparagus = &HFF87A96B~& '_RGB32(135,169,107)
  14.     CONST AtomicTangerine = &HFFFFA474~& '_RGB32(255,164,116)
  15.     CONST Azure = &HFFF0FFFF~& ' _RGB32(240,255,255)
  16.     CONST BananaMania = &HFFFAE7B5~& '_RGB32(250,231,181)
  17.     CONST Beaver = &HFF9F8170~& '_RGB32(159,129,112)
  18.     CONST Beige = &HFFF5F5DC~& ' _RGB32(245,245,220)
  19.     CONST Bisque = &HFFFFE4C4~& ' _RGB32(255,228,196)
  20.     CONST Bittersweet = &HFFFD7C6E~& '_RGB32(253,124,110)
  21.     CONST Black = &HFF000000~& ' _RGB32(0,0,0)
  22.     CONST BlanchedAlmond = &HFFFFEBCD~& ' _RGB32(255,235,205)
  23.     CONST BlizzardBlue = &HFFACE5EE~& '_RGB32(172,229,238)
  24.     CONST Blue = &HFF0000FF~& ' _RGB32(0,0,255)
  25.     CONST BlueBell = &HFFA2A2D0~& '_RGB32(162,162,208)
  26.     CONST BlueGray = &HFF6699CC~& '_RGB32(102,153,204)
  27.     CONST BlueGreen = &HFF0D98BA~& '_RGB32(13,152,186)
  28.     CONST BlueViolet = &HFF8A2BE2~& ' _RGB32(138,43,226)
  29.     CONST Blush = &HFFDE5D83~& '_RGB32(222,93,131)
  30.     CONST BrickRed = &HFFCB4154~& '_RGB32(203,65,84)
  31.     CONST Brown = &HFFA52A2A~& ' _RGB32(165,42,42)
  32.     CONST BurlyWood = &HFFDEB887~& ' _RGB32(222,184,135)
  33.     CONST BurntOrange = &HFFFF7F49~& '_RGB32(255,127,73)
  34.     CONST BurntSienna = &HFFEA7E5D~& '_RGB32(234,126,93)
  35.     CONST CadetBlue = &HFF5F9EA0~& ' _RGB32(95,158,160)
  36.     CONST Canary = &HFFFFFF99~& '_RGB32(255,255,153)
  37.     CONST CaribbeanGreen = &HFF1CD3A2~& '_RGB32(28,211,162)
  38.     CONST CarnationPink = &HFFFFAACC~& '_RGB32(255,170,204)
  39.     CONST Cerise = &HFFDD4492~& '_RGB32(221,68,146)
  40.     CONST Cerulean = &HFF1DACD6~& '_RGB32(29,172,214)
  41.     CONST ChartReuse = &HFF7FFF00~& ' _RGB32(127,255,0)
  42.     CONST Chestnut = &HFFBC5D58~& '_RGB32(188,93,88)
  43.     CONST Chocolate = &HFFD2691E~& ' _RGB32(210,105,30)
  44.     CONST Copper = &HFFDD9475~& '_RGB32(221,148,117)
  45.     CONST Coral = &HFFFF7F50~& ' _RGB32(255,127,80)
  46.     CONST Cornflower = &HFF9ACEEB~& '_RGB32(154,206,235)
  47.     CONST CornflowerBlue = &HFF6495ED~& ' _RGB32(100,149,237)
  48.     CONST Cornsilk = &HFFFFF8DC~& ' _RGB32(255,248,220)
  49.     CONST CottonCandy = &HFFFFBCD9~& '_RGB32(255,188,217)
  50.     CONST CrayolaAquamarine = &HFF78DBE2~& '_RGB32(120,219,226)
  51.     CONST CrayolaBlue = &HFF1F75FE~& '_RGB32(31,117,254)
  52.     CONST CrayolaBlueViolet = &HFF7366BD~& '_RGB32(115,102,189)
  53.     CONST CrayolaBrown = &HFFB4674D~& '_RGB32(180,103,77)
  54.     CONST CrayolaCadetBlue = &HFFB0B7C6~& '_RGB32(176,183,198)
  55.     CONST CrayolaForestGreen = &HFF6DAE81~& '_RGB32(109,174,129)
  56.     CONST CrayolaGold = &HFFE7C697~& '_RGB32(231,198,151)
  57.     CONST CrayolaGoldenrod = &HFFFCD975~& '_RGB32(252,217,117)
  58.     CONST CrayolaGray = &HFF95918C~& '_RGB32(149,145,140)
  59.     CONST CrayolaGreen = &HFF1CAC78~& '_RGB32(28,172,120)
  60.     CONST CrayolaGreenYellow = &HFFF0E891~& '_RGB32(240,232,145)
  61.     CONST CrayolaIndigo = &HFF5D76CB~& '_RGB32(93,118,203)
  62.     CONST CrayolaLavender = &HFFFCB4D5~& '_RGB32(252,180,213)
  63.     CONST CrayolaMagenta = &HFFF664AF~& '_RGB32(246,100,175)
  64.     CONST CrayolaMaroon = &HFFC8385A~& '_RGB32(200,56,90)
  65.     CONST CrayolaMidnightBlue = &HFF1A4876~& '_RGB32(26,72,118)
  66.     CONST CrayolaOrange = &HFFFF7538~& '_RGB32(255,117,56)
  67.     CONST CrayolaOrangeRed = &HFFFF2B2B~& '_RGB32(255,43,43)
  68.     CONST CrayolaOrchid = &HFFE6A8D7~& '_RGB32(230,168,215)
  69.     CONST CrayolaPlum = &HFF8E4585~& '_RGB32(142,69,133)
  70.     CONST CrayolaRed = &HFFEE204D~& '_RGB32(238,32,77)
  71.     CONST CrayolaSalmon = &HFFFF9BAA~& '_RGB32(255,155,170)
  72.     CONST CrayolaSeaGreen = &HFF9FE2BF~& '_RGB32(159,226,191)
  73.     CONST CrayolaSilver = &HFFCDC5C2~& '_RGB32(205,197,194)
  74.     CONST CrayolaSkyBlue = &HFF80DAEB~& '_RGB32(128,218,235)
  75.     CONST CrayolaSpringGreen = &HFFECEABE~& '_RGB32(236,234,190)
  76.     CONST CrayolaTann = &HFFFAA76C~& '_RGB32(250,167,108)
  77.     CONST CrayolaThistle = &HFFEBC7DF~& '_RGB32(235,199,223)
  78.     CONST CrayolaViolet = &HFF926EAE~& '_RGB32(146,110,174)
  79.     CONST CrayolaYellow = &HFFFCE883~& '_RGB32(252,232,131)
  80.     CONST CrayolaYellowGreen = &HFFC5E384~& '_RGB32(197,227,132)
  81.     CONST Crimson = &HFFDC143C~& ' _RGB32(220,20,60)
  82.     CONST Cyan = &HFF00FFFF~& ' _RGB32(0,255,255)
  83.     CONST Dandelion = &HFFFDDB6D~& '_RGB32(253,219,109)
  84.     CONST DarkBlue = &HFF00008B~& ' _RGB32(0,0,139)
  85.     CONST DarkCyan = &HFF008B8B~& ' _RGB32(0,139,139)
  86.     CONST DarkGoldenRod = &HFFB8860B~& ' _RGB32(184,134,11)
  87.     CONST DarkGray = &HFFA9A9A9~& ' _RGB32(169,169,169)
  88.     CONST DarkGreen = &HFF006400~& ' _RGB32(0,100,0)
  89.     CONST DarkKhaki = &HFFBDB76B~& ' _RGB32(189,183,107)
  90.     CONST DarkMagenta = &HFF8B008B~& ' _RGB32(139,0,139)
  91.     CONST DarkOliveGreen = &HFF556B2F~& ' _RGB32(85,107,47)
  92.     CONST DarkOrange = &HFFFF8C00~& ' _RGB32(255,140,0)
  93.     CONST DarkOrchid = &HFF9932CC~& ' _RGB32(153,50,204)
  94.     CONST DarkRed = &HFF8B0000~& ' _RGB32(139,0,0)
  95.     CONST DarkSalmon = &HFFE9967A~& ' _RGB32(233,150,122)
  96.     CONST DarkSeaGreen = &HFF8FBC8F~& ' _RGB32(143,188,143)
  97.     CONST DarkSlateBlue = &HFF483D8B~& ' _RGB32(72,61,139)
  98.     CONST DarkSlateGray = &HFF2F4F4F~& ' _RGB32(47,79,79)
  99.     CONST DarkTurquoise = &HFF00CED1~& ' _RGB32(0,206,209)
  100.     CONST DarkViolet = &HFF9400D3~& ' _RGB32(148,0,211)
  101.     CONST DeepPink = &HFFFF1493~& ' _RGB32(255,20,147)
  102.     CONST DeepSkyBlue = &HFF00BFFF~& ' _RGB32(0,191,255)
  103.     CONST Denim = &HFF2B6CC4~& '_RGB32(43,108,196)
  104.     CONST DesertSand = &HFFEFCDB8~& '_RGB32(239,205,184)
  105.     CONST DimGray = &HFF696969~& ' _RGB32(105,105,105)
  106.     CONST DodgerBlue = &HFF1E90FF~& ' _RGB32(30,144,255)
  107.     CONST Eggplant = &HFF6E5160~& '_RGB32(110,81,96)
  108.     CONST ElectricLime = &HFFCEFF1D~& '_RGB32(206,255,29)
  109.     CONST Fern = &HFF71BC78~& '_RGB32(113,188,120)
  110.     CONST FireBrick = &HFFB22222~& ' _RGB32(178,34,34)
  111.     CONST Floralwhite = &HFFFFFAF0~& ' _RGB32(255,250,240)
  112.     CONST ForestGreen = &HFF228B22~& ' _RGB32(34,139,34)
  113.     CONST Fuchsia = &HFFC364C5~& '_RGB32(195,100,197)
  114.     CONST FuzzyWuzzy = &HFFCC6666~& '_RGB32(204,102,102)
  115.     CONST Gainsboro = &HFFDCDCDC~& ' _RGB32(220,220,220)
  116.     CONST GhostWhite = &HFFF8F8FF~& ' _RGB32(248,248,255)
  117.     CONST Gold = &HFFFFD700~& ' _RGB32(255,215,0)
  118.     CONST GoldenRod = &HFFDAA520~& ' _RGB32(218,165,32)
  119.     CONST GrannySmithApple = &HFFA8E4A0~& '_RGB32(168,228,160)
  120.     CONST Gray = &HFF808080~& ' _RGB32(128,128,128)
  121.     CONST Green = &HFF008000~& ' _RGB32(0,128,0)
  122.     CONST GreenBlue = &HFF1164B4~& '_RGB32(17,100,180)
  123.     CONST GreenYellow = &HFFADFF2F~& ' _RGB32(173,255,47)
  124.     CONST HoneyDew = &HFFF0FFF0~& ' _RGB32(240,255,240)
  125.     CONST HotMagenta = &HFFFF1DCE~& '_RGB32(255,29,206)
  126.     CONST HotPink = &HFFFF69B4~& ' _RGB32(255,105,180)
  127.     CONST Inchworm = &HFFB2EC5D~& '_RGB32(178,236,93)
  128.     CONST IndianRed = &HFFCD5C5C~& ' _RGB32(205,92,92)
  129.     CONST Indigo = &HFF4B0082~& ' _RGB32(75,0,130)
  130.     CONST Ivory = &HFFFFFFF0~& ' _RGB32(255,255,240)
  131.     CONST JazzberryJam = &HFFCA3767~& '_RGB32(202,55,103)
  132.     CONST JungleGreen = &HFF3BB08F~& '_RGB32(59,176,143)
  133.     CONST Khaki = &HFFF0E68C~& ' _RGB32(240,230,140)
  134.     CONST LaserLemon = &HFFFEFE22~& '_RGB32(254,254,34)
  135.     CONST Lavender = &HFFE6E6FA~& ' _RGB32(230,230,250)
  136.     CONST LavenderBlush = &HFFFFF0F5~& ' _RGB32(255,240,245)
  137.     CONST LawnGreen = &HFF7CFC00~& ' _RGB32(124,252,0)
  138.     CONST LemonChiffon = &HFFFFFACD~& ' _RGB32(255,250,205)
  139.     CONST LemonYellow = &HFFFFF44F~& '_RGB32(255,244,79)
  140.     CONST LightBlue = &HFFADD8E6~& ' _RGB32(173,216,230)
  141.     CONST LightCoral = &HFFF08080~& ' _RGB32(240,128,128)
  142.     CONST LightCyan = &HFFE0FFFF~& ' _RGB32(224,255,255)
  143.     CONST LightGoldenRodYellow = &HFFFAFAD2~& ' _RGB32(250,250,210)
  144.     CONST LightGray = &HFFD3D3D3~& ' _RGB32(211,211,211)
  145.     CONST LightGreen = &HFF90EE90~& ' _RGB32(144,238,144)
  146.     CONST LightPink = &HFFFFB6C1~& ' _RGB32(255,182,193)
  147.     CONST LightSalmon = &HFFFFA07A~& ' _RGB32(255,160,122)
  148.     CONST LightSeaGreen = &HFF20B2AA~& ' _RGB32(32,178,170)
  149.     CONST LightSkyBlue = &HFF87CEFA~& ' _RGB32(135,206,250)
  150.     CONST LightSlateGray = &HFF778899~& ' _RGB32(119,136,153)
  151.     CONST LightSteelBlue = &HFFB0C4DE~& ' _RGB32(176,196,222)
  152.     CONST LightYellow = &HFFFFFFE0~& ' _RGB32(255,255,224)
  153.     CONST Lime = &HFF00FF00~& ' _RGB32(0,255,0)
  154.     CONST LimeGreen = &HFF32CD32~& ' _RGB32(50,205,50)
  155.     CONST Linen = &HFFFAF0E6~& ' _RGB32(250,240,230)
  156.     CONST MacaroniAndCheese = &HFFFFBD88~& '_RGB32(255,189,136)
  157.     CONST Magenta = &HFFFF00FF~& ' _RGB32(255,0,255)
  158.     CONST MagicMint = &HFFAAF0D1~& '_RGB32(170,240,209)
  159.     CONST Mahogany = &HFFCD4A4C~& '_RGB32(205,74,76)
  160.     CONST Maize = &HFFEDD19C~& '_RGB32(237,209,156)
  161.     CONST Manatee = &HFF979AAA~& '_RGB32(151,154,170)
  162.     CONST MangoTango = &HFFFF8243~& '_RGB32(255,130,67)
  163.     CONST Maroon = &HFF800000~& ' _RGB32(128,0,0)
  164.     CONST Mauvelous = &HFFEF98AA~& '_RGB32(239,152,170)
  165.     CONST MediumAquamarine = &HFF66CDAA~& ' _RGB32(102,205,170)
  166.     CONST MediumBlue = &HFF0000CD~& ' _RGB32(0,0,205)
  167.     CONST MediumOrchid = &HFFBA55D3~& ' _RGB32(186,85,211)
  168.     CONST MediumPurple = &HFF9370DB~& ' _RGB32(147,112,219)
  169.     CONST MediumSeaGreen = &HFF3CB371~& ' _RGB32(60,179,113)
  170.     CONST MediumSlateBlue = &HFF7B68EE~& ' _RGB32(123,104,238)
  171.     CONST MediumSpringGreen = &HFF00FA9A~& ' _RGB32(0,250,154)
  172.     CONST MediumTurquoise = &HFF48D1CC~& ' _RGB32(72,209,204)
  173.     CONST MediumVioletRed = &HFFC71585~& ' _RGB32(199,21,133)
  174.     CONST Melon = &HFFFDBCB4~& '_RGB32(253,188,180)
  175.     CONST MidnightBlue = &HFF191970~& ' _RGB32(25,25,112)
  176.     CONST MintCream = &HFFF5FFFA~& ' _RGB32(245,255,250)
  177.     CONST MistyRose = &HFFFFE4E1~& ' _RGB32(255,228,225)
  178.     CONST Moccasin = &HFFFFE4B5~& ' _RGB32(255,228,181)
  179.     CONST MountainMeadow = &HFF30BA8F~& '_RGB32(48,186,143)
  180.     CONST Mulberry = &HFFC54B8C~& '_RGB32(197,75,140)
  181.     CONST NavajoWhite = &HFFFFDEAD~& ' _RGB32(255,222,173)
  182.     CONST Navy = &HFF000080~& ' _RGB32(0,0,128)
  183.     CONST NavyBlue = &HFF1974D2~& '_RGB32(25,116,210)
  184.     CONST NeonCarrot = &HFFFFA343~& '_RGB32(255,163,67)
  185.     CONST OldLace = &HFFFDF5E6~& ' _RGB32(253,245,230)
  186.     CONST Olive = &HFF808000~& ' _RGB32(128,128,0)
  187.     CONST OliveDrab = &HFF6B8E23~& ' _RGB32(107,142,35)
  188.     CONST OliveGreen = &HFFBAB86C~& '_RGB32(186,184,108)
  189.     CONST Orange = &HFFFFA500~& ' _RGB32(255,165,0)
  190.     CONST OrangeRed = &HFFFF4500~& ' _RGB32(255,69,0)
  191.     CONST OrangeYellow = &HFFF8D568~& '_RGB32(248,213,104)
  192.     CONST Orchid = &HFFDA70D6~& ' _RGB32(218,112,214)
  193.     CONST OuterSpace = &HFF414A4C~& '_RGB32(65,74,76)
  194.     CONST OutrageousOrange = &HFFFF6E4A~& '_RGB32(255,110,74)
  195.     CONST PacificBlue = &HFF1CA9C9~& '_RGB32(28,169,201)
  196.     CONST PaleGoldenRod = &HFFEEE8AA~& ' _RGB32(238,232,170)
  197.     CONST PaleGreen = &HFF98FB98~& ' _RGB32(152,251,152)
  198.     CONST PaleTurquoise = &HFFAFEEEE~& ' _RGB32(175,238,238)
  199.     CONST PaleVioletRed = &HFFDB7093~& ' _RGB32(219,112,147)
  200.     CONST PapayaWhip = &HFFFFEFD5~& ' _RGB32(255,239,213)
  201.     CONST Peach = &HFFFFCFAB~& '_RGB32(255,207,171)
  202.     CONST PeachPuff = &HFFFFDAB9~& ' _RGB32(255,218,185)
  203.     CONST Periwinkle = &HFFC5D0E6~& '_RGB32(197,208,230)
  204.     CONST Peru = &HFFCD853F~& ' _RGB32(205,133,63)
  205.     CONST PiggyPink = &HFFFDDDE6~& '_RGB32(253,221,230)
  206.     CONST PineGreen = &HFF158078~& '_RGB32(21,128,120)
  207.     CONST Pink = &HFFFFC0CB~& ' _RGB32(255,192,203)
  208.     CONST PinkFlamingo = &HFFFC74FD~& '_RGB32(252,116,253)
  209.     CONST PinkSherbet = &HFFF78FA7~& '_RGB32(247,143,167)
  210.     CONST Plum = &HFFDDA0DD~& ' _RGB32(221,160,221)
  211.     CONST PowderBlue = &HFFB0E0E6~& ' _RGB32(176,224,230)
  212.     CONST Purple = &HFF800080~& ' _RGB32(128,0,128)
  213.     CONST PurpleHeart = &HFF7442C8~& '_RGB32(116,66,200)
  214.     CONST PurpleMountainsMajesty = &HFF9D81BA~& '_RGB32(157,129,186)
  215.     CONST PurplePizzazz = &HFFFE4EDA~& '_RGB32(254,78,218)
  216.     CONST RadicalRed = &HFFFF496C~& '_RGB32(255,73,108)
  217.     CONST RawSienna = &HFFD68A59~& '_RGB32(214,138,89)
  218.     CONST RawUmber = &HFF714B23~& '_RGB32(113,75,35)
  219.     CONST RazzleDazzleRose = &HFFFF48D0~& '_RGB32(255,72,208)
  220.     CONST Razzmatazz = &HFFE3256B~& '_RGB32(227,37,107)
  221.     CONST Red = &HFFFF0000~& ' _RGB32(255,0,0)
  222.     CONST RedOrange = &HFFFF5349~& '_RGB32(255,83,73)
  223.     CONST RedViolet = &HFFC0448F~& '_RGB32(192,68,143)
  224.     CONST RobinsEggBlue = &HFF1FCECB~& '_RGB32(31,206,203)
  225.     CONST RosyBrown = &HFFBC8F8F~& ' _RGB32(188,143,143)
  226.     CONST RoyalBlue = &HFF4169E1~& ' _RGB32(65,105,225)
  227.     CONST RoyalPurple = &HFF7851A9~& '_RGB32(120,81,169)
  228.     CONST SaddleBrown = &HFF8B4513~& ' _RGB32(139,69,19)
  229.     CONST Salmon = &HFFFA8072~& ' _RGB32(250,128,114)
  230.     CONST SandyBrown = &HFFF4A460~& ' _RGB32(244,164,96)
  231.     CONST Scarlet = &HFFFC2847~& '_RGB32(252,40,71)
  232.     CONST ScreaminGreen = &HFF76FF7A~& '_RGB32(118,255,122)
  233.     CONST SeaGreen = &HFF2E8B57~& ' _RGB32(46,139,87)
  234.     CONST SeaShell = &HFFFFF5EE~& ' _RGB32(255,245,238)
  235.     CONST Sepia = &HFFA5694F~& '_RGB32(165,105,79)
  236.     CONST Shadow = &HFF8A795D~& '_RGB32(138,121,93)
  237.     CONST Shamrock = &HFF45CEA2~& '_RGB32(69,206,162)
  238.     CONST ShockingPink = &HFFFB7EFD~& '_RGB32(251,126,253)
  239.     CONST Sienna = &HFFA0522D~& ' _RGB32(160,82,45)
  240.     CONST Silver = &HFFC0C0C0~& ' _RGB32(192,192,192)
  241.     CONST SkyBlue = &HFF87CEEB~& ' _RGB32(135,206,235)
  242.     CONST SlateBlue = &HFF6A5ACD~& ' _RGB32(106,90,205)
  243.     CONST SlateGray = &HFF708090~& ' _RGB32(112,128,144)
  244.     CONST Snow = &HFFFFFAFA~& ' _RGB32(255,250,250)
  245.     CONST SpringGreen = &HFF00FF7F~& ' _RGB32(0,255,127)
  246.     CONST SteelBlue = &HFF4682B4~& ' _RGB32(70,130,180)
  247.     CONST Sunglow = &HFFFFCF48~& '_RGB32(255,207,72)
  248.     CONST SunsetOrange = &HFFFD5E53~& '_RGB32(253,94,83)
  249.     CONST Tann = &HFFD2B48C~& ' _RGB32(210,180,140)
  250.     CONST Teal = &HFF008080~& ' _RGB32(0,128,128)
  251.     CONST TealBlue = &HFF18A7B5~& '_RGB32(24,167,181)
  252.     CONST Thistle = &HFFD8BFD8~& ' _RGB32(216,191,216)
  253.     CONST TickleMePink = &HFFFC89AC~& '_RGB32(252,137,172)
  254.     CONST Timberwolf = &HFFDBD7D2~& '_RGB32(219,215,210)
  255.     CONST Tomato = &HFFFF6347~& ' _RGB32(255,99,71)
  256.     CONST TropicalRainForest = &HFF17806D~& '_RGB32(23,128,109)
  257.     CONST Tumbleweed = &HFFDEAA88~& '_RGB32(222,170,136)
  258.     CONST Turquoise = &HFF40E0D0~& ' _RGB32(64,224,208)
  259.     CONST TurquoiseBlue = &HFF77DDE7~& '_RGB32(119,221,231)
  260.     CONST UnmellowYellow = &HFFFFFF66~& '_RGB32(255,255,102)
  261.     CONST Violet = &HFFEE82EE~& ' _RGB32(238,130,238)
  262.     CONST VioletBlue = &HFF324AB2~& '_RGB32(50,74,178)
  263.     CONST VioletRed = &HFFF75394~& '_RGB32(247,83,148)
  264.     CONST VividTangerine = &HFFFFA089~& '_RGB32(255,160,137)
  265.     CONST VividViolet = &HFF8F509D~& '_RGB32(143,80,157)
  266.     CONST Wheat = &HFFF5DEB3~& ' _RGB32(245,222,179)
  267.     CONST White = &HFFFFFFFF~& ' _RGB32(255,255,255)
  268.     CONST Whitesmoke = &HFFF5F5F5~& ' _RGB32(245,245,245)
  269.     CONST WildBlueYonder = &HFFA2ADD0~& '_RGB32(162,173,208)
  270.     CONST WildStrawberry = &HFFFF43A4~& '_RGB32(255,67,164)
  271.     CONST WildWatermelon = &HFFFC6C85~& '_RGB32(252,108,133)
  272.     CONST Wisteria = &HFFCDA4DE~& '_RGB32(205,164,222)
  273.     CONST Yellow = &HFFFFFF00~& ' _RGB32(255,255,0)
  274.     CONST YellowGreen = &HFF9ACD32~& ' _RGB32(154,205,50)
  275.     CONST YellowOrange = &HFFFFAE42~& '_RGB32(255,174,66)
  277. $IF KOLOR = 0 THEN
  278.     CONST Black = 0~%%
  279.     CONST Blue = 1~%%
  280.     CONST Green = 2~%%
  281.     CONST Cyan = 3~%%
  282.     CONST Red = 4~%%
  283.     CONST Magenta = 5~%%
  284.     CONST Brown = 6~%%
  285.     CONST White = 7~%%
  286.     CONST Gray = 8~%%
  287.     CONST LightBlue = 9~%%
  288.     CONST LightGreen = 10~%%
  289.     CONST LightCyan = 11~%%
  290.     CONST LightRed = 12~%%
  291.     CONST LightMagenta = 13~%%
  292.     CONST Yellow = 14~%%
  293.     CONST BrightWhite = 15~%%
  294.     CONST Blink = 16~%%
  296. $IF KOLOR = 256 THEN
  297.     CONST Black = 0~%%
  298.     CONST Blue = 1~%%
  299.     CONST Green = 2~%%
  300.     CONST Cyan = 3~%%
  301.     CONST Red = 4~%%
  302.     CONST Magenta = 5~%%
  303.     CONST Brown = 6~%%
  304.     CONST White = 7~%%
  305.     CONST Gray = 8~%%
  306.     CONST LightBlue = 9~%%
  307.     CONST LightGreen = 10~%%
  308.     CONST LightCyan = 11~%%
  309.     CONST LightRed = 12~%%
  310.     CONST LightMagenta = 13~%%
  311.     CONST Yellow = 14~%%
  312.     CONST BrightWhite = 15~%%
  313.     _PALETTECOLOR 16, _RGBA32(240, 248, 255, 255): CONST AliceBlue = 16~%%
  314.     _PALETTECOLOR 17, _RGBA32(239, 222, 205, 255): CONST Almond = 17~%%
  315.     _PALETTECOLOR 18, _RGBA32(205, 149, 117, 255): CONST AntiqueBrass = 18~%%
  316.     _PALETTECOLOR 19, _RGBA32(250, 235, 215, 255): CONST AntiqueWhite = 19~%%
  317.     _PALETTECOLOR 20, _RGBA32(253, 217, 181, 255): CONST Apricot = 20~%%
  318.     _PALETTECOLOR 21, _RGBA32(0, 255, 255, 255): CONST Aqua = 21~%%
  319.     _PALETTECOLOR 22, _RGBA32(127, 255, 212, 255): CONST Aquamarine = 22~%%
  320.     _PALETTECOLOR 23, _RGBA32(135, 169, 107, 255): CONST Asparagus = 23~%%
  321.     _PALETTECOLOR 24, _RGBA32(255, 164, 116, 255): CONST AtomicTangerine = 24~%%
  322.     _PALETTECOLOR 25, _RGBA32(240, 255, 255, 255): CONST Azure = 25~%%
  323.     _PALETTECOLOR 26, _RGBA32(250, 231, 181, 255): CONST BananaMania = 26~%%
  324.     _PALETTECOLOR 27, _RGBA32(159, 129, 112, 255): CONST Beaver = 27~%%
  325.     _PALETTECOLOR 28, _RGBA32(245, 245, 220, 255): CONST Beige = 28~%%
  326.     _PALETTECOLOR 29, _RGBA32(255, 228, 196, 255): CONST Bisque = 29~%%
  327.     _PALETTECOLOR 30, _RGBA32(253, 124, 110, 255): CONST Bittersweet = 30~%%
  328.     _PALETTECOLOR 31, _RGBA32(255, 235, 205, 255): CONST BlanchedAlmond = 31~%%
  329.     _PALETTECOLOR 32, _RGBA32(172, 229, 238, 255): CONST BlizzardBlue = 32~%%
  330.     _PALETTECOLOR 33, _RGBA32(162, 162, 208, 255): CONST BlueBell = 33~%%
  331.     _PALETTECOLOR 34, _RGBA32(102, 153, 204, 255): CONST BlueGray = 34~%%
  332.     _PALETTECOLOR 35, _RGBA32(13, 152, 186, 255): CONST BlueGreen = 35~%%
  333.     _PALETTECOLOR 36, _RGBA32(138, 43, 226, 255): CONST BlueViolet = 36~%%
  334.     _PALETTECOLOR 37, _RGBA32(222, 93, 131, 255): CONST Blush = 37~%%
  335.     _PALETTECOLOR 38, _RGBA32(203, 65, 84, 255): CONST BrickRed = 38~%%
  336.     _PALETTECOLOR 39, _RGBA32(222, 184, 135, 255): CONST BurlyWood = 39~%%
  337.     _PALETTECOLOR 40, _RGBA32(255, 127, 73, 255): CONST BurntOrange = 40~%%
  338.     _PALETTECOLOR 41, _RGBA32(234, 126, 93, 255): CONST BurntSienna = 41~%%
  339.     _PALETTECOLOR 42, _RGBA32(95, 158, 160, 255): CONST CadetBlue = 42~%%
  340.     _PALETTECOLOR 43, _RGBA32(255, 255, 153, 255): CONST Canary = 43~%%
  341.     _PALETTECOLOR 44, _RGBA32(28, 211, 162, 255): CONST CaribbeanGreen = 44~%%
  342.     _PALETTECOLOR 45, _RGBA32(255, 170, 204, 255): CONST CarnationPink = 45~%%
  343.     _PALETTECOLOR 46, _RGBA32(221, 68, 146, 255): CONST Cerise = 46~%%
  344.     _PALETTECOLOR 47, _RGBA32(29, 172, 214, 255): CONST Cerulean = 47~%%
  345.     _PALETTECOLOR 48, _RGBA32(127, 255, 0, 255): CONST ChartReuse = 48~%%
  346.     _PALETTECOLOR 49, _RGBA32(188, 93, 88, 255): CONST Chestnut = 49~%%
  347.     _PALETTECOLOR 50, _RGBA32(210, 105, 30, 255): CONST Chocolate = 50~%%
  348.     _PALETTECOLOR 51, _RGBA32(221, 148, 117, 255): CONST Copper = 51~%%
  349.     _PALETTECOLOR 52, _RGBA32(255, 127, 80, 255): CONST Coral = 52~%%
  350.     _PALETTECOLOR 53, _RGBA32(154, 206, 235, 255): CONST Cornflower = 53~%%
  351.     _PALETTECOLOR 54, _RGBA32(100, 149, 237, 255): CONST CornflowerBlue = 54~%%
  352.     _PALETTECOLOR 55, _RGBA32(255, 248, 220, 255): CONST Cornsilk = 55~%%
  353.     _PALETTECOLOR 56, _RGBA32(255, 188, 217, 255): CONST CottonCandy = 56~%%
  354.     _PALETTECOLOR 57, _RGBA32(220, 20, 60, 255): CONST Crimson = 57~%%
  355.     _PALETTECOLOR 58, _RGBA32(253, 219, 109, 255): CONST Dandelion = 58~%%
  356.     _PALETTECOLOR 59, _RGBA32(0, 0, 139, 255): CONST DarkBlue = 59~%%
  357.     _PALETTECOLOR 60, _RGBA32(0, 139, 139, 255): CONST DarkCyan = 60~%%
  358.     _PALETTECOLOR 61, _RGBA32(184, 134, 11, 255): CONST DarkGoldenRod = 61~%%
  359.     _PALETTECOLOR 62, _RGBA32(169, 169, 169, 255): CONST DarkGray = 62~%%
  360.     _PALETTECOLOR 63, _RGBA32(0, 100, 0, 255): CONST DarkGreen = 63~%%
  361.     _PALETTECOLOR 64, _RGBA32(189, 183, 107, 255): CONST DarkKhaki = 64~%%
  362.     _PALETTECOLOR 65, _RGBA32(139, 0, 139, 255): CONST DarkMagenta = 65~%%
  363.     _PALETTECOLOR 66, _RGBA32(85, 107, 47, 255): CONST DarkOliveGreen = 66~%%
  364.     _PALETTECOLOR 67, _RGBA32(255, 140, 0, 255): CONST DarkOrange = 67~%%
  365.     _PALETTECOLOR 68, _RGBA32(153, 50, 204, 255): CONST DarkOrchid = 68~%%
  366.     _PALETTECOLOR 69, _RGBA32(139, 0, 0, 255): CONST DarkRed = 69~%%
  367.     _PALETTECOLOR 70, _RGBA32(233, 150, 122, 255): CONST DarkSalmon = 70~%%
  368.     _PALETTECOLOR 71, _RGBA32(143, 188, 143, 255): CONST DarkSeaGreen = 71~%%
  369.     _PALETTECOLOR 72, _RGBA32(72, 61, 139, 255): CONST DarkSlateBlue = 72~%%
  370.     _PALETTECOLOR 73, _RGBA32(47, 79, 79, 255): CONST DarkSlateGray = 73~%%
  371.     _PALETTECOLOR 74, _RGBA32(0, 206, 209, 255): CONST DarkTurquoise = 74~%%
  372.     _PALETTECOLOR 75, _RGBA32(148, 0, 211, 255): CONST DarkViolet = 75~%%
  373.     _PALETTECOLOR 76, _RGBA32(255, 20, 147, 255): CONST DeepPink = 76~%%
  374.     _PALETTECOLOR 77, _RGBA32(0, 191, 255, 255): CONST DeepSkyBlue = 77~%%
  375.     _PALETTECOLOR 78, _RGBA32(43, 108, 196, 255): CONST Denim = 78~%%
  376.     _PALETTECOLOR 79, _RGBA32(239, 205, 184, 255): CONST DesertSand = 79~%%
  377.     _PALETTECOLOR 80, _RGBA32(105, 105, 105, 255): CONST DimGray = 80~%%
  378.     _PALETTECOLOR 81, _RGBA32(30, 144, 255, 255): CONST DodgerBlue = 81~%%
  379.     _PALETTECOLOR 82, _RGBA32(110, 81, 96, 255): CONST Eggplant = 82~%%
  380.     _PALETTECOLOR 83, _RGBA32(206, 255, 29, 255): CONST ElectricLime = 83~%%
  381.     _PALETTECOLOR 84, _RGBA32(113, 188, 120, 255): CONST Fern = 84~%%
  382.     _PALETTECOLOR 85, _RGBA32(178, 34, 34, 255): CONST FireBrick = 85~%%
  383.     _PALETTECOLOR 86, _RGBA32(255, 250, 240, 255): CONST Floralwhite = 86~%%
  384.     _PALETTECOLOR 87, _RGBA32(34, 139, 34, 255): CONST ForestGreen = 87~%%
  385.     _PALETTECOLOR 88, _RGBA32(195, 100, 197, 255): CONST Fuchsia = 88~%%
  386.     _PALETTECOLOR 89, _RGBA32(204, 102, 102, 255): CONST FuzzyWuzzy = 89~%%
  387.     _PALETTECOLOR 90, _RGBA32(220, 220, 220, 255): CONST Gainsboro = 90~%%
  388.     _PALETTECOLOR 91, _RGBA32(248, 248, 255, 255): CONST GhostWhite = 91~%%
  389.     _PALETTECOLOR 92, _RGBA32(255, 215, 0, 255): CONST Gold = 92~%%
  390.     _PALETTECOLOR 93, _RGBA32(218, 165, 32, 255): CONST GoldenRod = 93~%%
  391.     _PALETTECOLOR 94, _RGBA32(168, 228, 160, 255): CONST GrannySmithApple = 94~%%
  392.     _PALETTECOLOR 95, _RGBA32(17, 100, 180, 255): CONST GreenBlue = 95~%%
  393.     _PALETTECOLOR 96, _RGBA32(173, 255, 47, 255): CONST GreenYellow = 96~%%
  394.     _PALETTECOLOR 97, _RGBA32(240, 255, 240, 255): CONST HoneyDew = 97~%%
  395.     _PALETTECOLOR 98, _RGBA32(255, 29, 206, 255): CONST HotMagenta = 98~%%
  396.     _PALETTECOLOR 99, _RGBA32(255, 105, 180, 255): CONST HotPink = 99~%%
  397.     _PALETTECOLOR 100, _RGBA32(178, 236, 93, 255): CONST Inchworm = 100~%%
  398.     _PALETTECOLOR 101, _RGBA32(205, 92, 92, 255): CONST IndianRed = 101~%%
  399.     _PALETTECOLOR 102, _RGBA32(75, 0, 130, 255): CONST Indigo = 102~%%
  400.     _PALETTECOLOR 103, _RGBA32(255, 255, 240, 255): CONST Ivory = 103~%%
  401.     _PALETTECOLOR 104, _RGBA32(202, 55, 103, 255): CONST JazzberryJam = 104~%%
  402.     _PALETTECOLOR 105, _RGBA32(59, 176, 143, 255): CONST JungleGreen = 105~%%
  403.     _PALETTECOLOR 106, _RGBA32(240, 230, 140, 255): CONST Khaki = 106~%%
  404.     _PALETTECOLOR 107, _RGBA32(254, 254, 34, 255): CONST LaserLemon = 107~%%
  405.     _PALETTECOLOR 108, _RGBA32(230, 230, 250, 255): CONST Lavender = 108~%%
  406.     _PALETTECOLOR 109, _RGBA32(255, 240, 245, 255): CONST LavenderBlush = 109~%%
  407.     _PALETTECOLOR 110, _RGBA32(124, 252, 0, 255): CONST LawnGreen = 110~%%
  408.     _PALETTECOLOR 111, _RGBA32(255, 250, 205, 255): CONST LemonChiffon = 111~%%
  409.     _PALETTECOLOR 112, _RGBA32(255, 244, 79, 255): CONST LemonYellow = 112~%%
  410.     _PALETTECOLOR 113, _RGBA32(240, 128, 128, 255): CONST LightCoral = 113~%%
  411.     _PALETTECOLOR 114, _RGBA32(250, 250, 210, 255): CONST LightGoldenRodYellow = 114~%%
  412.     _PALETTECOLOR 115, _RGBA32(211, 211, 211, 255): CONST LightGray = 115~%%
  413.     _PALETTECOLOR 116, _RGBA32(144, 238, 144, 255): CONST LightGreen2 = 116~%%
  414.     _PALETTECOLOR 117, _RGBA32(255, 182, 193, 255): CONST LightPink = 117~%%
  415.     _PALETTECOLOR 118, _RGBA32(255, 160, 122, 255): CONST LightSalmon = 118~%%
  416.     _PALETTECOLOR 119, _RGBA32(32, 178, 170, 255): CONST LightSeaGreen = 119~%%
  417.     _PALETTECOLOR 120, _RGBA32(135, 206, 250, 255): CONST LightSkyBlue = 120~%%
  418.     _PALETTECOLOR 121, _RGBA32(119, 136, 153, 255): CONST LightSlateGray = 121~%%
  419.     _PALETTECOLOR 122, _RGBA32(176, 196, 222, 255): CONST LightSteelBlue = 122~%%
  420.     _PALETTECOLOR 123, _RGBA32(255, 255, 224, 255): CONST LightYellow = 123~%%
  421.     _PALETTECOLOR 124, _RGBA32(0, 255, 0, 255): CONST Lime = 124~%%
  422.     _PALETTECOLOR 125, _RGBA32(50, 205, 50, 255): CONST LimeGreen = 125~%%
  423.     _PALETTECOLOR 126, _RGBA32(250, 240, 230, 255): CONST Linen = 126~%%
  424.     _PALETTECOLOR 127, _RGBA32(255, 189, 136, 255): CONST MacaroniAndCheese = 127~%%
  425.     _PALETTECOLOR 128, _RGBA32(170, 240, 209, 255): CONST MagicMint = 128~%%
  426.     _PALETTECOLOR 129, _RGBA32(205, 74, 76, 255): CONST Mahogany = 129~%%
  427.     _PALETTECOLOR 130, _RGBA32(237, 209, 156, 255): CONST Maize = 130~%%
  428.     _PALETTECOLOR 131, _RGBA32(151, 154, 170, 255): CONST Manatee = 131~%%
  429.     _PALETTECOLOR 132, _RGBA32(255, 130, 67, 255): CONST MangoTango = 132~%%
  430.     _PALETTECOLOR 133, _RGBA32(128, 0, 0, 255): CONST Maroon = 133~%%
  431.     _PALETTECOLOR 134, _RGBA32(239, 152, 170, 255): CONST Mauvelous = 134~%%
  432.     _PALETTECOLOR 135, _RGBA32(102, 205, 170, 255): CONST MediumAquamarine = 135~%%
  433.     _PALETTECOLOR 136, _RGBA32(0, 0, 205, 255): CONST MediumBlue = 136~%%
  434.     _PALETTECOLOR 137, _RGBA32(186, 85, 211, 255): CONST MediumOrchid = 137~%%
  435.     _PALETTECOLOR 138, _RGBA32(147, 112, 219, 255): CONST MediumPurple = 138~%%
  436.     _PALETTECOLOR 139, _RGBA32(60, 179, 113, 255): CONST MediumSeaGreen = 139~%%
  437.     _PALETTECOLOR 140, _RGBA32(123, 104, 238, 255): CONST MediumSlateBlue = 140~%%
  438.     _PALETTECOLOR 141, _RGBA32(0, 250, 154, 255): CONST MediumSpringGreen = 141~%%
  439.     _PALETTECOLOR 142, _RGBA32(72, 209, 204, 255): CONST MediumTurquoise = 142~%%
  440.     _PALETTECOLOR 143, _RGBA32(199, 21, 133, 255): CONST MediumVioletRed = 143~%%
  441.     _PALETTECOLOR 144, _RGBA32(253, 188, 180, 255): CONST Melon = 144~%%
  442.     _PALETTECOLOR 145, _RGBA32(25, 25, 112, 255): CONST MidnightBlue = 145~%%
  443.     _PALETTECOLOR 146, _RGBA32(245, 255, 250, 255): CONST MintCream = 146~%%
  444.     _PALETTECOLOR 147, _RGBA32(255, 228, 225, 255): CONST MistyRose = 147~%%
  445.     _PALETTECOLOR 148, _RGBA32(255, 228, 181, 255): CONST Moccasin = 148~%%
  446.     _PALETTECOLOR 149, _RGBA32(48, 186, 143, 255): CONST MountainMeadow = 149~%%
  447.     _PALETTECOLOR 150, _RGBA32(197, 75, 140, 255): CONST Mulberry = 150~%%
  448.     _PALETTECOLOR 151, _RGBA32(255, 222, 173, 255): CONST NavajoWhite = 151~%%
  449.     _PALETTECOLOR 152, _RGBA32(0, 0, 128, 255): CONST Navy = 152~%%
  450.     _PALETTECOLOR 153, _RGBA32(25, 116, 210, 255): CONST NavyBlue = 153~%%
  451.     _PALETTECOLOR 154, _RGBA32(255, 163, 67, 255): CONST NeonCarrot = 154~%%
  452.     _PALETTECOLOR 155, _RGBA32(253, 245, 230, 255): CONST OldLace = 155~%%
  453.     _PALETTECOLOR 156, _RGBA32(128, 128, 0, 255): CONST Olive = 156~%%
  454.     _PALETTECOLOR 157, _RGBA32(107, 142, 35, 255): CONST OliveDrab = 157~%%
  455.     _PALETTECOLOR 158, _RGBA32(186, 184, 108, 255): CONST OliveGreen = 158~%%
  456.     _PALETTECOLOR 159, _RGBA32(255, 165, 0, 255): CONST Orange = 159~%%
  457.     _PALETTECOLOR 160, _RGBA32(255, 69, 0, 255): CONST OrangeRed = 160~%%
  458.     _PALETTECOLOR 161, _RGBA32(248, 213, 104, 255): CONST OrangeYellow = 161~%%
  459.     _PALETTECOLOR 162, _RGBA32(218, 112, 214, 255): CONST Orchid = 162~%%
  460.     _PALETTECOLOR 163, _RGBA32(65, 74, 76, 255): CONST OuterSpace = 163~%%
  461.     _PALETTECOLOR 164, _RGBA32(255, 110, 74, 255): CONST OutrageousOrange = 164~%%
  462.     _PALETTECOLOR 165, _RGBA32(28, 169, 201, 255): CONST PacificBlue = 165~%%
  463.     _PALETTECOLOR 166, _RGBA32(238, 232, 170, 255): CONST PaleGoldenRod = 166~%%
  464.     _PALETTECOLOR 167, _RGBA32(152, 251, 152, 255): CONST PaleGreen = 167~%%
  465.     _PALETTECOLOR 168, _RGBA32(175, 238, 238, 255): CONST PaleTurquoise = 168~%%
  466.     _PALETTECOLOR 169, _RGBA32(219, 112, 147, 255): CONST PaleVioletRed = 169~%%
  467.     _PALETTECOLOR 170, _RGBA32(255, 239, 213, 255): CONST PapayaWhip = 170~%%
  468.     _PALETTECOLOR 171, _RGBA32(255, 207, 171, 255): CONST Peach = 171~%%
  469.     _PALETTECOLOR 172, _RGBA32(255, 218, 185, 255): CONST PeachPuff = 172~%%
  470.     _PALETTECOLOR 173, _RGBA32(197, 208, 230, 255): CONST Periwinkle = 173~%%
  471.     _PALETTECOLOR 174, _RGBA32(205, 133, 63, 255): CONST Peru = 174~%%
  472.     _PALETTECOLOR 175, _RGBA32(253, 221, 230, 255): CONST PiggyPink = 175~%%
  473.     _PALETTECOLOR 176, _RGBA32(21, 128, 120, 255): CONST PineGreen = 176~%%
  474.     _PALETTECOLOR 177, _RGBA32(255, 192, 203, 255): CONST Pink = 177~%%
  475.     _PALETTECOLOR 178, _RGBA32(252, 116, 253, 255): CONST PinkFlamingo = 178~%%
  476.     _PALETTECOLOR 179, _RGBA32(247, 143, 167, 255): CONST PinkSherbet = 179~%%
  477.     _PALETTECOLOR 180, _RGBA32(221, 160, 221, 255): CONST Plum = 180~%%
  478.     _PALETTECOLOR 181, _RGBA32(176, 224, 230, 255): CONST PowderBlue = 181~%%
  479.     _PALETTECOLOR 182, _RGBA32(128, 0, 128, 255): CONST Purple = 182~%%
  480.     _PALETTECOLOR 183, _RGBA32(116, 66, 200, 255): CONST PurpleHeart = 183~%%
  481.     _PALETTECOLOR 184, _RGBA32(157, 129, 186, 255): CONST PurpleMountainsMajesty = 184~%%
  482.     _PALETTECOLOR 185, _RGBA32(254, 78, 218, 255): CONST PurplePizzazz = 185~%%
  483.     _PALETTECOLOR 186, _RGBA32(255, 73, 108, 255): CONST RadicalRed = 186~%%
  484.     _PALETTECOLOR 187, _RGBA32(214, 138, 89, 255): CONST RawSienna = 187~%%
  485.     _PALETTECOLOR 188, _RGBA32(113, 75, 35, 255): CONST RawUmber = 188~%%
  486.     _PALETTECOLOR 189, _RGBA32(255, 72, 208, 255): CONST RazzleDazzleRose = 189~%%
  487.     _PALETTECOLOR 190, _RGBA32(227, 37, 107, 255): CONST Razzmatazz = 190~%%
  488.     _PALETTECOLOR 191, _RGBA32(255, 83, 73, 255): CONST RedOrange = 191~%%
  489.     _PALETTECOLOR 192, _RGBA32(192, 68, 143, 255): CONST RedViolet = 192~%%
  490.     _PALETTECOLOR 193, _RGBA32(31, 206, 203, 255): CONST RobinsEggBlue = 193~%%
  491.     _PALETTECOLOR 194, _RGBA32(188, 143, 143, 255): CONST RosyBrown = 194~%%
  492.     _PALETTECOLOR 195, _RGBA32(65, 105, 225, 255): CONST RoyalBlue = 195~%%
  493.     _PALETTECOLOR 196, _RGBA32(120, 81, 169, 255): CONST RoyalPurple = 196~%%
  494.     _PALETTECOLOR 197, _RGBA32(139, 69, 19, 255): CONST SaddleBrown = 197~%%
  495.     _PALETTECOLOR 198, _RGBA32(250, 128, 114, 255): CONST Salmon = 198~%%
  496.     _PALETTECOLOR 199, _RGBA32(244, 164, 96, 255): CONST SandyBrown = 199~%%
  497.     _PALETTECOLOR 200, _RGBA32(252, 40, 71, 255): CONST Scarlet = 200~%%
  498.     _PALETTECOLOR 201, _RGBA32(118, 255, 122, 255): CONST ScreaminGreen = 201~%%
  499.     _PALETTECOLOR 202, _RGBA32(46, 139, 87, 255): CONST SeaGreen = 202~%%
  500.     _PALETTECOLOR 203, _RGBA32(255, 245, 238, 255): CONST SeaShell = 203~%%
  501.     _PALETTECOLOR 204, _RGBA32(165, 105, 79, 255): CONST Sepia = 204~%%
  502.     _PALETTECOLOR 205, _RGBA32(138, 121, 93, 255): CONST Shadow = 205~%%
  503.     _PALETTECOLOR 206, _RGBA32(69, 206, 162, 255): CONST Shamrock = 206~%%
  504.     _PALETTECOLOR 207, _RGBA32(251, 126, 253, 255): CONST ShockingPink = 207~%%
  505.     _PALETTECOLOR 208, _RGBA32(160, 82, 45, 255): CONST Sienna = 208~%%
  506.     _PALETTECOLOR 209, _RGBA32(192, 192, 192, 255): CONST Silver = 209~%%
  507.     _PALETTECOLOR 210, _RGBA32(135, 206, 235, 255): CONST SkyBlue = 210~%%
  508.     _PALETTECOLOR 211, _RGBA32(106, 90, 205, 255): CONST SlateBlue = 211~%%
  509.     _PALETTECOLOR 212, _RGBA32(112, 128, 144, 255): CONST SlateGray = 212~%%
  510.     _PALETTECOLOR 213, _RGBA32(255, 250, 250, 255): CONST Snow = 213~%%
  511.     _PALETTECOLOR 214, _RGBA32(0, 255, 127, 255): CONST SpringGreen = 214~%%
  512.     _PALETTECOLOR 215, _RGBA32(70, 130, 180, 255): CONST SteelBlue = 215~%%
  513.     _PALETTECOLOR 216, _RGBA32(255, 207, 72, 255): CONST Sunglow = 216~%%
  514.     _PALETTECOLOR 217, _RGBA32(253, 94, 83, 255): CONST SunsetOrange = 217~%%
  515.     _PALETTECOLOR 218, _RGBA32(210, 180, 140, 255): CONST Tann = 218~%%
  516.     _PALETTECOLOR 219, _RGBA32(0, 128, 128, 255): CONST Teal = 219~%%
  517.     _PALETTECOLOR 220, _RGBA32(24, 167, 181, 255): CONST TealBlue = 220~%%
  518.     _PALETTECOLOR 221, _RGBA32(216, 191, 216, 255): CONST Thistle = 221~%%
  519.     _PALETTECOLOR 222, _RGBA32(252, 137, 172, 255): CONST TickleMePink = 222~%%
  520.     _PALETTECOLOR 223, _RGBA32(219, 215, 210, 255): CONST Timberwolf = 223~%%
  521.     _PALETTECOLOR 224, _RGBA32(255, 99, 71, 255): CONST Tomato = 224~%%
  522.     _PALETTECOLOR 225, _RGBA32(23, 128, 109, 255): CONST TropicalRainForest = 225~%%
  523.     _PALETTECOLOR 226, _RGBA32(222, 170, 136, 255): CONST Tumbleweed = 226~%%
  524.     _PALETTECOLOR 227, _RGBA32(64, 224, 208, 255): CONST Turquoise = 227~%%
  525.     _PALETTECOLOR 228, _RGBA32(119, 221, 231, 255): CONST TurquoiseBlue = 228~%%
  526.     _PALETTECOLOR 229, _RGBA32(255, 255, 102, 255): CONST UnmellowYellow = 229~%%
  527.     _PALETTECOLOR 230, _RGBA32(238, 130, 238, 255): CONST Violet = 230~%%
  528.     _PALETTECOLOR 231, _RGBA32(50, 74, 178, 255): CONST VioletBlue = 231~%%
  529.     _PALETTECOLOR 232, _RGBA32(247, 83, 148, 255): CONST VioletRed = 232~%%
  530.     _PALETTECOLOR 233, _RGBA32(255, 160, 137, 255): CONST VividTangerine = 233~%%
  531.     _PALETTECOLOR 234, _RGBA32(143, 80, 157, 255): CONST VividViolet = 234~%%
  532.     _PALETTECOLOR 235, _RGBA32(245, 222, 179, 255): CONST Wheat = 235~%%
  533.     _PALETTECOLOR 236, _RGBA32(245, 245, 245, 255): CONST Whitesmoke = 236~%%
  534.     _PALETTECOLOR 237, _RGBA32(162, 173, 208, 255): CONST WildBlueYonder = 237~%%
  535.     _PALETTECOLOR 238, _RGBA32(255, 67, 164, 255): CONST WildStrawberry = 238~%%
  536.     _PALETTECOLOR 239, _RGBA32(252, 108, 133, 255): CONST WildWatermelon = 239~%%
  537.     _PALETTECOLOR 240, _RGBA32(205, 164, 222, 255): CONST Wisteria = 240~%%
  538.     _PALETTECOLOR 241, _RGBA32(154, 205, 50, 255): CONST YellowGreen = 241~%%
  539.     _PALETTECOLOR 242, _RGBA32(255, 174, 66, 255): CONST YellowOrange = 242~%%
  543. ''$INCLUDE:'LinkedList.BI
  545. CONST True = -1, False = 0
  546. CONST Left = 1, Right = 2, Middle = 3, Center = 3
  547. CONST None = 0, Alpha = 1, Numeric = 2, NoCase = 4, Reverse = 8
  548. CONST LeftClick = 1, RightClick = 2, LeftDown = 4, RightDown = 8, Hover = 16
  550. TYPE MenuType
  551.     Valid AS _BYTE
  552.     Visible AS _BYTE
  553.     ScrollBarHidden AS _BYTE
  554.     Top AS INTEGER
  555.     Left AS INTEGER
  556.     Height AS INTEGER
  557.     Frame AS _BYTE
  558.     BorderColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  559.     BackgroundColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  560.     Header AS _BYTE
  561.     Caption AS STRING * 255
  562.     CC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'caption color
  563.     CBG AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'caption background color
  564.     HighLightColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  565.     Exit AS _BYTE
  566.     Entries AS INTEGER
  567.     TopEntry AS INTEGER
  568.     ListColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  569.     ListBackground AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  570.     ListJustify AS _BYTE
  572. DIM SHARED MenusActive AS LONG
  573. REDIM SHARED Menu(10) AS MenuType
  574. REDIM SHARED MenuList(32767, 10) AS STRING 'Up to 32,767 items max in our list.
  575. REDIM SHARED MenuListDisabled(32767, 10) AS _BYTE
  576. REDIM SHARED MenuDisplayOrder(32767, 10) AS INTEGER
  577. TYPE LinkType
  578.     one AS LONG
  579.     another AS LONG
  580. REDIM SHARED LinkedTo(1000) AS LinkType
  581. DIM SHARED ScrollDelay AS _FLOAT
  582. DIM SHARED MouseScroll AS INTEGER
  584. 'Before here goes BI file content
  585. 'After here goes working program
  587. DEFLNG A-Z
  588. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
  590. MainMenu = GetMenuHandle
  591. SetMenuSize MainMenu, 200, 150
  592. SetMenuPosition MainMenu, 100, 100
  593. SetMenuFrame MainMenu, True, Red, Yellow
  594. SetMenuVisible MainMenu, True
  595. SetMenuCaption MainMenu, True, "Name", Black, White, True
  596. SetMenuListProperties MainMenu, Black, 0, Center 'Right 'Left
  597. SetMenuHighLightColor MainMenu, Red
  598. FOR i = 1 TO 23
  599.     READ n$
  600.     AddMenuItem MainMenu, n$
  602. DATA Steve,Pete,Bob,Joe,Fred
  603. DATA Sam,One,Two,Three,Four
  604. DATA Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine
  605. DATA These,are,all,my,names
  606. DATA "Aren't",they,grand
  608. SecondMenu = GetMenuHandle
  609. SetMenuSize SecondMenu, 100, 150
  610. SetMenuPosition SecondMenu, 300, 100
  611. SetMenuFrame SecondMenu, True, Red, Yellow
  612. SetMenuVisible SecondMenu, True
  613. SetMenuCaption SecondMenu, True, "Age", Black, White, True
  614. SetMenuListProperties SecondMenu, Black, 0, Left
  615. SetMenuHighLightColor SecondMenu, Red
  617. FOR i = 1 TO 23
  618.     READ n$
  619.     AddMenuItem SecondMenu, n$
  621. DATA 12,23,34,45,56
  622. DATA 67,78,89,90,1
  623. DATA 9,98,87,76,65
  624. DATA 54,43,32,21,10
  625. DATA 42,55,12
  627. sortmode = 0: linked = -1: menuon = 1
  629. HideMenuScrollBar MainMenu
  630. LinkMenus MainMenu, SecondMenu
  632. DisableItem MainMenu, 5
  633. ScrollDelay = .25
  634.     CLS
  635.     LOCATE 20, 1: PRINT "Press <H> to hide the menu."
  636.     PRINT "Press <S> to show the menu."
  637.     PRINT "Press <N> for No Sort order."
  638.     PRINT "Press <A> for Alphabetic Sort order."
  639.     PRINT "Press <#> for Numeric Sort order."
  640.     PRINT "Press <C> to toggle case sorting."
  641.     PRINT "Press <R> to toggle reverse sorting."
  642.     PRINT "Press <L> to link the menus."
  643.     PRINT "Press <U> to unlink the menus."
  644.     PRINT "Press <TAB> to swap between menus."
  645.     PRINT "<ESC> to quit"
  646.     PRINT
  647.     PRINT "Currently: ";
  648.     IF sortmode AND 1 THEN
  649.         PRINT "ALPHA SORT";
  650.         IF kase THEN PRINT ", CASE-SENSITIVE";
  651.         IF reversed THEN PRINT ", REVERSE-ORDER" ELSE PRINT
  652.     ELSEIF sortmode AND 2 THEN
  653.         PRINT "NUMERIC SORT";
  654.         IF reversed THEN PRINT ", REVERSE-ORDER" ELSE PRINT
  655.     ELSE
  656.         PRINT "NOT SORTING"
  657.     END IF
  658.     LOCATE 5, 25
  662.     MouseScroll = 0
  663.         MouseScroll = MouseScroll + _MOUSEWHEEL
  664.     WEND
  666.     k = _KEYHIT
  667.     SELECT CASE k
  668.         CASE ASC("L"), ASC("l"): LinkMenus MainMenu, SecondMenu: linked = -1
  669.         CASE ASC("U"), ASC("u"): UnLinkMenus MainMenu, SecondMenu: linked = 0
  670.         CASE ASC("H"), ASC("h"): HideMenu menuon
  671.         CASE ASC("S"), ASC("s"): ShowMenu menuon
  672.         CASE ASC("N"), ASC("n"): sortmode = None: changed = -1: reversed = 0: kase = 0
  673.         CASE ASC("A"), ASC("a"): sortmode = Alpha: changed = -1
  674.         CASE ASC("#"), ASC("3"): sortmode = Numeric: changed = -1
  675.         CASE ASC("C"), ASC("c"): kase = NOT kase: changed = -1
  676.         CASE ASC("R"), ASC("r"): reversed = NOT reversed: changed = -1
  677.         CASE 9: menuon = menuon + 1: IF menuon = 3 THEN menuon = 1
  678.         CASE 27: SYSTEM
  679.     END SELECT
  680.     IF changed THEN
  681.         IF sortmode <> 0 THEN
  682.             IF kase THEN sortmode = sortmode OR NoCase ELSE sortmode = sortmode AND NOT NoCase
  683.             IF reversed THEN sortmode = sortmode OR Reverse ELSE sortmode = sortmode AND NOT Reverse
  684.         END IF
  685.         MenuDisplaySort menuon, sortmode
  686.         changed = 0
  687.     END IF
  688.     DisplayMenus
  689.     CheckMenus MouseStatus, MenuSelected, OptionSelected
  690.     IF MouseStatus <> 0 AND MenuSelected <> 0 THEN
  691.         IF MouseStatus AND LeftClick THEN
  692.             LOCATE 1, 1
  693.             PRINT "You LEFT CLICKED Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  694.             PRINT "Which was: "; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  695.             PRINT
  696.             IF linked THEN
  697.                 PRINT "Since our lists are linked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(1, OptionSelected), GetListItem(2, OptionSelected)
  698.             ELSE
  699.                 PRINT "Since our lists are unlinked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  700.             END IF
  701.             _DISPLAY
  702.             _DELAY 2 'give it time to pop up
  703.         ELSEIF MouseStatus AND RightClick THEN
  704.             LOCATE 1, 1
  705.             PRINT "You RIGHT CLICKED Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  706.             PRINT "Which was: "; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  707.             PRINT
  708.             IF linked THEN
  709.                 PRINT "Since our lists are linked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(1, OptionSelected), GetListItem(2, OptionSelected)
  710.             ELSE
  711.                 PRINT "Since our lists are unlinked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  712.             END IF
  713.             _DISPLAY
  714.             _DELAY 2 'give it time to pop up
  715.         END IF
  716.         COLOR Yellow
  717.         IF MouseStatus AND LeftDown THEN LOCATE 35, 1: PRINT "LEFT MOUSE DOWN over Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  718.         IF MouseStatus AND RightDown THEN LOCATE 35, 1: PRINT "RIGHT MOUSE DOWN over Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  719.         COLOR Purple
  720.         IF MouseStatus AND Hover THEN LOCATE 36, 1: PRINT "HOVERING over Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected;
  721.         COLOR White
  723.     END IF
  724.     _LIMIT 30
  725.     _DISPLAY
  732. ''$INCLUDE:'LinkedList.BM'
  734. 'And here goes the BM routines
  738. SUB LinkMenus (handle1, handle2)
  739.     IF handle1 = 0 OR handle2 = 0 THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  740.     IF handle1 = handle2 THEN EXIT SUB 'Why the heck are we linking one list to itself?!
  741.     IF Menu(handle1).Valid AND Menu(handle2).Valid THEN
  742.         LinkMax = LinkedTo(0).one 'I'm using the very first entry into my array to store the number of link entries I have
  743.         'First check to see if the two menus are already linked
  744.         FOR i = 1 TO LinkMax
  745.             found = 0
  746.             IF handle1 = LinkedTo(i).one OR handle1 = LinkedTo(i).another THEN found = found + 1
  747.             IF handle2 = LinkedTo(i).one OR handle2 = LinkedTo(i).another THEN found = found + 1
  748.             IF found = 2 THEN EXIT SUB 'the two lists are already linked
  749.             IF handle1 = 0 AND handle2 = 0 AND openspot = 0 THEN openspot = i 'we found a spot where a link was freed before; let's use it
  750.         NEXT
  751.         MenuDisplaySort handle1, None: MenuDisplaySort handle2, None 'unsort the lists to begin with.
  752.         Menu(handle1).TopEntry = 1: Menu(handle2).TopEntry = 1 'and then reset them to their topmost position
  754.         IF openspot THEN
  755.             LinkedTo(openspot).one = handle1
  756.             LinkedTo(openspot).another = handle2
  757.         ELSE
  758.             LinkMax = LinkMax + 1: LinkedTo(0).one = LinkMax
  759.             LinkedTo(LinkMax).one = handle1
  760.             LinkedTo(LinkMax).another = handle2
  761.         END IF
  762.     ELSE
  763.         ERROR 5
  764.     END IF
  766. SUB UnLinkMenus (handle1, handle2)
  767.     IF handle1 = 0 OR handle2 = 0 THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB 'no list should be linked to 0.  0 is nothing...  Can't free a link to nothing.
  768.     IF handle1 = handle2 THEN EXIT SUB 'We can't unlink a list from itself!
  769.     IF Menu(handle1).Valid AND Menu(handle2).Valid THEN
  770.         FOR i = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  771.             IF handle1 = LinkedTo(i).one OR handle1 = LinkedTo(i).another THEN found = found + 1
  772.             IF handle2 = LinkedTo(i).one OR handle2 = LinkedTo(i).another THEN found = found + 1
  773.             IF found = 2 THEN LinkedTo(i).one = 0: LinkedTo(i).another = 0 'unlink them!
  774.         NEXT
  775.     ELSE
  776.         ERROR 5
  777.     END IF
  779. SUB DisableItem (handle, item)
  780.     IF Menu(handle).Valid THEN MenuListDisabled(item, handle) = -1 ELSE ERROR 5
  782. SUB EnableItem (handle, item)
  783.     IF Menu(handle).Valid THEN MenuListDisabled(item, handle) = 0 ELSE ERROR 5
  785. SUB ShowMenu (Handle)
  786.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN Menu(Handle).Visible = -1 ELSE ERROR 5
  788. SUB HideMenu (Handle)
  789.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN Menu(Handle).Visible = 0 ELSE ERROR 5
  791. SUB ShowMenuScrollBar (Handle)
  792.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN Menu(Handle).ScrollBarHidden = 0 ELSE ERROR 5
  794. SUB HideMenuScrollBar (Handle)
  795.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN Menu(Handle).ScrollBarHidden = -1 ELSE ERROR 5
  799. FUNCTION GetListItem$ (Handle, Item)
  800.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  801.         IF Item < 0 OR Item > Menu(Handle).Entries THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  802.         GetListItem$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MenuList(Item, Handle)))
  803.     ELSE
  804.         ERROR 5
  805.     END IF
  809. SUB AddMenuItem (Handle, Item$)
  810.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  811.         Menu(Handle).Entries = Menu(Handle).Entries + 1
  812.         MenuList(Menu(Handle).Entries, Handle) = Item$
  813.         MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Handle).Entries, Handle) = Menu(Handle).Entries
  814.     ELSE
  815.         ERROR 5
  816.     END IF
  819. SUB SetMenuListProperties (Handle, ListColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG, ListBackground AS _UNSIGNED LONG, ListJustify AS _BYTE)
  820.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  821.         Menu(Handle).ListColor = ListColor
  822.         Menu(Handle).ListBackground = ListBackground
  823.         Menu(Handle).ListJustify = ListJustify
  824.     ELSE
  825.         ERROR 5
  826.     END IF
  828. SUB SetMenuHighLightColor (Handle, HighLightColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  829.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  830.         Menu(Handle).HighLightColor = HighLightColor
  831.     ELSE
  832.         ERROR 5
  833.     END IF
  836. SUB SetMenuCaption (Handle, Header, Caption AS STRING * 255, CaptionColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG, CaptionBackground AS _UNSIGNED LONG, Xit)
  837.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  838.         Menu(Handle).Header = Header
  839.         Menu(Handle).Caption = Caption
  840.         Menu(Handle).CC = CaptionColor
  841.         Menu(Handle).CBG = CaptionBackground
  842.         Menu(Handle).Exit = Xit
  843.     ELSE
  844.         ERROR 5
  845.     END IF
  848. SUB SetMenuFrame (Handle, HaveFrame, FrameColor AS _UNSIGNED LONG, FrameBackGround AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  849.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  850.         Menu(Handle).Frame = HaveFrame
  851.         Menu(Handle).BorderColor = FrameColor
  852.         Menu(Handle).BackgroundColor = FrameBackGround
  853.     ELSE
  854.         ERROR 5
  855.     END IF
  859. SUB SetMenuPosition (Handle, Left, Top)
  860.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  861.         'some basic error checking
  862.         IF Top < 0 THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB 'Let's try and keep the menu on the screen, why don't we
  863.         IF Left < 0 THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  864.         IF Left > _WIDTH THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  865.         IF Top > _HEIGHT THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  866.         Menu(Handle).Left = Left
  867.         Menu(Handle).Top = Top
  868.     ELSE
  869.         ERROR 5 'toss a generic error if the handle is bad
  870.         'I can add a custom error pop up routine later with appropiate messages
  871.     END IF
  874. SUB SetMenuVisible (Handle, Visible)
  875.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN Menu(Handle).Visible = Visible ELSE ERROR 5
  877. SUB SetMenuSize (Handle, Width, Height)
  878.     IF Menu(Handle).Valid THEN
  879.         'some basic error checking
  880.         IF Width < _FONTWIDTH THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB 'Can't we at least make a menu which will hold a single character?!
  881.         IF Height < _FONTHEIGHT THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  882.         IF Width > _WIDTH THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB 'And let's not make it generally larger than our screen, why don't we?!
  883.         IF Height > _HEIGHT THEN ERROR 5: EXIT SUB
  884.         Menu(Handle).Width = Width
  885.         Menu(Handle).Height = Height
  886.     ELSE
  887.         ERROR 5 'toss a generic error if the handle is bad
  888.         'I can add a custom error pop up routine later with appropiate messages
  889.     END IF
  891. FUNCTION GetMenuHandle&
  892.     FOR i = 1 TO MenusActive
  893.         IF Menu(i).Valid = 0 THEN found = i: EXIT FOR
  894.     NEXT
  895.     IF NOT found THEN
  896.         MenusActive = MenusActive + 1
  897.         found = MenusActive
  898.         u = UBOUND(menu)
  899.         DO UNTIL MenusActive < u
  900.             REDIM _PRESERVE Menu(u + 10) AS MenuType
  901.             REDIM _PRESERVE MenuList(32767, u + 10) AS STRING
  902.             REDIM _PRESERVE MenuDisplayOrder(32767, u + 10) AS INTEGER
  903.             REDIM _PRESERVE MenuListDisabled(32767, u + 10) AS _BYTE
  904.             u = UBOUND(menu)
  905.         LOOP
  906.     END IF
  907.     GetMenuHandle& = found
  908.     Menu(found).Valid = -1 'and let's make this a valid handle
  911. SUB CheckMenus (MouseStatus AS LONG, MenuSelected AS LONG, OptionSelected AS LONG)
  913.     MenuSelected = 0: OptionSelected = 0
  914.     FOR i = 1 TO MenusActive
  915.         IF Menu(i).Visible AND Menu(i).Valid THEN
  916.             IF startnum = 0 THEN startnum = i
  917.             ProcessMenu i, startnum, MouseStatus, MenuSelected, OptionSelected
  918.             IF MenuSelected THEN EXIT SUB
  919.         END IF
  920.     NEXT
  923. SUB DisplayMenus
  924.     FOR Whichone = 1 TO MenusActive
  925.         IF Menu(Whichone).Visible THEN
  926.             'Get the starting limits of where menu/list text can appear
  927.             x1 = Menu(Whichone).Left: x2 = x1 + Menu(Whichone).Width
  928.             y1 = Menu(Whichone).Top: y2 = Menu(Whichone).Top + Menu(Whichone).Height
  929.             caption$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(Menu(Whichone).Caption)) 'strip unneeded spaces from the caption (WhichOnef any)
  931.             'clear the background
  932.             LINE (Menu(Whichone).Left, Menu(Whichone).Top)-STEP(Menu(Whichone).Width, Menu(Whichone).Height), Menu(Whichone).BackgroundColor, BF
  933.             'draw the frame; adjust text limits
  934.             IF Menu(Whichone).Frame THEN
  935.                 LINE (Menu(Whichone).Left, Menu(Whichone).Top)-STEP(Menu(Whichone).Width, Menu(Whichone).Height), Menu(Whichone).BorderColor, B
  936.                 x1 = x1 + 1: y1 = y1 + 1
  937.                 x2 = x2 - 1: y2 = y2 - 1
  938.             END IF
  939.             IF Menu(Whichone).Header THEN
  940.                 temp = x2 - x1 + 1
  941.                 LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y1 + _FONTHEIGHT), Menu(Whichone).CBG, BF
  942.                 IF Menu(Whichone).Exit THEN
  943.                     temp = temp - _FONTWIDTH * 2
  944.                     ex1 = x2 - 1 - _FONTWIDTH: ex2 = ex1 + _FONTWIDTH
  945.                     ey1 = y1 + 1: ey2 = ey1 + _FONTHEIGHT - 3
  946.                     LINE (ex1, ey1)-(ex2, ey2), Red, BF
  947.                     LINE (ex1, ey1)-(ex2, ey2), Black
  948.                     LINE (ex1, ey2)-(ex2, ey1), Black
  949.                 END IF
  950.                 DO UNTIL _PRINTWIDTH(caption$) <= temp
  951.                     caption$ = LEFT$(caption$, LEN(caption$) - 1)
  952.                 LOOP
  953.                 COLOR Menu(Whichone).CC, Menu(Whichone).CBG
  954.                 _PRINTSTRING (x1 + (temp - _PRINTWIDTH(caption$)) \ 2, y1), caption$
  955.                 y1 = y1 + _FONTHEIGHT
  956.                 IF Menu(Whichone).Frame THEN
  957.                     LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y1), Menu(Whichone).BorderColor
  958.                     y1 = y1 + 2
  959.                 END IF
  960.             END IF 'end header creation
  962.             IF Menu(Whichone).Entries > 0 THEN 'We have items in our list to display!
  963.                 IF Menu(Whichone).TopEntry < 1 THEN Menu(Whichone).TopEntry = 1 'check to make certain we're displaying from the first entry on at least
  964.                 IF Menu(Whichone).TopEntry > Menu(Whichone).Entries THEN Menu(Whichone).TopEntry = Menu(Whichone).Entries
  965.                 printlimit = (x2 - x1 + 1) \ _FONTWIDTH
  966.                 limitfound = 1 + (y2 - y1 + 1) \ _FONTHEIGHT - 1
  967.                 IF limitfound > Menu(Whichone).Entries THEN
  968.                     limitfound = Menu(Whichone).Entries
  969.                 ELSE
  970.                     scrollneeded = -1
  971.                     printlimit = printlimit - 1
  972.                 END IF
  973.                 COLOR Menu(Whichone).ListColor, Menu(Whichone).ListBackground
  974.                 IF Menu(Whichone).ScrollBarHidden = -1 THEN scrollneeded = 0
  975.                 DIM r AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE, g AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE, b AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE
  976.                 DIM CC AS INTEGER
  978.                 r = _RED32(Menu(Whichone).BackgroundColor)
  979.                 g = _GREEN32(Menu(Whichone).BackgroundColor)
  980.                 b = _BLUE32(Menu(Whichone).BackgroundColor)
  981.                 Fade& = _RGBA32(r, g, b, 180)
  983.                 SELECT CASE Menu(Whichone).ListJustify
  984.                     CASE Left
  985.                         FOR j = 1 TO limitfound
  986.                             CC = MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Whichone).TopEntry + j - 1, Whichone) 'currentchoice
  987.                             graybox = 0
  988.                             t$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(MenuList(CC, Whichone)))
  989.                             IF MenuListDisabled(CC, Whichone) THEN graybox = -1
  990.                             FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  991.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).one AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).another) THEN graybox = -1
  992.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).another AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).one) THEN graybox = -1
  993.                             NEXT
  994.                             t$ = LEFT$(t$, printlimit)
  995.                             _PRINTSTRING (x1, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
  996.                             IF graybox THEN LINE (x1, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT)-(x2, y1 + (j) * _FONTHEIGHT), Fade&, BF
  997.                         NEXT
  998.                     CASE Right
  999.                         FOR j = 1 TO limitfound
  1000.                             CC = MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Whichone).TopEntry + j - 1, Whichone) 'currentchoice
  1001.                             graybox = 0
  1002.                             t$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Whichone).TopEntry + j - 1, Whichone), Whichone)))
  1003.                             IF MenuListDisabled(CC, Whichone) THEN graybox = -1
  1004.                             FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1005.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).one AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).another) THEN graybox = -1
  1006.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).another AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).one) THEN graybox = -1
  1007.                             NEXT
  1009.                             t$ = LTRIM$(LEFT$(t$, printlimit))
  1010.                             p = _PRINTWIDTH(t$)
  1011.                             IF scrollneeded THEN
  1012.                                 _PRINTSTRING (x2 - p - _FONTWIDTH, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
  1013.                             ELSE
  1014.                                 _PRINTSTRING (x2 - p, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
  1015.                             END IF
  1016.                             IF graybox THEN LINE (x1, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT)-(x2, y1 + (j) * _FONTHEIGHT), Fade&, BF
  1017.                         NEXT
  1018.                     CASE Center
  1019.                         FOR j = 1 TO limitfound
  1020.                             CC = MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Whichone).TopEntry + j - 1, Whichone) 'currentchoice
  1021.                             graybox = 0
  1022.                             t$ = LTRIM$(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Whichone).TopEntry + j - 1, Whichone), Whichone))
  1023.                             IF MenuListDisabled(CC, Whichone) THEN graybox = -1
  1024.                             FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1025.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).one AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).another) THEN graybox = -1
  1026.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).another AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).one) THEN graybox = -1
  1027.                             NEXT
  1028.                             t$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(LEFT$(t$, printlimit)))
  1029.                             p = _PRINTWIDTH(t$)
  1030.                             _PRINTSTRING ((x2 - x1 + 1) - p \ 2, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
  1031.                             IF graybox THEN LINE (x1, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT)-(x2, y1 + (j) * _FONTHEIGHT), Fade&, BF
  1032.                         NEXT
  1033.                     CASE ELSE
  1034.                         FOR j = 1 TO limitfound
  1035.                             CC = MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(Whichone).TopEntry + j - 1, Whichone) 'currentchoice
  1036.                             graybox = 0
  1037.                             t$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(MenuList(CC, Whichone)))
  1038.                             IF MenuListDisabled(CC, Whichone) THEN graybox = -1
  1039.                             FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1040.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).one AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).another) THEN graybox = -1
  1041.                                 IF Whichone = LinkedTo(ii).another AND MenuListDisabled(CC, LinkedTo(ii).one) THEN graybox = -1
  1042.                             NEXT
  1043.                             t$ = LEFT$(t$, printlimit)
  1044.                             _PRINTSTRING (x1, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT), t$
  1045.                             IF graybox THEN LINE (x1, y1 + (j - 1) * _FONTHEIGHT)-(x2, y1 + (j) * _FONTHEIGHT), Fade&, BF
  1046.                         NEXT
  1047.                         Menu(Whichone).ListJustify = Left 'If it's not specified for some reason, let's make it left justified as default
  1048.                 END SELECT
  1049.             END IF 'end of displaying items
  1050.             IF scrollneeded THEN 'then we need a vertical scroll bar
  1051.                 barx1 = x2 - _FONTWIDTH - 1
  1052.                 barx2 = barx1 + _FONTWIDTH
  1053.                 LINE (barx1, y1)-(barx2, y2), LightGray, BF
  1054.                 COLOR Black, DarkGray
  1055.                 _PRINTSTRING (barx1, y1), ""
  1056.                 _PRINTSTRING (barx1, y2 - _FONTHEIGHT), ""
  1057.             END IF
  1058.         END IF
  1059.     NEXT
  1060.     COLOR FC, BG
  1064. SUB ProcessMenu (WhichOne AS LONG, StartNum AS LONG, MouseStatus AS LONG, MenuSelected AS LONG, OptionSelected AS LONG)
  1065.     STATIC OldMouse AS _BYTE, ElapsedTimer AS _FLOAT, Click AS _BYTE
  1066.     STATIC ScrollAble AS _BYTE, OldMouse2 AS _BYTE, Click2 AS _BYTE
  1068.     IF ScrollDelay < 0 THEN ScrollDelay = 0
  1070.     'Get the starting limits of where menu/list text can appear
  1071.     x1 = Menu(WhichOne).Left: x2 = x1 + Menu(WhichOne).Width
  1072.     y1 = Menu(WhichOne).Top: y2 = Menu(WhichOne).Top + Menu(WhichOne).Height
  1073.     IF WhichOne = StartNum THEN
  1074.         IF OldMouse = 0 AND MB = -1 THEN Click = -1 ELSE Click = 0
  1075.         IF OldMouse2 = 0 AND MB2 = -1 THEN Click2 = -1 ELSE Click2 = 0
  1076.         OldMouse = MB: OldMouse2 = MB2
  1077.         IF ElapsedTimer + ScrollDelay < TIMER(0.01) THEN
  1078.             ElapsedTimer = TIMER(0.01)
  1079.             ScrollAble = -1
  1080.         ELSE
  1081.             ScrollAble = 0
  1082.         END IF
  1083.     END IF
  1088.     IF Menu(WhichOne).Frame THEN
  1089.         LINE (Menu(WhichOne).Left, Menu(WhichOne).Top)-STEP(Menu(WhichOne).Width, Menu(WhichOne).Height), Menu(WhichOne).BorderColor, B
  1090.         x1 = x1 + 1: y1 = y1 + 1
  1091.         x2 = x2 - 1: y2 = y2 - 1
  1092.     END IF
  1093.     IF Menu(WhichOne).Header THEN
  1094.         temp = x2 - x1 + 1
  1095.         IF Menu(WhichOne).Exit THEN
  1096.             temp = temp - _FONTWIDTH * 2
  1097.             ex1 = x2 - 1 - _FONTWIDTH: ex2 = ex1 + _FONTWIDTH
  1098.             ey1 = y1 + 1: ey2 = ey1 + _FONTHEIGHT - 3
  1099.         END IF
  1100.         y1 = y1 + _FONTHEIGHT
  1101.         IF Menu(WhichOne).Frame THEN y1 = y1 + 2
  1102.     END IF 'end header creation
  1104.     IF Menu(WhichOne).Entries > 0 THEN 'We have items in our list to display!
  1105.         IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry < 1 THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = 1 'check to make certain we're displaying from the first entry on at least
  1106.         IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry > Menu(WhichOne).Entries THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).Entries
  1107.         printlimit = (x2 - x1 + 1) \ _FONTWIDTH
  1108.         limitfound = 1 + (y2 - y1 + 1) \ _FONTHEIGHT - 1
  1109.         IF limitfound > Menu(WhichOne).Entries THEN
  1110.             limitfound = Menu(WhichOne).Entries
  1111.         ELSE
  1112.             scrollneeded = -1
  1113.             printlimit = printlimit - 1
  1114.         END IF
  1115.     END IF 'end of displaying items
  1117.     IF Menu(WhichOne).ScrollBarHidden = -1 THEN scrollneeded = 0
  1119.     IF scrollneeded THEN 'then we need a vertical scroll bar
  1120.         barx1 = x2 - _FONTWIDTH - 1
  1121.         barx2 = barx1 + _FONTWIDTH
  1122.     END IF
  1125.     SELECT CASE MY 'let's determine which line we clicked the mouse on
  1126.         CASE IS < ey1 'do nothing as it's too far up the screen to be a click in this box
  1127.         CASE IS > y2 'do nothing again as it's too far down the screen to be a click in this box
  1128.         CASE ey1 TO ey2 'we've clicked on the line where the EXIT button might exist
  1129.         CASE y1 TO y2
  1130.     END SELECT
  1134.     SELECT CASE MY 'let's determine which line we clicked the mouse on
  1135.         CASE IS < ey1 'do nothing as it's too far up the screen to be a click in this box
  1136.         CASE IS > y2 'do nothing again as it's too far down the screen to be a click in this box
  1137.         CASE ey1 TO ey2 'we've clicked on the line where the EXIT button might exist
  1138.             IF Click AND Menu(WhichOne).Exit THEN
  1139.                 IF MX >= ex1 AND MX <= ex2 THEN Menu(WhichOne).Visible = False 'If the exit button is available, and we click it, it closes the menu/list
  1140.             END IF
  1141.         CASE y1 TO y2
  1142.             done = 0
  1143.             IF barx1 > 0 THEN p2 = barx1 - 1 ELSE p2 = x2
  1144.             IF MX >= x1 AND MX <= p2 THEN 'highlight the choice the user is over
  1145.                 yPOS = ((MY - y1 + 1) \ _FONTHEIGHT) * _FONTHEIGHT + y1
  1146.                 IF yPOS + _FONTHEIGHT <= y2 THEN LINE (x1, yPOS)-(p2, yPOS + _FONTHEIGHT), Menu(WhichOne).HighLightColor, B
  1147.             END IF
  1149.             IF MouseScroll THEN
  1150.                 IF MX >= x1 AND MX <= x2 THEN
  1151.                     Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry + MouseScroll
  1152.                     IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry < 1 THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = 1
  1153.                     IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry > Menu(WhichOne).Entries - limitfound + 1 THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).Entries - limitfound + 1
  1154.                     FOR i = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1155.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).one THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).another).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1156.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).another THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).one).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1157.                     NEXT
  1158.                 END IF
  1159.             END IF
  1161.             IF scrollneeded THEN
  1162.                 IF MY >= y1 AND MY <= y1 + _FONTHEIGHT AND MX >= barx1 AND MX <= barx2 AND MB <> 0 THEN 'it's the top scroll bar
  1163.                     IF ScrollAble THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry - 1
  1164.                     IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry < 1 THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = 1
  1165.                     done = -1
  1166.                     FOR i = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1167.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).one THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).another).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1168.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).another THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).one).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1169.                     NEXT
  1170.                 ELSEIF MY >= y2 - _FONTHEIGHT AND MY <= y2 AND MX >= barx1 AND MX <= barx2 AND MB <> 0 THEN 'it's the bottom scroll bar
  1171.                     IF ScrollAble THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry + 1
  1172.                     IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry > Menu(WhichOne).Entries - limitfound + 1 THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).Entries - limitfound + 1
  1173.                     done = -1
  1174.                     FOR i = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1175.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).one THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).another).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1176.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).another THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).one).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1177.                     NEXT
  1178.                 ELSEIF MX >= barx1 AND MX <= barx2 AND MB <> 0 THEN
  1179.                     MenuLimit = Menu(WhichOne).Entries - limitfound + 2
  1180.                     ylimit = y2 - y1 - _FONTHEIGHT * 2 + 1
  1181.                     yPOS = MY - y1 - _FONTHEIGHT + 1
  1182.                     Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = (MenuLimit - (ylimit - yPOS) / ylimit * MenuLimit)
  1183.                     IF Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry >= MenuLimit THEN Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry = MenuLimit - 1
  1184.                     done = -1
  1185.                     FOR i = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1186.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).one THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).another).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1187.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(i).another THEN Menu(LinkedTo(i).one).TopEntry = Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry
  1188.                     NEXT
  1189.                 END IF
  1190.             END IF
  1192.             IF NOT done THEN 'if we've processed a scrollbar event, we're finished
  1193.                 IF MX >= x1 AND MX <= x2 THEN
  1194.                     MenuSelected = WhichOne
  1195.                     OptionSelected = MenuDisplayOrder((MY - y1 + 1) \ _FONTHEIGHT + Menu(WhichOne).TopEntry, WhichOne)
  1196.                     invalidate = 0
  1197.                     IF MenuListDisabled(OptionSelected, WhichOne) THEN invalidate = -1
  1198.                     FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1199.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(ii).one AND MenuListDisabled(OptionSelected, LinkedTo(ii).another) THEN invalidate = -1
  1200.                         IF WhichOne = LinkedTo(ii).another AND MenuListDisabled(OptionSelected, LinkedTo(ii).one) THEN invalidate = -1
  1201.                     NEXT
  1202.                     IF barx1 <> 0 AND MX > barx1 THEN invalidate = -1
  1203.                     IF invalidate THEN MenuSelected = 0: OptionSelected = 0
  1204.                 END IF
  1205.             END IF
  1206.     END SELECT
  1209.     MouseStatus = 0
  1210.     MouseStatus = MouseStatus OR -Click 'leftclick
  1211.     MouseStatus = MouseStatus OR Click2 * -2 'rightclick
  1212.     MouseStatus = MouseStatus OR _MOUSEBUTTON(1) * -4 'leftdown
  1213.     MouseStatus = MouseStatus OR _MOUSEBUTTON(2) * -8 'rightdown
  1214.     MouseStatus = MouseStatus OR (MenuSelected <> 0) * 16 'If we're over the menu, we're hovering
  1218. SUB MenuDisplaySort (handle AS LONG, sortmethod AS _BYTE)
  1219.     gap = Menu(handle).Entries
  1221.     IF sortmethod AND Alpha THEN
  1222.         IF sortmethod AND NoCase THEN
  1223.             DO
  1224.                 gap = 10 * gap \ 13
  1225.                 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1
  1226.                 i = 0
  1227.                 swapped = 0
  1228.                 DO
  1229.                     t$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), handle))))
  1230.                     t1$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, handle), handle))))
  1231.                     IF t$ > t1$ THEN
  1232.                         SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, handle)
  1233.                         FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1234.                             IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).one THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).another), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, LinkedTo(ii).another)
  1235.                             IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).another THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).one), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, LinkedTo(ii).one)
  1236.                         NEXT
  1237.                         swapped = -1
  1238.                     END IF
  1239.                     i = i + 1
  1240.                 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > Menu(handle).Entries
  1241.             LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0
  1242.         ELSE
  1243.             DO
  1244.                 gap = 10 * gap \ 13
  1245.                 IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1
  1246.                 i = 0
  1247.                 swapped = 0
  1248.                 DO
  1249.                     t$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), handle)))
  1250.                     t1$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, handle), handle)))
  1251.                     IF t$ > t1$ THEN
  1252.                         SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, handle)
  1253.                         FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1254.                             IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).one THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).another), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, LinkedTo(ii).another)
  1255.                             IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).another THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).one), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, LinkedTo(ii).one)
  1256.                         NEXT
  1257.                         swapped = -1
  1258.                     END IF
  1259.                     i = i + 1
  1260.                 LOOP UNTIL i + gap > Menu(handle).Entries
  1261.             LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0
  1262.         END IF
  1263.         IF sortmethod AND Reverse THEN
  1264.             FOR i = 1 TO Menu(handle).Entries \ 2
  1265.                 SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(handle).Entries - i + 1, handle)
  1266.                 FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1267.                     IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).one THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).another), MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(handle).Entries - i + 1, LinkedTo(ii).another)
  1268.                     IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).another THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).one), MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(handle).Entries - i + 1, LinkedTo(ii).one)
  1269.                 NEXT
  1270.             NEXT
  1271.         END IF
  1272.     ELSEIF sortmethod AND Numeric THEN
  1273.         DO
  1274.             gap = 10 * gap \ 13
  1275.             IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1
  1276.             i = 0
  1277.             swapped = 0
  1278.             DO
  1279.                 IF VAL(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), handle)) > VAL(MenuList(MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, handle), handle)) THEN
  1280.                     SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, handle)
  1281.                     FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1282.                         IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).one THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).another), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, LinkedTo(ii).another)
  1283.                         IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).another THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).one), MenuDisplayOrder(i + gap, LinkedTo(ii).one)
  1284.                     NEXT
  1285.                     swapped = -1
  1286.                 END IF
  1287.                 i = i + 1
  1288.             LOOP UNTIL i + gap > Menu(handle).Entries
  1289.         LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND swapped = 0
  1290.         IF sortmethod AND Reverse THEN
  1291.             FOR i = 1 TO Menu(handle).Entries \ 2
  1292.                 SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle), MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(handle).Entries - i + 1, handle)
  1293.                 FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1294.                     IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).one THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).another), MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(handle).Entries - i + 1, LinkedTo(ii).another)
  1295.                     IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).another THEN SWAP MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).one), MenuDisplayOrder(Menu(handle).Entries - i + 1, LinkedTo(ii).one)
  1296.                 NEXT
  1297.             NEXT
  1298.         END IF
  1299.     ELSE
  1300.         FOR i = 1 TO Menu(handle).Entries
  1301.             MenuDisplayOrder(i, handle) = i
  1302.             FOR ii = 1 TO LinkedTo(0).one
  1303.                 IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).one THEN MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).another) = i
  1304.                 IF handle = LinkedTo(ii).another THEN MenuDisplayOrder(i, LinkedTo(ii).one) = i
  1305.             NEXT
  1306.         NEXT
  1307.     END IF

(BI and BM files have been merged into the main module for ease of sharing).

The version of this demo included in SODR v0.5.7z (the dice roller zip file) won't run.  It was included simply by mistake, and was used only as a means for me to strip out the declarations and routines to create the LinkedList.BI and LinkedList.BM files which are needed for the dice roller to work.

Here is a version of the routine which showcases how the library works and performs for us.  We can easily create a list of things.  Link one list to another, if we want...  Sort them.  Select them.  Hide them...  Invalidate choices...  It's a very powerful little library, and one which I plug into a lot of little things for when I need a menu of choices. 

The lists scroll.  They're sortable.  The do all kinds of stuff!

And, once you toss the library into a program, it does all it does in a suprisingly short number of lines and commands -- here's the main routine of demo with the includes stripped out:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'Before here goes BI file content
  2. 'After here goes working program
  5. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
  7. MainMenu = GetMenuHandle
  8. SetMenuSize MainMenu, 200, 150
  9. SetMenuPosition MainMenu, 100, 100
  10. SetMenuFrame MainMenu, True, Red, Yellow
  11. SetMenuVisible MainMenu, True
  12. SetMenuCaption MainMenu, True, "Name", Black, White, True
  13. SetMenuListProperties MainMenu, Black, 0, Center 'Right 'Left
  14. SetMenuHighLightColor MainMenu, Red
  15. FOR i = 1 TO 23
  16.     READ n$
  17.     AddMenuItem MainMenu, n$
  19. DATA Steve,Pete,Bob,Joe,Fred
  20. DATA Sam,One,Two,Three,Four
  21. DATA Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine
  22. DATA These,are,all,my,names
  23. DATA "Aren't",they,grand
  25. SecondMenu = GetMenuHandle
  26. SetMenuSize SecondMenu, 100, 150
  27. SetMenuPosition SecondMenu, 300, 100
  28. SetMenuFrame SecondMenu, True, Red, Yellow
  29. SetMenuVisible SecondMenu, True
  30. SetMenuCaption SecondMenu, True, "Age", Black, White, True
  31. SetMenuListProperties SecondMenu, Black, 0, Left
  32. SetMenuHighLightColor SecondMenu, Red
  34. FOR i = 1 TO 23
  35.     READ n$
  36.     AddMenuItem SecondMenu, n$
  38. DATA 12,23,34,45,56
  39. DATA 67,78,89,90,1
  40. DATA 9,98,87,76,65
  41. DATA 54,43,32,21,10
  42. DATA 42,55,12
  44. sortmode = 0: linked = -1: menuon = 1
  46. HideMenuScrollBar MainMenu
  47. LinkMenus MainMenu, SecondMenu
  49. DisableItem MainMenu, 5
  50. ScrollDelay = .25
  51.     CLS
  52.     LOCATE 20, 1: PRINT "Press <H> to hide the menu."
  53.     PRINT "Press <S> to show the menu."
  54.     PRINT "Press <N> for No Sort order."
  55.     PRINT "Press <A> for Alphabetic Sort order."
  56.     PRINT "Press <#> for Numeric Sort order."
  57.     PRINT "Press <C> to toggle case sorting."
  58.     PRINT "Press <R> to toggle reverse sorting."
  59.     PRINT "Press <L> to link the menus."
  60.     PRINT "Press <U> to unlink the menus."
  61.     PRINT "Press <TAB> to swap between menus."
  62.     PRINT "<ESC> to quit"
  63.     PRINT
  64.     PRINT "Currently: ";
  65.     IF sortmode AND 1 THEN
  66.         PRINT "ALPHA SORT";
  67.         IF kase THEN PRINT ", CASE-SENSITIVE";
  68.         IF reversed THEN PRINT ", REVERSE-ORDER" ELSE PRINT
  69.     ELSEIF sortmode AND 2 THEN
  70.         PRINT "NUMERIC SORT";
  71.         IF reversed THEN PRINT ", REVERSE-ORDER" ELSE PRINT
  72.     ELSE
  73.         PRINT "NOT SORTING"
  74.     END IF
  75.     LOCATE 5, 25
  79.     MouseScroll = 0
  80.         MouseScroll = MouseScroll + _MOUSEWHEEL
  81.     WEND
  83.     k = _KEYHIT
  84.     SELECT CASE k
  85.         CASE ASC("L"), ASC("l"): LinkMenus MainMenu, SecondMenu: linked = -1
  86.         CASE ASC("U"), ASC("u"): UnLinkMenus MainMenu, SecondMenu: linked = 0
  87.         CASE ASC("H"), ASC("h"): HideMenu menuon
  88.         CASE ASC("S"), ASC("s"): ShowMenu menuon
  89.         CASE ASC("N"), ASC("n"): sortmode = None: changed = -1: reversed = 0: kase = 0
  90.         CASE ASC("A"), ASC("a"): sortmode = Alpha: changed = -1
  91.         CASE ASC("#"), ASC("3"): sortmode = Numeric: changed = -1
  92.         CASE ASC("C"), ASC("c"): kase = NOT kase: changed = -1
  93.         CASE ASC("R"), ASC("r"): reversed = NOT reversed: changed = -1
  94.         CASE 9: menuon = menuon + 1: IF menuon = 3 THEN menuon = 1
  95.         CASE 27: SYSTEM
  96.     END SELECT
  97.     IF changed THEN
  98.         IF sortmode <> 0 THEN
  99.             IF kase THEN sortmode = sortmode OR NoCase ELSE sortmode = sortmode AND NOT NoCase
  100.             IF reversed THEN sortmode = sortmode OR Reverse ELSE sortmode = sortmode AND NOT Reverse
  101.         END IF
  102.         MenuDisplaySort menuon, sortmode
  103.         changed = 0
  104.     END IF
  105.     DisplayMenus
  106.     CheckMenus MouseStatus, MenuSelected, OptionSelected
  107.     IF MouseStatus <> 0 AND MenuSelected <> 0 THEN
  108.         IF MouseStatus AND LeftClick THEN
  109.             LOCATE 1, 1
  110.             PRINT "You LEFT CLICKED Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  111.             PRINT "Which was: "; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  112.             PRINT
  113.             IF linked THEN
  114.                 PRINT "Since our lists are linked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(1, OptionSelected), GetListItem(2, OptionSelected)
  115.             ELSE
  116.                 PRINT "Since our lists are unlinked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  117.             END IF
  118.             _DISPLAY
  119.             _DELAY 2 'give it time to pop up
  120.         ELSEIF MouseStatus AND RightClick THEN
  121.             LOCATE 1, 1
  122.             PRINT "You RIGHT CLICKED Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  123.             PRINT "Which was: "; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  124.             PRINT
  125.             IF linked THEN
  126.                 PRINT "Since our lists are linked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(1, OptionSelected), GetListItem(2, OptionSelected)
  127.             ELSE
  128.                 PRINT "Since our lists are unlinked, we get the following items:"; GetListItem(MenuSelected, OptionSelected)
  129.             END IF
  130.             _DISPLAY
  131.             _DELAY 2 'give it time to pop up
  132.         END IF
  133.         COLOR Yellow
  134.         IF MouseStatus AND LeftDown THEN LOCATE 35, 1: PRINT "LEFT MOUSE DOWN over Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  135.         IF MouseStatus AND RightDown THEN LOCATE 35, 1: PRINT "RIGHT MOUSE DOWN over Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected
  136.         COLOR Purple
  137.         IF MouseStatus AND Hover THEN LOCATE 36, 1: PRINT "HOVERING over Option #"; OptionSelected; " in Menu #"; MenuSelected;
  138.         COLOR White
  140.     END IF
  141.     _LIMIT 30
  142.     _DISPLAY
  144. 'And here goes the BM routines

Less than 150 lines for the program to create the lists and interact with them as the demo illustrates, and it highlights a whole bunch of the options which one can make use of with the library.  Sorting.  Linking lists.  Unlinking lists.  Selecting things.  Hiding lists.  Restoring lists.  Scrolling via the mouse wheel or in-built sliders.  Hiding/showing sliders.  Making selections unavailable, and restoring availability... 

Lots of stuff going on in the little demo here, and in the end, it's all handled in very few lines once the library is '$INCLUDE with the program.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 02:28:48 pm by SMcNeill » — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Pete

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Re: Linked Lists Demo
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 10:56:05 am »
Good work, only one error.

First DATA statement should read:

DATA Pete,Steve,Bob,Joe,Fred


DATA Steve,Pete,Bob,Joe,Fred

Pete ;D
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Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: Linked Lists Demo
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2019, 12:03:27 pm »
Looks like a handy utility, whether or not I split hairs on the definition of a linked list.
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Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Linked Lists Demo
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 01:09:17 pm »
Looks like a handy utility, whether or not I split hairs on the definition of a linked list.

In this case, the definition fits perfectly.  Make a list.  Then make a second one.  Then you “link” them together so what you do to one it does to the other....   Name, Age, Phone Number — 3 potentially different lists of things that we generally keep together.

If you sort the data by name, you’d normally want the Age and Phone Number to start in proper order with those names, so they’d sort as well...  Scroll down the list for one, it needs to scroll down all the other lists as well.  Invalidate one person from being selectable, his age and phone number shouldn’t be selectable either...

Those lists are “linked” so whatever action you take with one occurs with the others as well.  If those aren’t “linked lists”, what would you call them?  “Quantumly Entangled Lists”?  ;D — A github collection of all things Steve!


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Re: Linked Lists Demo
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2019, 01:39:55 pm »
If those aren’t “linked lists”, what would you call them?
Records in a database.

This is what STx (and general cs) mean by linked list:
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 01:42:28 pm by FellippeHeitor »

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Re: Linked Lists Demo
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2019, 02:15:39 pm »
If those aren’t “linked lists”, what would you call them?
Records in a database.

This is what STx (and general cs) mean by linked list:

I understand Stx’s Definition of the term, but sometimes a term can be used to represent more than one concept.

“Bass” is a type of fish.
“Bass” is also a low pitch radio output.

“Records in a Database” doesn’t really fit, as these are 3 *different* datasets that we’re “linking” together to work with as one unit. 

We see it all the time in business application software...  one Dataset might be customer address and phone number.  Another dataset is customer payment method and account status.  Generally, those records are stored separately, in multiple databases, for security.  Close out one account, it should close the other “linked” record as well, but the databases are separate...

At its heart, QB64’s internal idet$ is a “linked list” such as you’re talking about, but what I’m talking about here is “linking two separate lists together to share the same behavioral properties”...

Maybe instead of “linked lists”, I should call this a “List Linking Library”....  But the question remains: What’s the simple term you’d call to explain the relationship between those two separate datasets which we “other word than link” together? — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: Linked Lists Demo
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2019, 02:23:56 pm »
Maybe instead of “linked lists”, I should call this a “List Linking Library”....  But the question remains: What’s the simple term you’d call to explain the relationship between those two separate datasets which we “other word than link” together?

"Relational Database" but "List Linking Library" is less confusing than "Linked Lists" being used for your purpose.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 02:25:12 pm by bplus »

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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2019, 02:34:31 pm »
Maybe instead of “linked lists”, I should call this a “List Linking Library”....  But the question remains: What’s the simple term you’d call to explain the relationship between those two separate datasets which we “other word than link” together?

"Relational Database" but "List Linking Library" is less confusing than "Linked Lists" being used for your purpose.

Title changed.  Gosh, you guys are hard to please. 

It’s understandable why some folks refuse to share code anymore; folks get lost in arguing over the semantics of the terminology too much to actually talk about the code itself anymore.  No wonder most companies just refer to things as “Project 1X3RT7” and such... — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Pete

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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2019, 03:16:30 pm »
Weren't you the guy who posted in another thread that you were hard to offend? Well, that wasn't hard.

I would have gone with... Remember guys, it's only all about nomenclature in an all female society.

Pete :D
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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2019, 03:32:48 pm »
Weren't you the guy who posted in another thread that you were hard to offend? Well, that wasn't hard.

I would have gone with... Remember guys, it's only all about nomenclature in an all female society.

Pete :D

Didn’t say I was offended; just said I understood why others might choose not to bother with the hassle.  You’re getting as bad as the Democrats at reading things into a statement that isn’t there.  :P — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2019, 05:33:34 pm »
Lucky for you, I'm not easily offended! Wait, did you compare me to a Democrat? Why you &^$$^%$c 6Z^%67%5^%z^ T^%8 ^5!!!!!

Pete :D
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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2019, 06:25:51 pm »
FYI, there's the database concept of linking tables, where two or more different tables are joined together with a separate table in a similar address linking fashion ;-)

Further reading:

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2019, 06:53:20 pm »
FYI, there's the database concept of linking tables, where two or more different tables are joined together with a separate table in a similar address linking fashion ;-)

No, no, no. 

You can’t use the word linking; it’s not acceptable. 

You have to say, “... concept of relationally databasing tables”, or “... in a similar address quantum entanglement fashion”.  That word “link” is too basic for BASIC, to be valid.

(And what you describe is exactly what the library does here: it creates an additional table/list behind the scenes to join two or more others together.)

And funnily enough: 

“Associative tables are colloquially known under many names, including association table, bridge table, cross-reference table, crosswalk, intermediary table, intersection table, join table, junction table, link table, linking table, many-to-many resolver, map table, mapping table, pairing table, pivot table (as used incorrectly in Laravel - not to be confused with the correct use of pivot table in spreadsheets), or transition table.”

And, of course, “list” is just another word for a “table”, so if we put those words together, it becomes the dreaded, “link list” or “linking list”... — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2019, 01:12:04 am »
... more flailing casuistry. You just can't let it (me) go, can you? Just admit you're probably still not aware of what a real linked list is, and why some people react when you use those words together haphazardly, that's all. So simple.
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Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Lists Linking Demo
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2019, 02:51:22 am »
... more flailing casuistry. You just can't let it (me) go, can you? Just admit you're probably still not aware of what a real linked list is, and why some people react when you use those words together haphazardly, that's all. So simple.

Go take a look in QB64.bas.  Idet$ is a basic linked list as you’re speaking of...

Now, go to Microsoft Access.  You’ll find a Linked Table Manager in there, which is basically a way of linking multiple tables together into one document.

And, let’s take a moment to look at what the dictionary offers us for “table”:

a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns.
"the population has grown, as shown in table 1"

list · chart · diagram · figure · graph · plan · catalog · inventory · digest · enumeration · tabulation · index · directory · register · itemization · record ·

Gee, what’s the very first synonym in that table of words??

But, you’re right: I don’t understand why some folks react like they do when those words are used together.  Most people I know understand that the same words can have very different meanings, and they’ll generally accept if they’re used in a manner different than they’re used to.

A set of data in a single column has always been a “list” to me.  A grocery list.  A to-do list.  A list of medications taken.

A set of data in multiple columns is usually referred to as being in a table.   Table of contents has both Chapter and Page Number found on the same line.

As this is a routine which “links” the behavior of two singular sets of data — “lists”.  I don’t think it’s the least bit wrong to call it a Linking Lists Library.  If the name’s unfitting, give me a better one. 

Should we call it “Records in a Database Library” as per Fell?  “Relational Database Library” as per bplus?  “The No Idea Library” as per Stx?

You don’t like what it’s called; give me something better and more descriptive to call it. 

Personally, in the Spirit of BASIC, I don’t see what could be a simpler name for it.  Take one list, then another list, and PRESTO — “link” them together. — A github collection of all things Steve!