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Hi Prithak. A$ = "Hello"_CLIPBOARD$ = A$now open Wordpad and press Ctrl + V.and second way - from text editor Notepad to QB64:Select something in Notepad, press Ctrl + Copen QB64 and write this code: PRINT _CLIPBOARD$The same but with pictures do _CLIPBOARDIMAGE
Here is a fun example. Delays are needed to complete the program transitions. Increase them if it doesn't work on your system.Code: QB64: [Select]' Fun with _CLIPBOARD and _SCREENPRINTINPUT "I want this to be pasted in Notepad: "; a$_CLIPBOARD$ = a$SHELL _DONTWAIT _HIDE "start notepad"_DELAY .5_SCREENPRINT CHR$(22) ' Pastes the input line contents to Notepad after Notepad opens._DELAY .5' Clear the clipboard_CLIPBOARD$ = "" PRINT "Now copy any text from Notepad..."DO _LIMIT 30 b$ = INKEY$ IF b$ = CHR$(27) THEN END IF _CLIPBOARD$ <> "" THEN _DELAY .5: PRINT "You copied: "; _CLIPBOARD$: EXIT DOLOOPEND Now if you just want to store the contents to the clipboard, to manually paste them, do as Petr explained...Code: QB64: [Select]INPUT "I want to be able to paste this in Notepad: "; a$_CLIPBOARD$ = a$SHELL _DONTWAIT _HIDE "start notepad"_DELAY .5PRINTPRINT "Now click Notepad window and press Ctrl + V to pase the clipboard contents into Notepad..."PRINTPRINT "Press Esc to quit."DO _LIMIT 30 b$ = INKEY$ IF b$ = CHR$(27) THEN ENDLOOPEND Pete