so you want to check if the string is only a number or if it contains a number?
'Checking that text is all numbers
Function IS_NUMBER(TXT$)
for I%= 1 to len(TXT$)
test$=mid$(TXT$, I%,1)
if asc(test$)>=48 and asc(test$)<=57 then Good%%=-1 else Good%%=0
if NOT Good%% then I%=LEN(TXT$)+1
next I%
end function
'Checking if it contains Numbers
for I%= 1 to len(TXT$)
test$=mid$(TXT$, I%,1)
if asc(test$)>=48 and asc(test$)<=57 then Good%%=-1 else Good%%=0
if Good%% then I%=LEN(TXT$)+1
next I%
end function
its pretty simple, but yeah as Fellippe says there is no built in function for that.
now if you wanted to allow for decimal points '.' you would simply add that check to the IF THEN. (ASC(46))