Where within my QB64 folder do I put that DLL file?
And in the source BAS file, what code do I add so that QB64 finds that DLL?
I've been using QB(64) for a long time, but I don't usually write programs that are all that complex.
Thanks again
Place DLL file to the same folder as BAS file, but in IDE set "Output EXE to Source folder" as enabled. Also MIDI file place to the same folder. Works in 32bit IDE only.
Windows simply won't mix 32-bit and 64-bit processes. It's not an issue where QB64 is doing anything wrong; it's simply a limitation in the OS itself.
Hi Steve. If 32bit IDE works in 64bit Windows 7, so as 64bit IDE works in 64bit Windows 7, why os not IDE writed as in this pseudo code:
SELECT CASE SystemVersion
CASE 32bites: Read memory offset size = 4 bytes _UNSIGNED LONG
CASE 64bites: Read memory offset size = 8 bytes _UNSIGNED INTEGER64
It is the same case as WAV data area: Is it mono and 8 bit? Then read one _UNSIGNED _BYTE value. Is it Stereo and 8 bit? Read two bytes _UNSIGNED _BYTE. Is it 16 bit wav stereo? Read two _UNSIGNED INTEGER values (2 x 2 bytes)..... so in this way. I see none problem to do back compatibility.
Yeah, if there is a problem in having a 64 bit application read a 32-bit DLL, then it could be done by running a 32-bit helper EXE file or not?
Or maybe better: Contains C++ some function, that return how type is DLL file? If it is 32 or 64 bit? Then set offset size...