Author Topic: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint  (Read 7219 times)

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Offline cdurham

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Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« on: November 22, 2018, 01:03:15 am »
Hello -- brand new to Linux (two days). I have a dual boot (for now) with Win 10. Have used QB64 on the "other side" for over a year. Downloaded the file, extracted everything, copied the install script to terminal ('run in terminal' option on file open doesn't work for some reason) and ran it. No errors seen, but now cannot find a way to launch QB64 anywhere.

Script mentions a 'pwd' folder -- cannot find that anywhere, either. I downloaded the file to Downloads and extracted it there, since I don't know the 'normal' place to put stuff yet. I see most of the expected folders (Programs, etc), but no way to launch.

Assistance greatly appreciated. Linux Mint 19, if that information helps. I searched the forum before posting, and did not see this question addressed. I could have missed it, of course.


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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2018, 05:55:41 am »
Pwd is a Linux command to print working directory, it's not a folder, but where you see it being used in the script it's a reference to the current folder.

I usually unpack qb64 to my desktop, both on Linux and on Windows, but that's your call.

You should have a terminal window open to the unpacked folder (don't move the script anywhere) and in that terminal window type ./

If the script ran with no errors you should be able to type ./qb64 in terminal from the QB64 folder and it should open up the IDE.

Some people have had occasional issues under some versions of mint. Let us know if any error messages show when you run either the install script or ./qb64
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 05:58:59 am by FellippeHeitor »

Offline johnno56

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2018, 09:43:19 am »
I am running with Linux Mint 18.1

After installation QB64 is accessible via Menu > Programming > QB64 Programming IDE

I hope this helps.

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Offline Fifi

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2018, 12:27:09 pm »
Hi cdhuram,

With all the due respect I've to Matt Kilgore, its script is obsolete (last revision #4 as of 2013), has problems with some recent distributions, doesn't handle properly the latest gcc compilation settings, is complex to modify and is very limited to the strict minimum installation.

This is why I wrote a multi lingual installation script to install not only QB64 but all together InForm and vWATCH64 with just few mouse clicks.

More, this script allows you to create QB64, InForm and vWATCH convenient starter icons directly on your desktop as well as a link icon to the folder where QB64, InForm and vWATCH are normally installed (/opt/qb64).

Further, you can also invoke QB64, InForm and vWATCH from the Programming sub menu of the main menu as well as with a double click on their relevant icons in the folder where they are installed (/opt/qb64).

And even more, you can launch QB64, InForm and vWATCH from any terminal session without being obliged to be inside the folder where they're installed by simply typing their names: "qb64" or "inform" or "vwatch".

This means you can now use the QB64 command line from anywhere on your system exactly as it's the case for any other de facto standard compiler (i.e. gcc) using a command line like this sample: 
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. "~$ qb64 -x /my-folder-source/mysource.bas -o /my-folder-executable/myprogram"

This script displays its messages in English (by default) or accordingly to your language system settings in French, German, Russian and, thanx to Fellippe Heitor, in Portuguese.

Another point is that this script takes care of the gcc compilation option settings and manages the no-pie directive needed on some of the last Linux distributions such as Linux Mint 19 or Ubuntu 18, allowing to start your own executables with a double click on their relevant icons.

Last point, this script also allows you to cleanly uninstall these three tools and is available for different distributions (including but not limited to ArchLinux, Bridge, CentOS, Debian, ElementaryOS, Fedora, LinuxMint, LMDE, Manjaro, Neon, Ubuntu and all its derivatives like Lubuntu or Kubuntu, and Zorin).

To get this script, visit my dedicated web page:

You can get a video I made to show the interest of using this script on a Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon 64 distribution here: (it's a 279 Mb .avi file).

Hope this helps.
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Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2018, 01:14:44 pm »
Hi Fifi
you're GREAT!!!
and your script is GREAT!!!

thank you so much! Finally I have seen QB64 window in the Linux Lubuntu 14.04 LTS mounted on my VM VirtualBox on my TOSHIBA with Windows 10!

The procedure is simple! The installation is smart and fast! I get 3 in 1 (QB64 + Inform + vWatch)

 And this post is coming from into Lubuntu on VirtualBox... using Firefox :-)
Thanks again for your work and your will to spride QB64 in the world!
In this moment your page tell us that your script has been downloaded 676 times!
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Offline Fifi

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2018, 12:43:20 am »
Hi Tempodibasic,

Hi Fifi
you're GREAT!!!
and your script is GREAT!!!

thank you so much! Finally I have seen QB64 window in the Linux Lubuntu 14.04 LTS mounted on my VM VirtualBox on my TOSHIBA with Windows 10!

The procedure is simple! The installation is smart and fast! I get 3 in 1 (QB64 + Inform + vWatch)

 And this post is coming from into Lubuntu on VirtualBox... using Firefox :-)
Thanks again for your work and your will to spride QB64 in the world!
In this moment your page tell us that your script has been downloaded 676 times!

Thanx for your nice comment. And nice to hear you got QB64, InForm and vWATCH working with your Lubuntu 14.04 LTS.

However, if I may suggest, upgrade your system at a minimum to the 16.04.5 LTS or even better to the last 18.04.1 LTS since Cannonical just announced a 10 years  support for that last release (Bionic). Now, if you're not a fan of the Unity GUI, may I suggest to swicth to Mint (18 or 19 are perfect) with Cinnamon or even Mate if your computer is not too powerfull in term of RAM and Video chip.

Yes, this script has already been downloaded over 670 times since its inception almost 2 years ago (the current rev is #25) and I try to improve (and adapt to new distro releases specifications) as soon as possible.

With all the due respect for the Matt Kilgore work, my script is more up to date, fixes several issues of the 5 year old script and provides an enhanced paradigm to the QB64 community by installing InForm and vWATCH all together with QB64 and providing some easiest way to use these three tools the best example being able to use the QB64 command line as you do with any other de facto standard compiler (e.g. gcc) from any terminal session.


Let's say you've the hello-x.bas source file in the /opt/qb64 folder and you want to get its executable called "my-hello" in the /home/Downloads folder.

As long as the destination folder exists (and that's right for any compiler), you can start a terminal session from anywhere in your file system (e.g. /home) and start the simple command:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ~$ qb64 -x /opt/qb64/hello-x.bas -o /home/Downloads/my-hello

That's it !

I don't know if this script could replace the old outdated and obsolete script but I bet it would be a nice move. Now, I don't know who decides this.

BTW, I need help to translate the short list of messages (80 short sentences) in other languages including... Italian ;)

Could I provide with you a beta of these messages to be corrected ?

Further, do you have improvement suggestions?

Please let me know.


PS: A video of the complete install on a Mint 19 system (280 Mb sorry can't make it smaller):
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Offline cdurham

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2018, 01:11:26 am »
Thanks to all who replied. Fellippe Heitor, I adopted your suggestion to download to desktop. Saves a lot of hunting. Fifi, the script worked. Thanks again. The Linux community is so much more helpful than is the case with another operating system.

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2018, 04:26:03 am »
Thanks again
You can send me the text to translate into italian language by post or by mail
I'm waiting
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Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2018, 04:18:57 pm »
For now Lubuntu adjourn itself to 16.04 LTS...
in these days I'll try to install Mint
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Offline johnno56

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2018, 05:54:06 pm »
I have been using Linux Mint since version 13.04 (about 6 years) and have found it to be quite stable. I am running with 18.1 and plan to upgrade in the New Year.

If you need any advice just ask. If I cannot answer I will point you in a better direction.

Are you using a laptop or desktop for Linux? Just curious.

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Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2018, 02:12:28 am »
:-( just a notebook and a VM in it
I'll search minimum requirements for MINT 19-18-17-16 for an old notebook so I can bring it again to a decent live!
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Offline johnno56

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2018, 04:30:57 am »
I am going to assume that you are using VM possibly due to not being certain that Linux is for you. Very wise. Best to get familiar before committing...

To conserve resources, you may want to look at using Mint Xfce, or any Linux distribution that is suitable for notebooks or older laptops. You may find the main versions of mint 16+ may run a little sluggish on notebooks. Going back to earlier versions may not be the best plan. Sticking with 'light weight' versions, as well as the most recent, will probably run more efficiently.

Lubuntu LXDE, Mint Xfce, Peppermint or Puppy would probably be the way to go for notebooks. I have no experience running QB64 on Peppermint or Puppy... so I won't be much help for you there... Most distributions can be run "live" from a USB stick. Handy if you want to "test" Linux before committing...

I hope I have not made things harder for you... just trying to help... lol

I need coffee... Have a good night (or day).

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2018, 03:21:41 pm »
Cool... I had completely forgotten about Q4OS... Good choice.

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Offline Fifi

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2018, 10:18:08 am »
Hi all,

I just installed Q4OS (that I forgot to test for a while) and I'm pleased to say that my muti languages installation script works fine without any modification on that distribution (a Debian 9.6 fork) and that the three development tools (QB64, InForm and vWATCH) run like a charm on it.

You can get my Linux script here :

However, the bad point about this distribution is that I didn't find a way to install another DE (e.g. Cinnamon or Mate) as it's advertised.

Hope this helps.
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Offline Fifi

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Re: Installing QB64 in Linux Mint
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2018, 06:52:43 am »
Hi TempodiBasic,

Thanks again
You can send me the text to translate into italian language by post or by mail
I'm waiting

I just send you a mail saying you can download my last release of the QB64, InForm and vWATCH that has Italian language support on my web page (

Would you be nice to test it and tell me what are the messages to correct?

TIA for your help.
It's better to look like an idiot for a short time while asking something obvious to an expert than pretending to be smart all your life. (C) Me.