'| ###### ###### | .--. . .-. |
'| ## ## ## # | | )| ( ) o |
'| ## ## ## | |--' |--. .-. `-. . .-...--.--. .-. |
'| ###### ## | | \ | |( )( ) | ( || | |( ) |
'| ## ## | ' `' `-`-' `-'-' `-`-`|' ' `-`-'`- |
'| ## ## # | ._.' |
'| ## ###### | Sources & Documents placed in the Public Domain. |
'| |
'| === MakeCARR.bas === |
'| |
'| == Create a C/C++ array out of the given file, so you can embed |
'| == it in your program and write it back when needed. |
'| |
'| == Two files are created, the .h file, which contains the array(s)|
'| == and some functions, and a respective .bm file which needs to |
'| == be $INCLUDEd with your program and does provide the FUNCTION |
'| == to write back the array(s) into any file. All used functions |
'| == are standard library calls, no API calls are involved, so the |
'| == writeback should work on all QB64 supported platforms. |
'| |
'| == Make sure to adjust the path for the .h file for your personal |
'| == needs in the created .bm files (DECLARE LIBRARY), if required. |
'| == You may specify default paths right below this header. |
'| |
'| == This program needs the 'lzwpacker.bm' file available from the |
'| == Libraries Collection here: |
'| == https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=809 |
'| == as it will try to pack the given file to keep the array(s) as |
'| == small as possible. If compression is successful, then your |
'| == program also must $INCLUDE 'lzwpacker.bm' to be able to unpack |
'| == the file data again for write back. MakeCARR.bas is printing |
'| == a reminder message in such a case. |
'| |
'| Done by RhoSigma, R.Heyder, provided AS IS, use at your own risk. |
'| Find me in the QB64 Forum or mail to support&rhosigma-cw.net for |
'| any questions or suggestions. Thanx for your interest in my work. |
'--- if you wish, set any default paths, end with a backslash ---
srcPath$ = "" 'source path
tarPath$ = "" 'target path
'--- collect inputs (relative paths allowed, based on default paths) ---
LINE INPUT "Source Filename: "; src$
'any file you want to put into a C/C++ array target:
LINE INPUT "Target Basename: "; tar$
'write stuff into this file(s) (.h/.bm is added) '-----
OPEN "I", #1, srcPath$
+ src$:
CLOSE #1 'file exist check OPEN "O", #2, tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".bm":
CLOSE #2 'path exist check
'--- separate source filename part ---
= MID$(src$
, po%
+ 1) srcName$ = src$
'--- separate target filename part ---
= MID$(tar$
, po%
+ 1) tarName$ = tar$
, 1, 1) = UCASE$(MID$(tarName$
, 1, 1)) 'capitalize 1st letter
' Depending on the source file's size, one or more array(s) are
' created. This is because some C/C++ compilers seem to have problems
' with arrays with more than 65535 elements. This does not affect the
' write back, as the write function will take this behavior into account.
'--- init ---
OPEN "B", #1, srcPath$
+ src$
rawdata$ = LzwPack$(filedata$, 20)
OPEN "O", #1, tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".lzw" OPEN "B", #1, tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".lzw" packed% = -1
OPEN "B", #1, tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".lzw" packed% = 0
OPEN "B", #1, srcPath$
+ src$
= INT(cntL&
/ 8180)cntB& = (fl& - (cntL& * 32))
'--- .h include file ---
OPEN "O", #2, tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".h" PRINT #2, "// ============================================================" PRINT #2, "// === This file was created with MakeCARR.bas by RhoSigma, ===" PRINT #2, "// === use it in conjunction with its respective .bm file. ===" PRINT #2, "// ============================================================" PRINT #2, "// --- Array(s) representing the contents of file "; srcName$
PRINT #2, "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------" '--- read LONGs ---
PRINT #2, "static const unsigned int32 "; tarName$;
"[] = {" GET #1, , tmpI$: offI%
= 1 tmpO$
= " " + STRING$(88, ","): offO%
= 5 tmpL&
= CVL(MID$(tmpI$
, offI%
, 4)): offI%
= offI%
+ 4 offO% = offO% + 11
'--- read remaining BYTEs ---
PRINT #2, "static const unsigned int8 "; tarName$;
"B[] = {" '--- some functions ---
PRINT #2, "// --- Saved full qualified output path and filename, so we've no troubles" PRINT #2, "// --- when cleaning up, even if the current working folder was changed" PRINT #2, "// --- during program runtime." PRINT #2, "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT #2, "char "; tarName$;
"Name[8192]; // it's a safe size for any current OS" PRINT #2, "// --- Cleanup function to delete the written file, called by the atexit()" PRINT #2, "// --- handler at program termination time, if requested by user." PRINT #2, "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT #2, "void Kill"; tarName$;
"Data(void)" PRINT #2, " remove("; tarName$;
"Name);" PRINT #2, "// --- Function to write the array(s) back into a file, will return the" PRINT #2, "// --- full qualified output path and filename on success, otherwise an" PRINT #2, "// --- empty string is returned (access/write errors, file truncated)." PRINT #2, "// ---------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT #2, "const char *Write"; tarName$;
"Data(const char *FileName, int16 AutoClean)" PRINT #2, " FILE *han = NULL; // file handle" PRINT #2, " int32 num = NULL; // written elements" PRINT #2, " #ifdef QB64_WINDOWS" PRINT #2, " if (!_fullpath("; tarName$;
"Name, FileName, 8192)) return ";
";" PRINT #2, " if (!realpath(FileName, "; tarName$;
"Name)) return ";
";" PRINT #2, " if (!(han = fopen("; tarName$;
"Name, ";
"))) return ";
";" PRINT #2, " if (AutoClean) atexit(Kill"; tarName$;
"Data);" PRINT #2, " num = fwrite(&"; tarName$;
"B[1], 1, "; tarName$;
"B[0], han);" PRINT #2, " if (num != "; tarName$;
"B[0]) {fclose(han); return ";
";}" PRINT #2, " fclose(han);" PRINT #2, " return "; tarName$;
"Name;" '--- ending ---
'--- .bm include file ---
OPEN "O", #2, tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".bm" PRINT #2, "'============================================================" PRINT #2, "'=== This file was created with MakeCARR.bas by RhoSigma, ===" PRINT #2, "'=== you must $INCLUDE this at the end of your program. ===" PRINT #2, "'=== ---------------------------------------------------- ===" PRINT #2, "'=== If your program is NOT a GuiTools based application, ===" PRINT #2, "'=== then it must also $INCLUDE: 'lzwpacker.bm' available ===" PRINT #2, "'=== from the Libraries Collection here: ===" PRINT #2, "'=== https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=809 ===" PRINT #2, "'============================================================" PRINT #2, "'-----------------" PRINT #2, "'--- Important ---" PRINT #2, "'-----------------" PRINT #2, "' If you need to move around this .bm file and its respective .h file" PRINT #2, "' to fit in your project, then make sure the path in the DECLARE LIBRARY" PRINT #2, "' statement below does match the actual .h file location. It's best to" PRINT #2, "' specify a relative path assuming your QB64 installation folder as root." PRINT #2, "'---------------------------------------------------------------------" '--- writeback function ---
PRINT #2, "'--- Write"; tarName$;
"Array$ ---" PRINT #2, "' This function will write the array(s) you've created with MakeCARR.bas" PRINT #2, "' back to disk and so it rebuilds the original file." PRINT #2, "' After the writeback call, only use the returned realFile$ to access the" PRINT #2, "' written file. It's the full qualified absolute path and filename, which" PRINT #2, "' is made by expanding your maybe given relative path and an maybe altered" PRINT #2, "' filename (number added) in order to avoid the overwriting of an already" PRINT #2, "' existing file with the same name in the given location. By this means" PRINT #2, "' you'll always have safe access to the file, no matter how your current" PRINT #2, "' working folder changes during runtime." PRINT #2, "' If you wish, the written file can automatically be deleted for you when" PRINT #2, "' your program will end, so you don't need to do the cleanup yourself." PRINT #2, "' realFile$ = Write"; tarName$;
"Array$ (wantFile$, autoDel%)" PRINT #2, "' --- wantFile$ ---" PRINT #2, "' The filename you would like to write the array(s) to, can contain" PRINT #2, "' a full or relative path." PRINT #2, "' --- autoDel% ---" PRINT #2, "' Shows whether you want the auto cleanup (see description above) at" PRINT #2, "' the program end or not (-1 = delete file, 0 = don't delete file)." PRINT #2, "' --- realFile$ ---" PRINT #2, "' - On success this is the full qualified path and filename finally" PRINT #2, "' used after all applied checks, use only this returned filename" PRINT #2, "' to access the written file." PRINT #2, "' - On failure (write/access) this will be an empty string, so you" PRINT #2, "' should check for this before trying to access/open the file." PRINT #2, "'---------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT #2, "FUNCTION Write"; tarName$;
"Array$ (file$, clean%)" PRINT #2, "'--- declare C/C++ function ---" PRINT #2, "DECLARE LIBRARY ";
CHR$(34); tarPath$; tar$;
" 'Do not add .h here !!" PRINT #2, " FUNCTION Write"; tarName$;
"Data$ (FileName$, BYVAL AutoClean%)" PRINT #2, "'--- option _explicit requirements ---" PRINT #2, "DIM po%, body$, ext$, num%";
PRINT #2, "'--- separate filename body & extension ---" PRINT #2, "FOR po% = LEN(file$) TO 1 STEP -1" PRINT #2, " IF MID$(file$, po%, 1) = ";
" THEN" PRINT #2, " body$ = LEFT$(file$, po% - 1)" PRINT #2, " ext$ = MID$(file$, po%)" PRINT #2, " ELSEIF MID$(file$, po%, 1) = ";
" OR MID$(file$, po%, 1) = ";
" OR po% = 1 THEN" PRINT #2, " body$ = file$" PRINT #2, "'--- avoid overwriting of existing files ---" PRINT #2, "WHILE _FILEEXISTS(file$)" PRINT #2, " file$ = body$ + ";
" + LTRIM$(STR$(num%)) + ";
" + ext$" PRINT #2, " num% = num% + 1" PRINT #2, "'--- write array & set result ---" PRINT #2, "Write"; tarName$;
"Array$ = Write"; tarName$;
"Data$(file$ + CHR$(0), clean%)" PRINT #2, "real$ = Write"; tarName$;
"Data$(file$ + CHR$(0), clean%)" PRINT #2, " ff% = FREEFILE" PRINT #2, " OPEN real$ FOR BINARY AS ff%" PRINT #2, " rawdata$ = SPACE$(LOF(ff%))" PRINT #2, " GET #ff%, , rawdata$" PRINT #2, " filedata$ = LzwUnpack$(rawdata$)" PRINT #2, " PUT #ff%, 1, filedata$" PRINT #2, "Write"; tarName$;
"Array$ = real$" '--- ending ---
'--- finish message ---
PRINT "You must $INCLUDE the created file (target name + .bm extension) at" PRINT "the end of your program and call the function 'Write"; tarName$;
"Array$(...)'" PRINT "in an appropriate place to write the file back to disk." COLOR 12:
PRINT "Your program must also $INCLUDE 'lzwpacker.bm' available from" PRINT "the Libraries Collection here:" PRINT " https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=809" PRINT "to be able to write back the just processed file." KILL tarPath$
+ tar$
+ ".lzw" done:
'--- error handler ---
PRINT "something is wrong with path/file access, check your inputs and try again..."
'$INCLUDE: 'QB64Library\LZW-Compress\lzwpacker.bm'