Author Topic: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?  (Read 6331 times)

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Offline hotlnc

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There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« on: October 25, 2018, 02:24:17 pm »
It looks like I've hit a boundary that I didn't know existed.  I'm doing sequential reads and writes on files that have ASCII text lines (assembler listing output files). My QB64 programs have been working great until I started to write and read files with 10,000+ lines in them. I can process no further than about 10K lines. Is there a line limit in Basic/QB64? I am not holding the lines in memory. I process a line or two and then output that line. So this is not an memory issue.

Is there a work around?

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2018, 02:30:48 pm »
No limit like that.  Can you share your code with us?  I'll be happy to take a look and see if I can help sort out what's going on for you. — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2018, 02:48:50 pm »
Sure. Here you go.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2018, 03:12:00 pm »
And any chance for a test file to run it with?  I just downloaded the BAS and am looking for anything which might stand out even now.  :) — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2018, 03:23:02 pm »
Sure.  Thanks for your help.

The file labeled "GpsTx3G.LST" is small enough to work fine. Output file "GpsTx3G0p0.ASM
The file labeled "J13Gps4G.LST has the 10K limit on the output file: "J13Gps4G0p0.ASM"

Offline hotlnc

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2018, 03:26:18 pm »
I guess I can only attach one file at a time.  Here is the smaller one.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2018, 03:34:12 pm »
Oddly enough, I didn't seem to have any issues with it. 

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. '160115 Added Better support for Multiple Temp Macros (Temp_Mack1, Temp_Mack2 etc)
  2. '160624 Removed black lines at top of certain macro's
  4. _TITLE "Macro Flatten to Assembly File -- REV 160624"
  5. '
  6. aCommand = COMMAND$
  7. x1 = LEN(aCommand) 'we need to strip it out, so get SIZE of string
  8. IF x1 > 0 THEN 'IF called by multi-edit, a command will have the entire path and file
  9.     DO WHILE x1 <> 0 'This routine will back through the characters, looking for the first
  10.         IF MID$(aCommand, x1, 1) <> "\" THEN 'back slash. The characters preceeding the back slash is the file name
  11.             x1 = x1 - 1
  12.         ELSE
  13.             EXIT DO
  14.         END IF
  15.     LOOP
  16.     aFile1 = MID$(aCommand, x1 + 1)
  17. '-----------------------------------------------------------------
  18. aCommand = COMMAND$
  19. '   aCommand = "trolling"
  20. 'aCommand = "c:\mplabfls\active\" + aFile1 + "\" + aFile1
  21. aCommand = ".\J13Gps4G"
  22. x2 = LEN(aCommand)
  23. x1 = x2
  25. DO UNTIL MID$(aCommand, x2, 1) = "\"
  26.     x2 = x2 - 1
  27.     IF x2 <= 1 THEN
  28.         EXIT DO
  29.     END IF
  31. IF x2 <= 1 THEN
  32.     PRINT aCommand
  33.     END 'STOP
  35. 'x2 and x1 ok
  36. aPath = LEFT$(aCommand, x2)
  37. aFile = MID$(aCommand, x2 + 1, x1 - x2)
  39. aSource = aPath + aFile + ".LST"
  40. PRINT "Source--->"; aSource
  41. aDest = aPath + "combo.asm"
  42. aReverse = aPath + "Rev0p0.asm"
  43. PRINT "Dest----->"; aDest
  44. aFind = "                       list"
  45. '----------------------------------------
  46. OPEN aSource FOR INPUT AS 1
  47. OPEN aDest FOR OUTPUT AS 2
  48. OPEN aReverse FOR OUTPUT AS 3
  49. '----------------------------------------
  50.     IF aNext = "" THEN
  51.         LINE INPUT #1, aIn
  52.     ELSE
  53.         aIn = aNext
  54.         aNext = ""
  55.     END IF
  56.     '----------------------------------------
  57.     IF INSTR(aIn, ".asm") > 0 THEN
  58.         PRINT #2, ";" + aIn
  59.         aIn = LCASE$(aIn)
  60.         x1 = INSTR(aIn, "include")
  61.         x2 = INSTR(aIn, "syscon")
  62.         aIn = MID$(aIn, x1) 'get include line less line number
  63.         IF (x1 > 0) AND (x2 = 0) THEN
  64.             PRINT #3, "        " + aIn
  65.             PRINT aIn
  66.         ELSEIF x2 > 0 THEN
  67.             PRINT #3, ";        " + aIn
  68.             PRINT aIn
  69.         END IF
  70.         aIn = ""
  71.     END IF
  72.     '----------------------------------------
  73.     IF (INSTR(LCASE$(aIn), ".inc") > 0) AND (INSTR(aIn, "#") = 0) THEN
  74.         PRINT #2, ";" + aIn
  75.         PRINT #3, ";" + aIn
  76.         aIn = ""
  77.     END IF
  78.     '----------------------------------------
  79.     IF (INSTR(LCASE$(aIn), ";<delete") > 0) THEN
  80.         aIn = ""
  81.     END IF
  82.     '----------------------------------------
  83.     IF (INSTR(aIn, "Bank15On") > 0) THEN
  84.         aIn = ""
  85.     END IF
  86.     '----------------------------------------
  87.     IF NOT EOF(1) THEN
  88.         LINE INPUT #1, aNext
  89.         '        ELSE
  90.         '            CLOSE 1
  91.         '            print "Closed 1"
  92.         '            END
  93.     END IF
  94.     '----------------------------------------
  95.     IF (INSTR(aNext, "                            ") = 1) THEN
  96.         aIn = aIn + MID$(aNext, 29) 'fix the line
  97.         aNext = ""
  98.     END IF
  99.     '----------------------------------------
  100.     IF (LEN(aIn) > 28) AND (INSTR(aIn, aFind) = 0) THEN 'only work with real lines
  101.         xMacro = INSTR(MID$(aIn, 23, 5), "M")
  102.         IF (INSTR(MID$(aIn, 23, 5), "0") = 1) OR (xMacro = 5) THEN 'macro and valid assembly lines only pass this point
  103.             IF (xMacro = 5) THEN 'Macro Lines are processed here
  104.                 IF LEN(aSaved) > 0 THEN
  105.                     PRINT #2, ";" + aSaved
  106.                     PRINT #3, aSaved
  107.                     x1 = 1: aSpace = ""
  108.                     DO WHILE MID$(aSaved, x1, 1) = " "
  109.                         aSpace = aSpace + " "
  110.                         x1 = x1 + 1
  111.                     LOOP
  112.                     IF LEN(aSpace) > 0 THEN
  113.                         aSpace = aSpace + " " 'add 1 for comment character
  114.                     END IF
  115.                     IF MID$(aIn, 3, 1) <> " " THEN 'only display the macro if code generated in macro
  116.                         GOSUB MakeMacroString
  117.                         IF LEN(aMacro) > 0 THEN
  118.                             PRINT #2, aSpace + aMacro
  119.                         END IF
  120.                     END IF
  121.                     aSaved = ""
  122.                 ELSE
  123.                     IF (MID$(aIn, 3, 1) <> " ") THEN 'OR (INSTR(aIn, "local") > 0)
  124.                         GOSUB MakeMacroString
  125.                         IF LEN(aMacro) > 0 THEN
  126.                             PRINT #2, aSpace + aMacro
  127.                         END IF
  128.                     END IF
  129.                 END IF
  130.             ELSE 'assembly lines are processed
  131.                 IF INSTR(aIn, "]:") = 0 THEN
  132.                     IF (LEN(aSaved) = 0) THEN
  133.                         aSaved = MID$(aIn, 29)
  134.                     ELSE
  135.                         PRINT #2, aSaved
  136.                         PRINT #3, aSaved
  137.                         aSaved = MID$(aIn, 29)
  138.                     END IF
  139.                     IF INSTR(aIn, "This Is The End") > 0 THEN
  140.                         PRINT #2, aSaved
  141.                         PRINT #3, aSaved
  142.                         PRINT aSaved
  143.                         EXIT DO
  144.                     END IF
  145.                 END IF
  146.                 ';----------------------------------------------Process Local Macro's if any
  147.             END IF
  148.         END IF
  149.     END IF
  150. aFile1 = aPath + aFile1 + "0p0.ASM"
  152. PRINT aSource
  153. PRINT aDest
  154. PRINT aFile1
  155. 'KILL aFile1
  156. 'NAME aDest AS aFile1
  157. '        system
  158. '----------------------------------------------Subroutines
  159. MakeMacroString:
  160. aMacro = MID$(aIn, 29)
  161. x1 = 1
  162. DO UNTIL MID$(aMacro, x1, 1) <> " "
  163.     x1 = x1 + 1
  164. aMacro = "  " + MID$(aMacro, x1)
  165. '----------------------------------------------Process temp labels
  166. IF INSTR(aMacro, "local   Mac_Temp") > 0 THEN
  167.     aMacro = "" 'delete local macros
  168.     xTempLabel = xTempLabel + 1
  169.     aTempLabel = "_" + MID$(STR$(xTempLabel), 2)
  170. ELSEIF INSTR(aMacro, "Mac_Temp") > 0 THEN
  171.     x1 = INSTR(aMacro, "Mac_Temp")
  172.     x2 = INSTR(aMacro, "Mac_Temp:")
  173.     x2a = INSTR(aMacro, ":")
  174.     x3 = INSTR(aMacro, "_")
  175.     x4 = INSTR(aMacro, "goto    Mac_Temp")
  176.     x5 = INSTR(aMacro, "bra     Mac_Temp")
  177.     x6 = INSTR(aMacro, "bnz     Mac_Temp")
  178.     x7 = INSTR(aMacro, "set     Mac_Temp")
  179.     IF x3 < x1 THEN 'strip any label present and add new one
  180.         aMacro = LEFT$(aMacro, x3 - 1) + aTempLabel + MID$(aMacro, x1)
  181.     ELSEIF x2 > 0 THEN 'install new label on numberless labels
  182.         aMacro = LEFT$(aMacro, x2 - 1) + aTempLabel + MID$(aMacro, x2)
  183.     ELSEIF (x4 > 0) OR (x5 > 0) OR (x6 > 0) OR (x7 > 0) THEN 'INstall lable on forward defined labels
  184.         aMacro = LEFT$(aMacro, x1 - 1) + aTempLabel + MID$(aMacro, x1)
  185.     ELSEIF (x2 = 0) AND (x2a > 0) THEN
  186.         aMacro = aTempLabel + LEFT$(aMacro, x2a)
  187.         x8 = INSTR(aMacro, "  ")
  188.         IF x8 > 0 THEN
  189.             aMacro = LEFT$(aMacro, x8 - 1) + MID$(aMacro, x8 + 2)
  190.         END IF
  191.     END IF
  193. '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The only thing I did here was change the aCommand to: aCommand = ".\J13Gps4G" as I'd copied the file into my QB64 directory and ran it. 

Attached are the output files, which clock in at almost 16,000 lines.

When it runs, it mentions an "include "c:\...\macros_j13_c.asm"   <--- is this an included file which it needs to translate as well?  If so, the issue may be in the code that handles processing it somehow, as I don't have such a file/directory on my PC for it to find and glitch out on.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 03:37:46 pm by SMcNeill » — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline hotlnc

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2018, 03:36:49 pm »
Noted on changing the path.

Look at the output file REV0p0.  It terminated at the same spot mine did -- about 10K lines.

Offline hotlnc

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2018, 03:38:57 pm »
The program doesn't crash or anything -- it just stops inputting/outputting (can't tell which.)

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2018, 03:42:59 pm »
The file you pointed out "include "c:\...\macros_j13_c.asm"" is a file that was a macro file that was included and is no longer needed.  That line is commented out for the output file.

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2018, 03:43:54 pm »
It's processing to the end of the file...

Here's the end of combo.asm:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ;----------------------------------------
  2.                 ;       11111111        Default
  3. CONFIG2H:       equ     11111111b       ;CONFIGURATION REGISTER 2 HIGH (BYTE ADDRESS 300003h)
  4.                 ;       UUUU....-Unimplemented: Program the corresponding Flash Configuration bit to1
  5.                 ;           1111-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:32,768
  6.                 ;           1110-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:16,384   65.6 seconds WDT
  7.                 ;           1101-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:8,192    Here causes 32.7 seconds WDT trigger
  8.                 ;           1100-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:4,096
  9.                 ;           1011-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:2,048
  10.                 ;           1010-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:1,024
  11.                 ;           1001-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:512
  12.                 ;           1000-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:256

And the end of Rev0p0.asm is exactly the same:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ;----------------------------------------
  2.                 ;       11111111        Default
  3. CONFIG2H:       equ     11111111b       ;CONFIGURATION REGISTER 2 HIGH (BYTE ADDRESS 300003h)
  4.                 ;       UUUU....-Unimplemented: Program the corresponding Flash Configuration bit to1
  5.                 ;           1111-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:32,768
  6.                 ;           1110-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:16,384   65.6 seconds WDT
  7.                 ;           1101-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:8,192    Here causes 32.7 seconds WDT trigger
  8.                 ;           1100-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:4,096
  9.                 ;           1011-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:2,048
  10.                 ;           1010-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:1,024
  11.                 ;           1001-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:512
  12.                 ;           1000-WDTPS<3:0>: Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits -- 1:256

There's something in the middle which isn't being processed 100%, it seems.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 03:57:56 pm by SMcNeill » — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2018, 03:49:27 pm »
Using WinMerge (which lets us compare the differences in 2 files), it's easy to spot some of the items that aren't the same:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. SevenDecade_Ascii2Binary:       ;this is stored in accumulatorH:L
  2. ;        Load    TablePointer,Table_7Decades     ;setup to point in decades table
  3.            Ac set 0        ;make ACCESS Bank since already bank 0
  4.            movlw   upper Table_7Decades
  5.            movwf   TBLPTRU,Ac
  6.            Ac set 0        ;make ACCESS Bank since already bank 0
  7.            movlw   high Table_7Decades
  8.            movwf   TBLPTRH,Ac
  9.            Ac set 0        ;make ACCESS Bank since already bank 0
  10.            movlw   low Table_7Decades
  11.            movwf   TBLPTRL,Ac
  12. ;        move    DivisorL,7              ;set up outer loop counter
  13.            Ac set 1
  14.            movlw   7
  15.            movwf   DivisorL,Ac
  16.         bra     Asc2Bin_0       ;and use common
  17. ;----------------------------------------

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. SevenDecade_Ascii2Binary:       ;this is stored in accumulatorH:L
  2.         Load    TablePointer,Table_7Decades     ;setup to point in decades table
  3.         move    DivisorL,7              ;set up outer loop counter
  4.         bra     Asc2Bin_0       ;and use common
  5. ;----------------------------------------

There's several lines there missing, and the file is riddled with these deletions, which is what's dropping the length down from ~16000 lines to ~9000. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline hotlnc

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2018, 04:02:39 pm »
The purpose of this program is to flatten an listing file that was generated by a macro assembler.  The macros have been expanded and the program is very hard to read.  The Combo program removes the macro lines and just shows native code. This could can then be compiled with an assembler.

Using your example, after running COMBO.BAS, it would look like this:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. SevenDecade_Ascii2Binary:       ;this is stored in accumulatorH:L
  2. ;        Load    TablePointer,Table_7Decades     ;setup to point in decades table
  3.            Ac set 0        ;make ACCESS Bank since already bank 0
  4.            movlw   upper Table_7Decades
  5.            movwf   TBLPTRU,Ac
  6.            Ac set 0        ;make ACCESS Bank since already bank 0
  7.            movlw   high Table_7Decades
  8.            movwf   TBLPTRH,Ac
  9.            Ac set 0        ;make ACCESS Bank since already bank 0
  10.            movlw   low Table_7Decades
  11.            movwf   TBLPTRL,Ac
  12. ;        move    DivisorL,7              ;set up outer loop counter
  13.            Ac set 1
  14.            movlw   7
  15.            movwf   DivisorL,Ac
  16.         bra     Asc2Bin_0       ;and use common

« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 04:57:20 pm by hotlnc »

Offline hotlnc

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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2018, 04:07:39 pm »
The REV0p0 file uses the macro file and is not a flattened file. It simply reverses the listing process and regurgitates the pre-combo file.

Look at the file "J13Gps4G0p0.ASM"

It terminates too early. There is more in the LST file to process, but nothing comes out.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 05:02:25 pm by hotlnc »


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Re: There is a sequential file line limit in Basic?
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2018, 04:51:41 pm »
How do you make those "code" blocks?

There's a button with a # when you're writing a post. You can also manually enter [ code] and [/ code] (without the spaces) and whatever you type in between those tags will be put in a codebox.

Welcome to the forum, btw.