Author Topic: InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1  (Read 8325 times)

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Offline Fifi

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InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1
« on: February 16, 2022, 12:06:21 pm »
Hello Fellippe.

Here is the bug of my previous message.

HardWare: Barremetal Intel i5 RAM 4Gb
System: ElementaryOs 6.1 standard

InForm 1.3 complies fine (both with your installation script and mine) but when you launch it, both the main window and the preview window pop-up but the main window cannot load the fonts and after a short period, you get the error message: InForm designer is not running. Please run the main program.

Please find the 2 attached screenshots.

Hope this helps.

Screenshot 1 as of  2022-02-16 16.09.42.png
* Screenshot 1 as of 2022-02-16 16.09.42.png (Filesize: 1.04 MB, Dimensions: 1920x1080, Views: 272)
Screenshot 2 as of 2022-02-16 16.11.31.png
* Screenshot 2 as of 2022-02-16 16.11.31.png (Filesize: 1.07 MB, Dimensions: 1920x1080, Views: 265)
It's better to look like an idiot for a short time while asking something obvious to an expert than pretending to be smart all your life. (C) Me.


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Re: InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2022, 12:53:24 pm »
Thanks for reporting, I'll give it a look.


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Re: InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2022, 12:54:14 pm »
Can you please check where your OS stores system fonts by default?

Offline Fifi

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Re: InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2022, 11:30:47 pm »

Can you please check where your OS stores system fonts by default?

ElementaryOs is an Ubuntu based distro.

So, the command line "whereis fonts" responds:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. whereis fonts
  2. fonts: /etc/fonts /usr/share/fonts

Then, the contents of these two directories are as follow:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ls /etc/fonts
  2. conf.avail  conf.d  fonts.conf
  4. ls /usr/sgare/fonts
  5. cmap  cMap  opentype  truetype  type1  woff  X11

Please find attached the screenshot of the command lines and the "fonts.conf" file.

Hope this helps.

BTW, I also successfully installed ElementaryOs 6.1 in a virtual machine on my iMac27 using VMware Fusion without any glitch when enabling the EFI option.

However, VirtualBox is strongly discouraged due to its huge CPU and RAM usage.

Let me know if you want to test VMware Fusion on your Apple systems as I can give you my previous paid license which I no longer use.

Also let me know if you need further investigations on my side.

Screenshot ElementaryOS 6.1.png
* Screenshot ElementaryOS 6.1.png (Filesize: 445.21 KB, Dimensions: 1027x769, Views: 271)
* fonts.conf (Filesize: 2.74 KB, Downloads: 322)
It's better to look like an idiot for a short time while asking something obvious to an expert than pretending to be smart all your life. (C) Me.