Author Topic: What's going on with [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] ?  (Read 8316 times)

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Offline Fifi

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Hi all,

I've been trying to connect to [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] for a while,.. but it's never ever responding !!!

So, did Galleon shut down this site ?

If yes, is there any way to get back all the contributions here on ?

Or may I propose a backup ISV (I'll pay 10 years of service in advance for it) ?

More and more users worldwide are playing with QB64 including now in India and that would be a shame to loose all these precious contributions.

Please let me know.

Kind regards.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 06:14:32 pm by Fifi »
It's better to look like an idiot for a short time while asking something obvious to an expert than pretending to be smart all your life. (C) Me.

Offline Cobalt

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Galleon has pulled the plug. He doesn't have time\desire to keep it up. He is supposed to be giving a backup copy to us to have here for historical purposes. but thats it .NET is done.
Sad but atleast if he gets us a copy to host here it won't be lost.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline freetrav

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Does that include pulling the plug on .NET as the distro site, as well?


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Offline bosscomputerman

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What does this mean in respect of QB64? Is it going to continue to be developed? And if so, does that mean that the updated programs will be available from this site?


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It's going to continue to be developed normally. We already had the most up-to-date versions here at anyway.

The next version is already available for beta testing (check the development builds at the home page), and here's what's coming:

Offline Dav

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Sad to see [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] gone, but glad this place is here, and very glad to find out QB64 will continue development.

It's been a long time since I've used QB64 -- I'm going to grab the latest version and see what's new!

- Dav

Offline bplus

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Welcome Dav!

I've run into a number of your programs in a number of places. :)

Offline SMcNeill

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Sad to see [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] gone, but glad this place is here, and very glad to find out QB64 will continue development.

It's been a long time since I've used QB64 -- I'm going to grab the latest version and see what's new!

- Dav

Welcome back, Dav!  Glad to see you join us again.  It's almost starting to feel like "home" here, finally.  :D — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Bert22306

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Indeed. I'm also glad to see others migrating to this site. In truth, I've been getting all my updates from here for some time anyway, because they seemed more up to date than those on [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there].

The other thing is, I always worry about "single points of failure." I'm ever grateful to Galleon for his outstanding work and years-long focus, but it's a little dicey to expect one guy to run the whole show indefinitely. So was always a godsend, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Steve, Fellippe, and all the other primary contributors!!

Offline Dav

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THanks for the warm welcome!

- Dav

Offline Pete

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I think the Templar Knights had an easier time protecting the Holly Grail than we have keeping QB64 up and running. I'm happy to see you guys considered my advise to keep this place up. I had a feeling Rob would flame out after this last server lockout.

Dav, nice to see you back!

I see Walt has no re-upped his forum yet.

As for me, the conversion from N54 to Tapatalk was completed last month, but I've been away remodeling a rental property. The So the QB forum is alive and kickin', except somehow it got names the Inferno N64 Discussion Forum. So please make my life easier and rename QB64 to Inferno N64, and we're all good! :D

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Offline SMcNeill

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I think the Templar Knights had an easier time protecting the Holly Grail than we have keeping QB64 up and running. I'm happy to see you guys considered my advise to keep this place up. I had a feeling Rob would flame out after this last server lockout.

Dav, nice to see you back!

I see Walt has no re-upped his forum yet.

As for me, the conversion from N54 to Tapatalk was completed last month, but I've been away remodeling a rental property. The So the QB forum is alive and kickin', except somehow it got names the Inferno N64 Discussion Forum. So please make my life easier and rename QB64 to Inferno N64, and we're all good! :D


Got a link to it? — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Pete

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It's not the order I want the forums presented in, but I'll have to fiddle around with the dashboard to change it someday.

Your N54 login should be all you need to post.

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It's back! I can't seem to be able to post anywhere though.