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Offline SMcNeill

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Somebody explain this one to me...
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:10:54 am »
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Screen _NewImage(1024, 720, 32)
  4. TestLimit = 100
  5. Radius = 350
  7. t# = Timer
  8. For i = 1 To TestLimit
  9.     'Cls , &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  10.     k& = &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  12.     Circle (512, 360), Radius, k&
  13.     Fill 512, 360, k&, 0
  15. t1# = Timer
  16. For i = 1 To TestLimit
  17.     'Cls , &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  18.     k& = &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  20.     Circle (512, 360), Radius, k&
  21.     Fill 512, 360, k&, -1
  22. t2# = Timer
  24. Print Using "###.#### seconds for Fill."; t1# - t#
  25. Print Using "###.#### seconds for Fill Method -1."; t2# - t1#
  31. Sub Fill (Passx, Passy, kolor As Long, METHOD)
  32.     B = _Blend
  34.     Dim TempGrid(0 To _Width - 1, 0 To _Height - 1) As Long
  35.     Dim As _MEM m, m1: m = _Mem(TempGrid()): m1 = _MemImage(0)
  36.     Dim o As _Offset
  37.     If METHOD Then
  38.         _MemCopy m1, m1.OFFSET, m1.SIZE To m, m.OFFSET
  39.     End If
  40.     o = 0
  41.     Do Until o >= m.SIZE
  42.         If _MemGet(m1, m1.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) = kolor Then
  43.             _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, -1 As LONG
  44.             'Else
  45.             '_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, 0 As LONG
  46.         End If
  47.         o = o + 4
  48.     Loop
  50.     TempGrid(Passx, Passy) = 1
  51.     startx = Passx: finishx = Passx
  52.     starty = Passy: finishy = Passy
  54.     Do Until finished
  55.         pass = pass + 1
  56.         finished = -1
  57.         For x = startx To finishx
  58.             For y = starty To finishy
  59.                 'If TempGrid(x, y) <> 0 Then Print x, y, TempGrid(x, y): Sleep
  61.                 If TempGrid(x, y) = pass Then
  62.                     tempx = x
  63.                     Do Until tempx = 0
  64.                         If TempGrid(tempx - 1, y) = 0 Then
  65.                             TempGrid(tempx - 1, y) = pass + 1
  66.                             tempx = tempx - 1
  67.                             If tempx < startx Then startx = tempx
  68.                             finished = 0
  69.                         Else
  70.                             tempx = 0
  71.                         End If
  72.                     Loop
  74.                     tempx = x
  75.                     Do Until tempx = _Width - 1
  76.                         If TempGrid(tempx + 1, y) = 0 Then
  77.                             TempGrid(tempx + 1, y) = pass + 1
  78.                             tempx = tempx + 1
  79.                             If tempx > finishx Then finishx = tempx
  80.                             finished = 0
  81.                         Else
  82.                             tempx = _Width - 1
  83.                         End If
  84.                     Loop
  86.                     tempy = y
  87.                     Do Until tempy = 0
  88.                         If TempGrid(x, tempy - 1) = 0 Then
  89.                             TempGrid(x, tempy - 1) = pass + 1
  90.                             tempy = tempy - 1
  91.                             If tempy < starty Then startx = tempy
  92.                             finished = 0
  93.                         Else
  94.                             tempy = 0
  95.                         End If
  96.                     Loop
  98.                     tempy = y
  99.                     Do Until tempy = _Height - 1
  100.                         If TempGrid(x, tempy + 1) = 0 Then
  101.                             TempGrid(x, tempy + 1) = pass + 1
  102.                             tempy = tempy + 1
  103.                             If tempy > finishy Then finishy = tempy
  104.                             finished = 0
  105.                         Else
  106.                             tempy = _Height - 1
  107.                         End If
  108.                     Loop
  109.                 End If
  110.         Next y, x
  111.     Loop
  113.     o = 0
  114.     Do Until o >= m.SIZE
  115.         If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) <> 0 Then _MemPut m1, m1.OFFSET + o, kolor As _UNSIGNED LONG
  116.         o = o + 4
  117.     Loop
  118.     _MemFree m: _MemFree m1
  119.     If B Then _Blend

  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

Now, if you guys look, there's only one difference in the code:

    If METHOD Then
        _MemCopy m1, m1.OFFSET, m1.SIZE To m, m.OFFSET
    End If

The main process here works like this:

First, we make an array the size of the screen.
Then where the color exists that we want to use as a paint boundary, we assign a value of -1 to the grid in that position.
Then we do a little pathfinding style routine counting passes to fill in from the point we choose to the end of those boundaries...

Both routines work flawlessly.  Neither has any issues doing what they're supposed to do. 

In one (where we pass a method value of 0), the array has starts out empty with values of in it, and we assign a value of -1 to any point where the chosen color is... 

In the other (where we pass a method value of anything but 0), we copy the whole array of screen colors over, and assign a value of -1 to any point where the chosen color is..  (Note, this can only work as long as our screen doesn't have any bright white characters printed on it, as it doesn't have in these instances here.)

Now, logically speaking, it would seem that one method would, indeed, be faster than the other.  Wouldn't it be faster to go with a blank array, rather than first having to copy and alter every pixel from the screen onto the array?  You'd think so...

...and, as the screenshot above illustrates, YOU'D BE WRONG!!

It's faster to copy the whole screen into our array -- a LOT faster -- than it is to NOT copy the screen.  WTH?!!  WHY??

Why is it faster to do MORE work than it is to SKIP that work???

I find the differences in the speed runs here to be mind boggling, and I can't sort out why the heck it's faster to do more work than it is to NOT do it.

Anyone want to take a shot at explaining why this has such different speed results with it?  I'm completely baffled here. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Petr

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2021, 09:48:40 am »
It does not make any sense. The only thing I can think of, but I'm really guessing, is the organization of bytes in memory and in the field. Is it the same or is it the other way around?

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2021, 09:57:33 am »
It does not make any sense. The only thing I can think of, but I'm really guessing, is the organization of bytes in memory and in the field. Is it the same or is it the other way around?

It doesn't make any sense to me either. 

The first has a blank array the size of our screen width and height.

The second is that exact same array, with the screen values copied over.

Then we set the boundary color to -1 and process that array in the exact same manner for either of those two methods....

The second is doing more work than the first, adding in an extra, unneeded step -- but it's finishing up 10x faster than the original!

It makes no sense to me.  I'm utterly baffled by these results. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Petr

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2021, 10:16:38 am »
Wait. First run is WITH METHOD = 0 so MEMCOPY on row 46 is not used and duration (here) is 15 seconds. Second run use MEMCOPY and duration is 0.6 second here. If is MEMCOPY commented, then both run durations are 15 seconds on my computer.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Screen _NewImage(1024, 720, 32)
  4. TestLimit = 100
  5. Radius = 350
  7. t# = Timer
  8. For i = 1 To TestLimit
  9.     'Cls , &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  10.     k& = &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  12.     Circle (512, 360), Radius, k&
  13.     Fill 512, 360, k&, 0
  15. t1# = Timer
  16. For i = 1 To TestLimit
  17.     'Cls , &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  18.     k& = &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  20.     Circle (512, 360), Radius, k&
  21.     Fill 512, 360, k&, -1
  22. t2# = Timer
  24. Print Using "###.#### seconds for Fill."; t1# - t#
  25. Print Using "###.#### seconds for Fill Method -1."; t2# - t1#
  31. Sub Fill (Passx, Passy, kolor As _Unsigned Long, METHOD)
  32.     B = _Blend
  33.     '_DontBlend
  35.     ReDim TempGrid(0 To _Width - 1, 0 To _Height - 1) As _Unsigned Long
  36.     Dim As _MEM m, m1: m = _Mem(TempGrid()): m1 = _MemImage(0)
  37.     Dim o As _Offset
  39.     If METHOD Then 'this is second run
  40.         _MemCopy m1, m1.OFFSET, m1.SIZE To m, m.OFFSET
  41.     End If
  42.     o = 0
  44.     If METHOD = 0 Then 'this is first run
  45.         Do Until o >= m.SIZE
  46.             If _MemGet(m1, m1.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) = kolor Then
  47.                 _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, -1 As _UNSIGNED LONG
  48.                 'Else
  49.                 '_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, 0 As LONG
  50.             End If
  51.             o = o + 4
  52.         Loop
  53.     End If
  55.     TempGrid(Passx, Passy) = 1
  56.     startx = Passx: finishx = Passx
  57.     starty = Passy: finishy = Passy
  59.     Do Until finished
  60.         pass = pass + 1
  61.         finished = -1
  62.         For x = startx To finishx
  63.             For y = starty To finishy
  64.                 'If TempGrid(x, y) <> 0 Then Print x, y, TempGrid(x, y): Sleep
  66.                 If TempGrid(x, y) = pass Then
  67.                     tempx = x
  68.                     Do Until tempx = 0
  69.                         If TempGrid(tempx - 1, y) = 0 Then
  70.                             TempGrid(tempx - 1, y) = pass + 1
  71.                             tempx = tempx - 1
  72.                             If tempx < startx Then startx = tempx
  73.                             finished = 0
  74.                         Else
  75.                             tempx = 0
  76.                         End If
  77.                     Loop
  79.                     tempx = x
  80.                     Do Until tempx = _Width - 1
  81.                         If TempGrid(tempx + 1, y) = 0 Then
  82.                             TempGrid(tempx + 1, y) = pass + 1
  83.                             tempx = tempx + 1
  84.                             If tempx > finishx Then finishx = tempx
  85.                             finished = 0
  86.                         Else
  87.                             tempx = _Width - 1
  88.                         End If
  89.                     Loop
  91.                     tempy = y
  92.                     Do Until tempy = 0
  93.                         If TempGrid(x, tempy - 1) = 0 Then
  94.                             TempGrid(x, tempy - 1) = pass + 1
  95.                             tempy = tempy - 1
  96.                             If tempy < starty Then startx = tempy
  97.                             finished = 0
  98.                         Else
  99.                             tempy = 0
  100.                         End If
  101.                     Loop
  103.                     tempy = y
  104.                     Do Until tempy = _Height - 1
  105.                         If TempGrid(x, tempy + 1) = 0 Then
  106.                             TempGrid(x, tempy + 1) = pass + 1
  107.                             tempy = tempy + 1
  108.                             If tempy > finishy Then finishy = tempy
  109.                             finished = 0
  110.                         Else
  111.                             tempy = _Height - 1
  112.                         End If
  113.                     Loop
  114.                 End If
  115.         Next y, x
  116.     Loop
  118.     o = 0
  119.     Do Until o >= m.SIZE
  120.         If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) <> 0 Then _MemPut m1, m1.OFFSET + o, kolor As _UNSIGNED LONG
  121.         o = o + 4
  122.     Loop
  123.     _MemFree m: _MemFree m1
  124.     Erase TempGrid
  125.     If B Then _Blend

So - it is ok, or not?

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2021, 10:36:09 am »
That's the question: Why is the _MEMCOPY speeding it up so much?  It's a completely unnecessary step and is just extra processing being done...  and yet it's sooo much faster than not using it??

How can we do more work and yet end up with faster times?  Much faster times to boot?

Note -- unlike your change below Petr, the original is running that process in both runs:
    If METHOD = 0 Then 'this is first run
        Do Until o >= m.SIZE
            If _MemGet(m1, m1.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) = kolor Then
                _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, -1 As _UNSIGNED LONG
                '_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, 0 As LONG
            End If
            o = o + 4
    End If

So how is it running it faster with _MEMCOPY in play? — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2021, 10:44:52 am »
something similar to how LINE()-(),,BF is faster than just plain LINE()-(), ?

by the way _SCREENMOVE _MIDDLE  is not working on my machine, unless its supposed to put the window about half off the screen.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2021, 10:57:14 am »
something similar to how LINE()-(),,BF is faster than just plain LINE()-(), ?

by the way _SCREENMOVE _MIDDLE  is not working on my machine, unless its supposed to put the window about half off the screen.

Add a huge ass delay in front of it.  0.25 used to work for me, but now I have to pump it up to about 2 seconds before it works right.

Or use this: — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Petr

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2021, 11:00:03 am »
Probably because MEMCOPY does not compare anything, it just takes a block of memory and copies it elsewhere, while the second method compares all the values with each other, which is unnecessary because the next part of the program selects it anyway. There is no better explanation. Probably too many comparisons and the length of the loop slows it down, in the slower method it is 786,432 comparisons 40 times in a row, so that's 31,457,280 comparisons in 15 seconds, that means 2,097,152 comparisons of values per second, it seems to me really enough.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2021, 11:04:44 am »
Add a huge ass delay in front of it.  0.25 used to work for me, but now I have to pump it up to about 2 seconds before it works right.

Or use this:

oh so _MIDDLE still needs a delay? _SCREENMOVE 5,5 works fine without, so I thought all the _SCREENMOVEs were fixed.


Why is the second run always faster than the first? if you rem out the IF THEN so the MEMCOPY always runs the second time is always faster than the first by a fair amount. What would cause that as well?
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2021, 11:33:12 am »
Why is the second run always faster than the first? if you rem out the IF THEN so the MEMCOPY always runs the second time is always faster than the first by a fair amount. What would cause that as well?

That's the question I've been having, and why I posted this topic.  :P

I'm beginning to think that QB64 may not be reserving memory when we DIM an array, but is instead using memory as we place information into an array.

Try this as an example:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim a(1000000000) As String * 1
  2. Print "1 GB of memory used in main program"
  3. Pause
  4. foo
  5. foo2
  8. Sub foo
  9.     Dim a(1000000000) As String * 1
  10.     Print "1 GB of memory used in SUB foo"
  11.     Pause
  13. Sub foo2
  14.     Dim a(1000000000) As String * 1
  15.     Dim m As _MEM: m = _Mem(a())
  16.     _MemFill m, m.OFFSET, m.SIZE, 65 As _UNSIGNED _BYTE
  17.     Print a(1000000000)
  18.     Print "1 GB of memory used in SUB foo2"
  19.     Pause
  24. Sub Pause
  25.     Print "Press <SPACE> to continue.  Check your mem usage in Task Manager as you go."
  26.     _KeyClear
  27.     Do
  28.         _Limit 10
  29.     Loop Until _KeyHit = 32

Now, the above expects your machine to have 2 GB of available ram to run it.  If you don't, or if you're compiling on a 32-bit version of QB64, drop a zero from each of those arrays...

When you first run it, you use 1GB of memory for your program.
Hit space, and the second array inside the SUB *should* use another GB of memory.   **IT DOESN'T.**
Hit space, and the third array inside the last SUB dims the array AND puts something in it...  It uses an extra GB of memory.

Arrays dimmed in our main program seem to reserve memory for their usage.  Arrays dimmed in SUB/FUNCTIONs don't seem to do this -- they allocate memory as the array gets used and filled.

For my program, I think the difference in speed is coming from this allocation of "memory on the fly".  With the _MEMCOPY, we fill the array all at once, without it, the routine is filling the array a single element at a time and is constantly resizing and moving itself in memory as needed...

_MEMCOPY might be an overall unnecessary step, but just the fact that it's allocating the space and holding it in memory all at once seems to be what's making the noticeable difference in speed here. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2021, 11:54:15 am »
That's *exactly* what's happening here!

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim a(1000000000) As String * 1
  2. Print "1 GB of memory used in main program"
  3. Pause
  4. foo
  7. Sub foo
  8.     Dim a(1000000000) As String * 1
  9.     Dim m As _MEM: m = _Mem(a())
  10.     Print "1 GB of memory used in SUB foo"
  11.     Pause
  12.     For i = 1 To 1000000000 Step 100000000
  13.         _MemFill m, m.OFFSET, i, 65 As _UNSIGNED _BYTE
  14.         Print "Inside the SUB, with "; i; " in use."
  15.         Pause
  16.     Next
  18. Sub Pause
  19.     Print "Press <SPACE> to continue.  Check your mem usage in Task Manager as you go."
  20.     _KeyClear
  21.     Do
  22.         _Limit 10
  23.     Loop Until _KeyHit = 32

Somehow, arrays are allocated differently in memory if they're inside a sub or in the main module.  Arrays used in the main module reserve space for themselves in memory as we DIM them, whereas arrays inside a SUB are constantly resizing and growing to fit how much information we've actually put in them. 

The _MEMCOPY in this case is filling the array completely all in one go, while without it, the array is constantly regrowing, resizing, and repositioning itself in memory. 

Who knew?!!

When I need speed from now on, I may need to create a static dummy array for a program and then simply _MEMCOPY it over all at once to fix this type problem inside a SUB/FUNCTION.  :P — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2021, 12:34:41 pm »
Here's another quick test for you guys:

    Dim TempGrid(0 To _Width - 1, 0 To _Height - 1) As Long

Move that DIM statement from the SUB and place it at the top of your code as a DIM SHARED statement, right after the SCREEN statement.  See the difference in the timed results then! — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2021, 01:08:24 pm »
I changed a few things and Method -1 still fast but doesn't look right:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Screen _NewImage(1024, 700, 32)
  2. _ScreenMove 150, 40
  4. TestLimit = 1
  6. t# = Timer
  7. For i = 1 To TestLimit
  8.     For Radius = 340 To 0 Step -1
  9.         k& = &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  10.         Circle (512, 350), Radius, k&
  11.         Fill 512, 350, k&, -1
  12.     Next
  14. t1# = Timer
  15. For i = 1 To TestLimit
  16.     For Radius = 340 To 0 Step -1
  17.         k& = &HFF000000 + Int(Rnd * &HFFFFFF)
  18.         Circle (512, 350), Radius, k&
  19.         Fill 512, 350, k&, 0
  20.     Next
  21. t2# = Timer
  22. Print Using "###.#### seconds for Fill."; t2# - t1#
  23. Print Using "###.#### seconds for Fill Method -1."; t1# - t#
  29. Sub Fill (Passx, Passy, kolor As Long, METHOD)
  30.     B = _Blend
  32.     Dim TempGrid(0 To _Width - 1, 0 To _Height - 1) As Long
  33.     Dim As _MEM m, m1: m = _Mem(TempGrid()): m1 = _MemImage(0)
  34.     Dim o As _Offset
  35.     If METHOD Then
  36.         _MemCopy m1, m1.OFFSET, m1.SIZE To m, m.OFFSET
  37.     End If
  38.     o = 0
  39.     Do Until o >= m.SIZE
  40.         If _MemGet(m1, m1.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) = kolor Then
  41.             _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, -1 As LONG
  42.             'Else
  43.             '_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, 0 As LONG
  44.         End If
  45.         o = o + 4
  46.     Loop
  48.     TempGrid(Passx, Passy) = 1
  49.     startx = Passx: finishx = Passx
  50.     starty = Passy: finishy = Passy
  52.     Do Until finished
  53.         pass = pass + 1
  54.         finished = -1
  55.         For x = startx To finishx
  56.             For y = starty To finishy
  57.                 'If TempGrid(x, y) <> 0 Then Print x, y, TempGrid(x, y): Sleep
  59.                 If TempGrid(x, y) = pass Then
  60.                     tempx = x
  61.                     Do Until tempx = 0
  62.                         If TempGrid(tempx - 1, y) = 0 Then
  63.                             TempGrid(tempx - 1, y) = pass + 1
  64.                             tempx = tempx - 1
  65.                             If tempx < startx Then startx = tempx
  66.                             finished = 0
  67.                         Else
  68.                             tempx = 0
  69.                         End If
  70.                     Loop
  72.                     tempx = x
  73.                     Do Until tempx = _Width - 1
  74.                         If TempGrid(tempx + 1, y) = 0 Then
  75.                             TempGrid(tempx + 1, y) = pass + 1
  76.                             tempx = tempx + 1
  77.                             If tempx > finishx Then finishx = tempx
  78.                             finished = 0
  79.                         Else
  80.                             tempx = _Width - 1
  81.                         End If
  82.                     Loop
  84.                     tempy = y
  85.                     Do Until tempy = 0
  86.                         If TempGrid(x, tempy - 1) = 0 Then
  87.                             TempGrid(x, tempy - 1) = pass + 1
  88.                             tempy = tempy - 1
  89.                             If tempy < starty Then startx = tempy
  90.                             finished = 0
  91.                         Else
  92.                             tempy = 0
  93.                         End If
  94.                     Loop
  96.                     tempy = y
  97.                     Do Until tempy = _Height - 1
  98.                         If TempGrid(x, tempy + 1) = 0 Then
  99.                             TempGrid(x, tempy + 1) = pass + 1
  100.                             tempy = tempy + 1
  101.                             If tempy > finishy Then finishy = tempy
  102.                             finished = 0
  103.                         Else
  104.                             tempy = _Height - 1
  105.                         End If
  106.                     Loop
  107.                 End If
  108.         Next y, x
  109.     Loop
  111.     o = 0
  112.     Do Until o >= m.SIZE
  113.         If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o, _Unsigned Long) <> 0 Then _MemPut m1, m1.OFFSET + o, kolor As _UNSIGNED LONG
  114.         o = o + 4
  115.     Loop
  116.     _MemFree m: _MemFree m1
  117.     If B Then _Blend

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2021, 01:44:12 pm »
That's the question I've been having, and why I posted this topic.  :P

I'm beginning to think that QB64 may not be reserving memory when we DIM an array, but is instead using memory as we place information into an array.

no I mean if you make the 2 loops the same (method -1 on both) so they both use the _MEMCOPY, the second timed loop is still faster than the first by .15 to .25 seconds faster.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline Petr

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Re: Somebody explain this one to me...
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2021, 04:41:54 am »
Here's another quick test for you guys:

    Dim TempGrid(0 To _Width - 1, 0 To _Height - 1) As Long

Move that DIM statement from the SUB and place it at the top of your code as a DIM SHARED statement, right after the SCREEN statement.  See the difference in the timed results then!


Hi, here is my results after replacing DIM
0.7 seconds (before 15 seconds)
0.6 seconds (the same as before)

Let me express my deep respect for you, because I would not really look for the problem in this. This is an absolutely crucial finding. I am very glad that you have alerted us to this matter. Great job!