': This form was generated by
': InForm - GUI library for QB64 - v1.3
': Fellippe Heitor, 2016-2021 - fellippe@qb64.org - [member=2]FellippeHeitor[/member]
': https://github.com/FellippeHeitor/InForm
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Form, "ebacFRM", 618, 630, 0, 0, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/arial.ttf", 16)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Label, "SexLB", 40, 26, 232, 64, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "Sex:"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).VAlign = __UI_Middle
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Label, "weightLB", 99, 25, 173, 91, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "Weight (lbs):"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).VAlign = __UI_Middle
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Label, "nbrdrinksLB", 138, 25, 134, 121, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "Number of drinks:"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).VAlign = __UI_Middle
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Label, "timeLB", 202, 25, 70, 151, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "Time (hrs) from first drink:"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).VAlign = __UI_Middle
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Label, "EnterInformationLB", 440, 31, 16, 17, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "Enter information about your or your friend:"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 18)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).VAlign = __UI_Middle
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_TextBox, "WeightTB", 50, 23, 278, 92, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("", 16)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = True
Control(__UI_NewID).Min = -32768
Control(__UI_NewID).Max = 32767
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
Control(__UI_NewID).BorderSize = 1
Control(__UI_NewID).NumericOnly = __UI_NumericWithBounds
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_TextBox, "nbrDrinksTB", 50, 23, 278, 121, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("", 16)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = True
Control(__UI_NewID).Min = -32768
Control(__UI_NewID).Max = 32767
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
Control(__UI_NewID).BorderSize = 1
Control(__UI_NewID).NumericOnly = __UI_NumericWithBounds
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_TextBox, "TimeTB", 50, 25, 277, 151, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("", 16)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = True
Control(__UI_NewID).Min = -32768
Control(__UI_NewID).Max = 32767
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
Control(__UI_NewID).BorderSize = 1
Control(__UI_NewID).NumericOnly = __UI_NumericWithBounds
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Button, "CancelBT", 99, 30, 435, 99, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "&Cancel"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Button, "OKBT", 99, 30, 435, 63, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "&OK"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Button, "HELPBT", 99, 30, 435, 134, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "&HELP"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Button, "QUITBT", 99, 30, 435, 170, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "&QUIT"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Label, "informationLB", 210, 17, 22, 194, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "Information Display"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).VAlign = __UI_Middle
Control(__UI_NewID).BorderSize = 1
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_ListBox, "displayResults", 576, 320, 20, 213, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Courier New.ttf", 12)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = True
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
Control(__UI_NewID).BorderSize = 2
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_Button, "AGREEBT", 99, 31, 495, 574, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "&AGREE"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
Control(__UI_NewID).Disabled = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_CheckBox, "AgreeCB", 564, 23, 26, 544, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "I agree that this programand its results are not legally binding."
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_RadioButton, "maleRB", 40, 23, 277, 64, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "M"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
__UI_NewID = __UI_NewControl(__UI_Type_RadioButton, "femaleRB", 40, 23, 322, 64, 0)
__UI_RegisterResult = 0
SetCaption __UI_NewID, "F"
Control(__UI_NewID).Font = SetFont("Fonts/Arial Black.ttf", 14)
Control(__UI_NewID).HasBorder = False
Control(__UI_NewID).CanHaveFocus = True
ebacFRM = __UI_GetID("ebacFRM")
SexLB = __UI_GetID("SexLB")
weightLB = __UI_GetID("weightLB")
nbrdrinksLB = __UI_GetID("nbrdrinksLB")
timeLB = __UI_GetID("timeLB")
EnterInformationLB = __UI_GetID("EnterInformationLB")
WeightTB = __UI_GetID("WeightTB")
nbrDrinksTB = __UI_GetID("nbrDrinksTB")
TimeTB = __UI_GetID("TimeTB")
CancelBT = __UI_GetID("CancelBT")
informationLB = __UI_GetID("informationLB")
displayResults = __UI_GetID("displayResults")
AgreeCB = __UI_GetID("AgreeCB")
maleRB = __UI_GetID("maleRB")
femaleRB = __UI_GetID("femaleRB")