I've tried to learn programming at least four different times and I do not guess Ive really failed at it, because here I am trying again. Last attempt was with Smilebasic4 on my switch and I was actually able to progress somewhat in accomplishing some things i was slightly proud of. However, i hit a wall and the documentation seems to speak as if it presumes you already know a lot of the lingo and have an understanding of some things already. The only somewhat active forum seemed to also presume you knew what was going on and such. Even though I've read a lot of trashing of the various forms of Basic on the internet as a first language to learn, it just seems to make sense to me because it doesn't seem to hide? anything much. It seems things like python seem to run on autopilot in terms of making sense. Seems as though with python, you are using your phone to translate and speak a foreign language for you and then thinking you are fluent, but if someone took your phone away, you wouldn't have any idea how to speak in that language anymore. Whereas with basic, once your translating phone was taken away, you would still have somewhat of an idea and ability to communicate with people, because you know how some of the internals work. Anyways, I'm hoping this place may have more support for noobs and active community than smilebasic4. I've looked through the forums and don't really see a particular place for beginner tutorials or whatnot. Any suggestions on where I might start from the ground up. I apologize if there is an obvious room for noobs and I missed it. I have very severe ADHD and I tend to overlook things sometimes. The ADHD is a large factor in my inability to progress past a certain point on my own. I get overwhelmed when many terms or concepts I don't know get thrown at me all at once. I remember when first starting and going to stackoverflow to ask questions, and the answers left me more confused than the original problem i was having.