Author Topic: MasterGy is looking for ideas to implement ("i suffer")  (Read 14597 times)

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Offline Petr

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2021, 04:19:23 pm »
Hi MasterGY. I'll give you one of my ideas that I wanted to make, but I just don't have time for anything right now. As you know, the situation in the Czech Republic is the worst in the world with coronavirus, and unfortunately people in the very vicinity have already become ill. So I'm still working on other things - absolutely not with programming.

To the idea. There is a thread somewhere that describes where the individual QB64 programmers are from. I wanted to make a round planet earth (you can do better than me) and place on this globe the approximate position of individual users, always with the flag of the state from which they are. If you are interested in this, then I am passing on this idea to you.

Offline bplus

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2021, 07:50:52 pm »
You know this is a Nessie problem, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti of Qb64

People have had sightings but nobody can catch it or even bring back a creditable picture that isn't grainy as hell.

Nessie caught on film:

Offline Pete

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2021, 08:43:20 pm »
Big Foot is nothing more than a pet, belonging to a space alien. The alien transports the Big Foot in down, possibly someone sights it, then the foot prints abruptly end, when it gets 'ported back up, to go home. Good boy, did you make a poo, poo? Good! Time to go home!

Another one of life's little mysteries solved by SCREEN ZERO HERO. You're welcome.

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Offline Bert22306

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2021, 09:19:59 pm »
Big Foot is nothing more than a pet, belonging to a space alien. The alien transports the Big Foot in down, possibly someone sights it, then the foot prints abruptly end, when it gets 'ported back up, to go home. Good boy, did you make a poo, poo? Good! Time to go home!

Another one of life's little mysteries solved by SCREEN ZERO HERO. You're welcome.


Daggone it. Now I too "suffer." Thanks a lot, Pete.

On the other hand, I just finished three programs, tricky SOBs each one, and all three are Screen 12! Put that in your pipe.

Offline Pete

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2021, 10:44:03 pm »
SCREEN 12??? Okay Bert, now you're pushing my SCREEN 0 buttons!

Want to learn how to write code on cave walls?

Offline MasterGy

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2021, 03:10:09 pm »
Hello ! Thank you for your answers !

I answer in line:

Fellippe, thank you! :)

Bplus, I don't know Curlie Borealis and Gutsra. I don't fully understand the "TYPE" problem. I’ll tell you honestly, I don’t like to get lost in the details. I never considered design important. How should I say ? I don’t care about the look of the machines, a car, or the program. The look of the car, the essential things of programming for me. Function as simply described as possible. I don’t even use TYPE if I don’t have to. Why? Just as I don’t go with a modern car either, though I could buy it because I don’t care about design. I have a 35-year-old Honda Civic, the better car I don’t need, though my friends also tell me why I don’t buy another one. My answer is: the old car is simpler, more functional. Simpler, fewer errors, easier to repair. I'm the same with programming. Through the car example, I tried to illustrate what I was interested in programming. SIMPLICITY! A source code is not a poem to admire, but to work in the simplest way (Occam's razor) :)

Dimster! Don’t think I’m an alcoholic, but if I drink, my brain really spins up, then I can exclude the outside world, at the same time I see the task, then I’m the most effective. After 1 bottle of wine… 2 even better… and I’m not kidding, I mean that. If I don’t drink, it goes much slower and I don’t see through complicated things, I can’t focus… a lot of people don’t believe it, because usually people can’t think about alcohol. For me, it's the other way around. I can drink it as much as I vomit sooner, but I never lose my mind, in fact!

Petr! We are neighbours ? :) I am interested in your globe idea, it would be good to know in what file the website stores the data of registered users. The program would automatically download and display the names on the globe! I like the idea !

Offline bplus

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2021, 03:24:55 pm »
Bplus, I don't know Curlie Borealis and Gutsra. I don't fully understand the "TYPE" problem. I’ll tell you honestly, I don’t like to get lost in the details. I never considered design important. How should I say ? I don’t care about the look of the machines, a car, or the program. The look of the car, the essential things of programming for me. Function as simply described as possible. I don’t even use TYPE if I don’t have to. Why? Just as I don’t go with a modern car either, though I could buy it because I don’t care about design. I have a 35-year-old Honda Civic, the better car I don’t need, though my friends also tell me why I don’t buy another one. My answer is: the old car is simpler, more functional. Simpler, fewer errors, easier to repair. I'm the same with programming. Through the car example, I tried to illustrate what I was interested in programming. SIMPLICITY! A source code is not a poem to admire, but to work in the simplest way (Occam's razor) :)

Yeah this is my heart too. Type makes an object or structure of numerous variables easy to describe under one name.

Shameless doodling, Curlie Borealus:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Curlie Borealis" 'Quick trans B+ 2019-08-29
  2. 'Curlie borealis.bas for SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2016-04-23
  3. ' ;-) cool mods thanks to alpha
  5. Const xmax = 1200, ymax = 700
  6. Dim Shared qb(15)
  7. qb(0) = &HFF000000
  8. qb(1) = &HFF000088
  9. qb(2) = &HFF008800
  10. qb(3) = &HFF008888
  11. qb(4) = &HFF88000
  12. qb(5) = &HFF880088
  13. qb(6) = &HFF888800
  14. qb(7) = &HFFCCCCCC
  15. qb(8) = &HFF888888
  16. qb(9) = &HFF0000FF
  17. qb(10) = &HFF00FF00
  18. qb(11) = &HFF00FFFF
  19. qb(12) = &HFFFF0000
  20. qb(13) = &HFFFF00FF
  21. qb(14) = &HFFFFFF00
  22. qb(15) = &HFFFFFFFF
  24. Screen _NewImage(1200, 700, 32)
  25. _ScreenMove 100, 20
  26. ff = 2.03: maxi = 25000
  27. Color &HFFFFFFFF, 0: Cls
  28. x = xmax / 2: y = ymax / 2
  29.     loopcnt = loopcnt + 1
  30.     Line (0, 0)-(xmax, ymax), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 3), BF 'Fells trick
  31.     ff = ff + 100.431
  32.     If Rnd < .1 Then c = 0 Else c = Int(Rnd * 16) 'need more black oh ALPHA my friend!!!
  33.     For i = 0 To maxi
  34.         f = f + ff
  35.         x = min(xmax, -1 * x + Cos(f * i))
  36.         y = min(ymax, -1 * y + Sin(f * i))
  37.         PSet (x, y), qb(c)
  38.     Next
  39.     cc = cc + 1
  40.     If loopcnt Mod 1000 = 0 Then
  41.         Locate 1, 1: Print Space$(10)
  42.         Locate 1, 1: Print loopcnt: _Delay 1
  43.     End If
  44.     If loopcnt Mod 1800 = 0 Then x = xmax / 2: y = ymax / 2: ff = 0: f = 0 'jiggle this sucker
  45.     If Rnd < .001 Then Paint (Rnd * xmax, Rnd * ymax), _RGBA(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
  46.     _Display
  47.     _Limit 200 'oh man my fan is hot
  49. Function min (a, b)
  50.     If a < b Then min = a Else min = b

More shameless doodling, Guts:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Guts" 'passed down through ages, I first encountered it through Richard Russel author BBC 4 Windows
  2. ' 2019-04-05 B+ translation to QB64 from: Guts.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.0 2015-11-17 MGA/B+
  3. 'modified  > GUTS  Original ARM BBC BASIC version by Jan Vibe, 800x600 ?
  5. Const xmax = 800
  6. Const ymax = 600
  7. Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
  9. Dim bX(15), bY(15), bZ(15), COLR(15) As _Unsigned Long
  10. bX(1) = -100: A = 0
  11. For N = 1 To 15
  12.     COLR(16 - N) = _RGB32(7 * N + 150, 14 * N + 45, 14 * N + 45)
  14. X1 = Rnd * xmax: Y1 = Rnd * ymax: DX1 = (Rnd * 16 + 1) * (Rnd - .5): DY1 = (Rnd * 16 + 1) * (Rnd - .5)
  15. X2 = Rnd * xmax: Y2 = Rnd * ymax: DX2 = (Rnd * 16 + 1) * (Rnd - .5): DY2 = (Rnd * 16 + 1) * (Rnd - .5)
  16. While _KeyDown(27) = 0
  17.     H = X1 + DX1: If H < 0 Or H > xmax Then DX1 = (Rnd * 16 + 1) * -Sgn(DX1)
  18.     H = Y1 + DY1: If H < 0 Or H > ymax Then DY1 = (Rnd * 16 + 1) * -Sgn(DY1)
  19.     X1 = X1 + DX1: Y1 = Y1 + DY1
  20.     If X2 < X1 And DX2 < 24 Then DX2 = DX2 + 1
  21.     If X2 > X1 And DX2 > -24 Then DX2 = DX2 - 1
  22.     If Y2 < Y1 And DY2 < 24 Then DY2 = DY2 + 1
  23.     If Y2 > Y1 And DY2 > -24 Then DY2 = DY2 - 1
  24.     X2 = X2 + DX2: Y2 = Y2 + DY2: A = (A + 10) Mod 360: Z = (Sin(_D2R(A) + 1)) + 2
  25.     For N = 2 To 15
  26.         bX(N - 1) = bX(N): bY(N - 1) = bY(N): bZ(N - 1) = bZ(N)
  27.     Next
  28.     bX(15) = X2: bY(15) = Y2: bZ(15) = Z
  29.     For N = 1 To 15: fcirc bX(N), bY(N), N * bZ(N) + 5, COLR(N): Next
  30.     _Display
  31.     _Limit 60
  33. 'from Steve Gold standard
  34. Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
  35.     Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
  36.     Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
  38.     Radius = Abs(R)
  39.     RadiusError = -Radius
  40.     X = Radius
  41.     Y = 0
  43.     If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
  45.     ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
  46.     ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
  47.     Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
  49.     While X > Y
  50.         RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
  51.         If RadiusError >= 0 Then
  52.             If X <> Y + 1 Then
  53.                 Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
  54.                 Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
  55.             End If
  56.             X = X - 1
  57.             RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
  58.         End If
  59.         Y = Y + 1
  60.         Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
  61.         Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
  62.     Wend

Offline MasterGy

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2021, 03:36:01 pm »
there is no shortage of ideas here please! creative ! :)

may i ask what those two people did?

Offline Petr

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2021, 03:51:30 pm »
Petr! We are neighbours ? :) I am interested in your globe idea, it would be good to know in what file the website stores the data of registered users. The program would automatically download and display the names on the globe! I like the idea !

Yes, we are neighbors. I have been to Hungary twice on holiday at Lake Balaton. Hungary is very nice country. I can't find a thread that contains a list of members and their locations. It's somewhere in the forum. It would probably be best to add the option to enter the state name and user name. This then uses a 3D vector to determine the position where the flag name will appear. I imagine it as a 3D vector from the center of the sphere, the angles between all three axes determine the position. I think it's so solvable.

Areas that cover QB64 users (from the head) are: India, Russia, USA - I don't remember the countries, but there are a lot of them, Australia, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia. It is highly probable that I forgot about a some state. Of course, new users are comming every day, so the possibility of editing the database (a custom type) would be appropriate.

Offline MasterGy

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2021, 04:03:41 pm »

maybe it could be the first time the globe is very accurate, place a signal where it needs to be based on gps coordinates. Then we would need a database that is country -> flag location gps-based.
Then you should have to store the data. I tried to download it from a program eg: ";u=454". 454 is the point ... this is my place. I started playing..0 ... 1 ... 2..3..4 ... I think it shows a lot who the founding members are. Greetings odin, Fellippe, Ashish, keybone ..... I may be wrong, but you don't know that I can simply get the topographic data in html with _OPENCLIENT?

I live beyond the Tisza, I have been to Lake Balaton twice in my life. For me, the Tisza is very good for bathing in summer.

Offline Petr

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2021, 04:15:32 pm »
You're right, I don't know anything about how to get topographic data. I've never solved it, now it's the first time :) I thought that users would be able to add themselves to the database (if they wanted to).

Offline MasterGy

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2021, 04:19:50 pm »
the database is ready :) here is the forum server :) the problem is that the html is generated from a php command, which you see in the browser, for example. This could also be a solution, but it is painful to solve it. It would be much simpler to have a "direct link", specifically the file that contains what we need. the program takes out what it needs and everyone already has it.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 04:22:05 pm by MasterGy »

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2021, 06:58:20 pm »
Here’s an idea for you, which I’d love to see someone implement with _MAPTRIANGLE sometime:  Make a complete set of polyhedral dice in 3D and have them roll at a set X,Y coordinate.

Way I’d picture it would be something like:

 FUNCTION RollDice (sides, x, y)
sides would be the number of sides on the die: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20
x,y would be the coordinates of where to place/roll the die on the screen.

You’d have to draw the dice in 3d, rotate/roll them, and convert your 3d coordinates to a 2d screen...

I’ve played around with doing it with opengl commands in the past, but would love to see the concept done with maptriangle sometime, and it sounds like something you’d be good at and might have a challenge working with. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline SpriggsySpriggs

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2021, 06:59:33 pm »
Sounds like Steve wants to make DnD in QB64!

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: i suffer
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2021, 07:04:47 pm »
Sounds like Steve wants to make DnD in QB64!

Just wants to add dice graphics to his dice roller and a few other projects: ;D — A github collection of all things Steve!