Well, okay, getting away from Steve's highjacking of the thread(!), and back to these odd patterns people are experiencing, I went back to Luke's example. Yes, I got patterns again. But the question is, what causes that?
So I wrote this almost identical program, except using Screen _NewImage (which has no effect), then doing nothing more than either:
(a) eliminate the one, useless, q = Rnd, or
(b) define that one useless variable, but undo the random color variable used in Pset (just use white pixels), or
(c) copy what Luke did, but define another extra s = Rnd variable,
and you see no pattern. You'd think, if this PRNG is so bad, I'd see a patterns with these other examples too, no?
In the code here, you should see patterns. But, uncomment one, or both, of the Rem statements, or add another few useless random variables, and the pattern goes away. Really, try it.
Screen _NewImage(840, 480, 12)
Randomize Timer
x = Rnd * _Width
y = Rnd * _Height
c = Rnd * 16
q = Rnd
Rem r = Rnd
Rem s = Rnd
PSet (x, y), c
If InKey$ = Chr$(27) Then End
_Limit 10000
(Edited only to correct typos.)