Author Topic: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments  (Read 6234 times)

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Offline Dimster

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Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« on: December 14, 2020, 10:22:12 am »
Does the Dim Shared variable replace the need for Parameters and Argument passing in all cases?

Offline SpriggsySpriggs

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2020, 10:32:02 am »
As far as I know, yes. You shouldn't need to pass any parameters to a function provided you didn't require usage of a variable that you had not defined as SHARED. However, I do not recommend doing this. The variable might accidentally get changed along the way while being passed around without you realizing it. Certain variables I will make global/shared because I plan on reading a return value anywhere in the program, similar to how I do my MySQL code. I have a variable, called "affectedRows", that I set in my function. It isn't necessary to pass to the function because that's just one more parameter and would look sloppy. However, if I want to read it, I just print/store/check the value in it to verify function operations. It's up to you and how you like to style your code, though. It's just my preference to shy away from using global/shared variables unless they are constants.

According to Stack Overflow, don't do global variables. Instead, pass parameters.

Offline bplus

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2020, 11:32:54 am »
Does the Dim Shared variable replace the need for Parameters and Argument passing in all cases?

I would say definitely not, there are times, many, when you need to keep variables private. Indexes are a great example you don't want the i in the main module interfering with the i in the subroutine or vice versa. But true, there is allot of grey area when it could go either way.

This is opinion only but I think subroutines are better written without shared variables, they would certainly be more universal and independent.

Sharing arrays makes sense unless you have routines to work on arrays.

STATIC is interesting, you only "share" a variable with the routine that needs it, preserving it's value(s) between calls to the subroutine.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2020, 12:44:00 pm »
I would say definitely not, there are times, many, when you need to keep variables private. Indexes are a great example you don't want the i in the main module interfering with the i in the subroutine or vice versa. But true, there is allot of grey area when it could go either way.

I think he ment," if I DIM SHARED My_Variable  then do I need SUB My_Sub(My_Variable)?"
Which the answer would be No you don't need the Argument then.

Although if you DIM SHARED I  then you would have an issue keeping your indexes separate at all.
Which I think would be more of a "When should you not DIM SHARED a variable?" situation.

Variables are a many splendid,and frustratingly horrible thing! 
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline bplus

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2020, 03:53:13 pm »
I think he ment," if I DIM SHARED My_Variable  then do I need SUB My_Sub(My_Variable)?"
Which the answer would be No you don't need the Argument then.

OK maybe a more sensible question, but that could also be easily tested. ie you could find the answer with a tiny bit of a code experiment.

Offline Dimster

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2020, 04:01:27 pm »
Thanks guys - I guess it's a little more dicey to rely on a Dim Shared Array to pass values to a Subroutine without Arguments & Parameters than it is a single Dim Shared Variable.

Offline SpriggsySpriggs

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2020, 04:57:50 pm »

Can you give us an example in some code that you have?

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2020, 05:25:16 pm »
SHARED, or via parameter, it doesn’t make much difference, except to limit scope.

If you DIM SHARED variable in your main program, that variable is available in *ALL* parts of your program.  Every SUB and FUNCTION that sees that variable will interact with that variable.

If you pass via parameter, only the main program and that particular SUB/FUNCTION will share that value (and only then, if variable types match).

For example:

Code: [Select]
I = 123

  I = 234

  I = 345

Compared to:

Code: [Select]
I = 123

  I = 234

  I = 345
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Offline OldMoses

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2020, 05:30:03 pm »
I use a lot of DIM SHARED variables, but I generally try to keep the number of SUB/FUNCTIONs that actually change them fairly limited. I'll pass them as arguments, but am careful not to change them except where necessary. I've heard it said that good programming practice shouldn't need many SHARED variables, Bplus makes a good case why. Well.... I'm not the caliber of programmer to follow that advice very well, but neither do I argue with it.

Offline Dimster

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2020, 09:32:26 am »

I have no particular coding routine that is problematic for me. The question came up in my mind because in my program I have written the data flow both ways, seems I lean to the method/style that OldMoses has described. But in the interest of "cleaning up" some of the coding routines I was thinking of just using Dim Shared everything (variables and arrays) thus the "in All cases" question.

Offline bplus

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2020, 11:34:36 am »
I was thinking of just using Dim Shared everything (variables and arrays) thus the "in All cases" question.

Oh yuck, I think your thinking is pointed the wrong way ;) if you want to share everything go back to GOSUBs and do not pass GOTO and collect $200. ;-))  But sure OK for little apps.

When I was reworking Word Search, I did find taking all the app's shared variables and putting them in a Type and sharing that, helpful for organization and remembering what was shared and what wasn't. It also helps make clear what the variable is connected with but I had to carry around a little reference card for the Type.

There seem to be 2 kinds of subroutines, ones needed for the app and general ones that could be handy in all sorts of apps. Sharing with the routines written for the app seems highly efficient because you don't need to add them to parameters list. The thing to be careful about Sharing is using a same variable name in a General Handy subroutine and this is pretty much taken care of if you Type all your shared variables for the app. Dim a short name of that type and then share that in main code module declarations area. Good for when lines of code start to exceed 300 - 500.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 11:38:18 am by bplus »

Offline Dimster

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2020, 12:16:28 pm »

I'd love $200 right now. I'm dabbling with an AI program which has tons of data and tons of decision structures. I'm using a modular approach and last time I combined all the modules the program is over 25,000 lines of code. If I can keep the coding uniform and simple, it appears to result in more accuracy - ie both math calculations and reliable decision results. This is a never ending project - I took it up a couple of years ago when I discovered QB64 and AI/Block Chain were gaining popularity in the news - so just learning as I go along. As they say it's the journey and not the destination that is the real joy in life.

To go with just Dim Shared everything, I would think I would need every variable and every array to carry a unique name - plus reserve something unique for the for/next and do loops. I guess I'd need the IDE to keep track of all the variable and array names or i'll need to do that manually. Pretty daunting task right now - hard to remind myself " it's the journey that counts"

Offline bplus

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2020, 01:09:56 pm »
Ha! maybe you could leverage that journey by sharing some more details about it, 25,000 LOC!, AI what sort, Chain? never heard of it. (I've not heard of allot of things though.) You got me curious ;)

I hope you aren't writing what should be stored as data as lines of code, unless of course you are making Christmas submissions to the forum ho, ho, ho!

Offline Dimster

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2020, 02:21:21 pm »

I misspelled Blockchain - it's all one word and not two separate words as I wrote it. I think you maybe aware of this coding structure which presently is the basis for Crypto Currencies. I'm interested in the way each link has a proof item which links one block in the chain to another.

As to what sort of AI, well that's a very fluid thing. The more I learn about AI the more I mold/remold my coding. At the moment I am not going down the route of Game Theory, in the narrowest of meanings of that term (ie a Game where the computer has a limited scope of moves to keep within the meaning and goals of a game. Although some of those Learning routines are pretty clever). I'm more intrigued with some of the aspects of Human Intelligence which we bantered about on this forum years ago when I first joined. The idea that a baby is hard wired with some skills at birth - the inputs it gets, the learning it goes through and ultimately the success it achieves to live on it's own. It's that learning aspect which seems to be the essence of intelligence.

So if you and I were babies would our inputs begin as Dim Shared inputs (ie that better be food) or do all the inputs come with Arguments (ie taste good, smell good, feels good) and Paraments (ie I like it, I hate it, too hungry to care) . At the moment I'm trying to work with "Success" for want of another term. I have coded a lot of perceptrons with weights and biases and trying to build a learning routine common to them all but defining what Success  looks like, has the thinking cap on.

Anyway - give a guy a platform - like "what sort of AI" - and he'll be there forever ranting on.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Dim Shared v's Parameters & Arguments
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2020, 02:37:18 pm »
If we’re talking coding styles, here’s m general rules for DIM SHARED vs paramters:

1) If the sub/function (I’m just going to say SUB for both, from here out) needs to do something for multiple cases, I *always* use parameters.  An example of this would be SUB Sort (array() AS LONG).  Here, it doesn’t make sense to DIM SHARED array(), as I may have 5 or 6 different arrays I want to sort.  What am I going to do?  SUB Sort_array_a, SUB Sort_array_b, SUB Sort_array_c...   That doesn’t make a lick of sense.

2) If the same variable is going to be used in multiple SUBs, I’ll DIM SHARED it.  Once again, it just doesn’t make sense to me to:  SUB Capitalize(text$), SUB StripCRLF(text$), SUB AddCHR10 (text$), SUB PrintOut (text$), SUB Blank (text$)...   All these routines work with the same singular variable — why the heck isn’t it just DIM SHARED?  Save the typing — prevent carpet tunneling!

3) If a variable is going to mainly be referenced without changing, I’ll DIM SHARED it.  Fro example:  DIM SHARED ScreenX, ScreenY.  I might have one routine that checks if the user has resized the window, which sets my ScreenX/Y, but that’s not going to change anywhere else.  Elsewhere it’s just read and used; not changed.  Why not just DIM SHARE it?

4) Sub usage also affects things.  If I’m just writing a SUB for internal use in a singular, specific program, then it doesn’t matter.  As long as the proper data is interchanged from the main module and the SUB, it’s all good.  If, however, I’m writing a SUB to pull out for my toolbox, or a library, then I want it to be as self-contained as possible.  Parameter passing is preferred then over DIM SHARED.  Why have to $INCLUDE two files, when one can do just as good? 

And anytime not covered by these general rules, I tend to just go with whatever suits my taste at the moment.  At the end of the day, the biggest concern is:  Does the code work, or not?   If it does, then all is good.  If not, the SHARE or pass whatever is needed so it does.  ;D — A github collection of all things Steve!