Dang Dav that's genius! I was close, but not close enough. :) One thing though, for some reason you left out 2 DIM statements which errors the program on running it. It's these on top: DIM starx(1000), stary(1000) , so I put them back in.
B+, and anyone else, if you want to test the chimes at any time, first calculate how far back in minutes it was until the last hour, for example, if it is 9:51 AM, use the number 52. Then add this on LINE 49: minu = minu - 52. Then it will chime when the clock strikes the next minute. Or it might be better to use the number 53 (2 numbers higher than the current minute), so the clock thinks it's 2 minutes before the hour it already is. Then you run it and wait less than 2 minutes and then it will chime.
Here is the zipped up file with the g1.ogg and the program. Put both files in the same directory. I renamed it to Starfield Clock 2. Thanks again Dav!