Author Topic: IDE problem - cannot quickly access title bar pull down menus  (Read 3331 times)

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Offline Richard

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I think RhoSigma experienced a similar problem many months ago...

When using a High DPI display, if MAXIMIZE the display (using the "Box" at Top Right Hand corner) then the title bar pull down menu cannot be accessed quickly unless the mouse cursor (touch pad) is at the very top of the title bar menu title eg

if want IDE > Options menu the CURSOR has to be positioned pointing to no lower raster scan height than the "dot part" of the letter "i" (of Options) - so if cursor is pointing to the raster scan height of say the middle of the letter "o" (of Options) - cannot get to pull down menu of Options.

The problem does not appear to exist IF the display is maximized  by MANUALLY expanding the display by dragging the cursor etc.

I think Fellippe mentioned at the time that the problem occurs when the high DPI display is not a multiple of 16 (my display is 3200 x 1800).

As it is a pain to manually drag the IDE display into full screen mode - how can I edit the code for the IDE display to make it work for my high DPI display (I presume it may be too difficult to fix this problem for all computer displays and that a "patch" for individual machines has to be made)? 
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 03:03:58 pm by Richard »

Offline bplus

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Re: IDE problem - cannot quickly access title bar pull down menus
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2020, 03:16:33 pm »
Hi Richard,

I have same problem too if you are talking about misaligned menu bar to mouse clicks in maximized mode.

Once you have dragged your window to where you like it make sure you bullet this:
From Menu > Options > Display
  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

And no maximized Window mode for us ;(

But at least you won't have to drag screen around every time you startup.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 03:20:44 pm by bplus »

Offline Richard

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Re: IDE problem - cannot quickly access title bar pull down menus
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 09:07:46 pm »
Thanks B+

the IDE already had the "X" as indicated

Anyone else have an idea how to patch my IDE code to fix the problem?

Only when the "Restore Down" size is exactly equal to the "Maximum size" does the --- Maximize (box top right hand corner = Maximize button) give correct working with mouse accessing any part of the title bar pull down menu access word - but in this method it defeats the purpose of Maximize (since it is size identical to Restore Down)

The way I use QB64 (small IDE window "randomly moved around to suit" with other applications small windows - like a control monitor mode - with the occasional need to Maximize any of the small windows) makes it a real pain with only the QB64 IDE window not behaving properly. In my usage it is very difficult (because the QB64 IDE small window is not at origin (0,0)) - to drag out to resize the IDE to full size window - in any case "dragging out to resize" is not as quick as "hitting the maximize button".

Offline bplus

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Re: IDE problem - cannot quickly access title bar pull down menus
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2020, 09:51:16 pm »
How about keeping 2 copies of QB64, one an air craft carrier window the other a corvette window.

Offline Richard

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Re: IDE problem - cannot quickly access title bar pull down menus
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2020, 10:26:43 pm »
Thanks   B+

I am trying out your suggestion of 2 instances of QB64 for the exact same program. Both instances are in "Restore Down" mode - one is sized small and randomly (the way I want it) positioned   and the other is manually size adjusted to be almost the full screen size (I do not need the IDE to be exactly the full screen size, just very large for rapid program editing) - to help quickly identify which instance is which - for my test purpose of your suggested technique - the almost full screen size has a reddish background and my small screen has a greenish color - this way from the task bar I can at a glance tell which is which. (I have other instances of QB64 running with the "IBM blue" background).

Although now not as convenient as a properly working IDE in high DPI mode, via the task bar access I can now get a (practically) full size IDE with working title word access - and TaskBar together with Minimize ("-" at top right hand corner button) gives me a fairly painless way to constantly swap between "pseudo Maximize" and "my working Restore Down".

Of course - now I have to change (not difficult to do - just must remember this change) my IDE usage routine - hopefully someone can assist with the IDE patch to solve the problem once and for all.

Just wondering if their is a "hot key" equivalent that I could "toggle" between the two IDE instances in my situation?

A new problem now arises - when I edit one of the IDE instances the change is not automatic for the other instance - now must remember to manually reload program in the other instance (otherwise confusion will certainly occur).

Can an auto "Refresh" feature (option selectable) be added - eg to reload program every say 60 seconds (programable) - or a "Refresh program button" be added to IDE?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 10:43:12 pm by Richard »

Offline bplus

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Re: IDE problem - cannot quickly access title bar pull down menus
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2020, 12:11:48 am »
Yeah it's the kind of hack that maybe sorta fixes one problem but brings in two new beauties with it.