I guess from my question and bplus answer that I may be out to lunch on my approach to the use of extensions and an EXE.
I just write code and F5 it, once it's doing what I expect it to do then is gets saved with a much description as seems to explain it. The saved program will have no extension at all unless it is meanful to me - for example .TXT is just a collect of REM comments from a variety of programs, or .LAP means this code was written on the laptop, stuff like that. I have an extension WnI for coding that has failled With No Idea why (ie MargChangeCalcFailure.WnI)
I haven't finished a complete program in quite awhile but once it was completed, that's when it got the EXE extension.
As for FOLDERS and the connection they have with writting and saving program code with an extension - I don't really need Folders. All the code and code snippets that I'm writting are for one massive program. All of it is saved on a USB with backup on a hard drive and CD. I can access any section or portion just by the "OPEN" command (which by the way is so restricted in the display of the full title of programs available to Open - which is the same for the display of Subs under "View". There you get a massive screen with so little of the title but I digress). I'm suspecting FOLDER could be the cause of my confusion on the "Run" options.
I'm wondering now if every time I F5 some code, is an EXE being created?
I'd love to see a video on it Fellippe - To actually see it in use and operation would be of help, especially if it will help me catch up the programming prowess of you guys and girls