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Estimating Pi
« on: August 01, 2020, 09:11:11 pm »
Of course we already have _PI, this is just a cool way to visualize it.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  5.     px = RND * _WIDTH
  6.     py = RND * _HEIGHT
  8.     total = total + 1
  9.     IF dist(_WIDTH / 2, _HEIGHT / 2, px, py) <= 300 THEN
  10.         inCircle = inCircle + 1
  11.         PSET (px, py), _RGB32(100)
  12.     ELSE
  13.         PSET (px, py), _RGB32(70)
  14.     END IF
  15.     pi = (inCircle * 4) / total
  17.     LOCATE 1, 1
  18.     PRINT pi
  20.     CIRCLE (_WIDTH / 2, _HEIGHT / 2), 299, _RGB32(216, 144, 22)
  21.     _DISPLAY
  23. FUNCTION dist! (x1!, y1!, x2!, y2!)
  24.     dist! = _HYPOT((x2! - x1!), (y2! - y1!))

As seen on:
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 09:12:53 pm by FellippeHeitor »

Offline _vince

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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 12:45:23 am »
It is a great simulation! Another one is called "buffon's needles", I wanted to write a program that demonstrates the experiment graphically and then numerically computes the results to iteratively approximated pi as more needles are dropped, open challenge I guess

« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 12:46:39 am by _vince »

Offline SierraKen

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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2020, 12:55:12 am »
Really awesome Felippe! I have no idea how you and others find Pi, was just ages ago since school. But I remembered a year ago (which turned out to be exactly a year ago), I found code to output as many digits as you want. I posted it in another thread if anyone is interested. Just funny that it's been one year, around the Sun, using Pi LOL. Oh, I also updated it tonight to make it show how many digits it has left to calculate before it shows a Notepad of it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 01:06:16 am by SierraKen »


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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2020, 01:04:52 am »
Well, I guess that only proves that life is a circle, @SierraKen 😂

@_vince looking forward to your project!

Offline SierraKen

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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2020, 01:05:25 am »
LOL true.

Offline bplus

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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2020, 12:49:32 pm »
It is a great simulation! Another one is called "buffon's needles", I wanted to write a program that demonstrates the experiment graphically and then numerically computes the results to iteratively approximated pi as more needles are dropped, open challenge I guess


A very slow road to Pi:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Buffon Pi Calc " 'b+ 2020-08-2
  2. '2020-08-02 try this with Buffon Pi Calc  pi ~ 2 * nTrials / nCross  from
  3. ' pi ~ 2*L*N/(T*H) L=length of needle, T=spacing between lines N = Number of trials (or pins) H = number that cross line
  5. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 600
  6. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  7. _DELAY .25
  8. L = 100 ' both pin length and line spacing
  9. N = 0 '   number of trials
  10. C = 0 '   number of pins that cross the line
  11. SS = 0 '  pin head and point lay in Same Space
  13.     CLS
  14.     'redraw lines
  15.     FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT - 1 STEP L
  16.         LINE (0, y)-(_WIDTH - 1, y), &HFFFFFFFF
  17.     NEXT
  19.     'drop a random pin
  20.     px1 = RND * (_WIDTH - 200) + 100
  21.     py1 = RND * (_HEIGHT - 200) + 100
  22.     ra = RND * _PI(2)
  23.     px2 = px1 + L * COS(ra)
  24.     py2 = py1 + L * SIN(ra)
  25.     LINE (px1, py1)-(px2, py2), _RGB32(50 + RND * 150)
  26.     N = N + 1 '                             another trial pin
  28.     'did our pin cross a line
  29.     FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT - 1 STEP L
  30.         IF py1 >= y AND py1 < y + L THEN ' one side of pin is between y and y + L
  31.             IF py2 >= y AND py2 < y + L THEN ' the pin did NOT cross a line both the head and point lay in same space
  32.                 SS = SS + 1
  33.             END IF
  34.         END IF
  35.     NEXT
  36.     C = N - SS
  37.     'Print results of trials
  38.     LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Trials:"; N
  39.     LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "Crossings:"; C
  40.     LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Pi est:"; 2 * N / C
  41.     _DISPLAY
  42.     IF N = 1 THEN
  43.         _DELAY 2
  44.     ELSEIF N < 5 THEN
  45.         _DELAY 1
  46.     ELSEIF N < 10 THEN
  47.         _DELAY .5
  48.     ELSEIF N < 50 THEN
  49.         _DELAY .25
  50.     ELSEIF N < 1000 THEN
  51.         _DELAY .05
  52.     ELSEIF N <= 10000 THEN
  53.         IF N MOD 1000 = 0 THEN _DELAY .25
  54.     ELSE
  55.         IF N MOD 10000 = 0 THEN _DELAY .05
  56.     END IF

Offline _vince

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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2020, 01:10:45 pm »
Yes, that is it. I've uncommented CLS to watch the needles pile up. Nice work, bplus

Marked as best answer by on Today at 12:36:05 am

Offline bplus

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Re: Estimating Pi
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2020, 01:25:36 pm »
  • Undo Best Answer
  • Thanks @_vince  this might be slightly more efficient for check needle crossing the line, skipping a FOR loop and maybe an extra IF THEN check:
    Code: QB64: [Select]
    1. _TITLE "Buffon Pi Calc " 'b+ 2020-08-2
    2. '2020-08-02 try this with Buffon Pi Calc  pi ~ 2 * nTrials / nCross  from
    3. ' pi ~ 2*L*N/(T*H) L=length of needle, T=spacing between lines N = Number of trials (or pins) H = number that cross line
    5. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 600
    6. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
    7. _DELAY .25
    8. L = 100 ' both pin length and line spacing
    9. N = 0 '   number of trials
    10. C = 0 '   number of pins that cross the line
    11. 'SS = 0 '  pin head and point lay in Same Space
    13.     CLS
    14.     'redraw lines
    15.     FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT - 1 STEP L
    16.         LINE (0, y)-(_WIDTH - 1, y), &HFFFFFFFF
    17.     NEXT
    19.     'drop a random pin
    20.     px1 = RND * (_WIDTH - 200) + 100
    21.     py1 = RND * (_HEIGHT - 200) + 100
    22.     ra = RND * _PI(2)
    23.     px2 = px1 + L * COS(ra)
    24.     py2 = py1 + L * SIN(ra)
    25.     LINE (px1, py1)-(px2, py2), _RGB32(50 + RND * 150)
    26.     N = N + 1 '                             another trial pin
    28.     'did our pin cross a line
    29.     IF py1 < py2 THEN
    30.         IF py2 >= 100 * INT(py1 / 100) + L THEN C = C + 1
    31.     ELSE
    32.         IF py1 >= 100 * INT(py2 / 100) + L THEN C = C + 1
    33.     END IF
    34.     'FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT - 1 STEP L
    35.     '    IF py1 >= y AND py1 < y + L THEN ' one side of pin is between y and y + L
    36.     '        IF py2 >= y AND py2 < y + L THEN ' the pin did NOT cross a line both the head and point lay in same space
    37.     '            SS = SS + 1
    38.     '            EXIT FOR ' speed up a little
    39.     '        END IF
    40.     '    END IF
    41.     'NEXT
    42.     'C = N - SS
    43.     'Print results of trials
    44.     LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Trials:"; N
    45.     LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "Crossings:"; C
    46.     LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Pi est:"; 2 * N / C
    47.     _DISPLAY
    48.     IF N = 1 THEN
    49.         _DELAY 2
    50.     ELSEIF N < 5 THEN
    51.         _DELAY 2
    52.     ELSEIF N < 10 THEN
    53.         _DELAY 2
    54.     ELSEIF N < 50 THEN
    55.         _DELAY .25
    56.     ELSEIF N < 1000 THEN
    57.         _DELAY .05
    58.     ELSEIF N <= 10000 THEN
    59.         IF N MOD 1000 = 0 THEN _DELAY .25
    60.     ELSE
    61.         IF N MOD 10000 = 0 THEN _DELAY .05
    62.     END IF

    Offline bplus

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    Re: Estimating Pi
    « Reply #8 on: August 02, 2020, 02:21:40 pm »
    There might be a problem with the code or the Random Number Generator as I have a definite pattern of "random" needle color "waves" along the bottom and right borders of the screen.

    Anyone have an idea of the error, blunder or glitch?

    Buffon Pi Calc.PNG

    Both versions produce this pattern.
    « Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 02:23:22 pm by bplus »

    Offline _vince

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    Re: Estimating Pi
    « Reply #9 on: August 02, 2020, 02:33:57 pm »
    looks like the bounds of the needle coordinates are too far inside the screen

    Offline bplus

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    Re: Estimating Pi
    « Reply #10 on: August 02, 2020, 04:01:50 pm »
    looks like the bounds of the needle coordinates are too far inside the screen

    No I don't think it was that, here is the fix of the "pattern" and even speedier calc's seems 3.140 is limit of precision.

    Code: QB64: [Select]
    1. _TITLE "Buffon Pi Calc " 'b+ 2020-08-2
    2. '2020-08-02 try this with Buffon Pi Calc  pi ~ 2 * nTrials / nCross  from
    3. ' pi ~ 2*L*N/(T*H) L=length of needle, T=spacing between lines N = Number of trials (or pins) H = number that cross line
    5. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 600
    6. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
    7. _DELAY .25
    9. L = 100 ' both pin length and line spacing
    10. N = 0 '   number of trials
    11. C = 0 '   number of pins that cross the line
    12.     'CLS
    13.     'redraw lines
    14.     'drop a random pin
    15.     px1 = RND * (_WIDTH - 201) + 100
    16.     py1 = RND * (_HEIGHT - 201) + 100
    17.     ra = RND * _PI(2)
    18.     IF RND < .5 THEN dir = -1 ELSE dir = 1 ' << this fixed the pattern developing along right and bottom border of screen
    19.     px2 = px1 + dir * L * COS(ra)
    20.     py2 = py1 + dir * L * SIN(ra)
    22.     N = N + 1 '                             another trial pin
    24.     'did our pin cross a line
    25.     IF py1 < py2 THEN
    26.         IF py2 >= 100 * INT(py1 / 100) + L THEN C = C + 1
    27.     ELSE
    28.         IF py1 >= 100 * INT(py2 / 100) + L THEN C = C + 1
    29.     END IF
    30.     IF N < 100000 THEN 'display
    31.         FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT - 1 STEP L
    32.             LINE (0, y)-(_WIDTH - 1, y), &HFFFFFFFF
    33.         NEXT
    34.         LINE (px1, py1)-(px2, py2), _RGB32(50 + RND * 150)
    36.         'Print results of trials
    37.         LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Trials:"; N
    38.         LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "Crossings:"; C
    39.         LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Pi est:"; 2 * N / C
    40.         _DISPLAY
    41.         IF N = 1 THEN
    42.             _DELAY 2
    43.         ELSEIF N < 5 THEN
    44.             _DELAY 2
    45.         ELSEIF N < 10 THEN
    46.             _DELAY 2
    47.         ELSEIF N < 50 THEN
    48.             _DELAY .25
    49.         ELSEIF N < 1000 THEN
    50.             _DELAY .05
    51.         ELSEIF N <= 10000 THEN
    52.             IF N MOD 1000 = 0 THEN _DELAY .25
    53.         ELSE
    54.             IF N MOD 10000 = 0 THEN _DELAY .05
    55.         END IF
    56.     ELSE
    57.         IF N MOD 1000000 = 0 THEN
    58.             LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Trials:"; N
    59.             LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT "Crossings:"; C
    60.             LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Pi est:"; 2 * N / C
    61.             _DISPLAY
    62.         END IF
    63.     END IF

    buffon 2.PNG