Trying to enter a string of nulls seems to do all sorts of nasty stuff to the editor.
How did I get the following text into the editor? I wrote it into a .BAS file, then opened the file with QB64.
OPEN "C:\TEMP\lowvals.bas" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
PRINT #1, " CONST NULL = " + CHR$(34) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(34)
PRINT #1, " CONST NULLS = " + CHR$(34) + STRING$(8, CHR$(0)) + CHR$(34)
PRINT #1, " N$ = NULLS"
Now run that file and it should create a BAS file that works, more or less.
Now, run that BAS file and see that it works, even though those strings contain nulls, not spaces.
So copy one of those const statements and paste it into that same program, or another , say with 4 nulls instead of 8. And see what happens.
If you persist in trying to make it work with your mouse or by using ALT[0], funny things happen, like switching the mouse buttons etc, and your not being able to close the string's quotes.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there an outstanding correction?