What was different about Pisces that caused the space?
When I'd originally typed the sign names into the InForm field for the dropdowns, I tried to separate them by means of semicolons, whereby InForm automatically added a blank between every single sign, but thought of all the signs as one single item. Then Felippe told me that I have to use \n instead to separate the signs and I tried to remove the many blanks, and that's when Inform started to realize that they were 12 items per drowndown, not a single, veeeeeeery long item.
But while trying to remove all those blanks, I forgot to remove those in front of Pisces at the end of the line, so "Pisces" became " Pisces" instead. As my internal calculator checks for "Pisces" instead of " Pisces", it couldn't find any "Pisces", and thus just ignored all the points that were supposed to be added to Pisces.
How did you addItem the blank PRINT lines?
I originally tried to replace the blank PRINT lines with
When after that change (as part of the other changes in one go mentioned in my last post), the program only crashed when I hit the GO! button, I thought those lines could be responsible and REM'd them out, but it didn't help.
This could have been simply appended to code for GO
I think you're thinking about the program's display output. No, it was inside the drowpdowns where Pisces was borked.
Just added this:
to the end of the GO button code
_CLIPBOARD$ = Text(ListBox1)
Wow, that's clever! :o