Author Topic: Warning for conversion from MS VB Follow-up on Dumb question #365B.101  (Read 1729 times)

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Offline Jon Richfield

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Please see the original dumb question for the background.

I am converting a very old MS VB sort, so old that I had forgotten how I had written it, and had assumed that the subroutine statement at the head was part of my design at the time. However, it only later came back to me that all the apps that VB creates are in the form of Private SUBs.  Then I had problems with Const statements for unprintable characters, till some of our helpful spirits in the forum solved them for me. (Thanks again folks!)

But I was going nuts with incomprehensible diagnostics (one at a time!) about all the constants being taken as if they were new undefined variables.

Only after the penny dropped did I realise that the SUB statement was a VB contribution, and not relevant to the program, and was messing up the contexts. When I commented out the SUB statement the problem went away. I don't know whether my problem is unusual or not, but in case anyone else works on converting VB programs, and gets funny diagnostics, it might be something to think about.

Wish me luck in achieving a working program, now that the diagnostics are gone.