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Offline johnno56

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Collision Detection
« on: June 10, 2018, 06:08:54 am »
Simple question that may not have a simple answer.

Some languages have collision detection built in and some do not.

I would like to know what method do users of QB64 prefer to employ for sprite collision detection?

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 07:08:02 am »
I have whipped up a simple Bounding Box collision test.
I had to use 'help' to try and figure out mouse commands... lol

This would be ideal IF the sprites were either square or rectangular is shape (tiles) but no so much for irregular shaped sprites.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. '
  2. '   Collision - Test 1
  3. '
  4. '   Bounding Box
  5. '
  6. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
  7. _TITLE ("Bounding Box Collision Detection")
  9. box1top = 190
  10. box1bottom = 290
  11. box1left = 270
  12. box1right = 370
  14. collision = 0
  16. DO: k$ = INKEY$
  17.         CLS
  18.         LINE (box1left, box1top)-(box1right, box1bottom), _RGB32(255, 255, 0), B
  20.         box2left = _MOUSEX - 50
  21.         box2top = _MOUSEY - 50
  22.         box2right = box2left + 100
  23.         box2bottom = box2top + 100
  24.         LINE (box2left, box2top)-(box2right, box2bottom), _RGB32(255, 128, 0), B
  26.         GOSUB collide
  28.         IF collision = 1 THEN
  29.             COLOR _RGB32(0, 128, 0)
  30.             _PRINTSTRING (283, 230), "Collision"
  31.         END IF
  32.         _DISPLAY
  33.     LOOP
  34. LOOP UNTIL k$ = CHR$(27)
  36. collide:
  37. IF (box1bottom < box2top) OR (box1top > box2bottom) OR (box1left > box2right) OR (box1right < box2left) THEN
  38.     collision = 0
  39.     collision = 1

I can patch together a 'circular' system if needs be...

This 'Box' system works ok, but I would appreciate it someone could suggest a better system...

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Offline Petr

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 07:42:00 am »
Hi Johnno56,

For collision detection, I use a method where I write the coordinate of the boundary of an object in the field, and then compare the coordinates, whether or not the penetration has occurred (before plotting). I'll send down the demo here. But first, I'm sending a slightly-repaired sample program from the IDE Help for the CIRCLE command:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'collision detection    -  mouse in circle
  3. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 256)
  4.     CLS
  5.     IF Circle_Collis(_MOUSEX, _MOUSEY, 60, 400, 300) THEN LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "   Collision" ELSE LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "No collision"
  6.     CIRCLE (400, 300), 60
  7.     _DISPLAY
  10. FUNCTION Circle_Collis (x AS LONG, y AS LONG, r AS LONG, cx AS LONG, cy AS LONG)
  11.     xy& = ((x& - cx&) ^ 2) + ((y& - cy&) ^ 2) 'Pythagorean theorem
  12.     IF r& ^ 2 >= xy& THEN Circle_Collis = 1 ELSE Circle_Collis = 0

Offline johnno56

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2018, 08:23:29 am »
Cool. A much smaller version of the 'circle or radius' detection system. Basically checking the distance between the mouse pointer and the radius of the circle. Your listing seems to be more efficient that mine. Cool. Thanks for the assistance. Much appreciated.

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Offline Petr

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2018, 10:49:57 am »
Here is the promised example. Basically, it's all based on the fact that what you see on the screen does not match what you have on memory. For example, the game environment. You make the post on a monochrome background, and then you just watch the penetration of the points on the picture screen in the memory. I think the dinosaur demonstration shows it best:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'very easy method based on color difference:
  3. A& = _NEWIMAGE(100, 50, 256)
  4. _DEST A&: PRINT "Secured"
  6. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(400, 300, 256)
  8.     IF white(_MOUSEX, _MOUSEY) THEN LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "   Collision detected" ELSE LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "No collision detected"
  9.     LOCATE 13, 1: PRINT "Press ESC for show MEM method"
  12.     IF MEM_White(_MOUSEX, _MOUSEY, 0) THEN LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "   Collision detected" ELSE LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "No collision detected"
  13.     LOCATE 13, 1: PRINT "Press ESC for show virtual screen method"
  16. 'but in practice objects use more than one color. For show you, hot to create it, use image:
  17. _FREEIMAGE A& ' kill text image from memory
  18. A& = _LOADIMAGE("rex.jpg", 32)
  19. _SETALPHA 0, _RGB32(255, 255, 255) TO _RGB32(200, 200, 200), A& 'set white color as transparent. BUT! Trick is this: IF is used the same resolution for screen as is resolution picture, you need not
  20. REDIM Border(0, 0) AS _BYTE '                                    recalculating coordinates, so you only show to source image (source in memory an on screen are now different)
  21. _PUTIMAGE , _SCREENIMAGE '                                       first draw background image
  22. _PUTIMAGE , A& '                                                 place image with set alpha channel (but A& contains again this colors and you can see to it ALONE using _SOURCE and _DEST)
  26.     IF DetectRex&(_MOUSEX, _MOUSEY, A&) THEN LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "   Collision detected" ELSE LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "No collision detected"
  27.     LOCATE 40, 1: PRINT "Press ESC for show VIDEO collision detection"
  32. ' last example is video collision detection. Its the same as in rex case, but for more pictures, so as source is on screen area.
  33. LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT STRING$(40, " "): LOCATE 40, 1: PRINT STRING$(50, " ")
  34. Horse& = _LOADIMAGE("horseU.jpg", 32)
  35. TYPE FRAME ' this is coordinates TYPE (struct) for my "videoplayer" it write correct coordinates to array, none images
  36.     Source AS LONG
  37.     X_Start AS INTEGER
  38.     Y_Start AS INTEGER
  39.     X_End AS INTEGER
  40.     Y_End AS INTEGER
  41.     Index AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE
  44. VideoLoad Horse(), Horse&, 4, 3, 146, 95, 0, 0
  45.     LINE (10, 10)-(156, 105), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
  46.     VideoPlay Horse(), 10, 10, 1 'video is not zoomed, so is not need recalculating coordinates
  47.     IF DetectHorse&(_MOUSEX, _MOUSEY) THEN LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "   Mouse on horse" ELSE LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "No mouse on horse"
  48.     LOCATE 40, 1: PRINT "Press ESC for end."
  49.     _LIMIT 30
  51. PRINT "It is all..."
  52. _FREEIMAGE Horse&
  60. FUNCTION DetectHorse& (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER)
  61.     x = x + 10: y = y + 10 ' because Videoplay set it to start coordinates 10, 10
  62.     IF x > 10 AND x < 156 AND y > 10 AND y < 105 THEN 'is mouse in video coordinates?
  64.         DIM O AS _MEM
  65.         O = _MEMIMAGE(0)
  66.         _MEMGET O, O.OFFSET + IN4&(x, y), value&
  67.         R = _RED32(value&)
  68.         G = _GREEN32(value&)
  69.         B = _BLUE32(value&)
  70.         IF R <= 20 AND G <= 20 AND B <= 20 THEN DetectHorse& = 0 ELSE DetectHorse& = 1 ' > 200 because color > 200 is set as transparent with setalpha and are not visible. Its background rex picture.
  71.         _MEMFREE O
  72.     ELSE DetectHorse& = 0: EXIT FUNCTION
  73.     END IF
  78. SUB VideoPlay (array() AS FRAME, X AS INTEGER, Y AS INTEGER, Zoom AS SINGLE)
  79.     '    IF array(0).Index + 1 > UBOUND(array) THEN array(0).Index = 0 ELSE array(0).Index = array(0).Index + 1
  80.     Frame = array(0).Index
  81.     PosXs = array(Frame).X_Start
  82.     PosXe = array(Frame).X_End
  83.     PosYs = array(Frame).Y_Start
  84.     PosYe = array(Frame).Y_End
  85.     ResX = PosXe - PosXs
  86.     ResY = PosYe - PosYs
  88.     S& = array(Frame).Source&
  89.     IF array(0).Index + 1 > UBOUND(array) THEN array(0).Index = 0 ELSE array(0).Index = array(0).Index + 1
  90.     _PUTIMAGE (X, Y)-(Zoom * (X + ResX), Zoom * (Y + ResY)), S&, 0, (PosXs, PosYs)-(PosXe, PosYe)
  91.     _DISPLAY
  95. SUB VideoLoad (Array() AS FRAME, Source AS LONG, FramesX AS INTEGER, FramesY AS INTEGER, ResFrameX AS INTEGER, ResFrameY AS INTEGER, CorrX AS _BYTE, CorrY AS _BYTE)
  96.     x = CorrX: y = CorrY
  97.     FOR T = 0 TO FramesX * FramesY - 1
  98.         REDIM _PRESERVE Array(T) AS FRAME
  99.         IF x + ResFrameX + CorrX > _WIDTH(Source&) THEN x = CorrX: y = y + ResFrameY + CorrY
  100.         '  IF Y + ResFrameY + CorrY > _HEIGHT(Source&) THEN EXIT SUB
  101.         Array(T).Source = Source&
  102.         Array(T).X_Start = x + CorrX
  103.         Array(T).Y_Start = y + CorrY
  104.         Array(T).X_End = x + ResFrameX + CorrX
  105.         Array(T).Y_End = y + ResFrameY + CorrY
  106.         x = x + ResFrameX + CorrX: 'IF X > _WIDTH(Source&) THEN X = CorrX: Y = Y + ResFrameY + CorrY
  107.     NEXT T
  109. 'for perfect work you need picture with one color in background. Picture is in memory after load, so you can use it as source for collision detection.
  110. 'let say, if you draw picture to background _RGB32(255,255,254), then human see no difference between this and _RGB32(255,255,255). But computer yes.
  112. FUNCTION DetectRex& (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER, source AS LONG) 'this function READ NOT SCREEN but loaded image!
  113.     DIM O AS _MEM
  114.     O = _MEMIMAGE(source&)
  115.     _MEMGET O, O.OFFSET + IN4&(x, y), value&
  116.     R = _RED32(value&)
  117.     G = _GREEN32(value&)
  118.     B = _BLUE32(value&)
  119.     IF R >= 200 AND G >= 200 AND B >= 200 THEN DetectRex& = 0 ELSE DetectRex& = 1 ' > 200 because color > 200 is set as transparent with setalpha and are not visible. Its background rex picture.
  120.     _MEMFREE O
  133. 'there are two way how do it: slow, used POINT or fast, used MEM. First demo show you slow method:
  135.     IF x < 220 AND y < 75 THEN
  136.         IF POINT(x, y) = 15 THEN white = 15 ELSE white = 0 '1 = true, is collision, zero = false for collision
  137.     END IF
  140.     DIM M AS _MEM, Value AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE 'FOR 256 colors only! (in 32 bites muss Value be LONG type)
  141.     M = _MEMIMAGE(source)
  142.     _MEMGET M, M.OFFSET + IN&(x, y), Value
  143.     IF Value = 15 THEN MEM_White = 1 ELSE MEM_White = 0
  144.     _MEMFREE M
  146. FUNCTION IN& (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER) 'for 256 color only! (in 32 bites you read not ONE, but FOUR BYTES)
  147.     IN& = (y * _WIDTH) + x
  149. FUNCTION IN4& (x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER) 'for 256 color only! (in 32 bites you read not ONE, but FOUR BYTES)
  150.     IN4& = 4 * ((y * _WIDTH) + x)

Offline bplus

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2018, 11:13:26 am »
Collision detection between circles pretty easy and quite useful but allot of images are rectangular and collision detection between two rectangles can be quite useful also.

Of course what Petr has (I think) collision detection of actual image is quite complex whew! nice...

Johnno, I took you excellent collision detection for 2 set rectangles and generalized it for rectangular images using top left x, y and the image width and height for a reusable procedure.

I also added notes where I thought your code might be improved and some Johnno style humor!:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Collision of Rectangular Images started by Johnno mod b+ 2018-06-10"
  2. '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no () needed but must call before SCREEN line around the string title
  4. '
  5. '   Collision - Test 1  orig by johnno copied and mod b+ 2018-06-10
  6. '
  7. '   Bounding Box
  8. '
  9. ' 2018-06-10 mod by B+ change for x, y, w, h of images
  10. ' by readjusting all the variables and use STEP for box drawing
  11. ' Generalize the specific gosub routine from this one app so can reuse IN ANY APP using sprites / tiles / images
  13. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) '<<< something more standard center is 400, 300
  15. ' sprites / tiles / images are typically referred to by their left top corner ie X, Y  and their width and height
  17. 'lets do the height and width first
  18. box1Width = 400 '<<< mod add this instead of  calculation of box1Right
  19. box1Height = 100 '<<< mod add this instead of calculation of box1Bottom
  20. 'now center box
  21. box1Left = 400 - box1Width / 2 'same as box1X
  22. 'box1Right = 370 '100 width
  23. box1Top = 300 - box1Height / 2 'same as box1Y
  24. ' box1Bottom = 290 '100 height
  26. mouseboxWidth = 50 '<<< mod add these constants
  27. mouseboxHeight = 40 '<<< mod add these constants
  29. f& = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
  30. b& = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
  32. DIM hey$(10) 'hey if boxes could talk....
  33. hey$(0) = "Hey!"
  34. hey$(1) = "I beg your pardon."
  35. hey$(2) = "Bang!"
  36. hey$(3) = "Yikes!"
  37. hey$(4) = "Ouch!"
  38. hey$(5) = "Watch where you are going."
  40.     k$ = INKEY$
  41.     WHILE _MOUSEINPUT: WEND '<<< this is all the loop needed for mouse input
  42.     CLS
  43.     LINE (box1Left, box1Top)-STEP(box1Width, box1Height), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
  45.     'box2left = _MOUSEX - 50
  46.     'box2top = _MOUSEY - 50
  47.     'box2right = box2left + 100
  48.     'box2bottom = box2top + 100
  50.     mouseboxX = _MOUSEX - mouseboxWidth / 2
  51.     mouseboxY = _MOUSEY - mouseboxHeight / 2
  52.     LINE (mouseboxX, mouseboxY)-STEP(mouseboxWidth, mouseboxHeight), _RGB32(255, 128, 0), BF '<<< use step with width and height
  54.     'GOSUB collide   <<< generalize this to a call to a reuseable routine
  56.     IF collision%(box1Left, box1Top, box1Width, box1Height, mouseboxX, mouseboxY, mouseboxWidth, mouseboxHeight) = 1 THEN
  57.         COLOR _RGB32(130, 0, 85), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
  58.         r$ = hey$(INT(RND * 6))
  59.         _PRINTSTRING (box1Left + (box1Width - LEN(r$) * 8) / 2, 292), r$
  60.         COLOR f&, b&
  61.         lim = 1
  62.     ELSE
  63.         lim = 50
  64.     END IF
  65.     _DISPLAY
  66.     _LIMIT lim '<<< save the fan
  67. LOOP UNTIL k$ = CHR$(27)
  69. 'collide:
  70. 'IF (box1bottom < box2top) OR (box1top > box2bottom) OR (box1left > box2right) OR (box1right < box2left) THEN
  71. '    collision = 0
  72. 'ELSE
  73. '    collision = 1
  74. 'END IF
  75. 'RETURN
  77. FUNCTION collision% (b1x, b1y, b1w, b1h, b2x, b2y, b2w, b2h)
  78.     ' yes a type smaller than integer might be used
  79.     ' x, y represent the box left most x and top most y
  80.     ' w, h represent the box width and height which is the usual way sprites / tiles / images are described
  81.     ' such that boxbottom = by + bh
  82.     '        and boxright = bx + bw
  83.     'so the specific gosub above is gerealized to a function procedure here!
  84.     IF (b1y + b1h < b2y) OR (b1y > b2y + b2h) OR (b1x > b2x + b2w) OR (b1x + b1w < b2x) THEN
  85.         collision% = 0
  86.     ELSE
  87.         collision% = 1
  88.     END IF
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 11:23:04 am by bplus »

Offline johnno56

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2018, 06:44:43 pm »
The coding looks some-what familiar... lol but I like your sense of humour... A little whacky but leaning towards absolute bug-nuts...

Quick question: You used "&" in a few of the variables, what are the advantages/disadvantages, of using or not using the ampersand?

ps: I kind of like using the "if" instead of branching off to a routine. I suppose the difference would be a slight improvement in efficiency. The routine is being access 'all the time' as the "If" is conditional. Cool

Nice example.

I would be curious to find out how to do a 'pixel perfect' collision system (or even polygon) and compare the performance effects... Do you know of such a system?


ps: Today (June 11th), for we in 'The Colonies', are enjoying a Public Holiday. Queen's Birthday. Even though her birthday was in April... lol.. Feet up; Relaxing; Coding as we speak... Bliss.

pps: "Save the fan"? Looks like a reference to "Skyhigh" to me... lol
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 07:21:11 pm by johnno56 »
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Offline bplus

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2018, 08:59:13 pm »
Hi Johnno,

The & is for long integer type best used with _RGB32 color variables, use && if want alpha too ie _RBGA32().

I don't know if the collision function is more efficient than a gosub but it is easier to reuse in other apps. So now we have it ready to go with this fun code tester.

Pixel perfect collision??? maybe from what Petr has brought here today? I have to look into that.

Happy holidays or tell the queen happy birthday for me. ;D

"Save the fan", I meant don't over heat the CPU. Use a _LIMIT after _DISPLAY in loops to control the maximum number of loops to run per second.

Offline johnno56

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2018, 12:25:46 am »
Cool. Thanks for the clarification.

I too will keep researching pixel perfect. Looking into Box2D but uncertain that any part of it can be coded for QB64. I think Box2D is written in C++. But some of those libraries could be handy... *sigh* A nice simple physics engine would be cool...

In regards to the Queen: Our families are not on speaking terms ever since our ancestors left the UK in 1852...

Concentration on coding is shot to pieces at the moment... Grandkids are visiting... Say no more...


Logic is the beginning of wisdom.

Offline Petr

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2018, 03:39:44 pm »
I write today program which demonstrate better collision detection. After start it show you picture, press any key. Then it show you detected borders after then is running snow demo, that use this collision detection. No such any physics in. Source is commented.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. TYPE Borders '                                          this is "struct" for array Borders. This array conatains borders between image and background. It is my first vesion for collision detection.
  3.     X AS INTEGER
  4.     Y AS INTEGER
  5.     Clr AS LONG
  6.     maxX AS INTEGER
  7.     minX AS INTEGER
  8.     MaxY AS INTEGER
  9.     MinY AS INTEGER
  11. imag& = _LOADIMAGE("z.jpg", 32) '                       load example picture (downloaded from google)
  12. image& = filter&(imag&, 150, 150, 150, 255, 255, 255) ' this is exemplary function. Downgrade background colors in set range to set RGB32 value: First 3* 255 are RGB inputs, next 3*230 are RGB outputs
  13. SCREEN image&: SLEEP '                                  'It depends a lot on the correct setting of this function if the source image does not contain clear boundaries for proper border detection.
  15. REDIM S(0) AS Borders
  16. _SOURCE image&
  18. Border S(), image&, _RGB32(255, 255, 255) '            function based on ONE color in background. Write image borders to array, writed for 256 colors and or truecolor, but tested for truecolor only
  19. '                                                      parameter in function is background color in source image
  20. B_Output& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
  21. SCREEN B_Output&
  22. LOCATE 1, 30: PRINT "This is Border SUB output:" '    program show you detected and to array writed borders
  23. FOR T = LBOUND(s) TO UBOUND(s)
  24.     PSET (S(T).X, S(T).Y)
  25. LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "press key"
  26. PRINT "This is picture, for which are border created:"
  27. _SETALPHA 0, _RGB32(255, 255, 255) TO _RGB32(240, 240, 240), image& 'set white as transparent, but as you can see, here is problem, if area in picture use the same color as tranpsarent
  28. _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), image&
  29. LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "now you can see borders and image. It is not perfect, because picture contains not just"
  30. LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "_RGB32(255,255,255) White color but some different. Press key for test collision detect"
  31. CLS '                                                                      and here is time to try it in program :-D
  33. TYPE par '                                                                 struct for snow: X = axis X
  34.     x AS INTEGER '                                                                          Y = axis Y
  35.     y AS INTEGER '                                                                          MY is speed to get down
  36.     mY AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE '                                                                 S is size
  37.     S AS SINGLE '                                                                           Time = delay to restart particle
  38.     time AS DOUBLE
  39. CONST part = 100 '                                                       total particles for snow in use is 100
  40. DIM SHARED particles(part) AS par
  42. _PUTIMAGE (300, 200), image& '                                           set transparent picture to screen
  43. O = _MEMIMAGE(0) '                                                       O is pointer to memory area, where current screen (0) placed
  44. wht& = _RGB32(255, 255, 255) '                                           white color
  45. blk& = _RGB32(0, 0, 0) '                                                 black color
  47.     FOR a = 1 TO part '                                                  do for all snow particles
  48.         IF particles(a).y < 1 OR particles(a).y > 580 THEN '             conditions prevents particles to go out from screen
  49.             particles(a).x = 800 * RND + 1
  50.             particles(a).y = 20 * RND + 1
  51.             particles(a).mY = 1 + RND * 15
  52.         END IF
  53.         particles(a).S = particles(a).y / 60
  54.         IF particles(a).y < 550 AND particles(a).y > 30 AND particles(a).x > 50 AND particles(a).x < 750 THEN 'conditions prevents MEMORY REGION OUT OF RANGE, because is _MEM used for better speed
  55.             IF particles(a).mY > 0 THEN M_Circle particles(a).x, particles(a).y, particles(a).S, _RGB32(0, 0, 0), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), _DEST 'Circles created using _MEM
  56.         END IF
  58.         particles(a).y = particles(a).y + particles(a).mY
  59.         IF Collis_Detect(particles(a).x, particles(a).y, S(), 300, 200) THEN particles(a).mY = 0 '                                                  if is collision detected, particle stay on place
  61.         FOR T = 0 TO part
  62.             IF ABS(particles(a).x - particles(T).x) < 10 AND ABS(particles(a).y - particles(T).y) < 10 AND particles(T).mY = 0 THEN
  63.                 particles(a).mY = 0
  64.             END IF
  65.         NEXT T
  66.         IF particles(a).time > 0 AND particles(a).time < TIMER THEN
  67.             M_Circle particles(a).x, particles(a).y, particles(a).S, _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _DEST 'place after paticle draw black
  68.             particles(a).x = RND * 750: particles(a).y = RND * 20: particles(a).time = 0: particles(a).mY = 1 + RND * 15 'after random time limit restart particle
  69.         END IF
  70.         IF particles(a).y < 550 AND particles(a).y > 30 AND particles(a).x > 50 AND particles(a).x < 750 THEN 'if is particle on screen position usable for MEM,
  71.             IF particles(a).mY > 0 THEN M_Circle particles(a).x, particles(a).y, particles(a).S, _RGB32(128, 128, 128), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _DEST ELSE M_Circle particles(a).x, particles(a).y, particles(a).S, _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _DEST: IF particles(a).time = 0 THEN particles(a).time = CDBL(TIMER + 1 + RND * 5) ' set time limit for restart particle
  72.             particlesLong = UBOUND(particles) '                                                                so if is collision, My is set to zero, so particle is stoped and particle border then is white draw
  73.         END IF
  74.         _DISPLAY
  75.     NEXT
  78. FUNCTION Collis_Detect (Ex AS INTEGER, Ey AS INTEGER, s() AS Borders, x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER)
  79.     SHARED particles() AS par
  80.     'Ex and Ey are enemy coordinates, s is array contains picture border, x and y is who is picture placed / left uppon corner
  81.     minX = s(0).minX 'can be used for quadric standard collision detection, this four values return picture X start, X end, Y start and Y end
  82.     maxX = s(0).maxX
  83.     minY = s(0).MinY
  84.     maxY = s(0).MaxY
  86.     FOR CD = LBOUND(s) TO UBOUND(s)
  87.         i = i + 1
  88.         IF i > part THEN i = 1
  89.         '            IF s(CD).X + Ex = s(CD).X + x OR s(CD).Y + Ey = s(CD).Y + y THEN Collis_Detect = 1 ELSE Collis_Detect = 0
  90.         IF ABS((s(CD).X + x) - Ex) < particles(i).S AND ABS((s(CD).Y + y) - Ey) < particles(i).S THEN Collis_Detect = 1: EXIT FUNCTION ELSE Collis_Detect = 0 'Here it read radius from particles.s
  91.     NEXT '                                                                       its radius size and then if conditions are valid return 0 for no collis or 1 for collis. ABS is always positive output
  92.     '                                                                            (  ABS (20 - 80) = 60  ) so i muss not driving with SGN sign for values
  97. SUB Border (array() AS Borders, Source AS LONG, Background_Color AS _UNSIGNED LONG) 'own border detection sub
  98.     _DEST Source&
  99.     minX = _WIDTH(Source&)
  100.     minY = _HEIGHT(Source&)
  101.     DIM M AS _MEM '32 bytova promenna                                                                         '  MEM values are 32 BYTES long,
  102.     M = _MEMIMAGE(Source&) '                                                                                     M is pointer to memory with image content
  103.     SELECT CASE _PIXELSIZE(Source&) '                                                                           select if image is 256 colored, 8 bit (1 byte for pixel) or 32 bit colored (4 byte for pixel)
  104.         CASE 0: END 'not writed for text mode yet                                                                0 is for text mode, then this screen contains cells 8 * 16 pixels, one cell has value one BYTE
  105.         CASE 1: '    for 256 colors image
  106.             REDIM Value AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE, OldValue AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE '                                       because i need read value directly from memory, muss set correct type first - basicaly are
  107.             FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT(Source&) - 1 '                                                                 all varibles set to SINGLE (4 byte long)
  108.                 FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH(Source&) - 1
  109.                     OldValue = Value
  110.                     _MEMGET M, M.OFFSET + IN&(x, y), Value '                                                    is the same as POINT but very  more faster!  _MEMGET is as POINT for read color value,
  111.                     '                                                                                           _MEMPUT is the same as POINT for writing color value. In use with mem muss be correct type and offset set.
  112.                     IF Value = Background_Color AND OldValue <> Background_Color OR Value <> Background_Color AND OldValue = Background_Color THEN
  113.                         GOSUB rozsah '                                                                          subprogram continuously compares values for MinX, MaxX, MinY and MaxY
  114.                         i = i + 1
  115.                         REDIM _PRESERVE array(i) AS Borders '                                                   this command increases the field value without losing the field contents // to i size
  116.                         array(i).X = x
  117.                         array(i).Y = y
  118.                         array(i).Clr = Value
  119.                     END IF
  120.                     IF y > 0 THEN _MEMGET M, M.OFFSET + IN&(x, y - 1), Value '                                  condition for preveting MEMORY REGION OUT OF RANGE and read current color value on X, Y
  121.                     IF Value = Background_Color AND OldValue <> Background_Color OR Value <> Background_Color AND OldValue = Background_Color THEN
  122.                         i = i + 1 'This condition: If current color is the same as background and previous color is different than background or above, write this coordinates to array. Easy trick.
  123.                         REDIM _PRESERVE array(i) AS Borders '                                                   this command increases the field value without losing the field contents // to i size
  124.                         array(i).X = x
  125.                         array(i).Y = y '                                                            program line 117 control colors in row, program line 126 control colors in column
  126.                         array(i).Clr = Value
  127.                     END IF
  128.             NEXT x, y
  130.         CASE 4: 'for 32 bit screen                                                                ' this block is the same for truecolor (4 byte blocks)
  131.             REDIM Value4 AS LONG, OldValue4 AS LONG '                                               program lines 142 and 153 control and writing borders to array
  132.             FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT(Source&) - 4
  133.                 FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH(Source&) - 4
  134.                     OldValue4& = Value4&
  135.                     _MEMGET M, M.OFFSET + IN&(x, y), Value4&
  137.                     IF Value4& = Background_Color AND OldValue4& <> Background_Color OR Value4& <> Background_Color AND OldValue4& = Background_Color THEN
  138.                         GOSUB rozsah
  139.                         i = i + 1
  140.                         REDIM _PRESERVE array(i) AS Borders
  141.                         array(i).X = x
  142.                         array(i).Y = y
  143.                         array(i).Clr = Value4&
  144.                     END IF
  146.                     IF y > 0 THEN _MEMGET M, M.OFFSET + IN&(x, y - 1), Value4&
  148.                     IF Value4& = Background_Color AND OldValue4& <> Background_Color OR Value4& <> Background_Color AND OldValue4& = Background_Color THEN
  149.                         i = i + 1
  150.                         REDIM _PRESERVE array(i) AS Borders
  151.                         array(i).X = x
  152.                         array(i).Y = y
  153.                         array(i).Clr = Value4&
  154.                     END IF
  155.                     nic:
  156.             NEXT x, y
  157.     END SELECT
  158.     _DEST 0
  159.     array(0).minX = minX '                                                                           to zero position in array are writed image width and height for
  160.     array(0).maxX = maxX '                                                                           possibillity quadric collision detection
  161.     array(0).MinY = minY
  162.     array(0).MaxY = maxY
  164.     EXIT SUB
  165.     rozsah:
  166.     IF minX > x AND x > 0 THEN minX = x
  167.     IF minY > y AND y > 0 THEN minY = y
  168.     IF maxX < x THEN maxX = x
  169.     IF maxY < y THEN maxY = y
  170.     RETURN
  172.     IN& = _PIXELSIZE(_SOURCE) * ((_WIDTH * y) + x) '                                                  function return offset for MEM functions. Copyed from Steve McNeill
  174. FUNCTION filter& (image AS LONG, Ri, Gi, Bi, Ro, Go, Bo) '                                            Function has the task of making the background of the specified color and reducing the
  175.     DIM f AS _MEM '                                                                                   background color unevenness to make the best possible image border detection
  176.     f = _MEMIMAGE(image&)
  177.     '   filter& = _MEMNEW(_WIDTH(image&) * _HEIGHT(image&) * _PIXELSIZE(image&)) '                    Here is one bug for developers. Uncomment and give C++ compilation error. I know why, so just for info. :-D With love :-D
  178.     filter& = _NEWIMAGE(_WIDTH(image&), _HEIGHT(image&), 32)
  179.     DIM GG AS _MEM
  180.     GG = _MEMIMAGE(filter&)
  181.     _SOURCE image&
  182.     _DEST image& '                                                                                    next ask for developers. Comment DEST on this line and start it. You give HALF picture. Why?
  183.     SELECT CASE _PIXELSIZE(image&)
  184.         CASE 4
  185.             DIM clr AS LONG
  186.             choice& = _RGBA32(Ro, Go, Bo, 255)
  187.             FOR y = 0 TO _HEIGHT(image&) - 4
  188.                 FOR x = 0 TO _WIDTH(image&) - 4
  189.                     _MEMGET f, f.OFFSET + IN&(x, y), clr&
  190.                     R = _RED32(clr&)
  191.                     G = _GREEN32(clr&)
  192.                     B = _BLUE32(clr&)
  193.                     A = _ALPHA32(clr&)
  194.                     IF R > Ri AND G > Gi AND B > Bi AND A > 200 THEN _MEMPUT GG, GG.OFFSET + IN&(x, y), choice& ELSE _MEMPUT GG, GG.OFFSET + IN&(x, y), clr&
  195.     NEXT x, y: END SELECT
  197.     _MEMFREE f
  198.     _MEMFREE GG
  199.     _FREEIMAGE image&
  203. SUB M_Circle (X AS INTEGER, Y AS INTEGER, Radius AS INTEGER, Circuit_Color AS LONG, Fill_Color AS LONG, Dest AS LONG) 'this is (very badly) sub for creating fill circles using MEM. Much better be
  204.     DIM M AS _MEM '                                                                                                    SteveMCNeill LINE modification for it. MEM__Line i have already writed....
  205.     M = _MEMIMAGE(Dest&)
  206.     FOR rds = 0 TO Radius
  207.         IF rds = Radius THEN clr& = Circuit_Color& ELSE clr& = Fill_Color&
  208.         FOR cir = 0 TO 6.28 STEP .1
  209.             _MEMPUT M, M.OFFSET + IN&(X + SIN(cir) * rds, Y + COS(cir) * rds), clr&
  210.     NEXT cir, rds
  211.     _MEMFREE M

use attached picture, function filter& is set for this image (source code line 13)

Offline johnno56

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2018, 05:40:54 pm »
Cool... That seems to be a quite unique collision system. Nicely done!

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Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2018, 09:09:56 am »
Collision Detection
 a very important and difficult issue...

I must say these feedback...

Hi Johnno56
your first code makes a bug after pressing ESC key.... (IMHO for the absence of END between LOOP UNTIL and collide: )

Hi Petr
I find your method very interesting....
If i put the mouse pointer on the body of the horse at the position of the leg of the man I get a switching response Collision Horse/ NO Collision Horse....  maybe the issue can be in the way that the image in movement is built up.
See Images attached
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Offline Petr

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2018, 09:41:01 am »
Hi TempodiBasic,

it's okay, it works on that principle. I try to think of such a procedure so the computer does not burden too much. So far, I have been doing a speed test for DIM and MEM. The difference is small for a small volume of data, for large volumes but up to 50 percent. This is related to the fact that I am trying to find the fastest method (which I will be able to write with current knowledge). What I have forgotten is such an important little thing. It's a trifle without which we do not move. This function not only has to return the state that a collision has occurred. That is not enough. She must also return the value from where.

Offline codeguy

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2018, 06:01:13 pm »
QB64 is down or I'd recommend a look at collding text for rectangular detection and NSpace for polygonal.

Offline Unseen Machine

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Re: Collision Detection
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2018, 07:57:18 pm »

GDK has the best (basic) collision detection made so far. It uses Bounding Cirlces or Rectangles. The rectangle collision detection can even create autosized rectangles based on the image used and also rotate with the image rather than resizing! It doesnt support pixel perfect collisions yet as i've always found implementing that really slows down the bet is scaled rectangles in my opinion.

If you wanna go another route then maybe look into SAT (Seperated Axis Therom) collision detection (implementing that has always foiled me!). I looked into porting Box2D a few years ago and that was even more of a mission! Also, im sure that the community could come up with something comparable without resorting to DECLARE LIBRARY!
