Author Topic: elliptic hyperboloid  (Read 7247 times)

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Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2020, 12:14:42 pm »
5G... jfc lol
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Offline Petr

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2020, 12:43:24 pm »
Answer for BPlus: It's all determined by the point of view PERSPECTIVE. A circle, seen from the side is as an ellipse. When correctly rotated (viewed from the top) you can see a circle. My program just counts on the side view, so it creates an ellipse and it does a 3D effect.

Answer to Ashish: Again, it's not 3D mathematics. It's 2D mathematics, with a 3D perspective.

This show it:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Elliptic Hyperboloid"
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  4. TYPE V3D
  5.     X AS SINGLE
  6.     Z AS SINGLE
  8. DIM SHARED V(30) AS V3D
  9. 'create points for circle:
  10. FOR c = 0 TO _PI(2) STEP _PI(2) / 31
  11.     V(i).X = SIN(c) * 3
  12.     V(i).Z = COS(c) * 3
  13.     i = i + 1
  15.     _LIMIT 30
  17. SUB _GL ()
  19.     _glMatrixMode _GL_PROJECTION
  20.     _gluPerspective 50, 1, 0.1, 100
  22.     _glMatrixMode _GL_MODELVIEW
  23.     a = 1
  24.     b = 1
  25.     c = 1
  26.     STATIC rotY
  27.     _glTranslatef 0, 0, -10
  28.     _glRotatef rotY, 1, 0, 0
  29.     rotY = rotY + 1
  33.     '    _glPointSize 2
  34.     _glLineWidth 5
  35.     _glBegin _GL_LINES
  36.     FOR u = 0 TO 29 STEP 1
  37.         _glVertex3f V(u).X, 1, V(u).Z
  38.         _glVertex3f V(u + 1).X, 1, V(u + 1).Z
  39.     NEXT
  40.     _glVertex3f V(0).X, 1, V(0).Z
  41.     _glVertex3f V(30).X, 1, V(30).Z
  43.     _glEnd

So real 3D solution can be something as this:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Elliptic Hyperboloid"
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  4. TYPE V3D
  5.     X AS SINGLE
  6.     Z AS SINGLE
  8. DIM SHARED V(30) AS V3D
  9. 'create points for circle:
  10. FOR c = 0 TO _PI(2) STEP _PI(2) / 31
  11.     V(i).X = SIN(c) * 3
  12.     V(i).Z = COS(c) * 3
  13.     i = i + 1
  15.     _LIMIT 30
  17. SUB _GL ()
  19.     _glMatrixMode _GL_PROJECTION
  20.     _gluPerspective 50, 1, 0.1, 100
  22.     _glMatrixMode _GL_MODELVIEW
  23.     a = 1
  24.     b = 1
  25.     c = 1
  26.     STATIC rotY
  27.     _glTranslatef 0, 0, -10
  28.     _glRotatef rotY, 1, 0, 0
  29.     _glRotatef rotY, 0, 1, 0
  31.     rotY = rotY + .5
  35.     '    _glPointSize 2
  36.     _glLineWidth 5
  37.     _glBegin _GL_LINES
  39.     'circle 1
  40.     FOR u = 0 TO 29 STEP 1
  41.         _glVertex3f V(u).X, -1, V(u).Z
  42.         _glVertex3f V(u + 1).X, -1, V(u + 1).Z
  43.     NEXT
  44.     'circle 1 last area
  45.     _glVertex3f V(0).X, -1, V(0).Z
  46.     _glVertex3f V(30).X, -1, V(30).Z
  49.     'circle 2
  50.     FOR u = 0 TO 29 STEP 1
  51.         _glVertex3f V(u).X, 1, V(u).Z
  52.         _glVertex3f V(u + 1).X, 1, V(u + 1).Z
  53.     NEXT
  54.     'circle 2 last area
  55.     _glVertex3f V(0).X, 1, V(0).Z
  56.     _glVertex3f V(30).X, 1, V(30).Z
  58.     'lines between circles:
  59.     f = _PI(2) / 31
  60.     FOR i2 = 0 TO 30
  61.         _glVertex3f V(i2).X, 1, V(i2).Z
  62.         _glVertex3f COS((i2 * f) + roto) * 3, -1, SIN((i2 * f) + roto) * 3
  63.     NEXT
  64.     roto = roto + .3
  65.     _glEnd

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Elliptic Hyperboloid"
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 768, 32)
  4. TYPE V3D
  5.     X AS SINGLE
  6.     Z AS SINGLE
  8. DIM SHARED V(30) AS V3D
  9. 'create points for circle:
  10. FOR c = 0 TO _PI(2) STEP _PI(2) / 31
  11.     V(i).X = SIN(c) * 3
  12.     V(i).Z = COS(c) * 3
  13.     i = i + 1
  15.     _LIMIT 30
  17. SUB _GL ()
  19.     _glMatrixMode _GL_PROJECTION
  20.     _gluPerspective 50, 1, 0.1, 100
  22.     _glMatrixMode _GL_MODELVIEW
  23.     a = 1
  24.     b = 1
  25.     c = 1
  26.     STATIC rotY
  27.     _glTranslatef 0, 0, -15
  28.     _glRotatef rotY, 1, 0, 0
  29.     _glRotatef rotY, 0, 1, 0
  31.     rotY = rotY + .5
  35.     '    _glPointSize 2
  36.     _glLineWidth 5
  37.     _glBegin _GL_LINES
  39.     'circle 1
  40.     FOR u = 0 TO 29 STEP 1
  41.         _glVertex3f V(u).X, -5, V(u).Z
  42.         _glVertex3f V(u + 1).X, -5, V(u + 1).Z
  43.     NEXT
  44.     'circle 1 last area
  45.     _glVertex3f V(0).X, -5, V(0).Z
  46.     _glVertex3f V(30).X, -5, V(30).Z
  49.     'circle 2
  50.     FOR u = 0 TO 29
  51.         _glVertex3f V(u).X, 5, V(u).Z
  52.         _glVertex3f V(u + 1).X, 5, V(u + 1).Z
  53.     NEXT
  54.     'circle 2 last area
  55.     _glVertex3f V(0).X, 5, V(0).Z
  56.     _glVertex3f V(30).X, 5, V(30).Z
  58.     'lines between circles:
  59.     f = _PI(2) / 31
  60.     FOR i2 = 0 TO 30
  61.         _glVertex3f V(i2).X, 5, V(i2).Z
  62.         _glVertex3f COS((i2 * f) + roto) * 3, -5, SIN((i2 * f) + roto) * 3
  63.     NEXT
  64.     roto = roto + .3
  65.     _glEnd
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 12:48:43 pm by Petr »

Offline bplus

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2020, 01:10:26 pm »
Thanks Petr, according to this video you can can both:

Offline Pete

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2020, 03:29:39 pm »
It's a popular design for TV towers, like the Canton Tower. 
Also used for a lighthouse in 1910.

It also looks like the Holy Grail.  I offerred Ashish a shrubbery
for it.

The Canton Tower looks like an upside down golf tee to me, but thanks for posting a real-life architectural example. Hey, maybe if I can buy it, flip it, and put the Times square New Years Eve Ball on top of it, I can finally get the Jolly Green Giant to pay me a Jolly green greens fee for a round of golf.

I forgot to wipe the IDE when I did this. It combined the code contributed by Petr and Ashish. I didn't even realize that, until I ran the routine.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 768, 256)
  2. x = _WIDTH / 2
  3. y = _HEIGHT / 2
  4. radiusX = 50
  5. radiusY = 50
  7. CIRCLE (x, y), 10
  10. DO UNTIL angle = 360
  12.     angle = angle + 1
  13.     t = _D2R(angle)
  15.     '    Pt.x = x * COS(t) - y * SIN(t)
  16.     '    Pt.y = x * SIN(t) + y * COS(t)
  18.     Pt.x = x + COS(t) * radiusX
  19.     Pt.y = y + SIN(t) * radiusY
  21.     CIRCLE (Pt.x, Pt.y), 10
  22.     _LIMIT 100
  25. PRINT "Press key..."
  27. radiusX = 75
  28. radiusY = 25
  31.     angle = 0
  32.     DO UNTIL angle = 360
  33.         a2 = a2 + _D2R(15) 'rotate up to 15 degrees
  35.         angle = angle + 360 / 20
  36.         t = _D2R(angle)
  37.         t2 = _D2R(angle + 360 / 20)
  38.         DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT
  39.             an3 = an3 + _MOUSEWHEEL
  40.         LOOP
  41.         a3 = _D2R(an3)
  43.         'ellipse 1
  44.         Pt.x = _MOUSEX + COS(t + a2) * radiusX
  45.         Pt.y = _MOUSEY + SIN(t + a2) * radiusY
  47.         'ellipse 2
  48.         Pt.x2 = x + COS(t + a2 + a3) * radiusX
  49.         Pt.y2 = y + SIN(t + a2 + a3) * radiusY
  52.         '   PSET (Pt.x, Pt.y)
  53.         '   PSET (Pt.x2, Pt.y2), 14
  55.         LINE (Pt.x, Pt.y)-(Pt.x2, Pt.y2)
  58.         'for ellipse1 circuit:
  59.         Pt.x3 = _MOUSEX + COS(t2 + a2) * radiusX
  60.         Pt.y3 = _MOUSEY + SIN(t2 + a2) * radiusY
  63.         'for ellipse2 circuit:
  64.         Pt.x4 = x + COS(t2 + a2 + a3) * radiusX
  65.         Pt.y4 = y + SIN(t2 + a2 + a3) * radiusY
  67.         'draw elipses circuit
  68.         LINE (Pt.x3, Pt.y3)-(Pt.x, Pt.y), 9
  69.         LINE (Pt.x4, Pt.y4)-(Pt.x2, Pt.y2), 10
  71.     LOOP
  72.     _DISPLAY
  73.     _LIMIT 25
  74.     CLS
  77. _TITLE "Elliptic Hyperboloid"
  78. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  80.     _LIMIT 30
  82. SUB _GL ()
  83.     'using parametric equations
  84.     'x(u,v) = a*sqrt(1+u^2)*cos(v)
  85.     'y(u,v)=b*sqrt(1+u^2)*sin(v)
  86.     'z(u,v)=c*u
  87.     'for v in [0, 2ã]
  88.     'from
  90.     _glMatrixMode _GL_PROJECTION
  91.     _gluPerspective 50, 1, 0.1, 100
  93.     _glMatrixMode _GL_MODELVIEW
  94.     a = 1
  95.     b = 1
  96.     c = 1
  97.     STATIC rotY
  98.     _glTranslatef 0, 0, -10
  99.     _glRotatef rotY, 0, 1, 0
  100.     rotY = rotY + 1
  102.     _glPointSize 2
  103.     _glBegin _GL_POINTS
  104.     FOR u = 0 TO 3 STEP 0.1
  105.         FOR v = 0 TO _PI(2) STEP 0.1
  106.             x = a * SQR(1 + u ^ 2) * COS(v)
  107.             y = c * u
  108.             z = b * SQR(1 + u ^ 2) * SIN(v) 'you see, I swap the expression for y and z 'cause in 3D graphics, Y-axis upward
  110.             _glVertex3f x, y, z
  111.             _glVertex3f x, -y, z 'creating mirror image
  112.         NEXT
  113.     NEXT
  114.     _glEnd

Anyway, I get the feeling the O.P. can't use the GL example, because it is calling internal functions, which he wouldn't be able to explain. There should be ways to draw this out along a 2-D x,y,z projection axis I liked Vince's parallel projection code. I modified it just a bit to draw one line at a time. Very cool...

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. pi = 4 * ATN(1)
  2. sw = 640
  3. sh = 480
  6. t = t + 0.05
  7. a = 0
  8. b = pi * COS(t) / 3
  9. ox = 120 * COS(a - b)
  10. oz = 120 * SIN(a - b)
  11. oy = -150
  12. oxx = 120 * COS(a + b)
  13. ozz = 120 * SIN(a + b)
  14. oyy = 150
  15. LINE (0, 0)-(sw, sh), 0, BF
  16. FOR a = 2 * pi / 30 TO 2 * pi STEP 2 * pi / 30
  17.     x = 120 * COS(a - b)
  18.     z = 120 * SIN(a - b)
  19.     y = -150
  20.     LINE (sw / 2 + ox + 0.707 * oz, sh / 2 + oy + 0.707 * oz)-(sw / 2 + x + 0.707 * z, sh / 2 + y + 0.707 * z)
  21.     ox = x
  22.     oy = y
  23.     oz = z
  25.     x = 120 * COS(a + b)
  26.     z = 120 * SIN(a + b)
  27.     y = 150
  28.     LINE -(sw / 2 + x + 0.707 * z, sh / 2 + y + 0.707 * z)
  29.     LINE -(sw / 2 + oxx + 0.707 * ozz, sh / 2 + oyy + 0.707 * ozz)
  30.     oxx = x
  31.     oyy = y
  32.     ozz = z
  33.     SLEEP


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Offline ngr888

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2020, 02:40:40 pm »
put a string or wire through holes and tie to make circle, then angle them all in same direction.

Much better than strings or wires, for a studio model it is to use rubbers. The 3 axis flexibility is very instructive.

The use of rubbers for the edges would allow the construction to be manipulated so that the 'bases' were more or less separated.
As well as that those bases were not parallel, originating lateral surfaces with different parabolas.
(Sorry, it is difficult to explain without the support of a couple of drawings, but I still do not know how to add them to my post.)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 03:40:31 pm by ngr888 »

Offline _vince

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2020, 08:59:38 pm »
Ok, last one from me, this is an exact clone of that video minus some minor perspective and proportion adjustment

Code: [Select]
dim shared pi, sw, sh
pi = 4*atn(1)
sw = 640
sh = 480

rr = 500
h = 1200

screen 12

        for t=0 to h step 10
                line (0,0)-(sw,sh),0,bf
                hyperb rr, t, 0, 0

                _limit 100

        for b=0 to 0.80*pi/2 step 0.008
                line (0,0)-(sw,sh),0,bf
                hyperb rr, h, b, 0

                _limit 100

        _delay 0.5

        for rot = 0 to 0.9*pi/2 step 0.01
                line (0,0)-(sw,sh),0,bf
                hyperb rr, h, 0.80*pi/2, rot

                _limit 100

        _delay 0.5

        for i=0 to 1 step 0.005
                line (0,0)-(sw,sh),0,bf
                hyperb rr, h, (1 - i)*0.80*pi/2, (1 - i)*0.9*pi/2

                _limit 100

        for t=0 to h step 10
                line (0,0)-(sw,sh),0,bf
                hyperb rr, h-t, 0, 0

                _limit 100

'radius, height, twist, rotate
sub hyperb (r, h, b, rot)
        a = 0
        x = r*cos(a - b)
        z = r*sin(a - b)
        y = -h/2 + 200

        yy = y*cos(rot) - z*sin(rot)
        zz = y*sin(rot) + z*cos(rot)
        y = yy
        z = zz

        ox = x
        oz = z
        oy = y

        x = r*cos(a + b)
        z = r*sin(a + b)
        y = h/2 + 200

        yy = y*cos(rot) - z*sin(rot)
        zz = y*sin(rot) + z*cos(rot)
        y = yy
        z = zz

        oxx = x
        oyy = y
        ozz = z

        for a = 2*pi/30 to 2*pi step 2*pi/30
                x = r*cos(a - b)
                z = r*sin(a - b)
                y = -h/2 + 200

                yy = y*cos(rot) - z*sin(rot)
                zz = y*sin(rot) + z*cos(rot)
                y = yy
                z = zz

                pset  (sw/2 + ox*700/(oz + 2500), sh/2 - 50 + oy*700/(oz + 2500))
                line -(sw/2 +  x*700/( z + 2500), sh/2 - 50 +  y*700/( z + 2500))

                ox = x
                oy = y
                oz = z

                x = r*cos(a + b)
                z = r*sin(a + b)
                y = h/2 + 200

                yy = y*cos(rot) - z*sin(rot)
                zz = y*sin(rot) + z*cos(rot)
                y = yy
                z = zz

                line -(sw/2 +   x*700/(  z + 2500), sh/2 - 50 +   y*700/(  z + 2500))
                line -(sw/2 + oxx*700/(ozz + 2500), sh/2 - 50 + oyy*700/(ozz + 2500))

                oxx = x
                oyy = y
                ozz = z
end sub

edit: fixed
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 09:35:51 pm by _vince »

Offline Pete

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2020, 09:50:06 pm »
Want to learn how to write code on cave walls?

Offline Petr

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #37 on: April 20, 2020, 10:00:37 am »

Offline bplus

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Re: elliptic hyperboloid
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2020, 12:10:21 pm »
Yep, nailed it.