Jumping ahead to what BPlus, I think, is thinking... Why not remake this file into a RANDOM ACCESS file? At least you can index those, within your program. Going to an indexed point is a lot faster than sifting through a file record by record from the start.
Are we clear though that OPEN 'myfile" FOR BINARY AS #1 is the same as OPEN "myfile" FOR INPUT AS #1, except FOR BINARY reads the records much faster using LINE INPUT #1 than FOR INPUT does? In QBasic, we never could do LINE INPUT # with FOR BINARY. That is a special addition in QB64. It simply makes sequential file reading much, much faster than the traditional OPEN FOR INPUT QBasic reading method.
Also, you could load the file as chunks all at once. Something like a$ = space$(1000000): GET #1, 1, a$... Parse it and then... GET #1, 1000001, a$... etc.