Well, lol, this program turned out to be trash most likely. I was working on a calendar maker all day on Saturday and the evening, almost got it done, when I noticed that something was wrong with May of the year 2020. It kept messing up on me a lot. So after many hours of trying to fix it, I wondered to myself if it was that old equation that this Weekday Finder uses, and yes it is. Both programs can't calculate a month that falls onto 6 weeks, for example, May 2020 starts on a Friday and ends on a Sunday, so it's 6 weeks needed and it just can't handle that. I don't know what the professionals use for their equations to find the days of the week, but I'm giving up on this for now. So, if you have this Weekly Finder, please delete it with my apologies. I guess that serves me right for using stuff I find online that I don't know 100% of.