Then run that on everyone else's computer. Or don't ever share code.
Why? How many times have you had to use that one particular command with QB64, in the last 10 months? Would the patch make it so you couldn't *ever* share code?
If Pete patches his version of QB64, and shares code which doesn't work for anyone else, all that's needed is for him to either say:
1) Download a fresh version of QB64. Install it in a separate folder, and run the patch for yourself, and have it run as expected.
2) You'll need to modify it so that it works as intended on your system.
We see messages based on principle 2 all the time -- like with my Wallpaper Changer. Folks have to change the directory to wherever their photos/screenshots are stored, and it won't work on Linux/Mac machines at all. As long as Pete realizes that any code he shares which makes use of the patched _INSTRREV may not work on everybody else's machine, that's all he needs to disclose when sharing code elsewhere for others.
Folks who *do* use the patch can freely make use of the code he shares which uses the _INSTRREV. Those who don't use the patch are simply like users who run a Linux system and you share code which uses a declared Windows library. All they'd say is, "Doesn't work for me and my system."