Hello all,
What a nice change.
Congratulations for your fascinating work.
So, I just updated my multi tongue installation script for Linux boxes (baremetal and/or VMs) that is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.
You can get it here:
It can install and safely remove QB64 1,3 stable as well as InForm Beta 8 and vWATCH 64.
However, I only got small warning messages when compiling InForm (70 unused variables) and vWATCH64 (2 unused variables) but both run well.
Please let me know if you need modification and/or enhancement to this script.
BTW, would it be possible to have, as an option, the QB64 compiler to be quiet when it find only such warning messages?
Once again, thank you for your terrific job.
Best regards.