Const MusicStep
= 100 'how much pixels use for 1 second of sample sound
' Name AS STRING * 50
' Path AS STRING * 200
As Integer ' this is for graphic coordinate for inserting samples
'globalni pole vzorku
'pomocne pole SAMplu
'---------------------------------- deklarace pro grafickou koordinaci -----------------------------
' Inf As Sample
ReDim Shared LG
(0) As Graphic
'left channel graphic (samples position in time, samples position in one from 10 voices [ROW], samples infos [inf as SAMPLE]
'kazdym vkladem samplu se konkretni pole navysi
test& = BackgroundImage&
'On Error GoTo errhnd
test$ = SelectFile
snd = LOADSAMPLE(test$)
' Print "Navratova hodnota funkce LOADSAMPLE je:"; snd 'cislo snd se ulozi do pole zasobniku samplu
ShiftGridX = ShiftGridX + 10 'Grid to LEFT
If ShiftGridX
> 0 Then ShiftGridX
= 0
ShiftGridX = ShiftGridX - 10 'Grid to RIGHT
If ShiftGridX
> 3600 * MusicStep
Then ShiftGridX
= 3600 * MusicStep
ShiftGridX = ShiftGridX + 1000 'Grid to LEFT
If ShiftGridX
> 0 Then ShiftGridX
= 0
ShiftGridX = ShiftGridX - 1000 'Grid to RIGHT
If ShiftGridX
> 3600 * MusicStep
Then ShiftGridX
= 3600 * MusicStep
If Position
< 0 Then Position
= 0 If Position
> MusicStep
* 3600 Then Position
= MusicStep
* 3600 'maximum is hour long record
'kresba casove osy
GridX = ShiftGridX
TimeStart = (-ShiftGridX - 5) / MusicStep
TimeEnd = (-ShiftGridX / MusicStep) + ((DW - 75) / MusicStep)
If GridX
> 80 + MusicStep
Then GridX = 0
' GridH = GridH + 1
bG = 1
If TimeStart
Mod 10 <> 0 Then TimeView
= Int(TimeStart
+ 1) Else TimeView
= _Ceil(TimeStart
+ .06) '1 posledni upravy v tomto radku If TimeStart
< 0 Then TimeView
= 0 For GridDraw
= GridX
To MusicStep
+ DW
Step MusicStep
/ 10 bG = bG + 1 'pro kresbu silnych car
Line (GridDraw
, DH
* .1)-(GridDraw
, DH
* .453), &H40FFFFFF ' Left channel Line (GridDraw
, DH
* .905)-(GridDraw
, DH
* .552), &H40FFFFFF ' RIGHT channel Line (GridDraw
+ 1, DH
* .09)-(GridDraw
- 1, DH
* .453), &H40FFFFFF, BF
'LEFT channel Line (GridDraw
+ 1, DH
* .905)-(GridDraw
- 1, DH
* .540), &H40FFFFFF, BF
'RIGHT channel
_PrintString (GridDraw
- CenterText
, DH
* .07), CenterText$
'left _PrintString (GridDraw
- CenterText
, DH
* .52), CenterText$
_PrintString (GridDraw
- 20, DH
* .055), SecAsTime$
) 'left _PrintString (GridDraw
- 20, DH
* .505), SecAsTime$
) 'right
TimeView = TimeView + 1
InsertLenght = SAMLEN(snd)
'Locate 3
'Print InsertLenght, snd
If snd
Then Line (MX
, MY
+ InsertLenght
, MY
+ 16), &H99FFFF00, BF
SelectedTime = (-ShiftGridX + MX - 80) / MusicStep
InsertStartTime$ = SecAsTime$(SelectedTime)
Then 'akce levym tlacitkem mysi InsertSam snd, SelectedTime, MY, MX - ShiftGridX
'wait for mouse left button release
'snd = 0 aby bylo mozno stejny nastroj vlozit na vice mist, neanuluji ho po jednom vkladu, ale az pri stisku Esc nebo pri otevreni noveho samplu
'InsertSam nema kontrolu toho, jestli nevkladas sampl nekam, kde uz jiny je (ve stejnem hlasu a ve stejnem nebo mensim ci prekryvajicim se rozsahu casu)
'--------------- predchozi radky resi vklad hudby, nasleduje reseni zobrazeni hudby ----------------------
ViewSamplesOnScreen ShiftGridX, DW - ShiftGridX
'test$ = SelectFile
'PRINT test$
'BoxTest = MsgBox("Test okna" + CHR$(0), "Dobrý den" + CHR$(0), 4, 2, 6, 4096)
i = 0
If maxtimeL
< LG
Then maxtimeL = LG(i).TimePos + SAM(LG(i).NR).UsedLenght
iL = i
i = i + 1
i = 0
If maxtimeR
< RG
Then maxtimeR = RG(i).TimePos + SAM(LG(i).NR).UsedLenght
iR = i
i = i + 1
i = 0
TotalTime = maxtimeL
uI = iL
TotalTime = maxtimeR
uI = iR
TotalTime = TotalTime + SAM(uI).UsedLenght
Print "SaveOutput: Celkova spocitana delka audio vystupu je: "; TotalTime
'alokace pameti pro vystup
= _MemNew(TotalTime
* 44100 * 2) 'integer
' LG.NR = cislo samplu
' SAM(cislo samplu)...
SamNr = LG(Left).NR
StartBytePosition& = 2 * LG(Left).TimePos * 44100
EndBytePosition& = 2 * (LG(Left).TimePos + SAM(SamNr).UsedLenght) * 44100
LM& = StartBytePosition&
ValueOut = (CV + Samples(SAM(SamNr).StartO + ReadSam).Left) / 2
ValueOut = Samples(SAM(SamNr).StartO + ReadSam).Left
_MemPut L
+ LM&
, ValueOut
LM& = LM& + 2
ReadSam = ReadSam + SAM(SamNr).Speed / 100
ReadSam = 0
SamNr = RG(Right).NR
StartBytePosition& = 2 * RG(Right).TimePos * 44100
EndBytePosition& = 2 * (RG(Right).TimePos + SAM(SamNr).UsedLenght) * 44100
RM& = StartBytePosition&
Then ValueOut
= (CV
+ Samples
+ ReadSam
* (SAM
/ 100)) / 2 Else ValueOut
= Samples
+ ReadSam
* (SAM
/ 100) _MemPut R
+ RM&
, ValueOut
RM& = RM& + 2
ReadSam = ReadSam + SAM(SamNr).Speed / 100
ReadSam = 0
SAVESOUND16S L, R, "output.wav"
Sub ViewSamplesOnScreen
, PixelsEnd
) ' time, time, coordinate - X begin, coordinate - X end 'nejprve se musi urcit, jestli cas je v rozsahu viditelnosti, cili jestl je LG(i).timepos > TimeSart a soucasne je LG(i).timepos + lg(i).timepos + lg (i).inf.usedlenght < timeend
'musi spocitat delku samplu v pixelech
V = 0
'prepocitat casovou pozici na pixely
CalcGraphicStart = LG(V).GrPos
CalcGraphicEnd = SAM(LG(V).NR).UsedLenght * MusicStep + LG(V).GrPos
' If PixelsStart <= CalcGraphicStart And PixelsEnd >= CalcGraphicEnd Or PixelsStart < CalcGraphicStart And PixelsStart > CalcGraphicEnd Then 'pokus o vklady long samplu
'urcit spravnou polohu Y
VoiceGraphicYs = LeftIns(LG(V).Row).Von + 3
VoiceGraphicYe = LeftIns(LG(V).Row).Bis - 3
'nakreslit znacku
MarkStart = PixelsStart + CalcGraphicStart
MarkEnd = PixelsStart + CalcGraphicEnd
If MarkStart
< 80 Then MarkStart
= 80 If MarkEnd
< 80 Then MarkEnd
= 80 If MarkEnd
> DW
Then MarkEnd
= DW
If MarkEnd
- MarkStart
Then Line (MarkStart
, VoiceGraphicYs
, VoiceGraphicYe
), &H70FFAA0E, BF
' End If
V = V + 1
V = 0
'prepocitat casovou pozici na pixely
CalcGraphicStart = RG(V).GrPos
CalcGraphicEnd = SAM(RG(V).NR).UsedLenght * MusicStep + RG(V).GrPos
' If PixelsStart <= CalcGraphicStart And PixelsEnd >= CalcGraphicEnd Then
'urcit spravnou polohu Y
VoiceGraphicYs = RightIns(RG(V).Row).Von + 3
VoiceGraphicYe = RightIns(RG(V).Row).Bis - 3
'nakreslit znacku
MarkStart = PixelsStart + CalcGraphicStart
MarkEnd = PixelsStart + CalcGraphicEnd
If MarkStart
< 80 Then MarkStart
= 80 If MarkEnd
< 80 Then MarkEnd
= 80 If MarkEnd
> DW
Then MarkEnd
= DW
If MarkEnd
- MarkStart
Then Line (MarkStart
, VoiceGraphicYs
, VoiceGraphicYe
), &H70FFAA0E, BF
' End If
V = V + 1
Sub InsertSam
, Time
, MousePosY
, RelativePosX
) ' insert sample to voice/channel (every channel contains 10 voices) - LG array for left channel, RG for right channel test = 0
test = test + 1
If MousePosY
>= LeftIns
And MousePosY
<= LeftIns
Then Voice
= 10 + test:
GoTo Pass
If MousePosY
>= RightIns
And MousePosY
<= RightIns
Then Voice
= 30 + test:
GoTo Pass
'if mouse is not in correct position, nothing is inserted, so exit sub
Channel = Voice - 10 '1 - 10 = left; 21 - 30 = right
Voice = Channel
' Print "Levy kanal"
' Print "Cislo hlasu: "; Voice 'OK
LG(LGi).Row = Voice
LG(LGi).NR = SamNr
LG(LGi).TimePos = Time
LG(LGi).GrPos = RelativePosX
'pokud jde o stereo zvuk, vlozi se do obou poli:
If Chr$(SAM
) = "S" Then 'if is sample in stereo format, insert both audio channels to both arrays RG(RGi).Row = Voice
RG(RGi).NR = SamNr
RG(RGi).TimePos = Time
RG(RGi).GrPos = RelativePosX
RGi = RGi + 1
LGi = LGi + 1
Voice = Channel - 20
' Print "Pravy kanal"
' Print "Cislo hlasu: "; Voice 'OK
RG(RGi).Row = Voice
RG(RGi).NR = SamNr
RG(RGi).TimePos = Time
RG(RGi).GrPos = RelativePosX
'pokud jde o stereo zvuk, vloz to do obou poli
If Chr$(SAM
) = "S" Then 'also: if is sample in stereo, insert both audio channels to both arrays LG(LGi).Row = Voice
LG(LGi).NR = SamNr
LG(LGi).TimePos = Time
LG(LGi).GrPos = RelativePosX
LGi = LGi + 1
RGi = RGi + 1
Function SAMLEN
) 'Return lane lenght in pixels according to the length of the music SAMLEN = (SAM(SamNr).UsedLenght - SAM(SamNr).StartPos) * MusicStep
) 'jen pro prehrani konkretniho samplu, bez mixovani s ostatnimi For playing 1 sample without mixing ' Print "PLAYSAMPLE spusten..."
'bude to tak, ze se bleskove udela WAV soubor a ten se pusti pres _sndplayfile
Volume = SAM(samNr).Volume / 100
OriginalSize& = SAM(samNr).EndO - SAM(samNr).StartO + 4
T = 100 / SAM(samNr).Speed 'for music speed options
T2 = SAM(samNr).Speed / 100 'step for read music data from array definded with DIM
MEMLEN& = T * OriginalSize& * 2
S = 0: I2 = 0
' "Spustena smycka for S od "; SAM(samNr).StartO; " do"; SAM(samNr).EndO; " krok je"; T2
For S
Step T2
' IF samNr > 0 THEN
' _SNDRAW (Samples(S).Left / 32768) * Volume, (Samples(S).Right / 32768) * Volume 'ZJISTENO: PRI DRUHEM BEHU SEM JDE PRAZDNA PAMET L, R
LeftValue = Samples(S).Left * Volume
RightValue = Samples(S).Right * Volume
_MemPut L
+ I2
, LeftValue
_MemPut R
+ I2
, RightValue
I2 = I2 + 2
' Print "Jeden prubeh je uspesne dokoncen - konec PLAYSAMPLE, rizeni predano SaveSound16S!"
SAVESOUND16S L, R, "se.wav"
' Print "SNDOPEN..."
' Print "cislo zvuku udelene SNDOPENem "; SamplePlay
size = OFFSET_to_I64(left.SIZE) / 2
HeaderSize = size
HeaderSize = HeaderSize - 1
As Long ' 4 bytes (file size) subchunksize
As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio format
As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM) channels
As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo) rate
As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100) ByteRate
As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8)) Block
As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8) Bits
As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16) subchunk2
As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples lenght
As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size
H16.chunk = "RIFF"
H16.size = 44 + size * 4
H16.fomat = "WAVE"
H16.sub1 = "fmt "
H16.subchunksize = 16
H16.format = 1
H16.channels = 2
H16.rate = 44100
H16.ByteRate = 44100 * 2 * 16 / 8
H16.Block = 4
H16.Bits = 16
H16.subchunk2 = "data"
H16.lenght = size * 4 'stereo and integer = 2 + 2
'recalculate audiodata to file - byte - values
Start = 0
' Print "SaveSound16S: Spustena smycka FOR"
empty = 0
If LeftChannel16
= 0 And RightChannel16
= 0 Then empty
= empty
+ 1
_MemPut Recalc
, Recalc.OFFSET
+ S
, LeftChannel16
_MemPut Recalc
, Recalc.OFFSET
+ S
+ 2, RightChannel16
S = S + 4
H16.size = 44 + S
H16.lenght = S
'write audio data to file
' Print "SaveSound16S: Smycka FOR ukoncena, Spusten SPACE$"; empty; S~&
_MemGet Recalc
, Recalc.OFFSET
'erase memory
WAVeRAW$ = ""
' Print "SaveSound16S dokonceno, rizeni predano PLAYSAMPLE"
Size = OFFSET_to_I64(Left.SIZE) 'convertion is used for WAV file header, becuse offset value can not be used directly
As Long ' 4 bytes (file size) subchunksize
As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio format
As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM) channels
As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo) rate
As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100) ByteRate
As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8)) Block
As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8) Bits
As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16) subchunk2
As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples lenght
As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size
H8.chunk = "RIFF"
H8.size = 44 + Size / 2
H8.fomat = "WAVE"
H8.sub1 = "fmt "
H8.subchunksize = 16
H8.format = 1
H8.channels = 2
H8.rate = 44100
H8.ByteRate = 44100 * 2 * 8 / 8
H8.Block = 2
H8.Bits = 8
H8.subchunk2 = "data"
H8.lenght = Size / 2
size = Left.SIZE 'now this value is for memory size used by SINGLE ARRAY - WAV 8bit need 1 byte for 1 channel and 1 sample
'recalculate audiodata to file - byte - values
= _MemNew(size
/ 2) 'this is value used by WAV - size is 4 byte per sample, we recording stereo (2 x 1 byte) therefore is this divided by 2
start& = 0: LRO& = 0
LeftChannel8 = 128 - RawLeft * 128
RightChannel8 = 128 - RawRight * 128
_MemPut Recalc
, Recalc.OFFSET
+ s&
, LeftChannel8
_MemPut Recalc
, Recalc.OFFSET
+ s&
+ 1, RightChannel8
s& = s& + 2
start& = start& + 4
'write audio data to file
_MemGet Recalc
, Recalc.OFFSET
'erase memory
WAVeRAW$ = ""
Function TestWaveFormat
As String, Left
As _MEM, Right
As _MEM, Channels
, LenghtOther
) ' test if WAV is supported 16 bit type or not (if is wav loaded using key S)
As Long ' 4 bytes (file size) subchunksize
As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio format
As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM) channels
As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo) rate
As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100) ByteRate
As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8)) Block
As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8) Bits
As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16) subchunk2
As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples lenght
As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size TestWaveFormat = H.Bits
Channels = H.channels
LenghtOther = H.lenght / (H.Bits / 8) / H.channels / H.rate 'without ( ) generate message Program stop working.... - not in 1.5
' error:
'LenghtOther = H.lenght \ (H.Bits \ 8) \ H.channels / H.rate
' Print "LenghtOther:"; LenghtOther ' ok
'if H.Bits is not 16, convert it!
Case 24 'RhoSigma Help ----> thanks RhoSigma for help with this! ' Print "24 bit vaweform decoder:"
' Print H.channels
If H.channels
= 1 Then multipl
= 2 Else multipl
= 1 Left
= _MemNew((H.lenght \
3) * multipl
index& = 0
For samp&
= 0 To (Len(f$
) / SO
) - 1 'lenght / block align - 1 Ls& = 0: Rs& = 0 'clear samples
'loop trough little endian file data to build samples
= (Ls&
* 256) + Asc(f$
, (samp&
* SO
) + i%
) 'shift current value 8 bits left and add next byte If H.channels
= 2 Then Rs&
= (Rs&
* 256) + Asc(f$
, (samp&
* 6) + i%
+ 3) 'if MSB (bit 23) is set (negative sample) then sign extend to LONG
'play normalized samples in range -1.0 to +1.0
LFT = ((Ls& / 8388608#) * 32767)
If H.channels
= 2 Then RGH
= ((Rs&
/ 8388608#
) * 32767) _MemPut Left
+ index&
index& = index& + 2
Print "8 or 32 bit wavefom not supported yet!"
As String) ' Function load music file and add music data to arrays Samples and also add one record to array SAM and return SAM index If UCase$(Right$(path
, 3)) = "WAV" Then FileFormat
= TestWaveFormat
, L
, R
, Chann
, LenghtOther
) Else FileFormat
= 16: Chann
= 2 'MP3, OGG = 16, if format is not 16 bit, convert and load it to L, R as INTEGERs (16bit)
If FileFormat
= 16 Then 'wav is 16 bit (supported with _SndOpen) L = _MemSound(sndswp, 1)
R = _MemSound(sndswp, 2)
SamplePlay = 0 'predchozi sampl se anuluje
= UBound(Samples
) + 1 EndOffset& = StartOffset& + OFFSET_to_I64(L.SIZE) 'ok!
SAM(U).StartO = StartOffset&
SAM(U).EndO = EndOffset&
If FileFormat
= 24 Then SAM
= LenghtOther
SAM(U).Volume = 100 ' sound volume in percentage
SAM(U).Speed = 70 ' sound speed in percentage (works)
SAM(U).Effect = 0
SAM(U).StartPos = 0 ' default: play sample from begin
SAM(U).UsedLenght = SAM(U).Lenght ' default: play whole sample (full lenght)
' SAM(U).Path = path ' just for info, not sure if this will be used or not
' SAM(U).Name = _TRIM$(MID$(path, _INSTRREV(1, path, CHR$(92)))) ' just for info, not sure if this will be used or not
D& = StartOffset&
Done& = 0
Samples(D&).Left = LSPK
Samples(D&).Right = RSPK
' Samples(D&).Right = 0
Done& = Done& + 2
D& = D& + 1
Print "Error. Path or file"; path$;
"not found."
Offset_to_i64 = num
OFFSET_to_I64 = num
Function BackgroundImage&
' Create Background image and fill arrays RightIns and LeftIns with Lane coordinates
'pruhu bude 10, mezi levou a pravou stopou bude cca 10 procent mista
LaneHeight = (DH - .3 * DH) / 20
For LeftChannelLanes
= DH
* .1 To DH
* .1 + 9 * LaneHeight
Step LaneHeight
i = i + 1
Line (0, LeftChannelLanes
, LeftChannelLanes
+ LaneHeight
), _RGBA32(25, 25, 200, 180), BF
Line (0, LeftChannelLanes
, LeftChannelLanes
+ LaneHeight
), _RGBA32(25, 25, 25, 25), B
LeftIns(i).Von = LeftChannelLanes + 5
LeftIns(i).Bis = LeftChannelLanes + LaneHeight - 5
i = 0
For RightChannelLanes
= LeftChannelLanes
+ DH
* .1 To LeftChannelLanes
+ DH
* .1 + 9 * LaneHeight
Step LaneHeight
i = i + 1
Line (0, RightChannelLanes
, RightChannelLanes
+ LaneHeight
), _RGBA32(25, 25, 200, 180), BF
Line (0, RightChannelLanes
, RightChannelLanes
+ LaneHeight
), _RGBA32(25, 25, 25, 25), B
RightIns(i).Von = RightChannelLanes + 5
RightIns(i).Bis = RightChannelLanes + LaneHeight - 5
' PRINT LaneHeight
BackgroundImage& = sw&
Function SelectFile$
'for browse and select audio file (audio sources) WINBOX piece hWnd
= _WindowHandle 'FindWindow(0, "Open and Save Dialog demo" + CHR$(0)) 'get window handle using _TITLE string hWnd&&
= FindWindow
(0, "FOCdemo" + CHR$(0)) 'get window handle using _TITLE string
Filter$ = "WAV files (*.WAV)|*.WAV|MP3 files (*.MP3)|*.MP3|OGG files (*.OGG)|*.OGG|"
Flags& = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST + OFN_NOCHANGEDIR + OFN_READONLY ' add flag constants here
OFile$ = GetOpenFileName$("Select source audio file", ".\", Filter$, 1, Flags&, hWnd&&)
SelectFile$ = OFile$
'IF (Flags& AND OFN_READONLY) THEN PRINT "Read-only checkbox checked." 'read-only value in return
Function SecAsTime$
) ' Function convert seconds to time format as 00:00:00 '75 = 01:15
= Int(value
- 60 * m2
) set
= CSng((value
- 60 * m2
) - sec
) SecAsTime$ = m2$ + ":" + sec$ + ":" + set$