I only discovered TiddlyWiki a few years ago, and not familiar at all with TiddlyWiki Classic. I only know TiddlyWiki 5 (aka TW5), so I can't get much into any of the before and afters.
The bare-bones product uses markup with a side-panel preview. I can't stand markup, but the filtering capabilities and the implementation of transclusion are so good, I don't mind suffering markup. It doesn't (natively) have the smooth "drag and drop things" of OneNote (or "Notion", which is to me a better OneNote), but not having proper transclusion is a deal-breaker for me. (Aside,
this article beautifully explains how I operate all of the time. Can't get componentization without proper transclusion implementation.) The TiddlyWiki community is very active, and there are all kinds of folk who have created really great plugins that might handle these things. I wouldn't know. I largely avoid plugins because I rather like creating things myself.
As a "anything" database (GTD solution, documentation, zettelkasten notes, tracking citations, you-name-it,) TiddlyWiki rocks something silly. For something so diminutive.
You might find
Grok TiddlyWiki worth a visit or two on sanity/insanity breaks.
Me, I call TiddlyWiki a "Development Platform for Hyperlinked Solutions." (Example creations of mine below. Too many interests, so little time, and attention regulation disability: I'm often bouncing between things, and so many things gathering dust as I chase down the most interesting thing at the moment.)
The way I've implemented BASIC in TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWiki dynamically puts together the HTML (wwwBASIC javascript, BASIC program) and feeds it to an iframe. So the TiddlyWiki and the BASIC program know nothing of each other. That's a good thing, I think (good luck me explaining why.)
My way (development in progress) around the two not seeing each other: web browser's local storage. I've got TiddlyWiki "javascript macros" (a pain to create/maintain, I find) that let the TiddlyWiki read/write from/to local storage, and I've added function/statement to wwwBASIC that reads/writes from/to local storage. So now the two can "talk" to each other. So this opens up the possibility of using BASIC for scripting in TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki filtering operations are wickedly good on their own, but there are certain things that might be much easier to do with BASIC. Proof of concept (ridiculous use case):
check out this TiddlyWiki instance.
The clipboard is another possibility for transfer. I've got a "SetClipboardText" statement in BASIC Anywhere Machine now, as a way to send a string of text (which can be thousands of characters in length) to the clipboard for pasting anywhere else. Maybe a "GetClipboardText" function for BASIC, and adding SetClipboardText and GetClipboardText javascript macros in TiddlyWiki could be handy.
So BASIC can't manipulate the tiddlers themselves, but can easily generate TiddlyWiki content (widgets, filters, etc.) that show in tiddlers. For example, BASIC could dynamically create a button that then appears in a tiddler, and does something related to that tiddler when pressed. Ooooo, the possibilities ...
But all of that aside: the thing that gets my mojo going is the thought of BASIC Anywhere Machine for creating/testing/maintaining/storing/documenting bits of QB64 code (within reasonable limits). One dedicated BASIC Anywhere Machine instance per significantly sized QB64 project, and/or a BASIC Anywhere Machine instance with common/standard stuff for all QB64 projects. I'm totally geeking out on that use case.
Oops, I got wordy. If only you knew how much worse things could have been if you also had to suffer all of my non-verbal communication...
Cheers !
Some of my TiddlyWiki projects: